05 September 2011

Texas, Oklahoma Blue/Green Meteor Fireball 4SEP2011

Texas/Oklahoma Early Morning Meteor 4SEP2011
v.1 (c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved- No copy allowed without written permission
(Click on image to enlarge)

Dallas, Texas Meteor ~5:35am 4SEP2011
I saw this ball of light fall from the sky. I was driving and it was soo close I thought I wasgoing to hit it.
Date:September 4, 2011
Time: Around 5:35am
Location: Dallas, Texas
Start and Stop Location: I was going eastbound on Northwest Hwy, I just pasted Preston Road, just in front of the church not even a block away.
Direction of Movement: it was angled going north
Duration of Event: approximately 3 seconds
Brightness: very vivid blue, blueish green
It happened so fast and unexpectedly, that I did not even have a chance to pull out my camera.
I would like to know what it was. After reading your website they have been falling for a couple of days, I am soo thrilled I got to see one. -Rachel Hernandez  Thank you Rachel for the excellent report!

Austin, TX Bright Green Meteor 5:30 am on Sep. 4, 2011
I was leaving the Austin airport when I spotted this. It was absolutely huge and very, very bright. It was northwest of my location and was angled heading north and appeared to be very close, as though it was going to hit the ground. It was shaped like a water balloon and lasted about three seconds. I googled to see if anyone else had spotted it and found your website. If you can tell me what it was, I would appreciate it. -Mary Sue  Thank you Mary Sue!  You saw a meteor fireball!

Farmers Branch and Addison, Texas
Sept. 4, 2011 @ approx 4:00 am. Directly over Farmers Branch and Addison Texas (Webb Chapell & Beltline Road area) traveling east, north east. Large, extremely bright green with bright green pieces separating from main body. Was so bright the street and homes took on a green hue...that's how I knew to look up. Observed it for about 3-4 seconds.
Apparent size was about the size of a quarter held up at arms length
Speed appeared almost leisurely....like it was just loafing along and not in a big hurry...LOL..would love to know what altitude it was when it went over....The perception was it was very LOW and on a ballistic arc toward the ground..but heck, it could of been 50 miles up for all I know.
Eric Waghorne  Thank you Eric!

Northwest Houston Texas ~5:40 am 4SEP2011
Sunday morning, 4 September at 5:40 in Northwest Houston Texas, Harris County,in the Hwy 290 @ Hwy 6 vicinity, I witnessed a large fireball in the North sky. It was heading Northeast. I was able to view this event for about three seconds. It appeared to be about the size of my little finger nail surrounded by red, yellow and blue flames. At first I tought it was a plane crash but I did not hear any explosion nor sonic boom. The event appeared to be very close until I saw that this had been viewed in Austin, Dallas, and another Houston sighting.
Does ayone know if this hit earth? I have not seen anything in the news other than this site.
-FRANK  Thank you Frank!

Lake Fork Damn (Mineola, TX) Meteor Between 4:45 AM and 5:15 AM 4SEP2011
Direction: It was very difficult to tell, but my best guess is from N/NW/W to S/SE/E (I was looking North, it appeared to be traveling left to right and steeply towards me)
Description: When I first saw the object it was extremely bright, it looked 5-10 times larger than the north star and was moving very rapidly. After an instant in began to glow even brighter and then burst into the main object and 2-3 additional items. At the time of the 'explosion' the falling objects we bright blue and green (aurora colors) for a split second and faded very quickly. The main object continued to travel through the sky momentarily before turning orange/red and then 'burning out.'
The object was in the sky long enough for me to point it out to my fishing partner. He was able to confirm, however he did not see the 'explosion.' I suggested that it was a meteor, he claims that it was far too low to be a meteor.
The entire flight traveled about 1 foot of visible sky, the 'explosion' occurred about 1/3 of the way through the full visible path, and the ejected objects fell apparently straight down for about 4 inches of visible sky before becoming invisible. The full event was likely less than 2 seconds.
Altitude: It appeared to me to be a little lower that the jets I typically see in the sky, 20,000-25,000 ft? However, again, my fishing partner felt that what he saw was far to low to be a meteor. At what altitude are meteors typically witnessed?
I have NEVER seen anything like this and I would love to find a plausible explanation.
How can you identify the direction? Wouldn't it only be possible to say left to right or up and down, as to or from would be almost indistinguishable for anything more than a few thousand feet away? -Daniel  Thank you Daniel!

