26 December 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 26DEC2010

Quadrantid Meteors: Fire over Ice
Sky & Telescope
And lying still for an hour or more to count meteors means you generate your minimum body heat. Welcome to viewing conditions for the Quadrantid meteor ...

Sparkling silence at last
Nashua Telegraph
Early on during the first month of 2011, we kick off the new year with a regularly pleasing meteor shower. The Quadrantids typically produce around 40 ...

Halley's Comet steps in for the Star of Bethlehem | Astro Bob
By astrobob
I suppose you could argue that it also resembles a meteor, but it's unlikely that's what Giotto had in mind. A meteor, however bright, flashes by in a second or two and is gone. Assuming the artist wanted to stick to the Biblical ...
Astro Bob - http://astrobob.areavoices.com/
elp allsky: Merry Christmas Meteors...DEC25, 2010...
By elp allsky
Meteor News...Geminids Image Updated 12/19/10 at 01:48 MST (08:48 UTC)... The desert skies of El Paso, Texas in the Southwestern U.S. offered some of the best views of this year's Geminid Meteor Shower. Upwards of . ...
elp allsky - http://elpasoallsky.blogspot.com/

Cosmic Collisions: Meteorite Treasure : Video ...
3 min
Fragments of extraterrestrial rock are valuable, much sought after clues to the history and composition of the Solar System.

ニュース 科学&宇宙 超高温の隕石からアミノ酸を発見 ナショナルジオ ...
ニュース - 科学&宇宙 - 超高温の隕石からアミノ酸を発見 - ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト.

Indian rocket fails moments after liftoff
Spaceflight Now
BY STEPHEN CLARK India's largest rocket lost control and erupted in a fireball Saturday, dealing another blow to the country's space program after ...

25 December 2010

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25DEC2010 Merry Christmas!

What's going on: Dec. 24, 2010
Odessa American Fri, 24 Dec 2010 10:29 AM PST
EVENTS The Crater Museum has scheduled the "Meteorites as Art"

 exhibit beginning Jan. 1 at the Crater Museum. Twelve photographs
 show the colorful mineral ingredients that form a meteorite. Museum
 hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through...

Volcano Watch: Revisiting the 1919–1920 Mauna Iki eruption
Hawaii 24/7
December 16, 1919, a bright meteor streaked over Kilauea like a fireball

 and exploded southwest of the summit. The concussion — a portent of 
things to come on the ...

A fin de cuentas, ¿hubo una estrella en Belén?
MDZol - ‎16 時間前‎
Meteoritos.- Una lluvia de meteoritos no parece ser una opción,
pues Mateo tan sólo habla de una estrella en singular. Pero un
 meteorito o un bólido, ...

Meteor/Meteorite News 25DEC2010

„Unmögliche“ Amino-säuren in Meteorit entdeckt

scinexx | Das Wissensmagazin - ‎2010年12月22日‎
Wissenschaftler haben Aminosäuren in einem Meteoriten
 nachgewiesen, die es eigentlich nicht geben dürfte. Denn
 der Asteroid 2008 TC3 wurde kurz vor seinem ...

Bakal Kehidupan Ditemukan di Meteorit

KOMPAS.com - ‎2010年12月22日‎
KOMPAS.com — Asam amino yang selama ini disebut
 sebagai senyawa bakal kehidupan ditemukan di batu
 meteor (meteorit) yang jatuh di Sudan. ...

NASA Temukan Unsur Asam Amino Pada Meteorit

WartaNews - ‎2010年12月21日‎
Asam amino yang merupakan cikal bakal dari protein,
ditemukan secara tidak sengaja di dalam fragmen meteorit
 tersebut, dimana sebelumnya Asam Amino ...

Geologen erklären größte Katastrophe des Mittelalters

Spiegel Online - ‎2010年12月21日‎
Geoforscher haben den Kreis möglicher Verursacher eingegrenzt:
 Nur ein großer Vulkan oder ein Meteorit kommen in Frage. Doch
 was genau die Ursache war wurde ...

