The latest edition of the IMO Video Meteor Database to our homepage has been updated
The PosDat files now contain 420,468 single station meteors recorded in 3,182 observing nights and 95,553 hours of effective observing time between 1993/01/02 and 2008/12/31.
A little anecdote:
When the PosDat format was invented, a three letter index was considered sufficient to link meteors in the data file to observing sessions in the header file. After all, that makes up for 26^3=17,576 observing sessions.
Well, by Dec 2008 we had collected 17,498 sessions (one session per camera and night) and got to the index ZWZ. When writing this we will have jumped over the three three letter limit, and next time I will have to use both letter and digits. That gives me a total of 36^3=46,656 header entries which should be sufficient for the next 2~3 years. ;-)
Sirko Molau
Abenstalstr. 13b
D-84072 Seysdorf
29 January 2009
27 January 2009
Meteor Activity Outlook for January 24-30, 2009
January sees a peak of sporadic activity for the southern hemisphere while rates seen north of the equator begin a steady downward turn that continues throughout the first half of the year. The sporadic activity is good for both hemispheres, but not as good as it was for northern observers in December. Once the Quadrantids have passed the shower activity for January is very quiet. During this period the moon reaches it new phase on Monday January 26th. At this time the moon lies in the vicinity of the sun and is invisible at night. Late next week the waxing crescent moon appears in the evening sky but sets soon after the end of twilight. Thus there is no lunar interference during this period. The estimated total hourly rates for evening observers this week is near two no matter your location. For morning observers the estimated total hourly rates should be near ten for those located in the mid-northern hemisphere (45 N) and twelve for those viewing from the mid-southern hemisphere (45 S). Locations between these two extremes would see activity between the listed figures. These rates assume that you are watching from rural areas away from all sources of light pollution. The actual rates will also depend on factors such as personal light and motion perception, local weather conditions, alertness and experience in watching meteor activity.
The radiant positions and rates listed below are exact for Saturday night/Sunday morning January 24/25. These positions do not change greatly day to day so the listed coordinates may be used during this entire period. Most star atlases (available at science stores and planetariums) will provide maps with grid lines of the celestial coordinates so that you may find out exactly where these positions are located in the sky. A planisphere or computer planetarium program is also useful in showing the sky at anytime of night on any date of the year. Activity from each radiant is best seen when it is positioned highest in the sky, either due north or south along the meridian, depending on your latitude. It must be remembered that meteor activity is rarely seen at the radiant position. Rather they shoot outwards from the radiant so it is best to center your field of view so that the radiant lies at the edge and not the center. Viewing there will allow you to easily trace the path of each meteor back to the radiant (if it is a shower member) or in another direction if it is a sporadic. Meteor activity is not seen from radiants that are located below the horizon. The positions below are listed in a west to east manner in order of right ascension (celestial longitude). The positions listed first are located further west therefore are accessible earlier in the night while those listed further down the list rise later in the night.The following showers are expected to be active this week:The wide Antihelion (ANT) radiant is now centered at 09:12 (138) +15. This area of the sky lies on the Leo/Cancer border, twelve degrees northwest of the first magnitude Regulus (Alpha Leonis). This radiant is best placed near 0100 LST, when it lies on the meridian and is located highest in the sky. Due to the large size of this radiant, any meteor radiating from Cancer or western Leo could be a candidate for this shower. Rates at this time should be near three per hour as seen from the northern hemisphere and two per hour for observers located south of the equator. With an entry velocity of 30km/sec., the average Antihelion meteor would be of medium-slow speed.Later next week the Alpha Centaurids (ACE) become active from a radiant located at 12:56 (194) -55. This area of the sky is located in southern Centaurus, six degrees southeast of the second magnitude star Gamma Centauri. Current rates would be less than one shower member per hour. These meteors are best seen near 0500 local standard time when the radiant lies highest above the horizon. This shower is not visible north of 35 degrees north latitude and also poorly seen in the northern tropics. The southern hemisphere offers a much better view of this activity as the radiant lies much higher in the southern sky. Those located at high southern latitudes will actually encounter morning twilight before the radiant reach esculmination. At 56 km/sec. the Alpha Centaurids will usually produce meteors of swift velocity.The last remnants of the Coma Berenicids (COM) will be seen this week from a radiant located at 13:00 (195) +16. This area of the sky is located in southeastern Coma Berenices, two degrees southwest of the fourth magnitudes tar Alpha Comae Berenices. These meteors are best seen near 0500 LST when the radiant lies highest above the horizon. Rates should currently be 30">less than one per hour no matter your location. At 64 km/sec. the Coma Berenicids will usually produce meteors of swift velocity. As seen from the mid-northern hemisphere (45N) one would expect to see approximately thirteen Sporadic meteors per hour during the last hour before dawn as seen from rural observing sites. Evening rates would be near two per hour. As seen from the mid-southern hemisphere (45S), morning rates would be near fifteen per hour as seen from rural observing sites and three per hour during the evening hours. Locations between these two extremes would see activity between the listed figures.The table below presents a summary of the expected activity this week. Rates and positions are exact for Saturday night/Sunday morning but may be used all week.
Antihelion (ANT) - 09:12 (138) +15 Velocity -30km/sec.
Hourly Rates - Northern Hemisphere - 3
Southern Hemisphere - 2
Alpha Centaurids (ACE) 12:56 (194) -55 Velocity - 56km/sec.
Hourly Rates - Northern Hemisphere - <1> (COM) 13:00 (195) +16 Velocity - 64km/sec.
Hourly Rates - Northern Hemisphere - <1
Clear Skies!
Robert Lunsford American Meteor Society
The radiant positions and rates listed below are exact for Saturday night/Sunday morning January 24/25. These positions do not change greatly day to day so the listed coordinates may be used during this entire period. Most star atlases (available at science stores and planetariums) will provide maps with grid lines of the celestial coordinates so that you may find out exactly where these positions are located in the sky. A planisphere or computer planetarium program is also useful in showing the sky at anytime of night on any date of the year. Activity from each radiant is best seen when it is positioned highest in the sky, either due north or south along the meridian, depending on your latitude. It must be remembered that meteor activity is rarely seen at the radiant position. Rather they shoot outwards from the radiant so it is best to center your field of view so that the radiant lies at the edge and not the center. Viewing there will allow you to easily trace the path of each meteor back to the radiant (if it is a shower member) or in another direction if it is a sporadic. Meteor activity is not seen from radiants that are located below the horizon. The positions below are listed in a west to east manner in order of right ascension (celestial longitude). The positions listed first are located further west therefore are accessible earlier in the night while those listed further down the list rise later in the night.The following showers are expected to be active this week:The wide Antihelion (ANT) radiant is now centered at 09:12 (138) +15. This area of the sky lies on the Leo/Cancer border, twelve degrees northwest of the first magnitude Regulus (Alpha Leonis). This radiant is best placed near 0100 LST, when it lies on the meridian and is located highest in the sky. Due to the large size of this radiant, any meteor radiating from Cancer or western Leo could be a candidate for this shower. Rates at this time should be near three per hour as seen from the northern hemisphere and two per hour for observers located south of the equator. With an entry velocity of 30km/sec., the average Antihelion meteor would be of medium-slow speed.Later next week the Alpha Centaurids (ACE) become active from a radiant located at 12:56 (194) -55. This area of the sky is located in southern Centaurus, six degrees southeast of the second magnitude star Gamma Centauri. Current rates would be less than one shower member per hour. These meteors are best seen near 0500 local standard time when the radiant lies highest above the horizon. This shower is not visible north of 35 degrees north latitude and also poorly seen in the northern tropics. The southern hemisphere offers a much better view of this activity as the radiant lies much higher in the southern sky. Those located at high southern latitudes will actually encounter morning twilight before the radiant reach esculmination. At 56 km/sec. the Alpha Centaurids will usually produce meteors of swift velocity.The last remnants of the Coma Berenicids (COM) will be seen this week from a radiant located at 13:00 (195) +16. This area of the sky is located in southeastern Coma Berenices, two degrees southwest of the fourth magnitudes tar Alpha Comae Berenices. These meteors are best seen near 0500 LST when the radiant lies highest above the horizon. Rates should currently be 30">less than one per hour no matter your location. At 64 km/sec. the Coma Berenicids will usually produce meteors of swift velocity. As seen from the mid-northern hemisphere (45N) one would expect to see approximately thirteen Sporadic meteors per hour during the last hour before dawn as seen from rural observing sites. Evening rates would be near two per hour. As seen from the mid-southern hemisphere (45S), morning rates would be near fifteen per hour as seen from rural observing sites and three per hour during the evening hours. Locations between these two extremes would see activity between the listed figures.The table below presents a summary of the expected activity this week. Rates and positions are exact for Saturday night/Sunday morning but may be used all week.
Antihelion (ANT) - 09:12 (138) +15 Velocity -30km/sec.
Hourly Rates - Northern Hemisphere - 3
Southern Hemisphere - 2
Alpha Centaurids (ACE) 12:56 (194) -55 Velocity - 56km/sec.
Hourly Rates - Northern Hemisphere - <1> (COM) 13:00 (195) +16 Velocity - 64km/sec.
Hourly Rates - Northern Hemisphere - <1
Clear Skies!
Robert Lunsford American Meteor Society
Impact Craters-Free PDF Files of GSA Fieldguides
The chapters of the following GSA field guides can downloaded freely as PDf files for an unknown period of time. Some chapters, which deal with impact craters are:
1. The Jeptha Knob cryptoexplosion structure, Kentuckyby C. Ronald Seeger, Centennial Field Guide Volume 6
2. The Calvin 28 cryptoexplosive disturbance, Cass County, Michigan by Randall L. Milstein, Centennial Field Guide Volume 3
3. The Kentland Dome, Indiana: A structural anomalyby Raymond C. Gutschick, Centennial Field Guide Volume 3
4. Meteor Crater, Arizona by Eugene M. Shoemaker, Centennial Field Guide Volume 2
Many other PDF files for these field guides can be found at:
Centennial Field Guide Volume 1, Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America ISBN:
Centennial Field Guide Volume 2 Rocky Mountain Section of the Geological Society of America ISBN: 0-8137-5402-X
Centennial Field Guide Volume 3 North-Central Section of the Geological Society of America ISBN: 0-8137-5403-8
Centennial Field Guide Volume 4 South-Central Section of the Geological Society of America ISBN: 0-8137-5404-6
Centennial Field Guide Volume 5 Northeastern Section of the Geological Society of America ISBN: 0-8137-5405-4
Centennial Field Guide Volume 6 Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America ISBN: 0-8137-5406-2
The links to all of these volumes can be found as links in"Field Guides" at:
Source: Paul V. Heinrich, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
1. The Jeptha Knob cryptoexplosion structure, Kentuckyby C. Ronald Seeger, Centennial Field Guide Volume 6
2. The Calvin 28 cryptoexplosive disturbance, Cass County, Michigan by Randall L. Milstein, Centennial Field Guide Volume 3
3. The Kentland Dome, Indiana: A structural anomalyby Raymond C. Gutschick, Centennial Field Guide Volume 3
4. Meteor Crater, Arizona by Eugene M. Shoemaker, Centennial Field Guide Volume 2
Many other PDF files for these field guides can be found at:
Centennial Field Guide Volume 1, Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America ISBN:
Centennial Field Guide Volume 2 Rocky Mountain Section of the Geological Society of America ISBN: 0-8137-5402-X
Centennial Field Guide Volume 3 North-Central Section of the Geological Society of America ISBN: 0-8137-5403-8
Centennial Field Guide Volume 4 South-Central Section of the Geological Society of America ISBN: 0-8137-5404-6
Centennial Field Guide Volume 5 Northeastern Section of the Geological Society of America ISBN: 0-8137-5405-4
Centennial Field Guide Volume 6 Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America ISBN: 0-8137-5406-2
The links to all of these volumes can be found as links in"Field Guides" at:
Source: Paul V. Heinrich, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Asteroid 2009 BD 26JAN09
Image credit for coorbital asteroid: NASA

There's a newly-discovered weird asteroid kid on Earth's block, and it's moved in close. Really, really close, in space terms.
Asteroid 2009 BD is cruising by us today at a distance of only about 400,000 miles, according to NASA's Near Earth Object Program. This strange asteroid is estimated to be 5. 7 meters to 13 meters in diameter.
Astronomers will be studying 2009 BD with great interest, because it may be a very rare coorbital asteroid. In 2006, NASA's Dr. Tony Phillips explained how these type of asteroids corkscrew as they move in tandem with Earth:
These asteroids are called Earth Coorbital Asteroids or "coorbitals" for short. Essentially, they share Earth's orbit, going around the Sun in almost exactly one year. Occasionally a coorbital catches up to Earth from behind, or vice versa, and the dance begins: The asteroid, while still orbiting the sun, slowly corkscrews around our planet.
Sometimes, coorbitals hang around for awhile:
2004 GU9 is perhaps the most interesting. It measures about 200 meters across, relatively large. And according to calculations just published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (S. Mikkola et al., 2006) it has been looping around Earth for 500 years--and may continue looping for another 500. It's in a remarkably stable "orbit:.
2009 BD will be in Earth's neighborhood for awhile, giving scientists a change to evaluate it, and its path. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has an applet that shows the asteroid's orbit.
What else is going on in our neck of the woods? Earth's Busy Neighborhood offers a traffic report.
Source: by Patricia Phillips, Space News Examiner
Image credit for coorbital asteroid: NASA

There's a newly-discovered weird asteroid kid on Earth's block, and it's moved in close. Really, really close, in space terms.