Irving, Texas
 I was fishing with a friend at around 5:30 am. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a very bright blue light ,so bright it light up the water. I looked up and saw the best meteor I've ever seen :) It was going north northeast and lasted about 3 to 4 seconds. It was so beautiful towards the end of it i saw it start to break up and about a minute later there was a loud boom and all the fish jumped. i hope my report helps -Chris Thank you Chris!

Dallas, Texas
I went out to get the newspaper at 5:35 am this morning and saw a bright light shining on the roof of the house. At first I thought it was from a car's headlights coming down the street behind me. I realized the light source was above so I looked up. Through the trees I saw what I first thought was a helicopter with a spotlight pointed down. When it moved between the trees overhead I could see what looked like a roman candle, several blue green balls in a row with orange sparks trailing them. It lasted several seconds traveling south to north but I didn't see it directly until overhead and toward the east. Then it disappeared behind the house next door to the north. It was the largest I have seen in my 54 years, about the size of my thumbnail at arm's length. It was travelling faster than a helicopter would just above the tree tops. All I can say is I was in the right place at the right time. Wow! -Don S.  Thank you Don!

Dallas, Texas
I was up at 5:00 a.m. outside smoking a cigarette on back porch at home off Easton Road and Northwest Hwy in Dallas, Texas when I saw a light on the ground... kinda like a flash light or headlight.. LED light.. but realized no headlight should be shining into the back yard and if it was a flash light.. who the ??? was on the side of the house??? Then I looked up in the sky and saw a meteor breaking up into pieces as it went southeastward!! Very bright green/bluish color... kinda like a firework but too high up and no sound! VERY BEAUTIFUL! I am glad others saw it and I wasn't crazy! -Marc O.  Thank you Marc!

Dallas/ Fort Worth Area, Texas
Like the others in Texas reported we too saw this phenomenon - only we saw it streaking across and falling in the eastern sky around 5:35 AM or so. We were walking the dog – it was AMAZING. So bright I thought it was a plane turning on its landing lights in preparation of landing at DFW about 25 miles away. The whole area lit up and when we saw it, it was blue and green and flamed a little white/yellow when it disappeared. It so brightened the street that even the dog looked up. Amazing! -Charles Thank you Charles!

East of San Antonio, Tx
I was traveling east of San Antonio, Tx on the morning of Sept 4 aound 5:45a.m. A large meteor passed overhead and landed east of where I was. It looked like a large fuzzy snowball, with a huge tail of fire. It was truly a beautiful sight. Sheran-Universal City, Tx D. Tilley Thank you D.!

Jonesboro, Tx
I was going to work at 5:35 this morning I saw a
bright object falling. It was close to Joneboro Tx. In Coryell county. I
think it might been a meteorite, but am not sure. The light lasted
around 5 to 10 seconds. Any advice on how to find out would be
appreciated . Thanks, Shawn Caldwell Thank you Shawn!

Corinth, Texas
I am reporting the sighting of a large fireball in the sky this morning in Corinth, TX, just north of Dallas. I was out jogging at around 5:30 a.m. today, heading in an easterly direction, when I saw a bright light out of the corner of my eye in the south sky. At first I thougth it was a plane but when I turned to look at it,I saw it was much larger than the light put off by a plane and seemed to be much closer and flying low in the sky. It went from the west to the east/northeast in a fairly straight (horizontal) line. I watched for about 10-15 seconds or more before it disappeared. It was breathtaking -- an amazing sight. Sincerely, Cathy  Thank you Cathy!

Aledo, TX September 4, 2011, 5:32am
Direction of movement? traveling east, north east
Duration of Event (seconds)? 3-4 seconds
Brightness: It was very bright like a full moon, but with a greenish glow.
I was walking down to get the morning paper at 5:32 am and noticed a bright green glow. I looked up in the sky and saw a bright green meteorite falling to the earth. It was moving slowly to the North East. It was very bright green and very large with green fragments falling off as it moved. It was spectacular - a once in a lifetime experience! -Louise  Thank you Louise!