Idegen aminosavat talált a NASA egy meteoritban

Index - ‎2010年12月22日‎

Ezúttal egy 2008-ban Szudánban lezuhant meteorit belsejében
találták meg az élet legalapvetőbb építőkockáit, aminosavakat.
Az aminosavak a fehérjék ...
Feuriger Weihnachtstruthahn
Deutschlandfunk - ‎2010年12月23日‎
Dezember ein anfangs vermutlich etwa 40 Zentimeter großer
Meteorit von Südosten kommend über Mittelengland hinweg.
Als grelle Feuerkugel verlor er einen ...

Aminokyseliny ve vzácném meteoritu Almahata Sitta

Osel.cz - ‎2010年12月20日‎
Tomu bylo přisouzeno označení 2008 TC 3 , jeho
 fragmentům pak souhrnný název meteorit Almahata
 Sitta, což v arabštině znamená Stanice šest, neboli
Šestá ...

24 December 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 24DEC2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 2011 not far away!

NASA's Next Mars Rover to Zap Rocks With Laser
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
December 22, 2010
A rock-zapping laser instrument on NASA's next Mars rover has roots in a demonstration that Roger Wiens saw 13 years ago in a colleague's room at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. ...

UA Catalina Sky Survey Discovers Possible Extinct Comet
... An asteroid, [asteroid 596 Scheila] discovered more than 100 years ago my not be an asteroid at all, but an extinct comet that is coming back to life, according to new observations. ...

Stargazing Live in and around Liverpool
BBC News
Among events covered are: a partial eclipse of the sun; a major meteorite shower; and the close conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus. ...

Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Murchison 陨石, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Murchison 陨石. ...

23 December 2010

Meteor Impact Simulation YouTube Video

Simulated Meteor impact in slow motion

posted on YouTube by ultraslo  31,970 views
"This slow motion impact video is a good model for how craters are formed on the surface of the moon. When we observe real lunar craters, we see all the below described impact features, but there are a few limitations in this model. This is ok, because you've made a scientific model - all scientific models have limitations, and when we identify those limitations, we have an even better understanding of what is being represented.The lunar surface is represented by the flour, and darker cocoa on the surface. The white flour and dark cocoa help to distinguish between material at the surface, and displaced material below the surface. The impactor is represented by a glass sphere. At impact a great deal of material is displaced forming interior "crater walls". After impact, an uplifted "crater rim" is seen surrounding the edge of the crater (particularly in the right hand movie). The displaced material from below the surface spreads outward from the impact site. On the moon, we see prominent crater walls, rims and "ejecta", the sub-surface material ejected 1000's of kilometers from the site. Ejected material form "rays" which are bright streaks extending away from the crater.
The limitations of this model:
What isn't seen in the movie are the "central peaks" with are mountains formed in the center of the crater floor, from rapid pressure change during an impact. Central peaks typically form in craters that are larger than 50 km in diameter. The movies don't show the central peaks because you are using an impactor that doesn't disintegrate at impact. To see the central peak in a crater, the water drop movie is wonderful. (A beautiful red drop of water in slow motion)"
 ... more slowmotion videos  www.UltraSlo.com

22 December 2010

Meteor/Meteorite New 22DEC2010

Lunar Eclipse - December 21st, 2010
Photos by Mike`s Astro Photos click link for more Mike Hankey (c) 2010

Life Ingredients Found in Superhot Meteorites—A First
National Geographic
The acids—precursors of proteins—have been unexpectedly found inside fragments of previously superheated meteorites that landed in northern Sudan in 2008, ...

Alaska winter offers stellar skygazing
Anchorage Daily News
This week will reveal more celestial phenomenon as the December Ursid Meteor Shower peaks Wednesday and Thursday. A meteor shower results as Earth crosses a ...

Parachute Fails, Man Lands in Living Room
Jakarta Globe
It's a meteor! No, it's a flying policeman! Residents of a housing estate for prosecutors in South Tangerang were surprised to see something falling from ...

Ursid meteor shower peaks tonight
Examiner.com (blog)
The Ursid meteor shower will be at its brightest tonight and tomorrow night. However, with the full moon, no one has made much mention of the Ursids this ...