Asteroid 2009 BD is cruising by us today at a distance of only about 400,000 miles, according to NASA's Near Earth Object Program. This strange asteroid is estimated to be 5. 7 meters to 13 meters in diameter.
Astronomers will be studying 2009 BD with great interest, because it may be a very rare coorbital asteroid. In 2006, NASA's Dr. Tony Phillips explained how these type of asteroids corkscrew as they move in tandem with Earth:
These asteroids are called Earth Coorbital Asteroids or "coorbitals" for short. Essentially, they share Earth's orbit, going around the Sun in almost exactly one year. Occasionally a coorbital catches up to Earth from behind, or vice versa, and the dance begins: The asteroid, while still orbiting the sun, slowly corkscrews around our planet.
Sometimes, coorbitals hang around for awhile:
2004 GU9 is perhaps the most interesting. It measures about 200 meters across, relatively large. And according to calculations just published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (S. Mikkola et al., 2006) it has been looping around Earth for 500 years--and may continue looping for another 500. It's in a remarkably stable "orbit:.
2009 BD will be in Earth's neighborhood for awhile, giving scientists a change to evaluate it, and its path. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has an applet that shows the asteroid's orbit.
What else is going on in our neck of the woods? Earth's Busy Neighborhood offers a traffic report.
Source: by Patricia Phillips, Space News Examiner
24 January 2009
Massachusetts & Rhode Island Fireball 23JAN09 8:48pm EST
Image of Vectors by Charles Viau
(click on image for larger view)
Latest Update 25JAN09:
Vectors Plotted:
By searching the net for observers of this fall, and plotting 16 relative vectors using only 8 cardinal headings (N,NE,E,SE...) from where they were to where they saw this bolide, it points to an area of interest centered around Foxboro, MA in a 10 mile radius. Interesting but that is a very large area. This thing was huge and probably dropped some rocks. Biggest one ever seen around for sure. Perhaps someone has a video from a security cam that may provide better info.
Source: Charles Viau, Braintree, MA
Comment on Meteor Trajectory by Chris Peterson, Colorado, USA 27JAN09
The sightings in this case are unusual because they are so close to the apparent event. As a rule, people don't see overhead meteors, so witness reports tend to be richest 100 miles or more away, where you see the meteor near the horizon (especially at times of the day, as in this case, where most reports come from people in cars).I don't know what the New England weather conditions were like at the time; perhaps conditions outside the immediate area were not good for seeing into Massachusetts. The reports suggest it was cloudy.In any case, this pattern would suggest a fairly steep descent (which itself makes it much less likely that any meteorites survived). Shallow descents cover a lot of ground, so they are usually seen over wider areas- sometimes over paths many hundreds of miles long. Steep descents are associated with a rapid increase in pressure and an earlier breakup of the parent, making it more likely that the debris will burn up completely. The best scenario for meteorite production is a low velocity (most likely to be seen in the early evening), and a relatively shallow entry angle. That gives the meteoroid lots of time to slow down without breaking into small pieces while the speed is still very high.
Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory
FIREBALL SIGHTING: Observers in Massachusetts and Rhode Island are reporting a "huge, pulsating blue-green fireball" sighted within minutes of 8:48 pm EST on Jan. 23rd. It was bright enough to be seen through heavy cloud cover, according to one witness.
Source: Robert Woolard, USA
MASS. PIKE FIREBALL: Last night a meteoroid of unknown size hit Earth's atmosphere over New England. Its bright, blue-green disintegration startled motorists driving along the Massachusetts Turnpike and surrounding areas: eye-witness accounts.
Eyewitness Accounts:
Location: near Auburn Massachusetts
Comments: James Vasalofsky: "I saw the fireball on 1/23/09 around 8:48pm. It was blue-ish green when it first appeared, then it was a bright light that lasted about 2 seconds. I was on the Mass Pike heading East near Auburn and it was off to the right in the direction of the South. It was an amazing sight! I've seen meteor showers before but this seemed really close. I assume it was a meteor."
Location: Foxboro, Massachusetts
Comments: Robert Russell: "I was driving home with my family at about 9pm on Friday, Jan 23rd, and we saw what looked to be a huge fireball coming straight down from the black sky. All four of us saw the same thing and were all shocked. It was much bigger than a typical shooting star and was certainly going straight down as opposed to shooting horizontally across the sky. It had blue and green colors in it too. It appeared to have landed or struck down just north of Rt 495 and just east of Rt 95 somewhere in Foxboro or Mansfield."
Location: Lexington, Massachusetts
Comments: Mark A. Abel: "On January 23 at 8:48PM EST I was traveling on I-95 South bound in the Lexington area near the Hanscom Airfield when I saw the bluish-green fireball out of the corner of my eye. At first I thought I may had caught a glimpse of an airplane landing flood light since I was in the Hanscom Airfield area but then it emerged from behind the low level clouds again and I could see that it indeed was a brilliant fireball."
Location: Wakefield, Rhode Island
Comments: Donna & Randy Swanson: "We observed a huge pulsing blue green fireball through the clouds tonight @ 8:48 PM dropping past the horizon, due NE into the Atlantic ocean towards Cape Cod. Bright enough to be seen through heavy cloud cover!"
Location: Agawam, Mass.
Comments: John B Byerly: "At 8:50 pm from Agawam Massachusetts looking easterly I saw a blue green fire ball through a pretty thick cloud cover. It lasted maybe a second with a significant tail. I am a total amateur but It looks similar to the video that was posted a couple of days ago."
Location: North Windham, Connecticut
Comments: Paulette Harwood: "My husband and I observed the fireball while heading southeast on Rt. 6 in North Windham, CT. It was quite large and had a green glow."
Location: MassPike between exits 11 and 11A
Comments: E. Szymczak: "I was driving east on the MassPike and at a few minutes before 9 between exits 11 and 11A and saw a huge green fireball that appeared to come from the north fairly close to the horizon. It was spectacular!"
Location: Warwick, Rhode Island
Comments: Joe Malachowski: "My son and I saw the fireball at 8:48pm on 1.23.09 in Warwick, Rhode Island. It was blue-green and lasted approximately 3 seconds - ended without a flash. This was the brightest meteor I've seen in my 46 years, brighter even than the one I saw at the Grand Canyon 2 years ago."
Location: Little Compton, Rhode Island
Comments: Anthony Russi: "I was sitting in my den and through my window I saw a dazzling fireball drop from the night sky. I live in little Compton, Rhode Island on the Sakonnet River, the object was east of me. It came straight down and looked like huge flare. Sometime around 8:30."
Location: Connecticut
Comments: Briana: "At approx. 8:45pm, our family was driving north on route 395 between route 97 & 169 in CT. My husband said, 'Look, Look, Look!!' And there, straight ahead, was a very bright object heading for the ground. For me it was gone quickly, but my husband said he saw it above the clouds, then it disappeared for a moment behind some clouds, then he saw it again below the clouds. Because of this we both think it had to have hit the ground. Most likely someplace in NE CT, possibly between Danielson and Thompson. It was very cool, but I hope no one was hurt."

(Sedan Nuclear Test Crater-Nevada)
We've had some successful trips in the past to place such as the Marquez Dome, K-T Boundary, and the Sierra Madera impact structures.
This year, we're going to take a slightly different type of field trip -- to the Nevada Test Site to visit nuclear explosion craters!
This email is our first announcement for this year's Impact Field Studies Group (IFSG) field trip to the Nevada Test Site (and possible optional trip to the Alamo Breccia).
This low cost, pre-LPSC day trip will be based out of Las Vegas, Nevada and will occur Friday, March 20th, 2009.
Registration this year will be tight. If you're interested, you must let me know by FEBRUARY 5.
This trip will be unlike the others in that security clearance is required in order to attend. For citizens of the U.S. and "non-sensitive" countries, the security clearance process is relatively simple. For IFSG members from "sensitive" countries, it is a bit more involved.
So if you'd like to go, please let me know ASAP. The maximum number of participants that we can have on this trip is 40. So first come, first security clearance -- first serve.
Keith A. Milam, PhD
Department of Geological Sciences
Ohio University
316 Clippinger Laboratories
Athens, Ohio 45701
We've had some successful trips in the past to place such as the Marquez Dome, K-T Boundary, and the Sierra Madera impact structures.
This year, we're going to take a slightly different type of field trip -- to the Nevada Test Site to visit nuclear explosion craters!
This email is our first announcement for this year's Impact Field Studies Group (IFSG) field trip to the Nevada Test Site (and possible optional trip to the Alamo Breccia).
This low cost, pre-LPSC day trip will be based out of Las Vegas, Nevada and will occur Friday, March 20th, 2009.
Registration this year will be tight. If you're interested, you must let me know by FEBRUARY 5.
This trip will be unlike the others in that security clearance is required in order to attend. For citizens of the U.S. and "non-sensitive" countries, the security clearance process is relatively simple. For IFSG members from "sensitive" countries, it is a bit more involved.
So if you'd like to go, please let me know ASAP. The maximum number of participants that we can have on this trip is 40. So first come, first security clearance -- first serve.
Keith A. Milam, PhD
Department of Geological Sciences
Ohio University
316 Clippinger Laboratories
Athens, Ohio 45701
email: "Keith Milam"
23 January 2009
Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network - December 2008
Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network -
December 2008 reported by Sirko Molau reported
December 2008 reported by Sirko Molau reported
Italian Fireball on Dec 20, 2008, at 21:06:20 UT.
Video of Italian meteor on Dec 20, 2008, at 21:06:20 UT. =========================================================
A very successful year 2008 petered out with a meager December. In the first half of the month, there was reasonable weather at hardly any site, such that the Geminids did not only became a victim of the Moon, but also of the clouds. Only western Germany enjoyed clear skies in the maximum nights. In the second half of December, the weather slowly improved. So there were already a few more observers who caught the Ursid maximum. From Christmas on, the weather became close to perfect at many sites, so that the statistics improved a bit towards the end. Finally there were at least three cameras who managed to get more than 20 observing nights. The monthly total for December was nearly 2,300 hours effective observing time and more than 10,000 meteors.
Last month, we could once more welcome a new observer in the camera network, whom I was especially happy about. With Klaas Jobse, a real "veteran" of video meteor observation found his way to us. Five years before I constructed my first meteor camera, Klaas was already recording meteors by video in the Netherlands with BETSY1. His current system BETSY2 utilizes the same powerful image intensifier as AVIS2 and OND1. So it comes as no surprise, that Klaas managed to get nearly a thousand video meteors from scratch using the perfect weather at the end of 2008.
Let's now have a look at the biggest showers of December. As mentioned before,the Geminids could hardly be observed in 2008. In the IMO Video MeteorDatabase, however, they are the third strongest shower with more than 12,000 members. According to the latest edition of the IMO handbook for meteor observers, they are active between December 7 and 17, reaching their maximum at December 13. In the current video data analysis, the shower was clearly detected between December 5 and 18. The position of the Geminid radiant agrees well with the value from literature (, only the drift direction differs slightly. The calculated velocity of 35 km/s is identical to the value given in the handbook. The long-term activity profile of the Geminids ( has an asymmetric shape witha moderate ascent until the maximum on December 13/14, followed by a steep descent. Three days after the maximum the shower is hardly detectable anymore.