Plano, TX
This was early in the morning of 9/4. Not sure of the exact time, but I know it was after 4:30am. I was outside in the backyard with the dog. I was looking down at the dog when all of a sudden I noticed a bright light. At first I thought it was headlights and looked around and didn’t see any. I looked up and saw this blue green object moving across the sky in a north/north east direction. It reminded me of a firework being shot off, except, of course, of the direction it was moving in. As it was moving across the sky, it looked like it was shooting off silver sparks for lack of a better term. It was fairly low to the ground. I watched this for several seconds and then it just went out. It was bright enough that my dog sat down and watched it as well. I was wondering what this was and then I found this website. I guess it was a meteorite. I have never seen one like that before.
-Steven  Thank you Steven!

Robinson, TX
I also saw the fireball the other Texans are reporting on your website. I was standing outside a little after 5:30am and suddenly felt like a bright light had been turned on behind me - that's how bright it was. I turned around and saw this big, bright, green-blue fireball fall down the sky for around 5 seconds. Total time must have been between around 5-10 seconds, since I had first faced the opposite direction before I noticed the brightness behind me. I didn't see an explosion, it just suddenly disappeared and the sky was dark again. Impressive experience, even kinda scary at the moment.
-Melanie  Thank you Melanie!

Athens, Texas
My husband and I were outside getting ready to start to water the yard, when the yard illuminated like someone had shot off a flare gun. When we looked up we were facing north and it was traveling left to right (west to east) across the sky – it was lower in the atmosphere than a commercial plane – that’s what shocked us. The color looked like looking into a welders torch. About 3 seconds after we saw it, we heard a “boom” in the distance….like a cannon going off. We assumed it had hit in an unpopulated area since we haven’t heard anything on the news. Can’t believe people hundreds of miles apart saw the same thing at the same time, because this thing looked to be so close to earth. Whatever it was must have been huge. I looked on NASA’s website before stumbling on to yours……and nothing was on there. Would love any other information you could provide. Thanks for your website – very informative. -Linda Parmer 
Thank you Linda!

Henderson County, TX
5:35 a.m. Sunday, Sept 4, 2011. Viewed from Henderson County in East Texas. Bright white light lit up the inside of my bedroom. Looked out the window and saw object travelling east-northeast. Saw it go dark, but did not see the breakup. -Jim  Thank you Jim!

Killeen, TexasI ran across this site after reporting my sighting to AMS.. My sighting was on 4 September, at 0537 (by my car clock) am as I was driving Hwy 190, east between Willow Springs and Hwy 195. It was still dark and the initial flash was to my left, which was North. I turned to see the light and thought it was either a flare-burst or helicopter, as Fort Hood is that direction. The trail of light lasted 3-5 seconds and I estimate about 10 -20 degrees down angle. My guess is the direction was North-east. The flash trailed downward and the object briefly flashed and broke up into at least two pieces that appeared to light up as they separated and then the whole event was over.
Regards, Steve  Thank you Steve!

Dallas, TX
This morning as I was out walking, I glanced up and saw a green meteor or
flaming space debris come out of the western skies. It seemed very low, was
pure green in color and brightness. It was a brilliant, dazzling green. It seemed to
be on a course of about 085 degrees magnetic.
It seemed so low that I actually listened for the sound of the crash. This sound never
came. After waiting for the crash sound that never came, I checked the time on my
cell phone. It showed 5:38 so the meteor or whatever flashed overhead at
between 5:37 and 5:38 am September 4, 2011.
If anyone hears anything about this event, I would appreciate all the information that
you can gather. What was it? How high was it? How fast was it traveling? etc.
Thanks,  John Sullivan  Thank you John!

Big Cabin, OK (south on 69)
I was driving south of big cabin on 69 in a semi when I saw what looked like s decaying piece of space junk arc east ward and down a little about three seconds it broke up at the end with a piece going downward at a sharper angle forming a y between the main part and the last they both dissapeared fast after breakup . I thought that this was maybe over misgogee ok but it must have been the same one everyone reports over texas. fron my view it was like 10 oclock or 15 deg.? above the horizion. traveling east in a arc. -Ron Thank you Ron!

