30 March 2011

Meteor/Meteorite News 30MAR2011

International Dark-Sky Week: April 1-8, 2011
By William Atkins You'll be able to see the night sky better if you observe International Dark-Sky Week from April 1 to 8, 2011, and throughout the year, as fantastic celestial sights will be better unveiled, such as the Lyrid meteor shower on the ...

Durban 'UFO' was satellite debris
Times LIVE
The burning fireball crossing Durban's skyline last week was from outer space but "was not a UFO", the African Space Institute said yesterday. Those who saw the bright light on Tuesday night described it as a glowing circle or ring moving fast towards ...

Earth as a target
Astronomy Magazine
By Liz Kruesi About 50000 years ago, an asteroid impacted Earth's surface and created Barringer Crater (also known as Meteor Crater) in northern Arizona. It dug out a hole nearly a mile wide. Peter Kresan Earth has been hit by asteroids and comets in ...

Rocks in solar system looked like candy floss
Hindustan Times
Researchers from Imperial College London and other international institutions made the discovery after highly detailed analysis of a meteorit e fragment ...

Gujarat hopes its Jurassic Park will draw tourists
Vyas said it was widely believed that this place was a part of the `Shiva crater' that was formed millions of years ago by a meteor crash. The meteor crash, and the later volcano eruptions devastated this area, scientists believe. ...

Ga. science museum gets NASA fireball camera | The Associated ...
By The Associated Press
Tellus Science Museum in north Georgia is the newest site added to NASA's fireball camera network that tracks meteors.

'A Professor, a President, and a Meteor: The Birth of American Science'
 PhysOrg.com (press release)
"A Professor, a President, and a Meteor: The Birth of American Science" is published by Prometheus Books. Credit: Prometheus Books When a fiery meteor crash in 1807 lit up the dark early-morning sky in Weston, Connecticut, it did more than startle the ..

News On 6, Amateur Astronomer Capture Bright Light Shooting Across Oklahoma Sky

News On 6
Amateur astronomer James Beauchamp visited Six in the Morning Friday to discuss how he got video of what was most likely a meteor falling from space. "They're very common, it's just that people don't see them very often. It just happens we had a clear ...

Meteorite Just One PIece of an Unknown Celestial Body
2 min
Date- 28th Mar 11 Source- carnegiescience.edu 'Scientists from all over the world are taking a second, more expansive, look at ...

27 March 2011

TX OK meteor 24MAR2011Sightings UPDATE 27MAR2011

(c) 2011 LunarMeteoriunter / Google Earth Updated 27MAR2011
TX/OK Meteor 23MAR2011 Roughly 61 Sighting Locations in 8 US States
Red=M/M News reports Aqua=ELP reports Purple=AMS reports P=Camera Locations
Sighting area roughly 900x700 miles...over 100 witnesses
REPORTS: TX...27   OK...17  KS...8  AR...3  NM...2  NE...2  CO...1  MO...1  
Thank you to all of the persons that sent their witness reports!  
YOUR sighting reports are very important!!! Thank you!!!

Dave Gheesling, Robert Ward, Todd Parker, Michael Farmer, Robert Woolard, Rob Woolard Jr, and Jerry Hinkle hunting the 24MAR2011 Oklahoma Fireball.  There are more than 12 people searching as of today.

© Jim Strope / Rocks From Space Picture of the Day - Michael Johnson

Helsinki, Finland Green fireball 20:40 26MAR2011

Guest263 (guest) wrote: 20:40 26.03.2011 Helsinki, Finland Green fireball in the sky

26MAR2011 Helsinki, Finland Green fireball (c) 2011 Esko Lyytinen

Please include:
your location when viewed (city, country),
location in sky for the start and end of the meteor with angle from the horizon for the start and end),
direction you were facing and meteor was moving right or left?,
meteor direction of travel,
duration (secs),
brightness (bright as Venus, Moon, Sun?),
any sounds (sizzle or booms),
fragmentation were pieces falling off ?,
and other comments that you think are important.
(please cut and paste the above questions with YOUR ANSWERS and email to): LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

Thank you very much for your kind help! - LunarMeteorite*Hunter - Tokyo, Japan

26 March 2011

Meteor/Meteorite News 26MAR2011

AWB-DG 4th International Meeting of Astronomy and AstronauticsApril 21-23, 2011, will happen in Brazil the 4th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics http://meeting.passeiopeloceu.org