A few days before Christmas is the time of the Ursids. This year, we had at least in Italy and Portugal clear skies, such that the maximum on December 21/22 could be covered by seven cameras. The activity profile resulting from 164 Ursids and 200 sporadics is given in figure: The Ursid counts were determined in one hour intervals, corrected by the radiant altitude, and averaged overall cameras. For comparison, the hourly sporadic rate is given. The activity of the Ursids was rising up to the maximum between 2 and 3 UT on December 22,thereafter it was declining again. As expected, the sporadic activityincreased steadily towards the morning. Figure gives a comparison of the Ursids in 2008 and the previous two years, whereby the activity was plotted against the solar longitude. It is obvious that the activity level in 2008 was lower than in the two years before.What do we learn from the video meteor database about the Ursids? Accordingto the IMO handbook, they are active between December 17 to 26. This agrees well with the activity interval December 16 to 25 derived from 750 video Ursids. Due to the lower meteor number, the radiant drift( is not as well determined as for major showers. Still, the radiant is on average close to the expected position, and also the determined velocity of 32 km/s agrees well with thevalue from the IMO handbook (33 km/s).The long-term activity profile ( reveals, that the Ursids are reasonably active in only a very short interval,which confirms the observation from the last two years. The two degrees insolar longitude is an upper limit, because the maximum is smeared out when sliding intervals of two degrees length are used.Let finally have a look at the Coma-Berenicids, which are active in December,too. The current edition of the IMO handbook points to a significant discrepancy between the radiant position published earlier and the results from a first video data analysis in 2006. Could that result be confirmed by the current analysis based on 2,300 shower meteors? On the first glimpse, the observed radiant position seems to match well to the values from the old handbook ( A closer inspection, however, reveals an offset of about 17 days. On January 6, for example, the radiant is observed at a position given for December 20 according to the old ephemeris. In other words, the radiant is off by 15 degrees (or one hour) in the north western direction. The activity interval, on the other hand, agrees well with the value from literature.The handbook lists an interval of December 12 till January 23 (with amaximum near December 20), whereas the radiant was well observed between December 9 and January 27 in the video data. Also the calculated velocity(64 km/s) is in good agreement with the handbook (65 km/s). Figure shows the activity profilederived from the video data. The maximum on December 20 is confirmed,whereby the profile is less pronounced than that of other showers. The peak ZHR of five given in the IMO handbook does not seem to be reached. For comparison, the profile derived from visual data (based on the old radiant position) is given with blue dots. Up to a solar longitude of 275 degrees,both profiles agree well. Thereafter there are larger discrepancies. Let's now have an overview of the record year 2008, in which 24 observers (2007: 22) from 10 countries (2007: 9) contributed to the camera network withoverall 37 camera systems (2007: 30). Most of the stations of the IMO network are still located along a north south axis in Central Europe (Germany, Slovenia, Italy), but the situation improves also in other regions. Due to the extention of the camera network, we could collect more data than ever. Thanks to the leap year, we got an unbeaten 366 (2007: 364) observing nights, in which almost 23,000 observing hours (2007: 17,000) could be collected. The average number of meteors per hour (4.0) decreased once more(2007: 4.4). One reason is, that most cameras joining the network are unintensified. In addition, most major showers of 2008 became a victim ofthe weather or the Moon. Still, we could record more than 92,000 meteors (2007: 75,000). For the first time, we managed to get more than a thousand observing hour seach month. In February and August till December, it was even more than two-thousand hours. The best result of all was achieved in October 2008 with 2,750 hours of effective observing time and more than 17,000 meteors. Eight observers (2007: 6) managed to get more than 200 observing nights in 2008. With 336 nights, Sirko Molau was again on top of the list, improving his own record from 2007 by 12 nights. Javor Kac, Joerg Strunk, Carl Hergenrother and Bernd Brinkmann all got about 250 nights. Note that Carl joined the network only in March. Furthermore, all peak performers besides Carl and Bernd operated more than one camera. The results for each observerare given in the next table, whereby the number of cameras and stations refers to the main time of year. ==============================================================
Let's have a look at the ten most successful video systems. REMO1 in Ketzuerand MINCAM1 in Seysdorf were again on top. They are followed by SALSA in Tucson, which will probably take over the lead in 2009. The camera with the highest output (AVIS2: 9790 meteors) and "only" 153 nights did not make it to the TOP 10 Cameras. ============================================================== All observations of 2008 are check for consistency and stored in the video meteor database. In a few days time, the data will be made available is PosDat format at for free download. At this point, I would like to thank all participants in the IMO networkfor the fine cooperation in 2008. I wish all of us much success in the new year 2009. Written by Sirko Molau www :
Last month, we could once more welcome a new observer in the camera network, whom I was especially happy about. With Klaas Jobse, a real "veteran" of video meteor observation found his way to us. Five years before I constructed my first meteor camera, Klaas was already recording meteors by video in the Netherlands with BETSY1. His current system BETSY2 utilizes the same powerful image intensifier as AVIS2 and OND1. So it comes as no surprise, that Klaas managed to get nearly a thousand video meteors from scratch using the perfect weather at the end of 2008.
Let's now have a look at the biggest showers of December. As mentioned before,the Geminids could hardly be observed in 2008. In the IMO Video MeteorDatabase, however, they are the third strongest shower with more than 12,000 members. According to the latest edition of the IMO handbook for meteor observers, they are active between December 7 and 17, reaching their maximum at December 13. In the current video data analysis, the shower was clearly detected between December 5 and 18. The position of the Geminid radiant agrees well with the value from literature (, only the drift direction differs slightly. The calculated velocity of 35 km/s is identical to the value given in the handbook. The long-term activity profile of the Geminids ( has an asymmetric shape witha moderate ascent until the maximum on December 13/14, followed by a steep descent. Three days after the maximum the shower is hardly detectable anymore.
A few days before Christmas is the time of the Ursids. This year, we had at least in Italy and Portugal clear skies, such that the maximum on December 21/22 could be covered by seven cameras. The activity profile resulting from 164 Ursids and 200 sporadics is given in figure: The Ursid counts were determined in one hour intervals, corrected by the radiant altitude, and averaged overall cameras. For comparison, the hourly sporadic rate is given. The activity of the Ursids was rising up to the maximum between 2 and 3 UT on December 22,thereafter it was declining again. As expected, the sporadic activityincreased steadily towards the morning. Figure gives a comparison of the Ursids in 2008 and the previous two years, whereby the activity was plotted against the solar longitude. It is obvious that the activity level in 2008 was lower than in the two years before.What do we learn from the video meteor database about the Ursids? Accordingto the IMO handbook, they are active between December 17 to 26. This agrees well with the activity interval December 16 to 25 derived from 750 video Ursids. Due to the lower meteor number, the radiant drift( is not as well determined as for major showers. Still, the radiant is on average close to the expected position, and also the determined velocity of 32 km/s agrees well with thevalue from the IMO handbook (33 km/s).The long-term activity profile ( reveals, that the Ursids are reasonably active in only a very short interval,which confirms the observation from the last two years. The two degrees insolar longitude is an upper limit, because the maximum is smeared out when sliding intervals of two degrees length are used.Let finally have a look at the Coma-Berenicids, which are active in December,too. The current edition of the IMO handbook points to a significant discrepancy between the radiant position published earlier and the results from a first video data analysis in 2006. Could that result be confirmed by the current analysis based on 2,300 shower meteors? On the first glimpse, the observed radiant position seems to match well to the values from the old handbook ( A closer inspection, however, reveals an offset of about 17 days. On January 6, for example, the radiant is observed at a position given for December 20 according to the old ephemeris. In other words, the radiant is off by 15 degrees (or one hour) in the north western direction. The activity interval, on the other hand, agrees well with the value from literature.The handbook lists an interval of December 12 till January 23 (with amaximum near December 20), whereas the radiant was well observed between December 9 and January 27 in the video data. Also the calculated velocity(64 km/s) is in good agreement with the handbook (65 km/s). Figure shows the activity profilederived from the video data. The maximum on December 20 is confirmed,whereby the profile is less pronounced than that of other showers. The peak ZHR of five given in the IMO handbook does not seem to be reached. For comparison, the profile derived from visual data (based on the old radiant position) is given with blue dots. Up to a solar longitude of 275 degrees,both profiles agree well. Thereafter there are larger discrepancies. Let's now have an overview of the record year 2008, in which 24 observers (2007: 22) from 10 countries (2007: 9) contributed to the camera network withoverall 37 camera systems (2007: 30). Most of the stations of the IMO network are still located along a north south axis in Central Europe (Germany, Slovenia, Italy), but the situation improves also in other regions. Due to the extention of the camera network, we could collect more data than ever. Thanks to the leap year, we got an unbeaten 366 (2007: 364) observing nights, in which almost 23,000 observing hours (2007: 17,000) could be collected. The average number of meteors per hour (4.0) decreased once more(2007: 4.4). One reason is, that most cameras joining the network are unintensified. In addition, most major showers of 2008 became a victim ofthe weather or the Moon. Still, we could record more than 92,000 meteors (2007: 75,000). For the first time, we managed to get more than a thousand observing hour seach month. In February and August till December, it was even more than two-thousand hours. The best result of all was achieved in October 2008 with 2,750 hours of effective observing time and more than 17,000 meteors. Eight observers (2007: 6) managed to get more than 200 observing nights in 2008. With 336 nights, Sirko Molau was again on top of the list, improving his own record from 2007 by 12 nights. Javor Kac, Joerg Strunk, Carl Hergenrother and Bernd Brinkmann all got about 250 nights. Note that Carl joined the network only in March. Furthermore, all peak performers besides Carl and Bernd operated more than one camera. The results for each observerare given in the next table, whereby the number of cameras and stations refers to the main time of year. ==============================================================
Let's have a look at the ten most successful video systems. REMO1 in Ketzuerand MINCAM1 in Seysdorf were again on top. They are followed by SALSA in Tucson, which will probably take over the lead in 2009. The camera with the highest output (AVIS2: 9790 meteors) and "only" 153 nights did not make it to the TOP 10 Cameras. ============================================================== All observations of 2008 are check for consistency and stored in the video meteor database. In a few days time, the data will be made available is PosDat format at for free download. At this point, I would like to thank all participants in the IMO networkfor the fine cooperation in 2008. I wish all of us much success in the new year 2009. Written by Sirko Molau www :
21 January 2009
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA Fireball 21JAN09
Just in case there is something going on....just had:
mag -8 to -10 object over southern Alberta tonight 20090121 02:57:14 nice slow 6 seconds, from W to S.
Source: Alister Ling
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Just in case there is something going on....just had:
mag -8 to -10 object over southern Alberta tonight 20090121 02:57:14 nice slow 6 seconds, from W to S.
Source: Alister Ling
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
20 January 2009

************* (Top Right)4th fireball 19JAN09 Larry Stange (c) 2009
(Bottom Left)3rd Fireball Photo Credit: Larry Stange (c)2009
Almost all within 24 hours. AMS records multiple sightings on 18JAN09 at 5:33 PM PST, and others on 18JAN09 at 11:26 PM PST, and 19JAN09 at 9:53 PM PST. Now 4!!!
Almost all within 24 hours. AMS records multiple sightings on 18JAN09 at 5:33 PM PST, and others on 18JAN09 at 11:26 PM PST, and 19JAN09 at 9:53 PM PST. Now 4!!!
19JAN09 2345:48 PST. Another fireball in the same general area but a little higher in altitude, SE to SSW.2 seconds long. Bright but no burst.
19JAN09 2345:48 PST. Another fireball in the same general area but a little higher in altitude, SE to SSW.2 seconds long. Bright but no burst.
2153 PST tonight, moments ago. Another big one in the same area. Looks like S.Calif. is a fireball magnet lately, this being the third in one day.
Occuring on Jan 19,2009 at 2153:37 PSTDuration 3 Seconds, Brightness >1/4 moon,Starting Azimuth 127 Degrees, Altitude 32 Degrees,Ending Azimuth 146 Degrees, Altitude 16 Degrees. Website picture & movie on website, right click & then left click for full size. Scaling included.
Source: Larry Stange, California, USA
2153 PST tonight, moments ago. Another big one in the same area. Looks like S.Calif. is a fireball magnet lately, this being the third in one day.
Occuring on Jan 19,2009 at 2153:37 PSTDuration 3 Seconds, Brightness >1/4 moon,Starting Azimuth 127 Degrees, Altitude 32 Degrees,Ending Azimuth 146 Degrees, Altitude 16 Degrees. Website picture & movie on website, right click & then left click for full size. Scaling included.
Source: Larry Stange, California, USA
Fireball Seen Over SW United States 19JAN09
The American Meteor Society has received over two dozen reports of a brilliant fireball occurring over southern California. The event occurred at 5:33pm PST on January 18 (01:33 UT Jan 19) and was widely observed over the southern half of California, western Nevada, and western Arizona (including the Phoenix area).There are a wide range of magnitude estimates but we can safely assume this object was at least as bright as the full moon, magnitude -13.Summaries of these reports may be viewed on the AMS website at:
See event #42.
Robert Lunsford
--posted on Global Meteor Observing Forum
Another Report 19JAN09:
"Wow, the sky is falling these days! Bob Haag just called me and told me that he just saw about ~1hour ago, a large daylight fireball, headed from south to north, toward Phoenix. I spoke to someone else and an explosion in the sky was observed from North of Phoenix, looking south. This was still daylight, so it seems to be rather large. We will see what turns up on this one, bu no ocean to fall into here!"
Michael Farmer, Tucson, Arizona, USA
The American Meteor Society has received over two dozen reports of a brilliant fireball occurring over southern California. The event occurred at 5:33pm PST on January 18 (01:33 UT Jan 19) and was widely observed over the southern half of California, western Nevada, and western Arizona (including the Phoenix area).There are a wide range of magnitude estimates but we can safely assume this object was at least as bright as the full moon, magnitude -13.Summaries of these reports may be viewed on the AMS website at:
See event #42.
Robert Lunsford
--posted on Global Meteor Observing Forum
Another Report 19JAN09:
"Wow, the sky is falling these days! Bob Haag just called me and told me that he just saw about ~1hour ago, a large daylight fireball, headed from south to north, toward Phoenix. I spoke to someone else and an explosion in the sky was observed from North of Phoenix, looking south. This was still daylight, so it seems to be rather large. We will see what turns up on this one, bu no ocean to fall into here!"
Michael Farmer, Tucson, Arizona, USA
18 January 2009
Fireball over Sweden 17JAN09
Video of 17JAN09 Scandinavian Fireball:
Reports from Sweden:
Here's some more links to the bolide seen over southern Sweden Saturday night 08.06 PM:
A witness (according to the Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan) said it looked like a giant welding flame rapidly travelling from North East towards South West. The obseration was done about 100 km East of Copenhagen.
Strangely, I haven't seen any reports of noise or booms connected to the event. Although living in the southern part of Sweden (about 200> km NNE of Copenhagen), I missed the event :(
Source: Thomas Österberg
Video of Fireball:
Video Credits: Roger Svensson lyckades filma ljusfenomenet. Foto: Läsarbild/Roger Svensson
Original Article: Newspaper, Sweden 18JAN09
TV: Spektakulärt fenomen lyste upp Sydsverige
Ett spektakulärt himlafenomen över södra Sverige på lördagskvällen fick oroliga människor att ringa ner både polis och SOS Alarm. - Det var ett stort klot som for fram över en grönfärgad himmel, berättar Christopher Tunner.
Ljusfenomenet uppenbarade sig strax efter klockan 20 och varade inte mer än tre-fyra sekunder.- Jag har aldrig sett något liknande, jag blev alldeles kall, säger Christopher som observerade fenomenet från sin bil i Kvarnby utanför Malmö.
