Showing posts with label Santa Isabel do Rio Negro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santa Isabel do Rio Negro. Show all posts

08 July 2011

Just Breaking News Bulletin- Santa Isabel do Rio Negro AND Tabatinga, Amazonas, Brasilia Major Bolide(s) Reported with Image 6July2011

Just Breaking Major Bolide Reported Over Tabatinga, Amazon, Brasil
Brasil Bolide(s) Report Locations 6JUL2011. Distance between two different sightings (Santa Isabel do Rio Negro and Tabatinga, Amazonas, Brasilia) and  is approximately 680kms, approximately 20 minutes apart indicating two bolide events occurred.
v.2 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth (tm)
All Rights Reserved - permission granted to publish provided that full citation is posted

Tabatinga, Amazon, Brasilia Major Bolide 6JUL2011 10:30 pm  local
(photo as of yet unconfirmed- my personal opinion is that this photo and the video MAY NOT be  of  these reports; awaiting confirmation from Brasilian authorities)
Two bolide events have been reported from Brasil, Santa Isabel do Rio Negro first and then 20 minutes later from Tabatinga, Amazon, Brasilia.  Updates will be posted as information is available.

Moradores de Tabatinga, no Amazonas, assistem a chuva de meteoros

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