MBIQ Queries:
Mesquite, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite over fort worth 9/4/11.
04:17:17 -- 6 minutes ago
Arlington, Texas arrived from bing.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for Meteor over North Texas September 4, 2011.
03:41:32 -- 30 minutes ago

Plano, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for was that a meteor over n texas 9/4/11.
03:35:58 -- 36 minutes ago

Houston, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor over texas sept 4 2011.
03:26:28 -- 46 minutes ago

Flower Mound, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor seen over texas 9/4/2011.
03:23:28 -- 49 minutes ago

We need other reports IF you happened to see this or another event; thank you!:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 
2011 The Year of Meteors!

04 September 2011

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 4SEP2011

Falling meteor depicted in 5000-year-old rock carving in north China
A 5000-year old rock carving in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region depicts a fallingmeteor, said archaeologists on Saturday.

Meteor Activity Outlook for September 3-9, 2011 | International ...
Meteor Activity Outlook for September 3-9, 2011. September offers longer nights in the northern hemisphere that tend to be less hazy than those experienced in ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Baltimore, MD Meteor ...
Baltimore, MD/ North west off 83 pkwy Meteor 11:pm 08/31/11. I was driving from the ... Bellefonte, PA Meteor Sighting ~11:00 pm 31AUG2011 I observed last ...

Daylight Fireball August 27, 2011 | American Meteor Society
In the AMS fireball table, refer to event #922 for 2011. ... We saw a fireball drop suddenly from the northeastern sky late Saturday afternoon from our vantage ...

A new look at the moon from two vantage points
Los Angeles Times
And if a meteor or a piece of space debris were to crash through the swarm? No problem — the spacecraft would be so small and so cheap that the swarm would be flanked by idle replacements, which would then be told by the other spacecraft where to go ...
Meteor Captured on Tellus Camera
1 min
Here are the top headlines from around the region for Thursday, Sept. 1.

MBIQ Indicates South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin Meteor 3SEP2011

MBIQ Indicates South Dakota Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin Meteor 3SEP2011

Excelsior, MN Meteor 8:55 pm 3SEP2011
Direction of movement: (upper) North to (lower) South. Moved like a shooting start but it was obvious this was much closer (w/i the atmosphere)
Duration of Event: 5-10 seconds
Brightness: As bright as a very bright star
Color: Bright White and then just "fizzled out" -Lolo Thank you Lolo!

Saint Paul, Minnesota Meteor ~11:30 pm 3SEP2011
I was walking west on 4th street in downtown saint paul MN.
It was 11:30pm last night. Sept 3, 2011
The thing was huge and so close, unlike any shooting star I had ever seen.
It seemed to be just above the buildings, had a giant blue tail, was balloon shaped.
Im terrible at direction, when I looked up, it was shooting to the left. It was just 2-3 seconds.
It was just unreal, the color and size of it. The spot I saw it was where I was 5 mins earlier.
I was walking to a neighborhood bar, when I turned around,
walked back to my loft grabbed a hoodie. When I got back to the spot where I had turned around, that was when I looked up and saw it.
Had I not went back I would have been inside the bar already and would have never seen it.
So I feel pretty lucky to have witnessed such an event. ~Micah Thank you Micah!

Shakopee MN Meteor ~11pm -11:30 pm 3SEP2011
Saturday, 9/3/11 around 11pm -11:30 Shakopee MN....quick bright white flash in the sky......more horizontal vs diagonal though....lasted about a sec....at first thought it was a UFO....but calmed down and thought about it for a while. -Terra  Thank you Terra!

Minneapolis, Minnesota arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for minnesota meteor sighting september 3 2011.
13:46:58 -- 3 hours 14 mins ago

Des Moines, Iowa arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fire in sky south dakota 9/3/11.
13:50:11 -- 3 hours 11 mins ago

Wild Rose, Wisconsin arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Indicates Green Meteor Over Florida 21AUG2011" by searching for green meteorite.
13:50:22 -- 3 hours 12 mins ago

Osseo, Minnesota arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for is there a meteor tonight September 3.
13:51:03 -- 3 hours 11 mins ago

Sioux City, Iowa arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for green fireball 9-3-11.
16:28:01 -- 35 minutes ago

Saint Paul, Minnesota arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for 9-3-2011 shooting star wisc.
16:33:56 -- 29 minutes ago

Shakopee, Minnesota arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Indicates Meteor Event Over Minnesota, Ohio, Manitoba and Ontario 27AUG2011" by searching for meteor in mn september 2011.
16:46:08 -- 17 minutes ago

We need your sighting reports:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!