Himlafenomenet observerades från Skåne och ända upp till Norrköping.- Jag och min granne stod ute när vi plötsligt fick se ett jättelikt rödblått klot med en flera kilometer lång eldsvans som for fram över himlen, berättar Monica Engström från Landvetter utanför Göteborg.- Det var en skrämmande upplevelse, en känsla av att nu kommer det att hända något förfärligt. Det hördes ingenting och sedan var det plötsligt borta.Lennart Honnér i Bunkeflostrand utanför Malmö beskriver fenomenet på ett annat sätt.- Det var ett intensivt ljust sken som pulserade över himlen mot sydväst under några sekunder. Det lyste upp hela himlavalvet.
"Ganska ovanligt"
SOS Alarm fick in ett stort antal samtal om ljusfenomenet under kvällen.- Vi har fått uppringningar från hela Skåne, säger driftsledaren Ola Nilsson. Observationerna skiljer sig något beroende på varifrån man ringt. En del har sett ett blått ljus, andra har sett något falla ner från himlen.- Vi kontaktade flygräddningen i Göteborg, men där visste man inte heller vad det handlade om.Gunnar Larsson-Leander är professor emeritus i astronomi vid Lunds universitet.- Tyvärr missade jag själv fenomenet, men beskrivningarna tyder på att det var en stor meteor som kom in i atmosfären och brann upp, säger han. Att de är så här ljusstarka är ganska ovanligt.- Det kan också ha varit en del av en satellit som störtat mot jorden, men det är mindre troligt.
"Ytterst sällsynt"
Det kan hända att en meteor är så stor att den inte hinner brinna upp utan faller mot jorden.- Då talar vi om en katastrof, säger Gunnar Larsson-Leander. Men eftersom det inte har kommit några rapporter om någon nedslagsplats så har den med största sannolikhet brunnit upp.Även Peter Linde - ordförande i astronomiska sällskapet Tycho Brahe, som har ett observatorium i Oxie utanför Malmö - lutar åt en meteor.- Det är ytterst sällsynt med så ljusstarka meteorer, så det grämer mig att jag missade fenomenet. Det händer kanske en gång var tionde år på varje given plats.- Men jag måste säga att det här var en bra början på det internationella astronomiåret som inleddes i Globen i onsdags.
Report From Holland:
This appears to be definitely the same fireball as seen from Holland last night indeed. Most reports here are from the north of the country (closest to the fireball), but amazingly Klaas Jobse's all sky camera in Zeeland in the southeast of the Netherlands (so several hundreds of km distant from the likely location of the fireball!) captured it very low above the horizon:
Dutch reports mention a few seconds duration, greenish colours and fragmentation and a brightness of at least -8 if not more. time: 19:10 UTC = 20:10 CET.
Source: Dr Marco (183294) Langbroek
Dutch Meteor Society (DMS)
In southern Netherlands, at Oostkapelle the Danish bolide was captured via an allsky station from european network. observation place: 51°33'55''N 3°33'03'' E elevation: +1m
Link to the picture:
Distance between bolide & station is approx. 550 to 580 Km The same bolide was observed from Belgium (observation place: 50°15' 12'' N 5°45'10 E Altitude: +580 m) , magnitude -5, big explosion in 6 to 7 fragments and next lot of fine fire particles.
Distance to bolide: approx 590 Km.
Source V.J. submitted on 21JAN09
German newsmedia report on the same incident:
Lichtblitz über Norddeutschland war möglicherweise
MeteoritRostock (dpa) - Ein greller Lichtblitz hat am Abend den Himmel über weiten Teilen Norddeutschlands erleuchtet. Zahlreiche Augenzeugen berichteten von einem bläulich-grünen Leuchten. Es habe den Himmel für einige Sekunden taghell erfüllt. Auch der Wetterdienst Meteomedia auf der Insel Hiddensee registrierte das Leuchten. Es sei eindeutig keine Wettererscheinung, sondern etwas Astronomisches gewesen, sagte eine Meteorologin. Womöglich sei es ein Meteorit gewesen, der bei Rostock in die Ostsee gefallen war.
© Die Welterschienen am 18.01.2009 um 12:10 Uhr.
Source: Dr. Svend Buhl
Meteorite Recon
The fireball was also seen in the northernpart of Germany.
Here is a small report, in german language:
Source: Carsten Giessler in Germany
It was seen by at least 5 aircraft crews on the way between Hamburg and Berlin. Two visual reports were registered from nothern Poland. Flashes mag. ~ -9.5 recording (CCTVs have seen only sky brightness change) were see near Gdynia (PFN24).
See: for details in polish.
Source: Grupa pod wezwaniem
The Polish Fireball Network also captured the flash of the fireball, but not, as yet, an image of the path. They do have several visual reports. Kamil Zloczewski has kindly provided the above information.
The following report from Germany includes the account of a pressure wave observed from Rostock on the north coast of Germany.,1518,601898,00.html
-- David Entwistl, UK
There is an interesting sequence of photos within this article. Also- there is mention of the "bang" which was absent from many other articles.
Mike Groetz--posted on
Meteorite-list mailing list,1518,602026,00.html
Northern Europe Marvels at Mysterious Blue LightFirst there was a bluish glow, then a bang and a shockwave. Residents across northern Europe marvelled at the mysterious phenomenon, which is believed to have been a meteorite crashing into the Baltic Sea off the coast of northern Germany over the weekend.A mysterious bluish-green flash of light followed by a loud bang alarmed residents across northern Germany, Denmark and southern Sweden on Saturday night and prompted dozens of people to call the police. "There was a dull thunder and I felt pressure in my chest," said one eyewitness in the northern German city of Rostock.
PHOTO GALLERY: MYSTERIOUS BLUE LIGHT SEEN IN NORTHERN EUROPE Click on a picture to launch the image gallery (4 Photos)
Authorities made checks and quickly ruled out the possibility the fireball had been a plane crash. A spokesman for the German Aerospace Center said: "It was probably a meteorite. That at least would explain the shockwave and the bang." A meteorologist for the Meteomedia weather service on the Baltic German island of Hiddensee said: "That definitely wasn't a weather phenomenon, it was something astronomical."Experts said the meteorite probably fell into the Baltic Sea not far from the port city of Rostock.
cro -- with wire reports
here you can view the video :
regards, oliver
It's even been mentioned today on the main page of BBC News, with a video (it still is at 2050 UTC):
Best regards,
Yann Kempf, France
Meteor styrtede mod jorden nær Danmark
17-01-09: 22:54 opd. 18-01-09: 17:43 af: Danny Høgsholt
Overvågningsbilleder fra Skåne viser meteoren styrte mod jorden.Video: Roger Svensson /
Kort efter kl. 20 lørdag aften styrtede en meteor mod jorden i nærheden af Danmark. Mere og mere tyder på, at ildkuglen endte i Østersøen.
Indberet din observation til ildkugle.dkModtag Vejrets Nyhedsbrev
Mange danskere havde nok sat sig godt til rette i sofaen lørdag aften for at se de danske håndboldherrer åbne VM mod Brasillien, da de kort før kampstart fik sig noget af en overraskelse ved at kigge ud af vinduet.
Et kraftigt lysglimt oplyste nemlig himlen i et par sekunder omkring kl. 20.10, der godt et minuts tid efter blev fulgt af en lavfrekvent rumlen fra 'det fjerne'. Alt tyder på at der er tale om en meteor.
Endte formentlig i ØstersøenEt overvågningskamera i Skåne fangede meteoren, da den styrtede mod jorden - og meldinger fra Skåne lyder på både et kraftigt lysglimt og et stort brag, meddeler den svenske avis Sydsvenskan.
Som følge af observationerne vuderes det af Tycho Brahe Planetariet, at meteoren bevægede sig henover Blekinge - og sent søndag eftermiddag kunne astrofysiker Michael Linden-Vørnle fortælle, at ildkuglen formentlig endte sit liv over Østersøen syd for Lolland-Falster.
Nåede formentlig ikke at ramme jordenOvervågningsbillederne og diverse observationer indikerer, at meteoren nåede at brænde op inden den ramte jordoverfladen. Det store brag, som blev hørt flere steder i Sydsverige og som i Danmark blev til en rumlen, skyldes formentlig at meteoren brød igennem lydmuren, pga. dens enorme hastighed.
Det er desuden meget sjældent at meteorer på himlen resulterer i deciderede nedslag på jorden. Sidst en meteor blev observeret i Danmark og man samtidig efterfølgende fandt rester af meteoritten på landjorden var i 1951.
Blev observeret flere steder i Danmark.Lysglimtet blev i Danmark observeret flere steder øst for Storebælt - og endda så langt mod vest som til Horsens kunne man kort efter kl. 20 kortvarigt se en oplyst aftenhimmel.
Den tidligere svenske professor i astronomi, Gunnar Larsson-Leander fra Lund Universitet, siger til Sydvenskan, at meteorer er ganske normale, men at det er usædvanligt at de er så lysstærke som tilfældet var lørdag aften.
Ud over i Danmark kunne lysglimtet også ses så langt mod nord som i Göteborg og så langt mod syd som Rostock i Tyskland og i det nordlige Polen. Ifølge Michael Linden-Vørnle begynder meteorer normalt at 'brænde' ca. 100 km over jorden.
MeteoridEt stenobjekt i kredsløb omkring Solen. Er mindre end en asteoride - dvs. typisk mindre end ca. 100 m i diameter.
Meteor (stjerneskud)Meteorid, der trænger ind i Jordens atmosfære, og begynder at 'brænde' under udsendelse af lys.
MeteoritEn meteor, der rammer Jordens overflade.
Populært kaldet stjernskudMeteorer, der populært også kaldes stjerneskud, er klumper af sten af varierende størrelse, der med stor fart trænger ind i Jordens atmosfære. Inden de bremses i Jordens atmosfære kan de opnå en hastighed på ca. 70 kilometer pr. sekund.
Når meteoren trænger ind i atmosfæren bremses den og foran den presses luften sammen med enorm styrke, hvilket opvarmer luften voldsomt. Opvarmingen får meteoren til at fordampe og gløde, hvilket ydermere resulterer i, at den lyser op.
Normalt brænder stenene op i atmosfæren i 'god tid' inden de rammer jorden, men er de store nok kan de nå ned helt ned til jordoverfladen. Når det sker kaldes resterne af meteoren for en 'meteorit'.
Meteorer af den kaliber, som blev observeret lørdag aften, opstår normalt en gang ca. hver femte måned. Men da størstedelen af jorden trods alt er ubeboet, blandt pga. 70% er dækket af vand, og mange meteorer kommer i dagslys, er de ikke ofte stedfæstet.
Har du observeret meteoren?Så du også lysglimtet eller hørte du braget fra meteoren lørdag aften, så kan du hjælpe astronomerne med at kortlægge meteorens bane og potentielle nedslagssted ved at indsende din observation på - følg linket i link-boksen til højre.
Meteorbrag skyldes hul i lydmuren
18-01-09: 11:34 af: kris
Mange danskere så og hørte i aftes lyset og det efterfølgende brag fra det, der formentlig er et meteornedslag. Lysglimtet stammer fra meteoren, der brænder op i atmosfæren, mens det store brag, som blev hørt af mange danskere, formentlig skyldes, at meteoren brød igennem lydmuren, pga. dens enorme hastighed.
TV 2 Nyhederne er blevet kontaktet af mange danskere, der troede, at der var tale om et tordenvejr over Danmark.
Når en meteor rammer atmosfæren, sker det med ca. 40-50 km/sekundet.
Meteor slog ned og lyste himlen op
18-01-09: 07:43 opd. 18-01-09: 09:09 af: Danny Høgsholt, kris
Mange danskere havde nok sat sig til rette i sofaen for at se de danske håndboldherrer spille deres første kamp ved VM, da de kort før kampstart fik sig noget en overraskelse ved at kigge ud af vinduet. Et kraftigt lys-glimt oplyste himlen i et par sekunder omkring kl. 20.10, der godt et minuts tid efter blev fulgt af en lavfrekvent rumlen fra 'det fjerne'. Der er med stor sandsynlighed tale om en meteor.
Et overvågningskamera i Skåne fangede meteoren, da den styrtede mod jorden - og meldinger fra Skåne lyder på både et kraftigt lysglimt og et stort brag.
I følge observationerne vuderes det af Tycho Brahe Planetariet, at meteoren bevægede sig henover Blekinge.
Ramte nok ikke jordenOvervågningsbillederne og diverse observationer indikerer dog, at meteoren lige akkurat nåede at 'brænde op' i atmosfæren inden den nåede jorden. Meteorens møde med atmosfæren forårsagede ifølge astrofysiker Michael Linden-Vørnle det brag, som mange danskere hørte efter lysglimtet.
Der er endnu heller ikke fundet noget eventuelt nedslagssted fra meteoren.
Det er da også ganske sjældent at meteorer på himlen resulterer i nedslag på jorden. Sidst en meteor blev observeret i Danmark og man samtidig efterfølgende fandt rester af meteoritten på landjorden var i 1951.
Så du meteoren?
18-01-09: 10:37 opd. 18-01-09: 14:22 af: 1234 Dine Nyheder kommentarer (41) Skriv kommentar
En meteor sendte i aftes et lysglimt hen over den østlige del af Danmark.
Hvordan oplevede du glimtet? Fortæl din beretning eller send dit billede til 1234.
Her er de første reaktioner fra danskerne:
Marianne Cornelius, Idestrup:"Min veninde min søn og jeg sidder og ser håndbold ca.kl. 2015 kommer der et voldsomt lys over det hele vi går ud for at se hvad det var og hører så en underlig rumlen der blev ved et godt stykke tid ! Det var ikke torden det lød nærmest som en bombe."
