30 August 2009

Russian-English Meteor/Meteorite News- Recent Russian Meteorite News 30AUG09

New Fall Reported in Russia!???

На Кубани упал метеорит.

New Russian Meteorite Fall!
РБК - РИА РосБизнесКонсалтинг - ‎2009年8月18日火曜日‎
Согласно сообщению, в длину метеорит достигает 21 см и имеет характерную оплавленность, которая возникает в процессе прохождения его через атмосферу. Сообщается, что метеорит упал на земли садоводческого товарищества "Кавказ". В радиусе полуметра от места падения выгорели все растения. ...
Кубанские ученые обследуют метеорит, упавший в пригороде Краснодара Новое
телевидение Кубани
On Kuban the meteorite has fallen.
"In suburb of Krasnodar the meteorite has fallen. The press-service of administration of city today has informed on it. According to the message, at length the meteorite reaches 21 sm and has characteristic оплавленность which arises during its passage through an atmosphere. It is informed, that the meteorite has fallen to the grounds of gardening company " Caucasus ". In radius полуметра from a place of falling have burnt out all plants. As chairman of the Kuban astronomical club Alexander Ivanov has explained agency, falling of a meteorite has occured on July, 21-22st. " Now the meteorite is at the owners who have found it of a site, and its fragments are directed to Committee on meteorites of the Russian academy of sciences ", - it has specified. After research the chemical compound and type of a meteorite will be established. " However, by that not iron, but stone, it is possible to assume this meteorite that it concerns meteoric stream Персеид through which annually there passes the Earth ", - Alexander Ivanov has told. It also has noted, that usually the academy of sciences redeems samples of meteorites at those who has found them, for the collection."
Вечерняя Казань (пресс-релиз) - ‎2009年8月24日月曜日‎
В Адыгее жительница поселка Четук пошла на огород за морковкой, а нашла метеорит. Ученые подтвердили, что черный камень действительно прилетел из космоса. "Увидела на грядке воронку, а в ее центре - пепел. Копнула лопатой и вывернула черный, как смоль, камень", - рассказала Бэла Аташи. Вес камня ...

In Adygea the inhabitant of settlement Chetuk has gone on a kitchen garden for морковкой, and has found a meteorite. Scientists have confirmed, that the black stone has really arrived from space. " Has seen on a bed воронку, and in its center - ashes. Has dug a shovel and has turned out black as смоль, a stone ", - has told Бэла Аташи. Weight of a stone..."


Ученые синтезировали вадслеит
Каталог Минералов -
Это в тысячи раз меньше, чем предполагалось при теоретическом моделировании формирования метеорита. Возможно, это говорит о том, что и формирование планет на ранних ступенях жизни Солнечной системы происходило не при столкновении крупных (несколько километров в диаметре), а весьма небольших ...

"Scientists synthesized вадслеит "
"The Catalogue of Minerals is in thousand times less, than it was supposed at theoretical modelling formation of a meteorite. Probably, it speaks about that, as formation of planets at early steps of a life of Solar system occured not at collision large (some kilometers in diameter), and rather small..."

На дачный участок жительницы Адыгеи упал метеорит

New Russian Meteorite Found
ГАЗЕТА.GZT.ru - ‎2009年8月21日金曜日‎
Факт космического происхождения камня подтвердили ученые местного университета. По сложившейся научной традиции метеорит получит название по месту его находки, однако женщина настаивает, чтобы его назвали Борщом, поскольку именно приготовление этого блюда было поводом для находки метеорита.

The meteorite has fallen to a country site of the inhabitant of Adygea
"ГАЗЕТА.GZT.ru - ‎2009年8月21 Fact of a space origin of a stone was confirmed with scientists of local university. By the developed scientific tradition the meteorite will receive the name in a place of its find, however the woman insists, that it have named the Borshch as preparation of this dish was an occasion for a find of a meteorite..."

Акбулатов прикоснулся к тайне Тунгусского метеорита
Пресс-Лайн.ru -
В ходе визита в Эвенкию глава правительства Красноярского края Эдхам Акбулатов проявил интерес к загадкам Тунгусского метеорита. Премьер побывал в Ванаваре, где побывал у памятного знака, посвященного 100-летию падения небесного тела. Как сообщает пресс-служба администрации Эвенкии, ...

Акбулатов has touched secret of Tungus meteorite
"Пресс-Лайн.ru - During visit in Эвенкию the head of the government of Krasnoyarsk region Эдхам Акбулатов has shown interest to riddles of the Tungus meteorite. Prime-minister has visited in Ванаваре where has visited at the memorable sign, the falling of a heavenly body devoted to the 100 anniversary. As the press-service of administration Evenkii informs..."


Ученые заинтересовались найденным в Адыгее метеоритом

Interfax Russia - ‎2009年8月19日水曜日‎
ИНТЕРФАКС-ЮГ - Килограммовый метеорит, который нашла на своем дачном участке жительница Адыгейска (Республика Адыгея), представляет серьезный интерес для науки, считает сотрудник астрофизической обсерватории Кубанского государственного университета Александр Иванов. "На данный момент мы на 90% ...

Scientists have become interested in meteorite
"Interfax Russia found in Adygea - ‎2009年8月19 ¿¡ÔÑÓõá¬ß-SOUTH - the Kilogram meteorite which was found on the country site by inhabitant Adygejska (Republic Adygea), represents serious interest for a science, the employee of an astrophysical observatory of the Kuban state university Alexander Ivanov considers. " At present we on 90 %..."

