Showing posts with label Chinese meteorite news 1SEP09. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chinese meteorite news 1SEP09. Show all posts

01 September 2009

Chinese Meteor/Meteorite News- 1SEP09


人民网 -
1957年至1966年间,欧阳自远在北京就读研究生并从事核子地质、陨石学和月球科学研究。因研究工作的需要,他与当时位于文津街的北京图书馆(国家图书馆前身)结下了不解 ...

Ouyang: Thoughts on lunar exploration starting from the National Library
People's Net - 55 minutes ago from 1957 to 1966, the Ouyang Ziyuan graduate student in Beijing, and to engage in nuclear geology, meteorites and lunar science research. Due to the need for research work, he was at Wenjin Street, Beijing Library (the predecessor of the National Library) have forged a puzzled ...



中华网 -
此外,该城尚有被人们视为天降圣物的黑色陨石和克而白古寺,因而成为半岛的宗教祭祀中心。位于麦加以北的雅特里布也是1座商贸之城。因地处绿洲,盛产椰枣、谷物和蔬菜 ...

Rise and Fall of the history of the Arab Empire: once a great empire across three continents
In addition, the city still to be seen as sacred heaven black meteorite, and g and white temple, it would become the peninsula's religious centers of worship. Mecca is located in the north of Yatelibu is a business city. The area was an oasis, rich in date palm, cereal and vegetables ...

解密古今神奇天象 一起来看流星雨

博宝网 -
有没烧完的流星就落到地面上的,这便是陨石。如果有许多块落到地上,就称为陨石雨。 据《竹书纪年》记载:“帝禹后氏八年雨金于夏邑”。这是公元前2133年降落在今河南省 ...

Decrypted with the view of ancient and modern magic sky meteor shower
Bo Po-Net -
The meteors do not burn on the fall on the ground, which is the meteorite. If there are many pieces fell to the ground, it is called meteorite shower. According to "Bamboo Annals" record: "After the Emperor Yu's eight gold in the xiayi rain." This is the land in 2133 BC, Henan Province, in this ...


科景网 -
雖然之前就曾經在地球上的隕石中發現過胺基酸,但這是首度在彗星中發現胺基酸的存在,這說明了構成生命的原始物質在太空中並不罕見,生命可能也是如此。而地球上的生命,或許就是來自於彗星和隕石的撞擊。這篇研究即將發表在Meteoritics and Planetary Science期刊。...

Astronomy: Comets in the first found in the cornerstone of life
科景网 -
While the earth before the meteorite was found in amino acids, but this is the first time in the presence of amino acids found in comets, which illustrates the composition of the original substance of life in space is not uncommon, life may be true. Life on the earth, perhaps from the impact of comets and meteorites. This study soon to be published in the journal Meteoritics and Planetary Science. ...


齐鲁晚报 - ‎9 時間前‎
1200多年前,一块巨大的陨石落到莒南县坪上镇大铁牛庙村村东几尺见方的土地上,后世百姓奉这块形似牛的陨石为神物,建庙膜拜,一个家族因“铁牛”而兴起。 如今,“铁牛 ...

Days outside the meteorite
Tieniu temple. Sun boring house Qilu Evening News - 9 hours ago more than 1,200 years ago, a huge meteorite fell to Junan Town, tractor Damiao Village Village aerodromes few feet square of land for the future people Bong meteorite piece shaped like cattle for the fetish, temple worship, a family for "tractor" and the rise. Today, the "tractor ...

机遇号新发现六块陨石 成火星是否有水证据
中国武汉 - ‎9 時間前‎
北京时间6月7日消息据英国《新科学家》杂志网站报道,机遇号火星车的不懈探索又有新发现,它在火星表面的维多利亚陨石坑附近发现了六块拳头大小的石头,研究人员表示这 ...

Opportunity discovered six Martian meteorites into whether there is evidence of water
Wuhan, China - 9 hours ago
Beijing June 7, according to the British "New Scientist" magazine's website reported that the tireless Mars rover Opportunity to explore another new discovery, It is the surface of Mars was discovered near the Victoria crater 6 fist-sized rocks, the researchers said that it ...


新浪网 - ‎8 時間前‎
在先后25次南极科学考察中,取得了南极磷虾复眼研究、格罗夫山陨石回收等举世瞩目的成果。 “没有首次科考,就没有我国今天的南极科考大国地位。”刘小汉说,“随着昆仑站 ...

China's first Antarctic expedition team members jumped into the bone-chilling cold water hit drill rod
Sina -
25 sub-Antarctic Scientific Expedition, the obtained compound eye of Antarctic krill research, Grove Mountains, meteorites recycling remarkable results. "No first expedition, there is no today's Antarctic expedition in China great power status." Xiaohan said, "With the Kunlun station ...