Morten Skov, Nysted på Lolland:"Vi oplevede det som et blændede lys der oplyste alt udenfor efterfulgt af en høj langtrukken buldrende lyd , nærmest som en flok Harley motorcykler der passerede. Da jeg åbnede et vindue spurgte min hustru om det var torden, hvortil jeg svarede jeg ikke vidste det og ikke kunne lokalisere lyden."
Palle Nielsen, Aabenraa:"Min kæreste og jeg var i går aftes på vej hjem til Åbenrå fra familie fest i Bjerringbro, og vi blev lidt forvirret da vi kom kørende imellem brædstrup og horsens ad hovedvej 52, da vi så et voldsomt blåt lysglimt, der varede ca 2 til 3 sekunder, vi troede umiddelbart at det var udrykningskøretøjer, men det kunne jo ikke passe, da lysglimtet var så kraftig og så kort, og nærmest som en kæmpe eksplotion på himlen, vi ved ikke om der kan være tale om den til morgen omtalte meteor, på TV 2 News, vi så det mellem 20.00 og 20.15 lørdag aften."
Jette Ibsen, Væggerløse"Vi bor på Marielyst på Falster, da vi pludselig så et kraftigt lysglimt, efterfulgt af et stort brag, som kunne høres som en rumlen i ca 30 sek. ude i horisonten."
Annette og Maria Persson, Næstved:"Omkring ved 20.00 tiden lørdag aften sad jeg inde i stuen min datter var på badeværelset. Så et stort lysklimt på himlen/som om det var tordenvejr. Så kom braget. Min datter så det samme fra badeværelset. Undrede mig meget, da den stod på minus 2 grader og så torden. På tv gik jeg over til tv2 news for at afvente nærmere. Der gik cirka 1 1/2 time hvor nyheden om Metoeren i Skåne."
Lotte Bøg, Ørbæk"Vi oplevede et kæmpelysglimt efterfulgt af bulder himlen blev meget oplyst det var så vi lettede os fra sofaen og undrede os over hvad der var sket? jeg tænkte lige først om det var en kæmpe eksplosion, men da da ikke skete mere tænkte jeg ikke over mere."
Henrik Jessen, Polen:"Jeg arbejder i Polen, hvor jeg har ansvaret for Arla Foods produktionsaktiviteter. Jeg er bosiddende i Kolobrzeg,som ligger mellem Gdansk og Stettin. I går aftes kl. ca. 20.08 observerede jeg en meteor. Jeg observerede følgende: Himlen blev oplyst i hvidt lys, derefter så jeg (meget højt på himlen) en meteor i lilla/violet/hvidt lys, i en meget stejl bane. Min observation var i vest, nordvest."
Regitza Schmidt, Ålsgårde:"Vi bor i Ålsgårde, sad i vort TV-rum - der ligger mod syd op mod Hellebækskoven - og så åbningen af det ny koncerthus. Pludselig så vi noget og kiggede på hinanden og udbrød: Hvad var det? Det lignede en mellemting mellem et kæmpelyn og en krysantemum-bombe, der oplyste så skovens træer stod som silhuet."
Simone Thelin Dalsgaard, Frederiksværk:"Jeg er en pige på 12 år. Jeg bor i Frederiksværk. Vi sad i går aftes og jeg ville se håndbold med familien og sad i sofaen som står, så jeg kan kigge ud af vores terrassedør med udsigt til himlen. Jeg siger så til min far at det lyner derude, men jeg syntes godt nok det var et mærkeligt lyn, ikke som lyn plejer at være. Jeg oplevede det som et stort lysglimt som lyste hele himlen op og faldt helt hvidt ned.
Thomas Skovbæk Pedersen, Silkeborg:"Jeg kørte i går aftes, i et skov område ved Kongensbro på vej til silkeborg, ved en lidt over 20 tiden, da jeg kommer kørende blev himlen lige pludslig meget meget oplyst i en blålig farve, som varede ca. 3 sek. og så forsvandt lyset igen."
Lasse Thalund Kristensen, Hodsager:"Jeg var ude og gå med min hund da hele himlen blev blåligt oplyst. Først troede jeg det var et lyn fordi det var helt overskyet, men der kom intet brag selvom hele himlen var oplyst i en 2-3 sekunder."
Anna Marie Sørensen, Hadsund:Vil lige gøre opmærksom på at vi er nogle stykker i Jylland som også så "lyset" fra meteoren i aftes. Vi troede dog at det var en forsinket nytårsraket. Da vi så "lyset" befandt vi os lidt nord for Hadsund."
Anonym, Holbæk:"I går aftes så mig og min ven et flot billede over nattehimlen. Jeg har prøvet at tegne det vi så, så godt som jeg kunne. Det var rigtig smukt og fyldte ca. 1/4 af himlen og det hele var lydløst. Det varede ca. 2 sek. så var det slut."
Bo Birgersted, Bogø:"og så lige nyhederne om meteoren... Bor på Bogø og var meget tydelig herfra...."
Mikael Adelberg, Hundested:"Ved 20 tiden skulle jeg køre min datter, Malene, hjem til hendes veninde, Nanna, da de havde aftalt at sove sammen. Vi bor i Hundested og kører syd på mod Lynæs, da lysglimtet kommer. Det virker som et lyn fra et tordenvejr der nærmer i det fjerne. Det var for kraftigt til, at det kunne være fyrværkeri, for det oplyste det meste af horisonten gennem skyerne mod syd op til en vinkel på ca. 45 grader."
René og Natalie Munch Kjær, Herfølge:Vi kom kørende i Herfølge ned af Tessebøllevej efter et besøg af farbror og lillebror og vi kørte omkring kl. 20.10 og stoppede bilen da himlen oplyste som et kæmpe fyrværkeri med grønt skær, det varede i ca. 5 sekunder og så var det væk. Dette var yderst skræmmende og vi sad og jokede med at det måtte være et kosmisk angreb fra det ydre rum."
Irene og Dan Jensen, Barrit:"Vi så nyhederne her kl. 12, at der var set en meteor i skåne området i går ved 20 tiden. Det giver os svar på hvad det var for et stort blåligt lysglimt vi så på himlen ved 20 tiden, da vi kørte i bil ved Sejet, en lille by få kilometer syd for Horsens. Så her kunne det altså også ses.
Thomas Rath, Slangerup:Jeg bor i Slangerup i Nordsjælland. Ved 20 tiden kiggede jeg tilfældigt ud af vinduet da jeg så nogle kraftige blå blink. Jeg troede det var politiet der kørte gennem gaden, men det var alt for kraftigt til at kunne være udrykningslys. Så da jeg så nyhederne her til morgen blev jeg opmærksom på at det nok har været lyset fra meteoren jeg har set."
There's a nice news report, in English, from the Copenhagen Post Online mentioning the sonic boom and the number of reports filed.
David Entwistle, UK --Thank you David for the two leads on the Danish reports!
Re: Swedish fireball 2009 01 17 19:08 UT
Not sure if you've heard this, but there's a recording of the sonic boom here:
Linked from here:
Best wishes,-- David Entwistle, UK
VLF_Group · Natural Radio VLF Discussion Group
Update Added 26JAN09
Infra Sound Detectors IRF- Indicate Two Large Bolides over Scandinavia and Barents Sea 15JAN09
Apparently, two large bolides have entered the atmosphere over Scandinavia and Barents Sea in a matter of two days in mid January! According to a recent newsletter from the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF), an even larger event took place January 15, over Barents Sea, in an area between Spitz Bergen and Norway. Rick McGregor at IRF, would like to suggest a connection between the two fireballs and the Delta Cancrid- meteor trail.
Below you can find some information regarding the Swedish-Finnish network of Infra Sound Detectors IRF uses to track incoming meteors and re-entering rockets over Northern Scandinavia.
Source: Thomas Österberg reported on 22JAN09
Reports from Sweden:
Here's some more links to the bolide seen over southern Sweden Saturday night 08.06 PM:
A witness (according to the Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan) said it looked like a giant welding flame rapidly travelling from North East towards South West. The obseration was done about 100 km East of Copenhagen.
Strangely, I haven't seen any reports of noise or booms connected to the event. Although living in the southern part of Sweden (about 200> km NNE of Copenhagen), I missed the event :(
Source: Thomas Österberg
Video of Fireball:
Video Credits: Roger Svensson lyckades filma ljusfenomenet. Foto: Läsarbild/Roger Svensson
Original Article: Newspaper, Sweden 18JAN09
TV: Spektakulärt fenomen lyste upp Sydsverige
Ett spektakulärt himlafenomen över södra Sverige på lördagskvällen fick oroliga människor att ringa ner både polis och SOS Alarm. - Det var ett stort klot som for fram över en grönfärgad himmel, berättar Christopher Tunner.
Ljusfenomenet uppenbarade sig strax efter klockan 20 och varade inte mer än tre-fyra sekunder.- Jag har aldrig sett något liknande, jag blev alldeles kall, säger Christopher som observerade fenomenet från sin bil i Kvarnby utanför Malmö.
Himlafenomenet observerades från Skåne och ända upp till Norrköping.- Jag och min granne stod ute när vi plötsligt fick se ett jättelikt rödblått klot med en flera kilometer lång eldsvans som for fram över himlen, berättar Monica Engström från Landvetter utanför Göteborg.- Det var en skrämmande upplevelse, en känsla av att nu kommer det att hända något förfärligt. Det hördes ingenting och sedan var det plötsligt borta.Lennart Honnér i Bunkeflostrand utanför Malmö beskriver fenomenet på ett annat sätt.- Det var ett intensivt ljust sken som pulserade över himlen mot sydväst under några sekunder. Det lyste upp hela himlavalvet.
"Ganska ovanligt"
SOS Alarm fick in ett stort antal samtal om ljusfenomenet under kvällen.- Vi har fått uppringningar från hela Skåne, säger driftsledaren Ola Nilsson. Observationerna skiljer sig något beroende på varifrån man ringt. En del har sett ett blått ljus, andra har sett något falla ner från himlen.- Vi kontaktade flygräddningen i Göteborg, men där visste man inte heller vad det handlade om.Gunnar Larsson-Leander är professor emeritus i astronomi vid Lunds universitet.- Tyvärr missade jag själv fenomenet, men beskrivningarna tyder på att det var en stor meteor som kom in i atmosfären och brann upp, säger han. Att de är så här ljusstarka är ganska ovanligt.- Det kan också ha varit en del av en satellit som störtat mot jorden, men det är mindre troligt.
"Ytterst sällsynt"
Det kan hända att en meteor är så stor att den inte hinner brinna upp utan faller mot jorden.- Då talar vi om en katastrof, säger Gunnar Larsson-Leander. Men eftersom det inte har kommit några rapporter om någon nedslagsplats så har den med största sannolikhet brunnit upp.Även Peter Linde - ordförande i astronomiska sällskapet Tycho Brahe, som har ett observatorium i Oxie utanför Malmö - lutar åt en meteor.- Det är ytterst sällsynt med så ljusstarka meteorer, så det grämer mig att jag missade fenomenet. Det händer kanske en gång var tionde år på varje given plats.- Men jag måste säga att det här var en bra början på det internationella astronomiåret som inleddes i Globen i onsdags.
Report From Holland:
This appears to be definitely the same fireball as seen from Holland last night indeed. Most reports here are from the north of the country (closest to the fireball), but amazingly Klaas Jobse's all sky camera in Zeeland in the southeast of the Netherlands (so several hundreds of km distant from the likely location of the fireball!) captured it very low above the horizon:
Dutch reports mention a few seconds duration, greenish colours and fragmentation and a brightness of at least -8 if not more. time: 19:10 UTC = 20:10 CET.
Source: Dr Marco (183294) Langbroek
Dutch Meteor Society (DMS)
In southern Netherlands, at Oostkapelle the Danish bolide was captured via an allsky station from european network. observation place: 51°33'55''N 3°33'03'' E elevation: +1m
Link to the picture:
Distance between bolide & station is approx. 550 to 580 Km The same bolide was observed from Belgium (observation place: 50°15' 12'' N 5°45'10 E Altitude: +580 m) , magnitude -5, big explosion in 6 to 7 fragments and next lot of fine fire particles.
Distance to bolide: approx 590 Km.
Source V.J. submitted on 21JAN09
German newsmedia report on the same incident:
Lichtblitz über Norddeutschland war möglicherweise
MeteoritRostock (dpa) - Ein greller Lichtblitz hat am Abend den Himmel über weiten Teilen Norddeutschlands erleuchtet. Zahlreiche Augenzeugen berichteten von einem bläulich-grünen Leuchten. Es habe den Himmel für einige Sekunden taghell erfüllt. Auch der Wetterdienst Meteomedia auf der Insel Hiddensee registrierte das Leuchten. Es sei eindeutig keine Wettererscheinung, sondern etwas Astronomisches gewesen, sagte eine Meteorologin. Womöglich sei es ein Meteorit gewesen, der bei Rostock in die Ostsee gefallen war.
© Die Welterschienen am 18.01.2009 um 12:10 Uhr.
Source: Dr. Svend Buhl
Meteorite Recon
The fireball was also seen in the northernpart of Germany.
Here is a small report, in german language:
Source: Carsten Giessler in Germany
It was seen by at least 5 aircraft crews on the way between Hamburg and Berlin. Two visual reports were registered from nothern Poland. Flashes mag. ~ -9.5 recording (CCTVs have seen only sky brightness change) were see near Gdynia (PFN24).
See: for details in polish.