На Марсе найден крупнейший метеорит

Мембрана.ру - ‎2009年8月4日火曜日‎
Метеорит с поперечником 60 сантиметров и высотой 30 см обнаружил и обследовал ровер Opportunity на равнине, усеянной камнями размером с кулак. Находка, сделанная вблизи 800-метрового кратера Виктория, примерно в два раза больше любого другого метеорита среди тех, что учёным доводилось видеть на ...

On Mars the largest meteorite is found
"Мембрана.ру - ‎2009年8月4 Meteorite with a diameter of 60 centimeters and height has found out 30 sm and surveyed ровер Opportunity on the plain covered by stones in size with a fist. A find made near to a 800-meter crater Victoria, approximately twice more than any other meteorite among that scientists could be seen on..."

Минерал метеоритов воссоздан при помощи пушки

Мембрана.ру - ‎2009年8月12日水曜日‎
Используя оригинальную лабораторную технику, Томас Аренс (Thomas Ahrens) из Калифорнойского технологического института (California Institute of Technology) и его коллеги из ряда других американских институтов получили минерал, который в природе встречается только в метеоритах и в глубоких слоях ...

The mineral of meteorites is recreated by means of gun
Мембрана.ру - ‎2009年8月12 Using original laboratory technics, Thomas Arens (Thomas Ahrens) from Калифорнойского an institute of technology (California Institute of Technology) and its colleagues from of some other American institutes have received a mineral which in the nature meets only in meteorites and in deep layers..."

Тунгусский феномен

Сибирское агентство новостей - ‎2009年8月28日金曜日‎
Несмотря на эти исключительные по масштабу и характеру явления, сразу не были предприняты ни поиски места падения метеорита, ни всестороннее изучение этого загадочного явления. Ежедневно с 11:00 до 19:00. Выходной - понедельник. Последняя среда месяца - санитарный день.

Tungus phenomenon
" The Siberian news agency - ‎2009年8月28 Despite of these exclusive on scale and character of the phenomenon, at once have not been undertaken neither searches of a place of falling of a meteorite, nor all-round studying of this puzzle. Daily from 11:00 till . The day off - Monday. Last Wednesday month - sanitary day..."

В космосе летают планеты-самоубийцы
Вести.Ru - ‎2009年8月27日木曜日‎
Похожая судьба ожидает спутник Юпитера Калипсо. Он взорвется, а его обломки обдадут Землю залпом метеоритов. "Планета-самоубийца", "смертельное танго" – это цитаты не из желтой прессы. Ведущий научный журнал мира "Nature" опубликовал в четверг доклад международной группы астрономов. ...

In space planets-suicides of the Message fly.
" Ru - ‎2009年8月27 Similar destiny expects the satellite of Floodlight Калипсо. It will blow up, and its fragments обдадут the Earth a volley of meteorites. "Planet-suicide", " a fatal tango " are citations not from a yellow press. The leading scientific magazine of the world "Nature" has published the report of the international group of astronomers on Thursday...."

Звездный след Булгара-2

Газета Республика Татарстан - ‎2009年8月26日水曜日‎
Судя по всему, метеорит летел со скоростью 2000-3000 метров в секунду, встретился с поверхностью планеты под углом приблизительно 75-85 градусов к горизонту и, чуть не долетев, взорвался. На данный факт указывают характер преобразования земной коры и распределение импактидов. ...

Star trace Булгара-2
"The newspaper Republic Tatarstan - ‎2009年8月26 Apparently, the meteorite flied with speed of 2000-3000 meters to a second, there were a surface of a planet under a corner approximately 75-85 degrees to horizon and, not having reached nearly, has blown up. The given fact specify character of transformation of an earth's crust and distribution импактидов...."


Космический Ставрополь

Ставропольская правда - ‎2009年8月27日木曜日‎
Наименование Ставрополь носит еще один небесный объект — метеорит, который упал 24 марта 1857 года на хуторе Шведино села Петровского Ставропольской губернии. Свидетелем падения (редчайший случай) стал крестьянин Максим Калашников. Он сообщил ученым, что «внезапно раздался треск, ...

Space Stavropol
"The Stavropol truth - ‎2009年8月27 Name Stavropol carries one more heavenly object — a meteorite which has fallen on March, 24th, 1857 on farm Shvedino of village Peter the Stavropol province. The witness of falling (the rare case) became peasant Maxim Kalashnikov. It has informed scientists, that « the crash was suddenly distributed..."

Килограммовый метеорит вместо моркови обнаружила на дачной грядке жительница Адыгейска

Interfax Russia - ‎2009年8月24日月曜日‎
Краснодар. ИНТЕРФАКС-ЮГ - Килограммовый метеорит, который нашла на своем дачном участке жительница Адыгейска (Республика Адыгея), представляет серьезный интерес для науки, считает сотрудник астрофизической обсерватории Кубанского государственного университета Александр Иванов. "На данный момент ...

The kilogram meteorite instead of carrots was found out on a country bed by inhabitant Adygejska
"Interfax Russia - ‎2009年8月24 Krasnodar. The ¿¡ÔÑÓõá¬ß-SOUTH - the Kilogram meteorite which was found on the country site by inhabitant Adygejska (Republic Adygea), represents serious interest for a science, the employee of an astrophysical observatory of the Kuban state university Alexander Ivanov considers. " At present..."

