09 July 2011

NEOs! Asteroids Upcoming for July/ Aug 2011 update

Projected NEO debris activity associated with potential Earth meteor encounters .  I expect that we will see possible increased bolide /fireball /meteor activity from 20JULY ~ 26JUL2011 just prior to or just after closer encounters with NEOs  (2007 RQ17) and  (2007 DD) At time of this post there will still be more NEOs discovered so updates are expected.  Cameras ready!  - LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo ;O!
For the very latest info please check: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
(2010 MJ1) 2011-Jul-080.118646.152 m - 120 m23.69.82
(2008 VH) 2011-Jul-100.165864.5260 m - 570 m20.14.95
(2011 EZ78) 2011-Jul-100.095837.3970 m - 2.2 km17.211.54
264993 (2003 DX10) 2011-Jul-120.173867.6240 m - 530 m20.29.04
265187 (2003 YS117) 2011-Jul-140.190073.9630 m - 1.4 km18.117.75
(2008 LV16) 2011-Jul-140.068126.5250 m - 550 m20.215.47
(2010 HA) 2011-Jul-150.103240.142 m - 95 m24.03.94
(2008 TR10) 2011-Jul-150.143956.0220 m - 480 m20.45.43
152828 (1999 VT25) 2011-Jul-170.147157.2180 m - 400 m20.919.90
(2008 OO) 2011-Jul-180.182270.9300 m - 670 m19.725.57
(2008 NP3) 2011-Jul-180.112843.957 m - 130 m23.36.75
(2011 FS9) 2011-Jul-200.144756.352 m - 120 m23.64.35
(2011 NY) 2011-Jul-210.137653.5240 m - 530 m20.210.38
(2007 RQ17) 2011-Jul-220.034013.280 m - 180 m22.65.70
(2011 MW1) 2011-Jul-230.067226.289 m - 200 m22.410.01
(2007 DD) 2011-Jul-230.02399.319 m - 42 m25.83.54
(2009 PC) 2011-Jul-260.154260.061 m - 140 m23.27.42
(2003 BK47) 2011-Jul-260.199477.6660 m - 1.5 km18.024.59
(2011 NZ) 2011-Jul-290.188973.5210 m - 460 m20.64.82
(2008 SO) 2011-Jul-300.159061.9200 m - 450 m20.67.16
(2011 LS17) 2011-Jul-310.114144.479 m - 180 m22.610.89
3103 Eger 2011-Aug-040.152859.51.5 km15.416.36
(2008 SR7) 2011-Aug-050.142155.3280 m - 620 m19.98.31
(2008 NX) 2011-Aug-070.159362.025 m - 57 m25.17.13
(2011 GD60) 2011-Aug-110.113444.1120 m - 270 m21.75.27
(2006 SE6) 2011-Aug-140.198177.169 m - 150 m22.914.11
45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova 2011-Aug-150.060123.41.6 km0.024.62
(1988 TA) 2011-Aug-160.193975.4400 m20.910.45
136770 (1996 PC1) 2011-Aug-170.176268.6230 m - 510 m20.317.97
(2011 BL45) 2011-Aug-190.099138.69.8 m - 22 m27.23.87
(2008 RG1) 2011-Aug-200.143055.7190 m - 430 m20.711.44
(2009 AV) 2011-Aug-220.127849.7670 m - 1.5 km18.022.68
(2011 KP17) 2011-Aug-230.125048.6390 m - 870 m19.210.72
(2011 JP29) 2011-Aug-250.185072.0460 m - 1.0 km18.810.97
(2007 UT3) 2011-Aug-260.090035.019 m - 43 m25.711.94
(2010 JW34) 2011-Aug-280.077830.36.2 m - 14 m28.13.12
(2002 JR100) 2011-Aug-280.050919.838 m - 84 m24.27.87

http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/ Source: NASA/JPL/CalTech

See an event?  We need:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? 
please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2011 Year of Meteors!

Bell Island, Newfoundland, Canada "Mystery" Event Entry 2APR1978 2011 Booms are Meteors?

Bell Island "Mystery" Event Entry 2APR1978

Uploaded on YouTube by  on 20 Jan 2009 3,700 views

Wikipedia excerpt: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_Island

Other Videos:

Bell Island Boom Part 1

Was it ball lightening or a test of a top secret electromagnetic weapon? What caused the explosive phenomenon on Bell Island, Newfoundland in 1978 ...
by MysteryBooms  2 years ago  15,399 views

Bell Island Boom Part 2

Was it ball lightening or a test of a top secret electromagnetic weapon? What caused the explosive phenomenon on Bell Island, Newfoundland in 1978 ...
by MysteryBooms  2 years ago  1,805 views

Bell Island Boom Part 3

Was it ball lightening or a test of a top secret electromagnetic weapon? What caused the explosive phenomenon on Bell Island, Newfoundland in 1978 ...
by MysteryBooms  2 years ago  1,271 views

The Bell Island boom
On April 2, 1978, there was a loud explosion on Bell Island which caused damage to some houses and the electrical house wiring in the surrounding area. Two cup-shaped holes about two feet deep and three feet wide marked the major impact. A number of TV sets in Lance Cove, the surrounding community, also exploded at the time of the blast. It was initially thought to be caused by ball lightning.[2] Meteorologists confirmed that atmospheric conditions at the time were not conducive to lightning. The boom was heard 55 kilometers away in Cape Broyle. The impact occurred in the Bickfordville area, on the southwestern side of the island. ...
The incident was investigated by John Warren and Robert Freyman from the Los Alamos National Laboratory (then called the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory) of New Mexico, United States. It has been speculated that, due to the two men's place of work, they were investigating a secret weapons test and were military attachés. However, reacting to data received from the Vela satellites, they were in fact investigating a superbolt - an unusually large bolt of lightning, lasting an unusually long time: about a thousandth of a second.[3]... (more) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_Island