Source: Grupa pod wezwaniem
The Polish Fireball Network also captured the flash of the fireball, but not, as yet, an image of the path. They do have several visual reports. Kamil Zloczewski has kindly provided the above information.
The following report from Germany includes the account of a pressure wave observed from Rostock on the north coast of Germany.,1518,601898,00.html
-- David Entwistl, UK
There is an interesting sequence of photos within this article. Also- there is mention of the "bang" which was absent from many other articles.
Mike Groetz--posted on
Meteorite-list mailing list,1518,602026,00.html
Northern Europe Marvels at Mysterious Blue LightFirst there was a bluish glow, then a bang and a shockwave. Residents across northern Europe marvelled at the mysterious phenomenon, which is believed to have been a meteorite crashing into the Baltic Sea off the coast of northern Germany over the weekend.A mysterious bluish-green flash of light followed by a loud bang alarmed residents across northern Germany, Denmark and southern Sweden on Saturday night and prompted dozens of people to call the police. "There was a dull thunder and I felt pressure in my chest," said one eyewitness in the northern German city of Rostock.
PHOTO GALLERY: MYSTERIOUS BLUE LIGHT SEEN IN NORTHERN EUROPE Click on a picture to launch the image gallery (4 Photos)
Authorities made checks and quickly ruled out the possibility the fireball had been a plane crash. A spokesman for the German Aerospace Center said: "It was probably a meteorite. That at least would explain the shockwave and the bang." A meteorologist for the Meteomedia weather service on the Baltic German island of Hiddensee said: "That definitely wasn't a weather phenomenon, it was something astronomical."Experts said the meteorite probably fell into the Baltic Sea not far from the port city of Rostock.
cro -- with wire reports
here you can view the video :
regards, oliver
It's even been mentioned today on the main page of BBC News, with a video (it still is at 2050 UTC):
Best regards,
Yann Kempf, France
Meteor styrtede mod jorden nær Danmark
17-01-09: 22:54 opd. 18-01-09: 17:43 af: Danny Høgsholt
Overvågningsbilleder fra Skåne viser meteoren styrte mod jorden.Video: Roger Svensson /
Kort efter kl. 20 lørdag aften styrtede en meteor mod jorden i nærheden af Danmark. Mere og mere tyder på, at ildkuglen endte i Østersøen.
Indberet din observation til ildkugle.dkModtag Vejrets Nyhedsbrev
Mange danskere havde nok sat sig godt til rette i sofaen lørdag aften for at se de danske håndboldherrer åbne VM mod Brasillien, da de kort før kampstart fik sig noget af en overraskelse ved at kigge ud af vinduet.
Et kraftigt lysglimt oplyste nemlig himlen i et par sekunder omkring kl. 20.10, der godt et minuts tid efter blev fulgt af en lavfrekvent rumlen fra 'det fjerne'. Alt tyder på at der er tale om en meteor.
Endte formentlig i ØstersøenEt overvågningskamera i Skåne fangede meteoren, da den styrtede mod jorden - og meldinger fra Skåne lyder på både et kraftigt lysglimt og et stort brag, meddeler den svenske avis Sydsvenskan.
Som følge af observationerne vuderes det af Tycho Brahe Planetariet, at meteoren bevægede sig henover Blekinge - og sent søndag eftermiddag kunne astrofysiker Michael Linden-Vørnle fortælle, at ildkuglen formentlig endte sit liv over Østersøen syd for Lolland-Falster.
Nåede formentlig ikke at ramme jordenOvervågningsbillederne og diverse observationer indikerer, at meteoren nåede at brænde op inden den ramte jordoverfladen. Det store brag, som blev hørt flere steder i Sydsverige og som i Danmark blev til en rumlen, skyldes formentlig at meteoren brød igennem lydmuren, pga. dens enorme hastighed.
Det er desuden meget sjældent at meteorer på himlen resulterer i deciderede nedslag på jorden. Sidst en meteor blev observeret i Danmark og man samtidig efterfølgende fandt rester af meteoritten på landjorden var i 1951.
Blev observeret flere steder i Danmark.Lysglimtet blev i Danmark observeret flere steder øst for Storebælt - og endda så langt mod vest som til Horsens kunne man kort efter kl. 20 kortvarigt se en oplyst aftenhimmel.
Den tidligere svenske professor i astronomi, Gunnar Larsson-Leander fra Lund Universitet, siger til Sydvenskan, at meteorer er ganske normale, men at det er usædvanligt at de er så lysstærke som tilfældet var lørdag aften.
Ud over i Danmark kunne lysglimtet også ses så langt mod nord som i Göteborg og så langt mod syd som Rostock i Tyskland og i det nordlige Polen. Ifølge Michael Linden-Vørnle begynder meteorer normalt at 'brænde' ca. 100 km over jorden.
MeteoridEt stenobjekt i kredsløb omkring Solen. Er mindre end en asteoride - dvs. typisk mindre end ca. 100 m i diameter.
Meteor (stjerneskud)Meteorid, der trænger ind i Jordens atmosfære, og begynder at 'brænde' under udsendelse af lys.
MeteoritEn meteor, der rammer Jordens overflade.
Populært kaldet stjernskudMeteorer, der populært også kaldes stjerneskud, er klumper af sten af varierende størrelse, der med stor fart trænger ind i Jordens atmosfære. Inden de bremses i Jordens atmosfære kan de opnå en hastighed på ca. 70 kilometer pr. sekund.
Når meteoren trænger ind i atmosfæren bremses den og foran den presses luften sammen med enorm styrke, hvilket opvarmer luften voldsomt. Opvarmingen får meteoren til at fordampe og gløde, hvilket ydermere resulterer i, at den lyser op.
Normalt brænder stenene op i atmosfæren i 'god tid' inden de rammer jorden, men er de store nok kan de nå ned helt ned til jordoverfladen. Når det sker kaldes resterne af meteoren for en 'meteorit'.
Meteorer af den kaliber, som blev observeret lørdag aften, opstår normalt en gang ca. hver femte måned. Men da størstedelen af jorden trods alt er ubeboet, blandt pga. 70% er dækket af vand, og mange meteorer kommer i dagslys, er de ikke ofte stedfæstet.
Har du observeret meteoren?Så du også lysglimtet eller hørte du braget fra meteoren lørdag aften, så kan du hjælpe astronomerne med at kortlægge meteorens bane og potentielle nedslagssted ved at indsende din observation på - følg linket i link-boksen til højre.
Meteorbrag skyldes hul i lydmuren
18-01-09: 11:34 af: kris
Mange danskere så og hørte i aftes lyset og det efterfølgende brag fra det, der formentlig er et meteornedslag. Lysglimtet stammer fra meteoren, der brænder op i atmosfæren, mens det store brag, som blev hørt af mange danskere, formentlig skyldes, at meteoren brød igennem lydmuren, pga. dens enorme hastighed.
TV 2 Nyhederne er blevet kontaktet af mange danskere, der troede, at der var tale om et tordenvejr over Danmark.
Når en meteor rammer atmosfæren, sker det med ca. 40-50 km/sekundet.
Meteor slog ned og lyste himlen op
18-01-09: 07:43 opd. 18-01-09: 09:09 af: Danny Høgsholt, kris
Mange danskere havde nok sat sig til rette i sofaen for at se de danske håndboldherrer spille deres første kamp ved VM, da de kort før kampstart fik sig noget en overraskelse ved at kigge ud af vinduet. Et kraftigt lys-glimt oplyste himlen i et par sekunder omkring kl. 20.10, der godt et minuts tid efter blev fulgt af en lavfrekvent rumlen fra 'det fjerne'. Der er med stor sandsynlighed tale om en meteor.
Et overvågningskamera i Skåne fangede meteoren, da den styrtede mod jorden - og meldinger fra Skåne lyder på både et kraftigt lysglimt og et stort brag.
I følge observationerne vuderes det af Tycho Brahe Planetariet, at meteoren bevægede sig henover Blekinge.
Ramte nok ikke jordenOvervågningsbillederne og diverse observationer indikerer dog, at meteoren lige akkurat nåede at 'brænde op' i atmosfæren inden den nåede jorden. Meteorens møde med atmosfæren forårsagede ifølge astrofysiker Michael Linden-Vørnle det brag, som mange danskere hørte efter lysglimtet.
Der er endnu heller ikke fundet noget eventuelt nedslagssted fra meteoren.
Det er da også ganske sjældent at meteorer på himlen resulterer i nedslag på jorden. Sidst en meteor blev observeret i Danmark og man samtidig efterfølgende fandt rester af meteoritten på landjorden var i 1951.
Så du meteoren?
18-01-09: 10:37 opd. 18-01-09: 14:22 af: 1234 Dine Nyheder kommentarer (41) Skriv kommentar
En meteor sendte i aftes et lysglimt hen over den østlige del af Danmark.
Hvordan oplevede du glimtet? Fortæl din beretning eller send dit billede til 1234.
Her er de første reaktioner fra danskerne:
Marianne Cornelius, Idestrup:"Min veninde min søn og jeg sidder og ser håndbold ca.kl. 2015 kommer der et voldsomt lys over det hele vi går ud for at se hvad det var og hører så en underlig rumlen der blev ved et godt stykke tid ! Det var ikke torden det lød nærmest som en bombe."
Morten Skov, Nysted på Lolland:"Vi oplevede det som et blændede lys der oplyste alt udenfor efterfulgt af en høj langtrukken buldrende lyd , nærmest som en flok Harley motorcykler der passerede. Da jeg åbnede et vindue spurgte min hustru om det var torden, hvortil jeg svarede jeg ikke vidste det og ikke kunne lokalisere lyden."
Palle Nielsen, Aabenraa:"Min kæreste og jeg var i går aftes på vej hjem til Åbenrå fra familie fest i Bjerringbro, og vi blev lidt forvirret da vi kom kørende imellem brædstrup og horsens ad hovedvej 52, da vi så et voldsomt blåt lysglimt, der varede ca 2 til 3 sekunder, vi troede umiddelbart at det var udrykningskøretøjer, men det kunne jo ikke passe, da lysglimtet var så kraftig og så kort, og nærmest som en kæmpe eksplotion på himlen, vi ved ikke om der kan være tale om den til morgen omtalte meteor, på TV 2 News, vi så det mellem 20.00 og 20.15 lørdag aften."
Jette Ibsen, Væggerløse"Vi bor på Marielyst på Falster, da vi pludselig så et kraftigt lysglimt, efterfulgt af et stort brag, som kunne høres som en rumlen i ca 30 sek. ude i horisonten."
Annette og Maria Persson, Næstved:"Omkring ved 20.00 tiden lørdag aften sad jeg inde i stuen min datter var på badeværelset. Så et stort lysklimt på himlen/som om det var tordenvejr. Så kom braget. Min datter så det samme fra badeværelset. Undrede mig meget, da den stod på minus 2 grader og så torden. På tv gik jeg over til tv2 news for at afvente nærmere. Der gik cirka 1 1/2 time hvor nyheden om Metoeren i Skåne."
Lotte Bøg, Ørbæk"Vi oplevede et kæmpelysglimt efterfulgt af bulder himlen blev meget oplyst det var så vi lettede os fra sofaen og undrede os over hvad der var sket? jeg tænkte lige først om det var en kæmpe eksplosion, men da da ikke skete mere tænkte jeg ikke over mere."
Henrik Jessen, Polen:"Jeg arbejder i Polen, hvor jeg har ansvaret for Arla Foods produktionsaktiviteter. Jeg er bosiddende i Kolobrzeg,som ligger mellem Gdansk og Stettin. I går aftes kl. ca. 20.08 observerede jeg en meteor. Jeg observerede følgende: Himlen blev oplyst i hvidt lys, derefter så jeg (meget højt på himlen) en meteor i lilla/violet/hvidt lys, i en meget stejl bane. Min observation var i vest, nordvest."
Regitza Schmidt, Ålsgårde:"Vi bor i Ålsgårde, sad i vort TV-rum - der ligger mod syd op mod Hellebækskoven - og så åbningen af det ny koncerthus. Pludselig så vi noget og kiggede på hinanden og udbrød: Hvad var det? Det lignede en mellemting mellem et kæmpelyn og en krysantemum-bombe, der oplyste så skovens træer stod som silhuet."
Simone Thelin Dalsgaard, Frederiksværk:"Jeg er en pige på 12 år. Jeg bor i Frederiksværk. Vi sad i går aftes og jeg ville se håndbold med familien og sad i sofaen som står, så jeg kan kigge ud af vores terrassedør med udsigt til himlen. Jeg siger så til min far at det lyner derude, men jeg syntes godt nok det var et mærkeligt lyn, ikke som lyn plejer at være. Jeg oplevede det som et stort lysglimt som lyste hele himlen op og faldt helt hvidt ned.
Thomas Skovbæk Pedersen, Silkeborg:"Jeg kørte i går aftes, i et skov område ved Kongensbro på vej til silkeborg, ved en lidt over 20 tiden, da jeg kommer kørende blev himlen lige pludslig meget meget oplyst i en blålig farve, som varede ca. 3 sek. og så forsvandt lyset igen."
Lasse Thalund Kristensen, Hodsager:"Jeg var ude og gå med min hund da hele himlen blev blåligt oplyst. Først troede jeg det var et lyn fordi det var helt overskyet, men der kom intet brag selvom hele himlen var oplyst i en 2-3 sekunder."
Anna Marie Sørensen, Hadsund:Vil lige gøre opmærksom på at vi er nogle stykker i Jylland som også så "lyset" fra meteoren i aftes. Vi troede dog at det var en forsinket nytårsraket. Da vi så "lyset" befandt vi os lidt nord for Hadsund."