Meteor/Meteorite News- 30AUG09

Jupiter rising, ready to shine

Akron Beacon Journal
Q: I heard on the local radio that a meteorite hit a house in Canton during the Perseid meteor shower earlier this month. Is this true, and how big was it? ...

What's Up in September

The sky above us and the special events we see periodically, such as meteor showers, comets, northern lights, and eclipses, changed very little in the past ...

Meteorite crater guidebook shows visitors unique features

WQOW TV News 18
Geologists have concluded that a meteorite hit an area in Pierce County millions of years ago. Now, visitors who are interested are able to take a tour of ...

When worlds collide

Observer Online
It's been more stunning than the Perseid meteor shower. It can only truly be described as worlds colliding. Worlds colliding. Epic. ...

Spectacular Bolide over Italy 17JUL09 30AUG09

Photo by Enrico Stomeo, Italy (c) 2009 All Rights Reserved

-11.0 ecliptical fireball at 004630 UT

Obs: Enrico STOMEO (STOEN)
Loc: Scorze'(VE), Italy, +45.56726 -12.11395 +20 (IMO code 14083)
VideoCamera ccd: MIN38 Ob.3,8 f:0,8 (field 89.2x68.6) + MetRec_41

29 August 2009

ALH 84001 -Photo by NASA

Balmy water once bathed Mars rock claimed to host life
New Scientist Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:32 AM PDT
Researchers have yet to confirm a controversial claim that a meteorite from Mars boasts fossilised life, but a new study suggests the rock did form in hospitable conditions ....

28 August 2009

France- Meteorite Claimed Found 24AUG09 28AUG09

Une météorite découverte en ville haute ?

L'Aisne Nouvelle vous l'a révélé dans sa précédente édition : dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, trois personnes dont le président de l'association lilloise, ont constaté depuis l'observatoire astronomique de Lille le passage d'une météorite dans le Nord de la France. A Bohain, un couple a vu dans le ciel « comme une étoile filante bleu vert ».
À Laon, plus exactement rue des Chenizelles, à une trentaine de mètres seulement de l'hôtel de ville, Fabrice Filip a découvert lundi sur sa terrasse un drôle de caillou, aussi lourd qu'une boule de pétanque, de couleur sombre. ...


Meteor/Meteorite News- Dr. "Lunar" Randy Korotev 28AUG09

Photo by Dr. Randy Korotev

Rockin' since 1969

Student Life
Aside from studying the Apollo 11 samples, Korotev also spends much of his time analyzing lunar meteorites retrieved from the Middle East, Australia, ...

New Zealand Meteor/Meteorite News- New Zealand Meteor Reported 28AUG09

'Fiery' meteor sighted

Last updated 11:18 28/08/2009

A fiery meteor blazed a trail through the skies this morning, with sightings reported from Christchurch to Rotorua.

Did you see the meteor? Did you take a photograph? Email newstips@stuff.co.nz.

Zoe Battersby was out for an early walk along Jimmy Amers beach in Kaikoura at around 6.10am when she noticed a "very large meteor".

"It was very bright - the size of a streetlight. It looked like it fell into the sea," she said.

Alan Gilmore, resident superintendent of the University of Canterbury Mt John Observatory said meteors enter the atmosphere over New Zealand "several times a year" but he doubted that the rock made it to the ground or water level.

“This meteor is very typical, and often they burn up at about 70kms up. It’s very rare for them to actually land. They are coming into a thicker atmosphere, travelling at 30km a second. The friction is strong and they slow up and start to break up. It’s like throwing a stone at a concrete path,” he said.

Gilmore said as the meteor breaks up, witnesses often see a bright flash known as a 'terminal fireball'.

He said meteors "burning up coming through air - white hot with friction - start to glow". Meteors could be seen from as far as 100kms up and could be seen from almost 1000kms away.

"They are spectacular, often a bright white centre which is the actual rock, - a tiny, brilliant star - with a teardrop-shaped glow that’s brilliant emerald green caused by the oxygen and the radiation coming off the rock," he said.

Gilmore said on the rare occasion that a meteor lands - then becoming known as a meteorite - its arrival is often heralded with a sonic boom caused by the temperature layers that exist closer to the surface, below 60kms.

Because of the range of reported sightings, Gilmore expected the meteor entered the atmosphere somewhere over the North Island.

"The impression of closeness is deceptive. Because they are bright, people think [the meteorite] landed a couple of paddocks away."


Submitted by Paolo Gallo, M.V.

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News- 28AUG09

Fiery' meteor sighted

By SHAHRA WALSH - The Press A fiery meteor blazed a trail through the skies this morning, with sightings reported from Christchurch to Rotorua. ...

Meteor lights up NZ sky

Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:01a.m. If you thought you were experiencing a Close Encounters moment this morning, the bright light in the sky was not aliens - it was a meteor entering the Earth's atmosphere.

Residents of cities as far apart as Rotorua and Christchurch saw the display. ... (more)

'Moon rock' in Dutch museum is just petrified wood

AMSTERDAM – It's not green cheese, but it might as well be.

The Dutch national museum said Thursday that one of its prized possessions, a rock supposedly brought back from the moon by U.S. astronauts, is just a piece of petrified wood.

Rijksmuseum spokeswoman Xandra van Gelder, who oversaw the investigation that proved the piece was a fake, said the museum will keep it anyway as a curiosity. ... http://enews.earthlink.net/article/top?guid=20090827/4a9612d0_3426_1335020090827-1890578962

Providence Journal
Block Island surfaces on Mars

Providence Journal
By C. Eugene Emery Jr. The largest meteorite ever found on Mars, discovered by the Mars Rover Opportunity, has been dubbed Block Island. ...