 Will be a GAM event here in Brazil. Invited Speakers from12 countries will participate. Confirmed participation: Apollo 16 Mission Astronaut Charlie Duke (USA), Brazilian Astronaut Marcos Pontes, Cosmonauts Oleg Kotov and Pavel Vinogradov (Russia), Mike Simmons (AWB - president and founder), Jin Zhu (China), Manoj Pai (India), Babak Tafreshi (Iran), Dirk Ross (Japan), Rosa Doran (Portugal), Virgiliu Pop (Romenia), Enrique Torres (Venezuela), Andrea Sanchez (Uruguay), Marco Pirateque (Colombia), Joan Chamberlin (USA), Michael Uberty (USA), Ronaldo Mourão (Brazil)...
Soon more wonderful news. Free registration is open.
In the press:

Fireball Event 331 – TX, OK, KS, CO, AR, NM | American Meteor Society
The AMS has received over 30 witness reports for a large fireball seen March 23, 2011 at 21:17 CDT. Witness reports have come in from Texas, Oklahoma, ...

Bright Light Shoots Across Oklahoma Sky
News On 6
An expert says he thinks it was a meteor about the size of a walnut. OKLAHOMA CITY -- News 9 received numerous reports of a bright light that shot across the Oklahoma sky Wednesday night. Many of the reports were in western and central Oklahoma, ...

Emergency crews report no plane crash, just meteor
What was first called in as a plane crashing to the ground, in the end, turns out to be a meteor. Around 9 pm Wednesday, emergency crews were called to Ayr after residents in the area reported seeing something on fire falling from the sky. ...

U Local Member Captures 'Shooting Star' On Video
KOCO Oklahoma City
Tonight it caught a historic meteor west, northwest of Oklahoma City. I think you will like it," Beauchamp posted to KOCO.com's U Local site. The shooting stars Wednesday night across Oklahoma were the second 'sky event' this week. ...

OK 24 Mar 2011 0220 UTC
mfries01 | 25 March 2011 at 11:17 |  URL: http://wp.me/p11rrV-2J
This large fireball was seen by a large number of eyewitnesses and recorded by a few all-sky cameras (I'm not sure how many). This is a significant fireball, with an apparently ~flat trajectory and low velocity. Material is clearly seen to spall off the end of the track, and overall there appears to be a high likelihood [...]

On the Road: Tunisia, in search of ancient meteorites, Days 5 and 6
Astronomy Magazine (blog)
On Thursday, we set off from Tataouine, leaving the area of the meteorite strewn field where we were all successful in finding pieces of the famous Tataouine meteorite. Our first stop was truly amazing; approaching Matmata, working our way to the west ...

On the Road: Tunisia, in search of ancient meteorites, Day 4
Astronomy Magazine (blog)
Imagine picking up a piece of the asteroid Vesta from a rocky desert hillside, the first person ever to touch that meteorite in history. That's exactly what all of the members of Astronomy magazine's Tunisian tour group got to do around noontime on ...

On the Road: Tunisia, in search of ancient meteorites, Day 3
Astronomy Magazine (blog)
Here, we visited the local Earth science museum that features meteorites and minerals, including some specimens of the famous Tatahouine (meteorite collectors include the sometimes missing “h” from the locality) that fell in 1931 and features unusual ...

Radar Meteor Detection: Concept, Data Acquisition And Online ...
Radar Meteor Detection: Concept, Data Acquisition and Online Triggering Eric V. C. Leite, Gustavo de O. e Alves, José M. de Seixas, Fernando Marroquim, ...

2 Arizona "rock stars" imprisoned in Oman tell their story
KVOA Tucson Tue, 22 Mar 2011 14:32 PM PDT
TUCSON - Two Arizona meteorite hunters got caught in the middle of the political unrest we see on the news every night and were imprisoned in the county of Oman.

15-Ton Manmade Fireball Expected on March 29 (HTV)

Japanese controllers at the Tsukuba Space Center outside Tokyo plan to
order the expendable spacecraft back into Earth's atmosphere March 29
over the Pacific Ocean, destroying the ship and its load of space
station garbage.

43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
March 19-23, 2012
The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center
1601 Lake Robbins Drive
The Woodlands, Texas 77380

Bluegrass, Iowa Green Fireball 26MAR2011

Bluegrass, Iowa Green Fireball 10:00 pm CDT 26MAR2011
Guest511 (guest):Saw what looked like a green colored meteorite in the northern sky near bluegrass, IA at approx 10pm central time on Saturday,march 26th, 2011

25 March 2011

Espanola, NM Large Green Meteor ~7:45 pm MST 24MAR2011

Espanola, NM Large Green Meteor ~7:45 pm MST 24MAR2011

I saw the large green meteor at about 7:45 PM MST.  I was driving in Espanola NM on Vfairview Dr., just crossing the Rio Grande River. The meteor passed overhead directly west to east, but inclined at an angle so that it passed overhead at about 1:00 o’clock (with 12:00 o’clock) being directly overhead.
Murray E. Moore (contact info on file)

Thank you Murray!