2011 The Year of Meteors!

03 September 2011

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03SEP2011

Space Junk Endangers NASA Satellites, Spacecraft
... from impacts from orbital debris of various particle shapes and densities, as well as expand its research of meteoroids to better understand the possible link between spacecraft electrical anomalies and major meteor showers, the report found. ...

Mars Scientist Philip Christensen to Receive ASU Shoemaker Memorial Award
PR Newswire (press release)
As part of the honor of receiving the award, Christensen will deliver the annual Shoemaker Memorial Lecture co-sponsored by the ASU Center for Meteorite Studies, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Christensen's talk, titled "Unlocking ...

elp allsky: SOCAL Dusk Meteor Fireball 28AUG2011
Large, Very Bright Atlanta GA Fireball Bolide Captured By NASA Fireball Cameras ... Northwest Arkansas Green/White Fragmenting Meteor Fireball 29AUG2011 ...

Brilliant Meteor Lights Up Sky Over Atlanta - Yahoo! News
Read 'Brilliant Meteor Lights Up Sky Over Atlanta' on Yahoo! News. A bright meteor lit up the night sky above Atlanta on Sunday (Aug. 28) in a dazzling display ...

UFO - maybe meteor captured by allsky camera
33 sec
My allsky/meteor camera captured this ufo/meteor on 29.08.2011 at 05:05:14 CEST, near Dresden, Saxony.

MBIQ Indicates NE Colorado Bright Meteor Fireball Event 2SEP2011

MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Indicates NE Colorado Meteor Event 2SEP2011

Colorado east of Greeley and Northeast of Kersey Colorado Bright Blue/Green Meteor Fireball 4:00 am 2SEP2011
My friend and I were at work out at 70 Ranch located at CR 388 and CR 53 Around 4 O`clock AM...9/2/2011. I saw a light that looked like a shooting star. It was bright out of the North and then it shot like a star to the East and then stopped for a few seconds. Then it came down from the north going south and then about a half mile to a mile off the ground it turned a dark to bright green a couple hundred feet around it and then it was traveling towards the ground with a Long tail burning. Looked green and blue. Then it came down and got really low to the ground before It looked like it was going to hit. It may have burnt out but don't know. Just thought it was awesome so I looked it up on the news and no one reported it. My other friend was on the phone about 30miles south of me when I saw it, and he saw it to and asked me if I saw it too. Just thought it was cool so went to this website when I looked up meteors and it said I could report it here if I saw anything. So I figured I would see what you guys knew. Thanks -Mark Merriott  
Thank you Mark for your fine report!

Fort Collins, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for green fireball 9/2/11.
12:42:03 -- 42 minutes ago

We need your sighting reports for this event:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 

2011 The Year of Meteors!

02 September 2011

MBIQ Indicates Louisville, Colorado Meteor 2SEP2011

MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Indicates Louisville, Colorado Meteor 2SEP2011

Louisville, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Baltimore, MD Meteor 31AUG2011" by searching for meteor sighting colorado friday september 02, 2011

We need your sighting report to confirm:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 
2011 The Year of Meteors!

Meteor/Meteorite News 1-2SEP2011

Loud bangs still puzzling neighbors in Chapin
"Then there's been some speculation there might have been a meteor," said Shealy. "There was apparently some sort of meteor shower in the southeast at that time. So, that's possible." But there haven't been any reports of rock sightings since the ...

Salvaging Space
Slate Magazine
In the 1960s, the United States deliberately put 480 million pieces of copper wire in orbit in an attempt to create an artificial meteor trail for radio signals to bounce off. It took until January 2008 for the United Nations to adopt comprehensive ...

Military jets pursue two UFOs over North Carolina
"Within 30 seconds after second object flew out of sight, a meteor streaked from 11 o'clock to 8 o'clock due north of my location." "The first object was larger than a C-5 galaxy and was completely silent. The second object was silent except for the ...