EarthSky: Look for Sporadic Meteors any Clear Evening

Berthoud Recorder
There is so much you can observe in the sky even without a telescope, and of course meteors –– also called shooting stars –– are high on the list. ...

Meteors put on impressive show

NZ City
A witness says she saw a meteor land near South Eyre Rd in North Canterbury at around 6am. She initially thought the bright light was a flare but changed ...

27 August 2009

Italy Meteor/Meteorite News- Photo of Italian Fireball 19July09 27AUG09

Meteor of July 19, 2009 * big fireball

photo by
Big fireball at 015918 UT, 19JUL09.
This event has was observed in all N-Italy, and in Switzerland and France.
The big flash (-20 ?), which was at half path, covered most
of the meteor, which was 40 degrees long. The begin of the
fireball is left and the end is right. The fireball has been
captured from all three my videocameras. Stomeo

link http://meteore.uai.it

Thank you Stomeo! Great Photo.

AZ Meteorite News- UK Students Receive Meteorites 26AUG09

Ralph Sonny Clary, Meteorite Hunter And Philanthropist, Makes Important Donation To British School ... Sonny Clary is a great example of how one individual ...

Arizona Meteor/Meteorite News- AZ Meteorite Found by Mike Farmer 27AUG09

This meteorite fell on June 23, 2009 at ~11 pm in southern Arizona. A large fireball was seen from the Mexican border to central Arizona. A friend of mine found pieces less than 48 hours after the fall, so I rushed home from Germany to search. After two weeks, I finally found one of the best stones, a 130 gram flight-oriented specimen covered in flow lines. To date we have found a total of 16 stones weighing a total of 2.5 kilograms.

26 August 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- 26AUG09

30-Pound Meteorite Stolen

Hartford Courant
By CHRISTINE DEMPSEY MONTVILLE — - A meteorite has been reported stolen from the gift shop at The Dinosaur Place on Route 85. Workers at the business, ...

Meteorite reported stolen from Oakdale shop

Norwich Bulletin
Police are seeking a suspect in the theft of a meteorite from Nature's Art at 1650 Route 85 in Oakdale. Owner Roger Phillips said the $2200, 30-pound nickel ...

Great ball of fire

Northumberland Today
If it was a meteorite five miles up, then it was gigantic. I thought at first it was someone's fireworks skyrocket — but there was no sound. ...

30-Pound Meteorite Stolen

Hartford Courant
The meteorite is valued at $2200 and is believed to have been taken Friday or Saturday, said Sgt. Chris Johnson, state police spokesman. ...

Australia Meteor/Meteorite News- Australia Prospective Meteorite Tax 26AUG09

Australia's prospective massive & catastrophic meteorite tax

This morning I was watching Dr Karl Kruszelnicki as he described the probability of a massive meteorite hitting the earth in the next 50 to 100 years and ...

Meteor/Meteorite News- Alien Visitors and Human Response 26AUG09

09:29 - 8 months ago youtube.com
This is part one of the 1951 science-fiction classic "The Day The Earth Stood Still." ...

(Note: If you wish to view the other parts of the movie please search YouTube.)

For the background behind the plot, please see:

25 August 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- Day of 25AUG09

Perseids, writ large

Discover Magazine
The Earth has left the Perseid meteor stream behind, but last week's display was caught by many a photographer. This video, however, is the best I've seen. ...

Perseid Meteor Shower 2009

Web User
Tomorrow sees the peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower, which will be clearest to UK stargazers just before dawn and from late evening on August 12, ...

Saturn's rings still puzzle scientists

msnbc.com - Jeremy Hsu
... suggests that the rings resulted from the debris of a shattered moon from around 4 billion years ago, during a period of heavy meteorite bombardment. ...

24 August 2009

Sweden Meteorite News- Year of Meteorite Fables-Molly the Dog Strikes a Rock 24AUG09

Kinder Fabel- Molly der Beasthund und Meteoriten
Translated by Thomas Österberg, Sweden
It looks like the dog Hopper now has got a competitor, living in southern Sweden! Her name is Molly.

According to the newspaper Sydsvenska Dagbladet, a meteorite fell down in front of a group of children (and the dog Molly) last week, just outside the small village St.Olof, situated in the Swedish provice of Scania, about 100 km east of Copenhagen.

Heres a link to the article: http://sydsvenskan.se/sverige/article538923/Barn-nara-att-traffas-av-mystisk-flygande-sten.html

I have tried to translate the text content to English.

