Владельцы дачи в районе Краснодара приняли за метеорит камень кремния
Owners of a summer residence in area of Krasnodar have accepted for a meteorite a stone of silicon
RIA of News - 5 КРАСНОДАР, 14 сен -
RIA of News, Tatyana Kuznetsova. Experts of institute of geochemistry and analytical chemistry of a name of Vernadsky Rossijskoj academies of sciences (Russian Academy of Science) do not consider as a meteorite a stone found on a summer residence in area of Krasnodar in the end of July: in their opinion, the find represents silicon with impregnations...
НАСА собирается взрывать Луну
NASA the Komsomol truth - 5
But in NASA speak is going to blow up the Moon , that the bases for alarm are not present: force of explosion at falling LCROSS will be about same, as at impact of a meteorite in weight in 10 kgs (speed of falling of meteorites in tens times more), and such meteorites on the Moon for certain falls on some pieces annually....
увеличил число опасных для Земли метеоритов
Has increased number of meteorites
Lenta.ru dangerous to the Earth - 2009年9月8
Number of the meteorites dangerous to alive essences which are flying by in immediate proximity from the Earth, it has appeared in 10 times more, than was considered till now. To such conclusion send authors of clause published in magazine Journal of Geophysical Research–Planets. Shortly about work writes portal Science News...
Луна "гудит" под ударами метеоритов тише, чем Земля - от ударов волн
The moon "hoots" under impacts of meteorites more silently, than the Earth - from impacts of waves
RIA of News - 2009年9月9 Moscow, 9 сен - RIA of News. The vibrations of the Moon generated by constants to impacts of fine meteorites on its surface, in one thousand times are weaker, than vibrations of our planet because of ocean waves, writes magazine New Scientist. Meteoric bombardment of the Moon should force "to hoot" it, but seismographs...
-Огненная Земля подверглась метеоритной бомбардировке
The-fiery Earth has undergone to meteoric bombardment
News project INFOX.ru - 2009年9月10
Is formed, when at ocurrence in an atmosphere of the Earth the large meteorite collapses. The parts which have broken away from it fall on the ground, forming set of craters in places of falling. So are created кратерные fields. Eight are known кратерных fields: Сихоте-Алинское (Russia), Chiemgau (Germany), Campo del Cielo...
Меч для шейха
Sword for the sheikh
Молодой коммунар - 2009年9月11
Meteorite – a material very dear, but with space power and клинки from it turn out soft, but extremely sharp. An another matter what to forge it it is heavy, however with this uneasy problem the talented Tula master Lion Алдохин has consulted. Architect Ivan Bologov has executed complex calculations on...
Рейтинг "Недели"
Rating of "Week" of News.
Week Online - 2009年9月11
Прикол, and only! Than was considered earlier, represents potential threat for our planet. As have counted up scientists, yearly in a terrestrial atmosphere the object, capable to cause explosion by capacity 11-12 килотонн in a trotyl equivalent gets. And time in 15 years near to the Earth flies by a meteorite...
Смертельное танго планет
The fatal tango of planets the Catalogue of Minerals
Similar destiny expects the satellite of Floodlight Калипсо. It will blow up, and its fragments обдадут the Earth a volley of meteorites. "Planet-suicide", « a fatal tango » are citations not from a yellow press. The leading scientific magazine of the world «Nature» has published the report of the international group of astronomers on Thursday....