Hunt Begins For Fireball Fragments In Irish Northwest
Irish Weather Online
By Mark Dunphy - Thu Sep 01, 12:33 pm The hunt is on in the Northwest of Ireland after Astronomy Ireland (AI) said it believes fragments of a fireball spotted over the country last week almost certainly landed in Sligo and surrounding counties. ...

… and a real meteor over Georgia
Discover Magazine (blog)
That was a fireball — an extremely bright meteor — that blew in over Atlanta, Georgia on August 28. The video is from the webcam at the Tellus Museum of Science in Georgia, part of the All SkyFireball Network (I wrote about them recently when this ...

Earth Could Spread Life Across The Milky Way
Universe Today
Inspired by the discovery of Moon and Mars rocks found on Earth from meteor strikes, the team began computer modeling of what might happen if pieces of Earth were transported across the Solar System via a collision scenario. ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for August 27- September 2, 2011 | American ...
Next week the waxing crescent moon will enter the evening skies but will set soon after dusk, allowing meteor observers to view under dark conditions during the ...

big green meteor sighted in central texas just now...
Discussion about big green meteor sighted in central texas just now... at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, ...

Peruvian “meteor” freaks out media
Discover Magazine (blog)
A few days ago, the web was abuzz with something that looked like a very largemeteor burning up over Peru. Here's video from ITN news: You can find similar videos on Youtube. However, is it actually a meteor? Cutting to the chase, I don't think so. ...

Architects create impact on Impact Crater Center
The Auburn Plainsman
The center will be built in Wetumpka over the impact site of an ancient meteor. David King, professor of geology, was the first scientist to successfully determine that the mysterious horseshoe-shaped feature is an impact crater. ...

Search for Irish meteorite worth weight in gold
Belfast Telegraph
The Republic of Ireland's National Museum is offering a cash reward to anyone who finds themeteorite that was spotted last week. Meteorites are worth their weight in gold and can command six-figure sums. The glowing fireball, travelling at speeds of ...

It's life, Jim, but not as we know it!
Wigan Today
A WIGAN man had an out of this world experience during a fossil search, stumbling across the remnants of a meteorite. Retired engineer and commercial inventor Jim Winstanley, 70, agreed to a “pass the time” dinosaur hunt with his nine-year-old ... (Sorry NOT a meteorite!)

Physics News :: Ion Armageddon: Measuring the impact energy of ...
Much like a meteor impacting a planet, highly charged ions hit really hard and can do a lot of damage, albeit on a much smaller scale. And much like geologists determine the size and speed of the meteor by looking at the hole it left, physicists ...
Physics News

Atlantans see a visitor from Mars
CARTERSVILLE, Ga -- If you were awake at about 4:00am Sunday and you were outside looking up, you may have seen a bright meteor flash across the sky. It happens all the time but not from where the meteor came from. The meteor was captured from a roof ... (Poor reporting; It is very unlikely that this came from Mars!)

Meteorite Men arrive to help scientists
Whitecourt Star
By Ann Harvey Because poachers have taken so many specimens from the protect centre-area of Whitecourt Crater, Dr. Christopher Herd realized this is a job for the Meteorite Men. The University of Alberta department of earth and atmospheric Sciences ...

Solutions sought for growing space junk problem
USA Today
Even before Sputnik first went into orbit in 1957, Harvard astronomer Fred Whipple designed the "Whipple Shield" to protect spacecraft from meteor dust in 1948. Widely used, such shields space aluminum layers outside a spacecraft that catch debris ...

Bright meteor streaks across Metro Atlanta skies
(NASA) ATLANTA -- A bright meteor streaked across the skies above Atlanta Sunday night and was caught on NASA cameras at the Tellus Science Museum in Cartersville. NASA scientists said themeteor streaked across the skies of the Southeast at a speed of ...

Orange, California Meteor 31AUG2011

Orange, California Meteor 31AUG2011
In Orange, California, USA last night Wednesday August,31 2011 at approx 10PM I saw what appeared to be an orange fire ball falling out of the eastern sky. It was certainly not a firework.  I scoured local news sources but cannot seem to find anything regarding another sighting. Unfortunately, I was not able to get it on camera or video. I was wondering if you have been able to track anything near this location?
I look forward to a response from you
-Joseph P  Thank you Joseph!