The children Villmaron Andreas son 9, Linn-Klara Andreas daughter 7, Ebba Larsson 8, and Vinga Andreas daughter 11, were out and went with the family dogs into the grove behind Sankt Olof (in the province of Scania, southernmost Sweden).
They heard a sound, "schwissssss", said Villmaron and shows with his arms how fast the stone damp down, just a few meters in front of them.
"It was like smoke".
When the stone hit the ground, dust and smoke swirled up.
Villmaron first thought it was a branch that had fallen down, but the dog Molly, first got very scared, finally took courage, and sniffed her way to the stone, situated in a hole a few inches down.
It was Molly who found it!
The stone is very black and full of holes. Looks like it was burnt of fire, says Villmaron.
It almost looks like a piece of petrified lava says Villmarons father Andreas Johansson.
The children immediately took the stone with them and run home. They were very excited, says their mother Maja Larsson.
They talked in mouth of each other and told their parents that the rock fell from the sky with a high velocity and how the gravel had whirled up and how scared the dog had been. Then the kids run on to Grandma and Grandpa living in the same village, in order to show them the stone too. When the children had left, their mother Maja started to brood.
"First after a while it went up for me how lucky the children had been. Imagine if anybody of them had been hit by the stone? It could have gone really bad".
The first I found out to do was to call Ystads Allehanda (a local newspaper) says Maja laughing.
Is it really a meteorite? Well the family is convinced that it is! At the official web site of the National Museum of Natural History in Stockholm, we learn that a meteorite will be magnetic.
Maja ties a refrigerator magnet to a sewing thread and holds the magnet next to the stone. The magnet attracts directly to the stone. The shape and colour also corresponds to the description of a meteorite at the National Museum web site. Can it be of any worth wonder Maja tactfully?
But she rapidly concludes that this issue is not important. The stone will be framed and hanged up on the wall, as a memory of an exceptionally event.
First the stone will be sent to the Swedish Museum of Natural History for identification. If it's turns up to is genuine meteorite the story will be even better!

Thomas notes:
The picture of the stone makes me a little bit suspicious. Has some similarities to a piece of slag.
Happy hunting.

LunarMeteorite*Hunter- Thank you Thomas for your kind report!!

Looks like another G Lindfors in Swedish Meteorite History story.
This is at least the third or fourth meteorite fable of the year; Hopper, German School Boy, English Chickens Boy, and now Molly of Sweden.

Colorado Meteorite News- Ode to `Ole John Moore-Johnstown Meteorite 24AUG09

JT Meteorite specimen donated to Parish museum

Posted on Thursday, August 07 @ 00:18:03 CDT

(photo in original article; see link above)

Misty McNally, center, smiles as she looks at a piece of the Johnstown Meteorite owned by Sandy Lebsack, left. Also admiring the space rock is Jack Murphy, right, a former scientist with the Denver Museum of Nature and Science who has spent much of his life studying the 1924 phenomenon. Photo courtesy Clyde Briggs

By Ardis Briggs
The Johnstown Breeze

JOHNSTOWN – A piece of the Johnstown Meteorite has again landed in Johnstown.

A small part of the rock from space that fell July 6, 1924, was presented to the Johnstown Historical Society Tuesday night by its owner, Misty McNally.

McNally, a former Johnstown resident who now lives in Kansas City, had the fragment of the meteorite sent to town via the postal service. She marked the package “fragile” and so ensured the meteorite’s second landing was softer than the first.

The 1924 landing startled folks from Johnstown to Mead, as pieces large and small rained upon the area that Sunday afternoon. Small fragments hit roofs like hail, but it was one large chunk that made history. It landed by the entrance of the local cemetery and interrupted the funeral of John Moore. Startled funeral go-ers grabbed the shovel intended to fill in Moore’s grave and ran to unearth the smoldering piece which smashed nearby.

The fact the fall was witnessed by so many and the pieces recovered immediately is a rarity even now. But it was considered as amazing then, and tiny Johnstown became famous overnight. The meteorite itself is a rare type, an igneous cement-looking rock which has fooled seekers for years.

Jack Murphy, an expert on meteorites who retired a few years ago after 35 years at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, told the story of the meteorite Tuesday night. He also told several people who brought pieces of what they hoped were the meteorite they did not have a part of the celebrity rock.

One who did, however, told her meteorite story.

Sandy Wiest Lebsack showed her piece, nicknamed “Chip,” to the group and told how her grandfather, Peter Wiest, kept it for years and passed it to her. That has been the only local documented fragment in this area of the 28 confirmed pieces recovered, said Murphy. The largest piece was sold after its fall to the Denver museum and then to the American Museum in New York, where it is still. But now McNally's gift to the museum can be added to the list of documented fragments and a piece of local history has again come home.

Murphy had a gift for the museum too. He presented a copy of the front page of the Denver Post in July 1924 with the picture of a little girl and recovered pieces of the Johnstown meteorite. That little girl, “little Miss Beth Bailey,” as the article states, is Murphy’s mother. Her father worked at the museum, and she was there when the specimens were brought out to show the press. Therefore, she was added to the photo with the space rocks; rocks her son has spent years researching.

The piece of the meteorite and the front-page picture will be added to the display at the museum telling about Johnstown’s visitor from space.

Editor’s note: According to a story published about a year ago in The Johnstown Breeze, it was reported a 29th piece of the Johnstown Meteorite had been found by a Johnstown resident. After the story was published, the sample was examined by Murphy, who has said he does not believe it is a piece of the meteorite.

Impact News- Martian Impact Skid Mark Images 24AUG09

Slope Streaks on Mars - Featured images for August 2009

Whole story with images:

"Several of the streaks are triggered by impact craters
that have dark ejecta."

"Other interesting observations include triggering of
slope streaks by an impact crater, blast from an impact
explosion, or boulders rolling or bouncing downslope,
and formation of long linear ridges within the streak
that are parallel to its margins."