Meteorite Holds Amino Acid Surprise
Discovery News
Amino acids have been discovered in a meteorite whose parent asteroid should have destroyed the compounds. Because the concentrations of the amino acids are ...

NASA finds extra-terrestrial amino-acids in Sudan meteorites
During expeditions in the Sudanese desert, scientists later recovered nearly 600 meteorite fragments from the meteor shower. Just a few weeks ago, ...

Meteorite Holds Amino Acid Surprise
Discovery News Tue, 21 Dec 2010 11:48 AM PST
Amino acids, the building blocks of life, are forming in environments never thought possible.

Space Rock Surprise
US News & World Report Tue, 21 Dec 2010 11:38 AM PST
Amino acids in meteorite may have unexpected origin. ...

Meteorite Men Star Builds Career from Space Rocks
ContributorNetwork via Yahoo! News Tue, 21 Dec 2010 10:16 AM PST
This is the second installment of my interview with Steve Arnold,meteorite hunter extraordinaire and star of the Science Channel's hit television show 'Meteorite Men.' The first article, in which Arnold clears up popular misconceptions about meteors and meteorites is here. ...

21 December 2010

Breaking News- Astronomers Without Borders - Night Skies Network - Lunar Eclipse 2010 - LIVE Broadcasts Ended

Full Moon prior to Eclipse 21DEC2010
photo (c) 2010 Carl Wright (cwright22sst) Hudson, Florida

Eclipse Under Way 21DEC2010
photo (c) 2010 Carl Wright (cwright22sst)Hudson, Florida

Provided by Night Skies Network (NSN)
 and Astronomers Without Borders (AWB)

Broadcasts have now ended.  Thank you!

(please check to see who else is broadcasting at a particular time)

20 December 2010

Live Lunar Eclipse from Pakistan - Astronomers Without Borders

Astronomers Without Borders (AWB)
Khwarizmi Science Society, Pakistan - Live Lunar eclipse broadcast* is ON air!
Broadcaster: Umair Asim
Lahore, Pakistan (UT+5)
Equipment: Celestron C14, Losmandy Titan Mount, Mallincam camera
Webcast of the Moon beginning at 15:00 UT and continuing until sunrise before the eclipse begins (*no eclipse seen in this webcast). For teachers and others explaining Earth/Sun/Moon geometry this is a good demonstration of how and why the eclipse is not visible from everywhere on Earth.

other AWB lunar eclipse live camera sites with with continuing coverage of the eclipse* (yes it will arrive):

YouTube video lunar eclipse 2010

Khwarizmi Science Society presents:
Pre-Eclipse web Broadcast from Lahore, Pakistan

posted on YouTube by umairasim  1view

Total Lunar Eclipse 20-21 December 2010

Poster credit: Azhy Hasan (Download print version)

Total Lunar Eclipse 20-21 December

The last eclipse of 2010 will occur on the night of 20-21 December. The eclipse will be visible from North and South America, with the partial phases and even a bit of totality seen from other places. Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) will bring the eclipse to those who won't otherwise have a chance to view the eclipse due to geography or weather. AWB also launches Eclipses without Borders with this lunar eclipse, providing ways to share the eclipse with fellow astronomers around the globe.

Live Online
Those not able to see the eclipse can watch online thanks to Night Skies Network (NSN). NSN's broadcasts feature live webcams, narration and chat boxes to talk to the operators and other visitors from around the world.
The Moon will set before the eclipse begins as seen from most of Asia.  An NSN webcam in Pakistan will show the full Moon moving towards the Earth's unseen shadow before the eclipse begins.
Europe will see the eclipse begin but only the partial phase.  Astronation will broadcast the beginning of the eclipse with the Moon setting before totality begins.
Details for each webcam, including links to their broadcast pages, are available on the AWB web site.

Eclipses without Borders
This new program brings amateur astronomers and others together to share their eclipse-watching experiences. AWB members are invited to blog about the eclipse and use the other social networking tools on the AWB web site.  Read more on the Eclipses without Borders page.

NASA Is "Up All Night" For The Eclipse
NASA astronomers will answer questions in live chat sessions, including during their own live webcast of the eclipse. See the NASA page for more information.