We need your sighting reports!:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 
2011 The Year of Meteors!

Burlington, Ontario, Canada Meteor Fireball ~10pm 1SEP2011

Burlington Ontario / Canada Meteor Fireball ~10pm 1SEP2011
I was sitting on my balcony in Burlington Ontario / Canada at about 10pm Sept. 1,2011 and saw a fireball or meteor.
It was moving rather slow for it to be falling from such a great distance. It appeared to be rather large and white in color. I was facing west towards Hamilton, Ontario and it apeared to be about 200 km away. It definately looks as though it landed on earth. It was rather bright and seemd a decent size considering the distance away. I saw something like this about 22 years ago when I was living in Oakville, Ontario
Justin Hill  Thank you Justin!

We need your sighting reports:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2011 The Year of Meteors!

Page, Arizona Green Large Meteor Fireball 1SEP2011

Page, Arizona Large Green Meteor Fireball 7:30 pm 1SEP2011
I saw a very large fast moving and fast disappearing bright large green fireball about 7:30pm tonight south of Page, Az. -Joan Mayer  Thank you Joan!

Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 Year of Meteors!

Baltimore, MD Meteor 31AUG2011

Baltimore, MD/ North west off 83 pkwy Meteor 11:pm 08/31/11

I was driving from the city in Baltimore, MD. headed North on 83 Jones Falls parkway exiting Northern pkwy when to my left I saw a great big blue ball with orange tips at the end shooting so fast that if I blinked I wouldn’t have saw it! I’ve never seen anything like this ever...

Kimya Atkinson  Thank you Kimya!

Bellefonte, PA  Meteor Sighting ~11:00 pm 31AUG2011
I observed last night (around 11:00pm 8/31/2011) what must have been a meteor streaking across the sky.
I was standing outside the building where I work night shift in Bellefonte PA, facing NE and was looking at the sky because it was a relatively clear night and I knew that this time of year meteor showers are not uncommon.
What I saw passed almost directly overhead and was traveling SE to NW. It resembled a large streaking firework with a multi-colored fireball and long white or silver tail. It was quite spectacular. The duration of what I observed I would estimate at 2 or 3 seconds. I remember thinking that it seemed to last much longer than a so-called "shooting star" and appeared much closer. It passed almost directly overhead. That is about as much information as I can give you. I hope it has been helpful. -Edward Casher  Thank you Edward!

Berkeley Springs, WV
I am not a science buff and have seen my share of shooting stars in my 42 years, but I never saw anything make into our atmosphere. Last night 8/31 and approximately 11:00-11:10 pm over Berkeley Springs WV, Allen district I was right about 39.606085,-78.1703 when I saw a fire ball less then ¼ mile or so in front of me shooting down at about a 45 degree angle. From my view about the size of a volleyball.
For as low as it was I only saw it flash by but I think it hit somewhere in this area 39.62473,-78.171158
I do not know if you guys had any way to check last night and see if this hit your radar or not.I was heading home from a card game. It is pitch black back there and I literally shut off my lights and started looking for fire but there are so many valleys it could have been in one. It rained today so not sure how easy it would be to find at this point.
I was on my way home. -Irv  Thank you Irv!

State College, Pennsylvania
I saw a small ball of fire in the sky on August 31st at 11:03 pm. I have never seen anything like that. I even heard the sound it made when descending. At one point it ignited and slow down as it did. I saw it for about 7 seconds and then trees got on the way of my view and did not see it anymore. This happened in State College Pennsylvania. -Wallington Jimenez-Ortiz  
Thank you Wallington!

We need your sighting reports!  Thank you!
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2011 The Year of Meteors!

01 September 2011

Texas Meteor 1SEP2011

Texas Meteor 1SEP2011
Texas Meteor 1SEP2011
(c) Hawley Sentinel Allsky, Kevin Palivec

Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 Year of Meteors!

31 August 2011

Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Large Meteor 31AUG2011

Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Large Meteor 31AUG2011
Great view of a very large meteor 4:30 AM Pacific near Whitehorse Yukon.
Jim McIlvaney  Thank you Jim!

We need your sighting reports:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!