Source: Paul H., Baton Rouge, LA, USA

Meteorite News- Michael Farmer Meteorite Hunter 24AUG09

Bensour, Morocco
March 2002

Thuathe, Lesotho
February 2003

New Orleans, Louisiana
Sept 2003

Moss, Norway
July, 2006

Muonionalusta, Sweden
July and August, 2006/2007

Cali, Colombia
July, 2007

Puerto Lápice, Spain
September, 2007

Carancas, Peru
(H4) Crater-forming impact
September, 2007

Berduc, Argentina
April, 2008

Ash Creek Texas
February 15, 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- Amino Acids from Comets 24AUG09


Fetched from a faraway comet, distinctive amino acids

Philadelphia Inquirer
Amino acids have also turned up in meteorites - and reportedly lent a distinctive smell to pieces of the famous Murchison meteorite, which fell on Australia ...

Meteorite News- Jumping Asteroids 24AUG09

Jumping Asteroids

Jumping Asteroids
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
August 18, 2009

How our solar system was formed has fascinated scientists and laymen
alike for -- well, for a really, really long time. New research may have
answered a piece to the puzzle - how big were the first planetesimals?

For those of you scoring at home," planetesimals" were the first solid
objects in our newly minted solar system (also known as the
protoplanetary disk). They began life as small grains of dust orbiting
an infant sun. These grains would bump into each other, clump together
and gradually form larger grains of dust, which eventually became small
space rocks.

Now the theory goes that some of these small rock-sized planetesimals
aspired for greater things, and continued to gradually grow in size to
become asteroids, and that a few of those continued to grow beyond the
asteroid stage and become planets.

The problem with this tidy little theory is that when the burgeoning
space rocks grew to about one meter (3.3 feet) in size, orbital
mechanics tells us the gas comingling with them in the protoplanetary
disk should have acted like a brake, slowing their velocity appreciably.
Their orbital speed having been cut, these filing cabinet-sized space
rocks would have spiraled into the sun. Essentially, the gas would have
acted as a celestial "mini-vacuum." The problem is, there are asteroids
up there in space. Honest, ask any astronomer. So what happened?

Evidence is now mounting that these small space rocks quickly "jumped"
(or grew) in size from below one meter to multi-kilometer in size.
Planetesimals that big were big enough to plow through the drag created
by the gas in the protoplanetary disk without having their orbits
appreciably altered. Hence they did not spiral into the sun.

What data point to a jump in asteroid sizes? Simply, the asteroids
available for viewing in the night's sky. Telescopic surveys indicate
there is currently a plethora of asteroids less than one kilometer (.62
mile) wide but those over one kilometer drop considerably in number. The
authors used computer simulations in an attempt to mimic the impacts and
coagulation processes that took place over the millions of years between
when the asteroids formed and now. The only way they could arrive at the
current asteroid size distribution was to begin these simulations with
planetesimals that quickly morphed into asteroids hundreds of kilometers
in size. Once their growth spurt was over, these massive celestial
bodies began an epoch-sized game of demolition derby as they orbited the
sun. Over the eons, and with each extraterrestrial pileup, came fewer
and fewer large asteroids - a fragmentation process that continues to
this day. Despite the modest sizes of asteroids today, the paper's
authors conclude that asteroids must have been born big.

The paper, "Asteroids Were Born Big" is available now online from the
ScienceDirect website and will be available in a future edition of the
journal Icarus.

For more information about asteroids and other near-Earth objects please
visit: www.jpl.nasa.gov/asteroidwatch .

Canada Meteorite Impact News- Online PDF, Papers and Theses 24AUG09

Canadian Impact Crater - Online PDF papers and Theses

Henrik Westbroek, H., 1997, Seismic interpretation of two possible
meteorite impact craters: White Valley, Saskatchewan and Purple
Springs, Alberta. Unpublished M.S. Thesis, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.




Mazur, M. J., 1999, The seismic characterization of meteorite
impact structures. Unpublished M.S. Thesis, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.




Mazur, Michael J. , Robert R. Stewart, Alan R. Hildebrand, Don
C. Lawton, and Hans-Hendrik Westbroek, 2000, Seismic
characterization of impact craters. CSEG Recorder. vol. 25,
no. 6, pp. 10, 12-16.



Mazur, Michael J. , Robert R. Stewart, Alan R. Hildebrand, Don
C. Lawton, and Hans-Hendrik Westbroek, 1999, Seismic
characterization of impact craters: A summary. CREWES
Research Report. vol. 11, Chap 54. (Department of Geoscience,
University of Calgary)




Westbroek, Hans-Henrik, and Robert R. Stewart, 1996, The
formation, morphology, and economic potential of meteorite
impact craters. CREWES Research Report. Chap. 34.
(Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary)




Source Paul H.. Baton Rouge, LA, USA

Meteor/Meteorite News- 24AUG09

Kingston College's Mr Meteorite sells off 80 per cent of collection
Kingston Guardian Sat, 22 Aug 2009 10:40 AM PDT
A former Kingston College pupil who amassed the largest private collection of meteorites in the UK waved goodbye to 80 per cent of his finds last week - and raked in more than £100,000. ...

The man who fell to Earth

Salt Lake Tribune
Books » USU professor finds his own intimate history in the science of chasing meteorites, little bits of fallen sky. By Ben Fulton Utah State University ...

Astro-Büro Meteoriten zum Anfassen

wienweb.at - Wien,Austria
Am Samstagabend bietet das Astronomische Büro Wien Meteoriten zum Anfassen an. Im Freiluft-Planetarium Sterngarten Georgenberg findet ab 21 Uhr ein ...

