Showing posts with label Midland Texas GREEN Meteor Fireball 24MAR2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Midland Texas GREEN Meteor Fireball 24MAR2011. Show all posts

25 March 2011

Texas GREEN Meteor Fireball 02:40 am 24MAR2011

West Texas GREEN Meteor Fireball 02:40 am 24MAR2011
“Let me begin by saying that I work for an airport in west Texas I was out last night around 0240 doing a routine inspection, headed northeast when I saw the green burst of light in the sky directly in front of me. The green fireball was accompanied by a sparking gold tail; it looked like a roman candle firework. I was so awestruck that I immediately slammed on the brakes and started grabbing for my radio; I wanted to know if the on duty PD officer had seen it too. My first transmission was, "J., did you see that?" No answer. I tried to get him again, "J., are you on AIR TAC? (the frequency used to communicate with the PD). No answer again. At this point I realized that in my excitement I had grabbed the wrong radio and was transmitting over the Common Traffic Advisory Frequency to any aircraft in the area. I laughed it off, grabbed my other radio and called him again. Unfortunately, he missed it. I had to sit in the middle of the road for several minutes to collect my thoughts. It was easily the most magnificent and beautiful cosmic event I'll ever witness. Sometimes spending the night in a vast, dark airfield has unforeseen and astonishing benefits.
  Note: My vehicle was facing 045°on the compass and the meteor first came into view about 55° above the horizon. It traveled down towards the horizon and I lost sight of it maybe 5-10° above the horizon. In my mind I half expected it to impact the Earth right there in front of me.
  I’ve seen other reports that people witnessed it earlier in the night, just before 9:00 PM. I’m wondering, did I see the same meteor or something different?
West Texas

You saw a different event. Lucky guy to see one like that! Thank you Matt!

Jack County, Texas,approx. 2:40 a.m. 24 March
Guest769 (guest):Jack County, Texas,approx. 2:40 a.m. 24 March. My husband and I had seen two meteors the previous evening (23 March)around 8:40 and 9 pm. After we went to bed I woke approx. 2:40 a.m. because of a light out my window -unusual for this residence as it's very rural. What I saw was the very end of a green meteor fireball heading west to east.Beautiful colors, I suddenly lost it.- Anon.

If anyone else saw this meteor event please email. We need the time, the location (town) you were when you saw it, the start and end locations in the sky and the direction of travel of the meteor; thank you!