4 Vesta - NASA Dawn Mission Status Update 7JUL2011


Dawn Team Members Check out Spacecraft
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
July 07, 2011

Dawn Mission Status Update

Mission managers for NASA's Dawn spacecraft are studying the
spacecraft's ion propulsion system after Dawn experienced a loss of
thrust on June 27. Dawn team members were able to trace the episode to
an electronic circuit in the spacecraft's digital control and interface
unit, a subsystem that houses the circuit and a computer that provides
the "brains" to Dawn's ion propulsion system. That circuit appeared to
lose an electronic signal. As a result, the valves controlling the flow
of xenon fuel did not open properly. Dawn automatically put itself into
a more basic configuration known as "safe-communications" mode, where
the spacecraft stopped some activities and turned its high-gain antenna
to Earth.

Engineers were able to return the spacecraft to a normal configuration
and restart the spacecraft's thrusting on June 30 by switching to a
second digital control and interface unit with equivalent capabilities.
One set of images for navigation purposes was not obtained on June 28
because the spacecraft was in safe-communications mode, and one other
set, on July 6, was not obtained to allow the spacecraft to spend the
time thrusting. Other sets of navigation images have been and will be
acquired as expected. The ion propulsion system is now functioning normally.

"Dawn is still on track to get into orbit around Vesta, and thanks to
the flexibility provided by our use of ion propulsion, the time of orbit
capture actually will move earlier by a little less than a day," said
Marc Rayman, Dawn's chief engineer and mission manager. "More
importantly, the rest of Dawn's schedule is unaffected, and science
collection is expected to begin as scheduled in early August."

In an unrelated event, the visible and infrared mapping spectrometer on
Dawn reset itself on June 29. At the time of the reset, the instrument
was gathering calibration data during the spacecraft's approach to the
giant asteroid Vesta. Some of its planned observations were completed
successfully before automatic sensors turned the instrument off.

On June 30, Dawn team members were able to trace the reset to an
internal error in the instrument's central processing unit, though they
don't yet know why the internal error occurred. By temporarily turning
the instrument back on, the Dawn team confirmed that the instrument is
otherwise in a normal configuration. They powered the instrument back
off, as originally planned for this time. Team members are working to
determine when they will turn it back on again.

After arriving at Vesta, Dawn will spend about one year orbiting the
asteroid, which is also known as a protoplanet because it is a large
body that almost became a planet. Data collected at Vesta will help
scientists understand the earliest chapter of our solar system's history.

The Dawn mission to Vesta and Ceres is managed by the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in
Pasadena, for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Dawn is a
project of the directorate's Discovery Program, managed by NASA's
Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. The University of
California, Los Angeles, is responsible for overall Dawn mission
science. Other scientific partners include Planetary Science Institute,
Tucson, Ariz.; Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research,
Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany; DLR Institute for Planetary Research,
Berlin, Germany; Italian National Institute for Astrophysics, Rome; and
the Italian Space Agency, Rome. Orbital Sciences Corporation of Dulles,
Va., designed and built the Dawn spacecraft.

To learn more about Dawn and its mission to the asteroid belt, visit:
http://www.nasa.gov/dawn and http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov .

Jia-Rui C. Cook 818-354-0850
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

08 July 2011

Kansas / Colorado Meteor 8JUL2011

Rose Hill, KS Meteor 3.55am CDT 8JUL2011
A couple of months ago I emailed you about a meteor I saw. I don't know how likely I am to see another one but I walked outside for a bit a little while ago and I saw another one. A yellow fireball streaking down for about 7-8 seconds until burnt up about 10 degrees above the horizon. I am located in Rose Hill, KS and I saw this in the West.
Ruben K.

Littleton, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor denver 2011 july.
18:44:51 -- 22 minutes ago
Loveland, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for 7-8-11 did I just see a meterorite?.

Fort Collins, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for july 8 flash in sky.
18:23:27 -- 10 minutes ago

Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 Year of Meteors!

Just Breaking News Bulletin- Santa Isabel do Rio Negro AND Tabatinga, Amazonas, Brasilia Major Bolide(s) Reported with Image 6July2011

Just Breaking Major Bolide Reported Over Tabatinga, Amazon, Brasil
Brasil Bolide(s) Report Locations 6JUL2011. Distance between two different sightings (Santa Isabel do Rio Negro and Tabatinga, Amazonas, Brasilia) and  is approximately 680kms, approximately 20 minutes apart indicating two bolide events occurred.
v.2 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth (tm)
All Rights Reserved - permission granted to publish provided that full citation is posted  www.LunarMeteoriteHunters.blogspot.com

Tabatinga, Amazon, Brasilia Major Bolide 6JUL2011 10:30 pm  local
(photo as of yet unconfirmed- my personal opinion is that this photo and the video MAY NOT be  of  these reports; awaiting confirmation from Brasilian authorities)
Two bolide events have been reported from Brasil, Santa Isabel do Rio Negro first and then 20 minutes later from Tabatinga, Amazon, Brasilia.  Updates will be posted as information is available.

Moradores de Tabatinga, no Amazonas, assistem a chuva de meteoros

Leia mais sobre esse assunto em 
© 1996 - 2011. Todos os direitos reservados a Infoglobo Comunicação e Participações S.A. 

Infoglobo TV video report: http://video.globo.com/Videos/Player/Noticias/0,,GIM1557933-7823-GLOBO+NOTICIA+PARA+O+G+EDICAO+DA+TARDE+DE,00.html

Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? 
please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2011 Year of Meteors!