23 August 2009

Iran Meteor/Meteorite News- Galilean Nights in Iran 23AUG09

Galilean Nights in Iran
by Pouria Nazemi

Dear Friends,
We are going to organize Galilean Nights Project in Iran. In 100 HA
more than 70 events was held in all across the Iran and we hope that
we can repeat such success.
So we launch a Persian weblog at
to help people and groups
in Iran for this event .
So please share us your Ideas and news
Hope that we celebrate great nights of Galileo.
All the Best

Pouria Nazemi
Science Journalist
Jam-e-Jam Daily Newspaper Science Editor
Nojum (Persian Astronomy) website news adviser.(www.nojum.ir)
Iranian Astronomy Society - Amateur Committee
Astronomers Without Borders - West Asia RC
Tel: Office +98 (21) 2222 25 11/ Science service
Mobile 912 240 48 59
P.O.Box: 16535-479

22 August 2009

Belgium Meteor/Meteorite News- Photos of Belgium 15AUG09 Fireball 22AUG09

Bolide over Belgium 15AUG09
photo report by Vincent Jacques

Here is an virtual image from the video recording from Luc Demeyer. The size of bolide increase quickely. Duration: 4 seconds, 7 images. For video: www.meteorite.be

The radio recording of this bolide by an astro club of Spa (Belgium)
Credit photo = GAS Groupe Astronomique Spa (c)2009

Thank you:
Vincent Jacques, Belgium
Luc Demeyer, Belgium
Luc Bastiaens, Belgium
GAS Groupe Astronomique Spa, Belgium

Meteor/Meteorite News- 22AUG09

'Meteorite' shatters man's conservatory

What he saw convinced him it was an Enstatite chondrite meteorite. He contacted the Natural History Museum, who told him meteorites hitting falling to earth ...

Aluminium helps date solar system

Chemistry World
Some of the oldest particles clumped together to form chondrites - primitive meteorites - and these grain-like building blocks are known as ...

Meteor strikes for life, worms with flash bombs, newt ribs

Early in the history of the Solar System, there was a 20-million-year-long shower of asteroids and comets onto the inner planets. ...

Boy goes looking for eggs, finds meteor

Josh was egg-collecting in his pyjamas last Friday - the day after a Perseid meteor shower - when he found the rock by his house near Barnstaple, Devon. ...

Boy finds meteorite while egg-collecting
redOrbit Fri, 21 Aug 2009 05:42 AM PDT
A 6-year-old boy in Barnstable, England, says he found a small meteorite while collecting eggs from his family's hens.The Daily Mail said Thursday that Josh Chapple noticed a shiny black item in his family's garden last week and with help from his mother Sarah and the Internet, he soon determined the item was a rare meteorite.I saw it on the ground near our back door -- there were burn marks all ...

Six-year-old boy finds meteorite in his garden

A six-year-old boy got an extraterrestrial surprise when he went to collect eggs from his flock of hens and found a meteorite in his garden. ...


Another video, although very unstable and not very sharp taken by a
Belgian located in Lac du Val Joly in Willies (France) for the
fireworks over there at the time.

Last part of the video is the start of the fireworks...

Original post on the forum of our observatory:


21 August 2009


Bolide Streaks Over Europe Seen by Thousands 15AUG09
Belgium Meteor/Meteorite News
UPDATED Report by Vincent Jacques, Belgium 21AUG09

photo of 15AUG09 bolide taken from Netherlands

On 15 august 2009 at 21:59 local time (19:59 TU) a bright bolide was observed over Europe.
The bolide exploded into two fragments, and was red- yellow; later, after some fragmentation it was extremmely bright, typically green in color.

This bolide was observed by several thousand people from all Netherland, all Belgium, western Germany, western Switzerland, and the north of France.
Fortuanately, the weather was excellent, warm, no clouds, and this day was an official day off.

Two All Sky Cameras recorded (the first in center of France and the second in Alsace, near the German border). Two amateurs recorded the bolide also in Belgium, one during a music concert in Flanders and another during a city party in Wallonie.
In the Netherlands, a lucky car driver took a photo of the bolide.
In Belgium, the "Groupe Astronomie de Spa" recorded the radio path of the bolide, and the audible perturbation during 40 seconds on FM band.

I collected hundreds observation reports, and it seems that a little meteorite could have fallen in the northwest of France or west of Belgium; just before the Channel or North Sea.

Here are included some links:

Link to one Belgian television report:

Link to radio recording + audible perturbation:

Link to "all sky station", in center of France, at more than 400 Km of the real trajectory: http://france.allsky.camera.free.fr/observation.html

Link to an amateur video recording:

There are many press articles about this bolide on the Internet ( press from Netherland, Belgium, and France):






Best regards,

Vincent JACQUES from Belgium

Thank You Vincent for your kind report!!!!

Meteor/Meteorite News- 20AUG09

Block Island Offers More Opportunities For Closer Inspection

Space Daily
This puts other meteorite surface targets within reach of the rover's robotic arm. On Sol 1976 (Aug. 15, 2009), the MI collected a mosaic of the target ...

Boy finds meteorite while egg-collecting
UPI Thu, 20 Aug 2009 14:37 PM PDT
BARNSTABLE, England, Aug. 20 (UPI) -- A 6-year-old boy in Barnstable, England, says he found a small meteorite while collecting eggs from his family's hens.

Chłopiec zamiast jajek przyniósł meteoryt

Gazeta.pl - Poland
6-latek, który poszedł poszukać jajek na tyłach fermy w hrabstwie Devon, zamiast nich znalazł meteoryt - donosi brytyjski Dailly Mail. ...