Anyone else see this event?  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

Four More Meteors TX, OK, GA, FL 24MAR-25MAR2011

Four More Meteors Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia, Florida 24MAR-25MAR2011

Lone Oak, TX Meteor 4:30am 24MAR2011
Guest35 (guest): i saw a meteorite early this morning. i wanted to add that i saw the meteor around 4:30 this morning along hwy 69 s. towards Lone Oak, TX

Edmond, Oklahoma Meteor 2:30 am 24MAR2011
Guest349 (guest):Around 2:30 a.m.CDT between guthrie and Edmond Oklahoma. Bright light flashed through window and then was Gone. Thought it was a search light from helicopter for a second but moving east to west very quickly and then burnt out. Sorry, that was 3/24/11

Hawthorne, FL large White Ball  9:30pm 24MAR2011
Guest449 (guest) Carol wrote: My name is Carol I live in Hawthorne, FL and approximately 9:30pm on 3/24/11 in the east-north-east sky we saw a large white ball moving very fast to the east. There was no noise and it was seen for approximately 6-8 seconds.

Georgia 3-4 Sec Meteor 9:30 pm EDT 25MAR2011
Guest307 (guest): Did anyone else see/report a sighting in Georgia tonight? I saw something that I assume was a meteorite just before 9:30 PM Eastern time, in the eastern sky. It was white and very bright and was visible for at least 3-4 seconds before it disappeared on the horizon.

IF anyone else saw these events please include TIME, your LOCATION (town) when you saw it, the START and End location in the sky, COLOR and SOUND (if any), breaking apart, and other remarkable observations.  PHOTOS and VIDEOS are very important.  Thank you!  email: 

Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK Red Meteor Fireball 24MAR2011

Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK 24MAR2011
Red Fireball 20 secs across sky Newcastle Upon Tyne 24/3/2011 was very bright and burnt out faded away. -Monty Magpie

Monty, If you read this please email a time.  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

20 seconds should have attracted several tens of viewers!!!
Anyone else see this please include location (town), time, start and stop point in sky and direction of travel.  Color and sound details. Thank you!

Texas GREEN Meteor Fireball 02:40 am 24MAR2011

West Texas GREEN Meteor Fireball 02:40 am 24MAR2011
“Let me begin by saying that I work for an airport in west Texas I was out last night around 0240 doing a routine inspection, headed northeast when I saw the green burst of light in the sky directly in front of me. The green fireball was accompanied by a sparking gold tail; it looked like a roman candle firework. I was so awestruck that I immediately slammed on the brakes and started grabbing for my radio; I wanted to know if the on duty PD officer had seen it too. My first transmission was, "J., did you see that?" No answer. I tried to get him again, "J., are you on AIR TAC? (the frequency used to communicate with the PD). No answer again. At this point I realized that in my excitement I had grabbed the wrong radio and was transmitting over the Common Traffic Advisory Frequency to any aircraft in the area. I laughed it off, grabbed my other radio and called him again. Unfortunately, he missed it. I had to sit in the middle of the road for several minutes to collect my thoughts. It was easily the most magnificent and beautiful cosmic event I'll ever witness. Sometimes spending the night in a vast, dark airfield has unforeseen and astonishing benefits.
  Note: My vehicle was facing 045°on the compass and the meteor first came into view about 55° above the horizon. It traveled down towards the horizon and I lost sight of it maybe 5-10° above the horizon. In my mind I half expected it to impact the Earth right there in front of me.
  I’ve seen other reports that people witnessed it earlier in the night, just before 9:00 PM. I’m wondering, did I see the same meteor or something different?
West Texas

You saw a different event. Lucky guy to see one like that! Thank you Matt!

Jack County, Texas,approx. 2:40 a.m. 24 March
Guest769 (guest):Jack County, Texas,approx. 2:40 a.m. 24 March. My husband and I had seen two meteors the previous evening (23 March)around 8:40 and 9 pm. After we went to bed I woke approx. 2:40 a.m. because of a light out my window -unusual for this residence as it's very rural. What I saw was the very end of a green meteor fireball heading west to east.Beautiful colors, I suddenly lost it.- Anon.

