Showing posts with label GAS Groupe Astronomique Spa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GAS Groupe Astronomique Spa. Show all posts

22 August 2009

Belgium Meteor/Meteorite News- Photos of Belgium 15AUG09 Fireball 22AUG09

Bolide over Belgium 15AUG09
photo report by Vincent Jacques

Here is an virtual image from the video recording from Luc Demeyer. The size of bolide increase quickely. Duration: 4 seconds, 7 images. For video:

The radio recording of this bolide by an astro club of Spa (Belgium)
Credit photo = GAS Groupe Astronomique Spa (c)2009

Thank you:
Vincent Jacques, Belgium
Luc Demeyer, Belgium
Luc Bastiaens, Belgium
GAS Groupe Astronomique Spa, Belgium