7 Awesome Acts of Nature (That Science Can't Explain)

Ethiopian Review
It is no surprise that shit falls from the sky during a meteor shower (that's pretty much 90 percent of the definition). But sometimes what rockets to the ...

Plan a family star gazing night

You can also check http://stardate.org/nightsky/meteors to find out when the best meteor showers are and what part of the sky to watch for them. ...

The Stars Are Out At The Custer Institute

This time of the year especially, visitors are in for a treat, as the Perseids meteor showers have added to the Institute's weekend tours. ...

15:17 Jongetje (6) vindt meteoriet

De Telegraaf - Amsterdam,Noord Holland,Netherlands
Josh Chapple vond naats zijn achterdeur een meteoriet. De zwartglanzende steen van 6 bij 4 centimeter kwam na de meteorenregen van vorige week. ...

20 August 2009

Iran Meteor/Meteorite News- Astronomy Marathon IYA2009 20AUG09

Iranian Astronomy Marathon Held for IYA 2009

Dear Friends,
The third Sufi Observing Competition was held in the ancient site
of Pasargadae last night in celebrating IYA 2009.

This competition based on Marathon + , but with some changes in time
and list of objects. The name of this competition came after Abdo
Rahman Sufi Razi, Persian great astronomer and sky observer in about
1000 years ago, who wrote the great book “Book of Fixed Stars” and in
that book, listed few non stellar objects such as M31, Magellan Clouds
and 7 other objects as “Nebula” for the first time. He worked at
Shiraz ancient observatory and had long trips to observed sky from
different places.

In the 3rd Sufi Competition 116 astronomers (46 girls and 70 Boys)
gathered from all across the country in Pasargadae palace to hold the
After one day workshop about opportunities in front of amateur
astronomers , the competition was started near the tomb of The Cyrus
the great. And competitors observed list of 150 non stellar objects
and after the jury team accept their observation they went to the
next object.
After on great night observing in 2 class of teams and personal
competitors the winners were announced.
The closing ceremony was hold at Persepolis palace with the Sound and
the Light show and the winners get their awards.
Beside the competition, SUFI present its lifetime achievement in
astronomy prize to professor Riazi who played a great role in modern
astronomy of Iran.
ASIAC hope to hold the next year competition as an international scale
in association with AWB.
All of the observers from all around the world are welcome .
I will send you more photos and report soon.

Pouria Nazemi
Science Journalist
Jam-e-Jam Daily Newspaper Science Editor
Nojum (Persian Astronomy) website news adviser.(www.nojum.ir)
Iranian Astronomy Society - Amateur Committee
Astronomers Without Borders - West Asia RC
Tel: Office +98 (21) 2222 25 11/ Science service
Mobile 912 240 48 59
P.O.Box: 16535-479

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News- 20AUG09

Josh, six, went out for eggs and picked up a meteorite

This is North Devon
A SIX-year-old boy from Bratton Fleming has found what is thought to be a meteorite in his back garden. Josh Chapple, of Wall Over Barton Farm, ... *another HOAX??

NASA budget woes setting stage for asteroid impact events?

Although a potential impact wiping out the earth is unlikely, there have been lesser impacts that have occurred, such as the infamous 1908 meteor that hit ...

How to Recognise a Meteorite

The largest private collection of meteorites and space memorabilia in the UK was auctioned off yesterday, in Edinburgh. The rocks were collected by Rob ...

Teachers, Whip Up a Mouth-Watering Meteorite Activity
redOrbit Wed, 19 Aug 2009 15:20 PM PDT
A recent meteorite discovery on Mars and an edible classroom activity provide a scrumptious way to kick off the new school year with a meteorite lesson.Mars meteorite discoveredNASAâs Opportunity Mars rover recently spotted a rock that looked as big as a large watermelon.

I do so love the Martian watermelon. Perhaps you read David Perlman's piece...
San Francisco Chronicle Wed, 19 Aug 2009 02:02 AM PDT
I do so love the Martian watermelon. Perhaps you read David Perlman's piece about it in This Very Newspaper. Allow me to quote the first paragraph: "Opportunity, the tireless Mars rover now trekking across a Martian plain in search of small meteorite...

Meteorite hunter Rob Elliott auctions space rocks collection
New Kerala Wed, 19 Aug 2009 01:45 AM PDT
London, August 19 : Meteorite hunter Rob Elliott has sold almost his entire collection of space rocks that gathered 113,000 pounds at an auction in Edinburgh.

'Block Island' Meteorite on Mars, Sol 1961 (False Color)
SpaceRef Tue, 18 Aug 2009 18:29 PM PDT
This view of a rock called "Block Island," the largest meteorite yet found on Mars, comes from the panoramic camera (Pancam) on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity.

£8000 is paid for Barwell meteorite

Leicester Mercury
A meteorite fragment as old as the Earth itself which landed in Leicestershire has been sold for £8000. The 2lb lump of space rock was part of the meteorite ...

Meteorite investigation continues on Luella stones

Sherman Denison Herald Democrat
After finding two rocks this past Thursday morning that she suspects to be meteorites, Walker got in touch with several local experts to confirm the ...

Down on the Farm -- Santa Fe

AG Week
At another gallery were meteorites, rocks and minerals. You can get a meteorite found in Siberia, sliced in half and polished to reveal its beautiful layers ...
See all stories on this topic
Glatton Meteorite is sold

Peterborough Today
By Tara Dundon A TINY fragment of a meteorite which fell from outer space and crashed into a pensioner's city garden has been sold at an auction. ...