Anonym, Holbæk:"I går aftes så mig og min ven et flot billede over nattehimlen. Jeg har prøvet at tegne det vi så, så godt som jeg kunne. Det var rigtig smukt og fyldte ca. 1/4 af himlen og det hele var lydløst. Det varede ca. 2 sek. så var det slut."
Bo Birgersted, Bogø:"og så lige nyhederne om meteoren... Bor på Bogø og var meget tydelig herfra...."
Mikael Adelberg, Hundested:"Ved 20 tiden skulle jeg køre min datter, Malene, hjem til hendes veninde, Nanna, da de havde aftalt at sove sammen. Vi bor i Hundested og kører syd på mod Lynæs, da lysglimtet kommer. Det virker som et lyn fra et tordenvejr der nærmer i det fjerne. Det var for kraftigt til, at det kunne være fyrværkeri, for det oplyste det meste af horisonten gennem skyerne mod syd op til en vinkel på ca. 45 grader."
René og Natalie Munch Kjær, Herfølge:Vi kom kørende i Herfølge ned af Tessebøllevej efter et besøg af farbror og lillebror og vi kørte omkring kl. 20.10 og stoppede bilen da himlen oplyste som et kæmpe fyrværkeri med grønt skær, det varede i ca. 5 sekunder og så var det væk. Dette var yderst skræmmende og vi sad og jokede med at det måtte være et kosmisk angreb fra det ydre rum."
Irene og Dan Jensen, Barrit:"Vi så nyhederne her kl. 12, at der var set en meteor i skåne området i går ved 20 tiden. Det giver os svar på hvad det var for et stort blåligt lysglimt vi så på himlen ved 20 tiden, da vi kørte i bil ved Sejet, en lille by få kilometer syd for Horsens. Så her kunne det altså også ses.
Thomas Rath, Slangerup:Jeg bor i Slangerup i Nordsjælland. Ved 20 tiden kiggede jeg tilfældigt ud af vinduet da jeg så nogle kraftige blå blink. Jeg troede det var politiet der kørte gennem gaden, men det var alt for kraftigt til at kunne være udrykningslys. Så da jeg så nyhederne her til morgen blev jeg opmærksom på at det nok har været lyset fra meteoren jeg har set."
There's a nice news report, in English, from the Copenhagen Post Online mentioning the sonic boom and the number of reports filed.
David Entwistle, UK --Thank you David for the two leads on the Danish reports!
Re: Swedish fireball 2009 01 17 19:08 UT
Not sure if you've heard this, but there's a recording of the sonic boom here:
Linked from here:
Best wishes,-- David Entwistle, UK
VLF_Group · Natural Radio VLF Discussion Group
Update Added 26JAN09
Infra Sound Detectors IRF- Indicate Two Large Bolides over Scandinavia and Barents Sea 15JAN09
Apparently, two large bolides have entered the atmosphere over Scandinavia and Barents Sea in a matter of two days in mid January! According to a recent newsletter from the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF), an even larger event took place January 15, over Barents Sea, in an area between Spitz Bergen and Norway. Rick McGregor at IRF, would like to suggest a connection between the two fireballs and the Delta Cancrid- meteor trail.
Below you can find some information regarding the Swedish-Finnish network of Infra Sound Detectors IRF uses to track incoming meteors and re-entering rockets over Northern Scandinavia.
Source: Thomas Österberg reported on 22JAN09
Posted by
Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
12:19 pm
Barents Sea Bolide 15JAN2009,
Sweden Bolide 17JAN2009
16 January 2009
Moroc Meteorite Fall

Photo of 2007gr stone from Moroc 21DEC08 Fall
Photo by Anon. Moroccan meteorite hunter via Greg Hupe

Tamdaght (Provisory name)
Ouarzazate Province, Morocco
31° 05' N, 7° 08' W
Fell: 20 December 2008, 22h37
Ordinary chondrite (H4 or H5)Classification & declaration pending
Mass (g): 2649 Pieces: Many
Info: Main mass, Léa & Philippe Thomas.
A type specimen was sent to UPVI which is going to make the classification and the declaration.Of course here, there is no totality of this fall, the last reliable information indicates that two stones were found. The most important in a small crater from which arise all the fragments which we put on sale. The other one smashed against a rock face breaking the stone in one thousand fragments. Both stones add up approximately 35 kg and nothing else was found at the moment.The stone which formed a small crater fell to 12 kilometers of Tamdaght. Photos and new information will come soon.At the moment, it's raining on the region and regrettably if other stones finish by beings found, they will be already well weathered. All the fragments which we sell were found a little time after the fall and are of an extreme freshness. Note: On the web, some dealers of meteorites tell that hundreds even of thousands of kilograms of this meteorite were found, it's absolutely wrong.
Un échantillon type a été envoyé a l’UPVI qui va faire la classification et la déclaration.Bien sûr, ici il n’y a pas la totalité de cette chute, les dernières informations fiables signalent que deux pierres ont été trouvées. La plus importante dans un petit cratère dont sont issus tous les fragments que nous mettons en vente. L’autre s’est fracassée contre une paroi rocheuse brisant la pierre en mille morceaux. Les deux pierres totalisent environ 35 kg et rien d’autre n’a été trouvé pour l’instant.La pierre qui a formé un petit cratère est tombée à 12 kilomètres de Tamdaght. Des photos et de nouvelles informations viendront bientôt.En ce moment, il pleut sur la région et malheureusement si d'autres pierres finissent par êtres trouvées, elles seront déjà bien altérées. Tous les fragments que nous vendons ont été trouvés peu de temps après la chute et sont d'une extrême fraîcheur.Note : Sur Internet, des vendeurs de météorites racontent que des centaines voire des milliers de kilogrammes de cette météorite ont été trouvés, c'est absolument faux.
(28 December 2008)
Traduction française de l'article paru dans le quotidien Al Massae du 28 décembre 2008
Un corps mystérieux a éclairé le ciel de Marrakech puis s’est écrasé dans la montagne en provocant un léger tremblement de terreLes habitants pensent que c’est un corps extraterrestre alors un chercheur en astronomie réfute cette idéeUne boule de feu est apparue dans la nuit éclairant le ciel des alentours de la ville de Marrakech, et se déplaçait selon une trajectoire horizontale. Elle est allée vers la zone d’Ait Ourir et Tahanoute avant de s’écraser sur la montagne dans la région de Loukaimden provoquant une explosion qui a secoué le sol.Cette scène n’était pas extraite d’un film de science fiction, mais la scène qui s’était déroulée la nuit de samedi dernier, provoquant un état de panique au sein de la population qui y avait assisté.Selon des sources concordantes des communes de Ait Ourir et Tahanoute, on raconte qu’aux alentours de 22h37 la nuit de samedi dernier, un flash de lumière blanche a traversé le ciel de la région pour finir sa course sur une montagne qui se situe entre les deux régions de Tahanoute et Loukaimden.Ces mêmes sources ont ajouté qu’au moment de la collision, une déflagration semblable au grondement du tonnerre a été entendue suivie d’une légère secousse sismique.Un témoin de Tahanoute, travaillant comme gardien de nuit dans un des vergers d’Ait Ourir, a décrit le corps étranger comme étant un avion qui brûlait en se référant au bruit provoqué par l’objet lors de son passage au dessus de sa tête. Selon lui, la course de l’objet dans le ciel a duré près de 3 minutes avant que celui-ci ne disparaisse en direction de la commune de Tahanoute.Pour un autre témoin de Tahanoute l’objet mystérieux est décrit comme une boule de feu qui ressemble à «un météore», il a précisé que celle-ci illuminait les toits des maisons et l’oliveraie de la région de Tahanoute ce qui a semé la panique au sein de la population qui craignait que ce phénomène n’aboutisse à une catastrophe surtout après avoir entendu le bruit terrible et senti un léger tremblement de terre au moment de l’impact.Aucun témoin n’a pu donner l’endroit exact de la collision, ni ce que pourrait provoquer une telle chute dans la montagne comme dégâts sur les environs, cependant ces mêmes sources disent ne pas avoir vu de fumée ni d’incendie après le choc.En l’absence de toute source officielle qui pourrait affirmer ou infirmer un tel incident, le président des astronomes amateurs du Maroc Abdelhamid Touma, doute fortement que ce phénomène puisse être lié à la chute d’un objet céleste ou météorite venant de l’espace, il a ensuite précisé lors d’une déclaration à «AL MASSAE» qu’une friction entre la terre et un petit corps céleste pourrait provoquer un tel phénomène.Comme il n’a pas exclu encore que ce corps mystérieux pourrait être un engin volant comme les appareils utilisés pour l’espionnage entre pays, et que les gens aiment à s’imaginer que ce sont des «soucoupes volantes venues d’une autre planète».
Ouarzazate Province, Morocco
31° 05' N, 7° 08' W
Fell: 20 December 2008, 22h37
Ordinary chondrite (H4 or H5)Classification & declaration pending
Mass (g): 2649 Pieces: Many
Info: Main mass, Léa & Philippe Thomas.
A type specimen was sent to UPVI which is going to make the classification and the declaration.Of course here, there is no totality of this fall, the last reliable information indicates that two stones were found. The most important in a small crater from which arise all the fragments which we put on sale. The other one smashed against a rock face breaking the stone in one thousand fragments. Both stones add up approximately 35 kg and nothing else was found at the moment.The stone which formed a small crater fell to 12 kilometers of Tamdaght. Photos and new information will come soon.At the moment, it's raining on the region and regrettably if other stones finish by beings found, they will be already well weathered. All the fragments which we sell were found a little time after the fall and are of an extreme freshness. Note: On the web, some dealers of meteorites tell that hundreds even of thousands of kilograms of this meteorite were found, it's absolutely wrong.
Un échantillon type a été envoyé a l’UPVI qui va faire la classification et la déclaration.Bien sûr, ici il n’y a pas la totalité de cette chute, les dernières informations fiables signalent que deux pierres ont été trouvées. La plus importante dans un petit cratère dont sont issus tous les fragments que nous mettons en vente. L’autre s’est fracassée contre une paroi rocheuse brisant la pierre en mille morceaux. Les deux pierres totalisent environ 35 kg et rien d’autre n’a été trouvé pour l’instant.La pierre qui a formé un petit cratère est tombée à 12 kilomètres de Tamdaght. Des photos et de nouvelles informations viendront bientôt.En ce moment, il pleut sur la région et malheureusement si d'autres pierres finissent par êtres trouvées, elles seront déjà bien altérées. Tous les fragments que nous vendons ont été trouvés peu de temps après la chute et sont d'une extrême fraîcheur.Note : Sur Internet, des vendeurs de météorites racontent que des centaines voire des milliers de kilogrammes de cette météorite ont été trouvés, c'est absolument faux.
(28 December 2008)
Traduction française de l'article paru dans le quotidien Al Massae du 28 décembre 2008
Un corps mystérieux a éclairé le ciel de Marrakech puis s’est écrasé dans la montagne en provocant un léger tremblement de terreLes habitants pensent que c’est un corps extraterrestre alors un chercheur en astronomie réfute cette idéeUne boule de feu est apparue dans la nuit éclairant le ciel des alentours de la ville de Marrakech, et se déplaçait selon une trajectoire horizontale. Elle est allée vers la zone d’Ait Ourir et Tahanoute avant de s’écraser sur la montagne dans la région de Loukaimden provoquant une explosion qui a secoué le sol.Cette scène n’était pas extraite d’un film de science fiction, mais la scène qui s’était déroulée la nuit de samedi dernier, provoquant un état de panique au sein de la population qui y avait assisté.Selon des sources concordantes des communes de Ait Ourir et Tahanoute, on raconte qu’aux alentours de 22h37 la nuit de samedi dernier, un flash de lumière blanche a traversé le ciel de la région pour finir sa course sur une montagne qui se situe entre les deux régions de Tahanoute et Loukaimden.Ces mêmes sources ont ajouté qu’au moment de la collision, une déflagration semblable au grondement du tonnerre a été entendue suivie d’une légère secousse sismique.Un témoin de Tahanoute, travaillant comme gardien de nuit dans un des vergers d’Ait Ourir, a décrit le corps étranger comme étant un avion qui brûlait en se référant au bruit provoqué par l’objet lors de son passage au dessus de sa tête. Selon lui, la course de l’objet dans le ciel a duré près de 3 minutes avant que celui-ci ne disparaisse en direction de la commune de Tahanoute.Pour un autre témoin de Tahanoute l’objet mystérieux est décrit comme une boule de feu qui ressemble à «un météore», il a précisé que celle-ci illuminait les toits des maisons et l’oliveraie de la région de Tahanoute ce qui a semé la panique au sein de la population qui craignait que ce phénomène n’aboutisse à une catastrophe surtout après avoir entendu le bruit terrible et senti un léger tremblement de terre au moment de l’impact.Aucun témoin n’a pu donner l’endroit exact de la collision, ni ce que pourrait provoquer une telle chute dans la montagne comme dégâts sur les environs, cependant ces mêmes sources disent ne pas avoir vu de fumée ni d’incendie après le choc.En l’absence de toute source officielle qui pourrait affirmer ou infirmer un tel incident, le président des astronomes amateurs du Maroc Abdelhamid Touma, doute fortement que ce phénomène puisse être lié à la chute d’un objet céleste ou météorite venant de l’espace, il a ensuite précisé lors d’une déclaration à «AL MASSAE» qu’une friction entre la terre et un petit corps céleste pourrait provoquer un tel phénomène.Comme il n’a pas exclu encore que ce corps mystérieux pourrait être un engin volant comme les appareils utilisés pour l’espionnage entre pays, et que les gens aiment à s’imaginer que ce sont des «soucoupes volantes venues d’une autre planète».