If anyone else saw this meteor event please email. We need the time, the location (town) you were when you saw it, the start and end locations in the sky and the direction of travel of the meteor; thank you!


24 March 2011

Utah meteor ~11 pm 23MAR2011

23MAR2011 Sighting Locations of Utah Meteor
(c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo / Google Earth

A reader writes:
I was wondering if someone saw a meteorite in Utah tonight (March 23rd 2011), around 11pm. I saw it from my window.. a ball of fire falling really fast towards the horizon. -Anon

Salt Lake City, Utah March 23
thursday March 23, 2011 about 11 p.m. Salt Lake City
I saw a 2-stage mass of flames, which fell straight downward, in the Southwestern sky
like a huge piece of flaming debris, exploding in flames, then fell further and burst again
then burned out before falling below the horizon. It was very large, very strking. -Anon

Cedar Hills, Utah
Hi - Im in Northern Utah. I saw the green fireball meteor in the S/W portion of the sky last last night. There was a little 'hiccup' right before it disappeared. It was fantastic! I was really fortunate to have seen it.
- rachel

Provo, Utah
I'm located in NE Provo, Utah and I saw a HUGE looking black ball on fire through my window last night. I saw it for about 2 seconds and it was lit the entire time with a little spark towards the end. It was falling south east almost vertically. It was in 11:00 hour.
Emery Simmons

Lehi, UT
My wife saw it while driving. She called to tell me about it, since she knows I've dreamed of spotting one for a long time. I don't have any other details. -Greg B, Lehi, UT

Fillmore, Utah 11:11 pm
I was driving northbound 1-15 just a few miles outside of Fillmore, Utah it was almost directly overhead headed from east to west over the western mtns . Time was 11:11 pm mountain time.
- Cydney Y.

Bountiful, UT March 23rd,2011 @ around 11pm
Guest566 (guest):
Meteorite sawing in Bountiful, UT. March 23rd,2011 @ around 11pm. Saw a really fast ball of fire falling of the sky towards the horizon.

Springville, Utah 
Hi my name is jared i saw something last night at about 11:15 PM i had just got done playing basketball at my local church meeting house in springville utah it started in southwest and headed straight west i didnt get to see the end of it cause it went behind the church but it was awesome!! At first i thought it was a firework or something but it was way to big and way too far out there.. it was greenish blue and had yellow sparks following it. What was it? My friends all thought i was crazy but i know i saw something!! Please get back to me Thanks!! -Jared

West Valley City, Utah
It was around 11 pm in West Valley City I was sitting in my back yard and saw a ball of fire falling fast from the sky that was almost a blue at the bottom and a pink flame up top. it fell straight to the ground facing sw. Left me a little scared..
Courtney WVC, UT
Wellington, Utah  3-23-11 at 11:12 pm
I was in Wellington (just south of Price) on Hwy 6, northbound, heading to the canyon to come back to Utah county. I drive a semi, so I was up a little higher than someone in a car, and I have a huge windshield, that allows for great views. On 3-23-11 at 11:12 pm (I was able to pinpoint the time due to calling my husband as soon as it finished) I saw a huge white ball. At first glance I thought it was an airplane or something, because it was WAY too large to be a shooting star. It was falling straight down. It was traveling at a high rate of speed. It exploded into a larger red and orange burst, then the tail trailing behind got really bright and long, kind of glowing yellow and then turning pink, then another explosion of some sort but this time the red was extremely bright, you could almost see the flames and there was a small amount of black in the very center. From where I was at, I thought it had hit Soldier Summit or the mountain range between Price and Spanish Fork. The angle I was at, it looked like it actually hit the ground somewhere. It was going so fast, almost straight down and didn't even get close to being small or burning up before it got to the ground. I was kinda freaked out and at the same time kinda excited. I would love to know what it was. I didn't see any green color to suggest it was a meteor. The only colors I saw were red, orange, white, yellow and pink, and the orange wasn’t big or last long. I've never seen anything like it. It was incredible!! With something that large, you would think it has got to be reported somewhere. I’ve never even seen a tail like this or this long or big. Do you have any clue what it was yet or even where it landed? All the way thru the canyon, I kept wondering if I was going to come across a wrecked UFO ... lol - laura miller

If anyone else saw this meteor event please email.  We need the time, the location you were when you saw it, the start and end locations in the sky and the direction of travel of the meteor; thank you!