Source: Philippe Thomas, Meteoritica Meteorites, France
Photos from Moroc Fall:
Greg Hupe wrote, "I was asked if I could post a few pictures of the recovery area of the December 21, 2008 fall.1) Moroccan in impact hole, looks disturbed by different people picking out every last fragment (note fragments on paper)":
Another in the hole with found fragments:
2007-gram stone found in the area:
Moroccan holding 2007-gram stone with snowy Atlas in background:
Source: Greg Hupe, USA
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
More to Come....
14 January 2009
ITALIAN FIREBALL 13JAN09 at 00:02:40 UT.
ITALIAN FIREBALL 13JAN09 at 00:02:40 UT.
A large fireball was observed on January 13th at 00:02:40 UT.
You can see images and animations of the phenomena at the following link:,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=1536&cntnt01returnid=55
As the fireball was seen on north-east it could be easly seen from sites north and east from Italy. Any other has recorded this event?
Flavio Castellani, ITALY
Osservatorio del Monte Baldo -Verona - Italy -
The observatory is public and our association (Circolo Astrofili Veronesi manages the observatory.
A large fireball was observed on January 13th at 00:02:40 UT.
You can see images and animations of the phenomena at the following link:,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=1536&cntnt01returnid=55
As the fireball was seen on north-east it could be easly seen from sites north and east from Italy. Any other has recorded this event?
Flavio Castellani, ITALY
Osservatorio del Monte Baldo -Verona - Italy -
The observatory is public and our association (Circolo Astrofili Veronesi manages the observatory.
13 January 2009
Meteor/Meteorite News- 12OCT09
Namibia: 'UFO' Has Walvis Bay Buzzing
Another possibility mentioned was that the phenomenon was caused by a meteorite crashing to earth. "I never saw anything like it in my life; it was just too ...
Saturn's monster space doughnut.
Philadelphia Inquirer
She hypothesized that she might be seeing dust and ice kicked up by a collision with a tiny meteorite - a sign that there was more debris circling around in ...
Opportunity Knocks with Another Meteorite Find
Space Daily
by Staff Writers Opportunity has discovered another large (0.5-meter) meteorite. The rover began the approach to this new meteorite, called "Shelter Island ...
Newly Discovered Saturn Ring Dwarfs All Others (blog)
They found that over a span of millions of years, meteorite impacts on Phoebe had indeed kicked up enough dust to paint Iapetus, which orbits Saturn like ...
2012 is not the end of the world, Mayan elder insists
But most archaeologists, astronomers and Mayans say the only thing likely to hit Earth is a meteor shower of New Age philosophy, pop astronomy, ...
Another possibility mentioned was that the phenomenon was caused by a meteorite crashing to earth. "I never saw anything like it in my life; it was just too ...
Saturn's monster space doughnut.
Philadelphia Inquirer
She hypothesized that she might be seeing dust and ice kicked up by a collision with a tiny meteorite - a sign that there was more debris circling around in ...
Opportunity Knocks with Another Meteorite Find
Space Daily
by Staff Writers Opportunity has discovered another large (0.5-meter) meteorite. The rover began the approach to this new meteorite, called "Shelter Island ...
Newly Discovered Saturn Ring Dwarfs All Others (blog)
They found that over a span of millions of years, meteorite impacts on Phoebe had indeed kicked up enough dust to paint Iapetus, which orbits Saturn like ...
2012 is not the end of the world, Mayan elder insists
But most archaeologists, astronomers and Mayans say the only thing likely to hit Earth is a meteor shower of New Age philosophy, pop astronomy, ...
04 January 2009
Flash, boom, contrails over Tok likely a meteor
WITNESSES: Theories range from military accident to ufo.
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Published: January 3rd, 2009 01:00 AM Last Modified: January 3rd, 2009 02:45 AM
FAIRBANKS -- Was it a meteor falling from space?
Officials think that might be what residents saw shooting through the Alaska sky near Tok on Monday afternoon.
A tremendous explosion, like a sonic boom, drew people outside, where they watched irregular contrails scribe paths in a clear sky. ...
Comments (39)
WITNESSES: Theories range from military accident to ufo.
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Published: January 3rd, 2009 01:00 AM Last Modified: January 3rd, 2009 02:45 AM
FAIRBANKS -- Was it a meteor falling from space?
Officials think that might be what residents saw shooting through the Alaska sky near Tok on Monday afternoon.
A tremendous explosion, like a sonic boom, drew people outside, where they watched irregular contrails scribe paths in a clear sky. ...
Comments (39)
Posted by
Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
2:04 pm
large fireball Alaska,
Tok Alaska Bolide 1JAN09
03 December 2008
2008 Meteorite News-UPI
2008 Meteorite News- source and links to stories-UPI/AP
DEC 2008
More Canadian meteorite rocks found
LLOYDMINSTER, Alberta, Dec. 4 (UPI) -- Canadian researchers raced against winter weather to recover fragments of a 10-ton meteorite that slammed into the province of Alberta.
Scientists find meteor debris in Canada
Date: November 29, 2008 Publication: Associated Press Archive
Scientists said Friday they had found remains of a meteor that illuminated the sky before falling to earth in western Canada earlier this month.
University of Calgary scientist Alan Hildebrand and graduate student Ellen Milley found several meteor fragments near the Battle River along the rural Alberta-Saskatchewan border, near the city of Lloydminster late Thursday. They said there could be thousands of meteorite pieces strewn over a 7-square-mile area of mostly flat, barren land, with...
Click here for complete article ($1.50)
Recent meteor strike debris found
CALGARY, Alberta, Nov. 28 (UPI) -- Canadian researchers reported Friday they had found some debris from a 10-ton meteorite in Saskatchewan that lit up western skies last week.
UPI NewsTrack TopNews
News from United Press International, around the world around the clock ...
Witnesses: Large meteor streaks across Canada sky
Date: November 23, 2008 Publication: Associated Press Archive
Scientists say they hope to find remnants of a meteor that brilliantly lit up the sky before falling to earth in western Canada.
University of Calgary planetary scientist Alan Hildebrand called it one of the largest meteors visible in the country in the last decade. Widely broadcast video images showed what appeared to be a speeding fireball Thursday night over Saskatoon that became larger and brighter before disappearing as it neared the ground.
Hildebrand said Friday that he...
Click here for complete article ($1.50)
Fiery meteorite wows Western Canada
EDMONTON, Alberta, Nov. 21 (UPI) -- An intensely bright and colorful meteorite lit up the skies over the western Canadian province of Alberta and sparked hundreds of emergency calls to police.
Researchers find ancient meteorite dust
PISA, Italy, Nov. 18 (UPI) -- Italian explorers and geologists in the Antarctic report finding the world's largest and oldest cache of meteorite particles.
Sunshield created for the Webb telescope
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists say they've created a sunshield for the James Webb Space Telescope that can withstand severe cold and heat, radiation and meteorite impacts.
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News
Depression may hike COPD hospitalizations … NASA finds evidence of a wetter Mars … Saliva DNA may solve drug dosing problems … Scientist warns of 'digital dark age' ... Health/Science news from UPI.
NASA finds evidence of a wetter Mars
PASADENA, Calif., Oct. 28 (UPI) -- The U.S. space agency says its Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has found evidence that liquid water remained on Mars far longer than previously theorized.
Scientists prepare to study Mars samples
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists say they are preparing for the day when they can study materials returned to Earth from Mars or other planetary bodies.
Aussie diamonds give clues to early life
PERTH, Australia, July 2 (UPI) -- Scientists said diamonds found in Australia may change the accepted time frame for the early evolution of life on Earth.
Physicist: Use nukes against asteroids
MOSCOW, July 1 (UPI) -- A Russian physicist says specially designed nuclear weapons likely would be effective in preventing collisions between the Earth and asteroids.
Study: UV light might find life on Mars
CORVALLIS, Ore., July 1 (UPI) -- U.S. and British scientists say they have developed a method using ultraviolet light that could identify any organic material present in the soil of Mars.
The almanac
UPI Almanac for Monday, June 30, 2008.
Tunguska Event a 100-year-old mystery
MOSCOW, June 26 (UPI) -- Scientists are in Siberia this week to mark the 100th anniversary of the Tunguska Event, a mysterious explosion that flattened millions of trees.
Early genes might have come from the stars
LONDON, June 17 (UPI) -- A British-led study has confirmed for the first time that an important component of early genetic material is extraterrestrial in origin.
Giant meteorite found in Sweden
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, June 13 (UPI) -- A massive meteorite weighing a staggering 2,607 pounds has been found near the northern Swedish village of Kitkiojarvi, officials say.
Mich.-shaped meteorite sells for $20K at auction
Date: June 9, 2008 Publication: Associated Press Archive
A meteorite resembling Michigan's Lower Peninsula has been sold at auction, but bidders weren't quite as smitten with the mitten as the seller expected.
The 75-pound nickel-and-iron meteorite sold for $20,000 Sunday at Heritage Auction Galleries in Dallas. It had been expected to sell for $32,500 to $40,000. Michigan native Darryl Pitt, the meteorite's owner, says he is disappointed by the low price. He says he thinks the space rock is worth...
Click here for complete article ($1.50)
Dinosaur dung, other ancient finds go up for auction in NYC
Date: April 29, 2008 Publication: Associated Press Archive
It may look like a geologic find, but the three-pound red and white fossil heading for auction in New York is actually a pile of dinosaur dung.
Bonhams New York puts the prehistoric deposit up for sale Wednesday along with such items as a 30,000-year-old woolly mammoth tusk, a giant beaver skull and a skeleton of a Russian Cave Bear. The dung looks like a rock on the outside and a colorful mineral inside. It's 130 million years old and is expected to sell for between $350...
Click here for complete article ($1.50)
Dinosaur poo, meteorites up for auction
NEW YORK, April 28 (UPI) -- A New York auction house says it will hold an auction of meteorites, fossilized dinosaur droppings and other natural history artifacts.
Ind. police: Lights in sky a mystery
KOKOMO, Ind., April 17 (UPI) -- Police in Indiana's Tipton and Howard counties said they have received multiple reports of bright streaks of light in the sky Wednesday night.
Evidence of ancient meteorite strike found
GLASGOW, Scotland, March 29 (UPI) -- Geologists said a seam of stratified rock on the northwest coast of Scotland was formed by a major meteorite strike 1.2 billion years ago.
Peruvian meteorite confounds scientists
HOUSTON, March 12 (UPI) -- A meteorite that hit the earth in the Peruvian countryside last year should have never made it through the atmosphere, scientists say.
Canadian astronomers tape meteor fall
LONDON, Ontario, March 11 (UPI) -- Canadian astronomers at the University of Western Ontario are hunting for pieces of a meteorite they videotaped falling to Earth.
Comet dust resembles asteroid
LIVERMORE, Calif., Jan. 26 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists said comet dust brought back by NASA's Stardust resembles a meteorite from the asteroid belt rather than an unaltered comet.
2008 Meteorite News-UPI
Researcher: Devastating asteroid that exploded over Russia was smaller than once thought
Author: SUE MAJOR HOLMES Associated Press Writer
Date: January 29, 2008 Publication: Associated Press Archive
An asteroid that exploded over Siberia a century ago, leaving 800 square miles of scorched or blown down trees, wasn't nearly as large as previously thought, a researcher concludes, suggesting a greater danger for Earth.
According to supercomputer simulations by Sandia National Laboratories physicist Mark Boslough, the asteroid that destroyed the forest at Tunguska in Siberia in June 1908 had a blast force equivalent to one-quarter to one-third of the 10- to 20-megaton range...
Click here for complete article ($1.50)
DEC 2008
More Canadian meteorite rocks found
LLOYDMINSTER, Alberta, Dec. 4 (UPI) -- Canadian researchers raced against winter weather to recover fragments of a 10-ton meteorite that slammed into the province of Alberta.
Scientists find meteor debris in Canada
Date: November 29, 2008 Publication: Associated Press Archive
Scientists said Friday they had found remains of a meteor that illuminated the sky before falling to earth in western Canada earlier this month.
University of Calgary scientist Alan Hildebrand and graduate student Ellen Milley found several meteor fragments near the Battle River along the rural Alberta-Saskatchewan border, near the city of Lloydminster late Thursday. They said there could be thousands of meteorite pieces strewn over a 7-square-mile area of mostly flat, barren land, with...
Click here for complete article ($1.50)
Recent meteor strike debris found
CALGARY, Alberta, Nov. 28 (UPI) -- Canadian researchers reported Friday they had found some debris from a 10-ton meteorite in Saskatchewan that lit up western skies last week.
UPI NewsTrack TopNews
News from United Press International, around the world around the clock ...
Witnesses: Large meteor streaks across Canada sky
Date: November 23, 2008 Publication: Associated Press Archive
Scientists say they hope to find remnants of a meteor that brilliantly lit up the sky before falling to earth in western Canada.
University of Calgary planetary scientist Alan Hildebrand called it one of the largest meteors visible in the country in the last decade. Widely broadcast video images showed what appeared to be a speeding fireball Thursday night over Saskatoon that became larger and brighter before disappearing as it neared the ground.
Hildebrand said Friday that he...
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Fiery meteorite wows Western Canada
EDMONTON, Alberta, Nov. 21 (UPI) -- An intensely bright and colorful meteorite lit up the skies over the western Canadian province of Alberta and sparked hundreds of emergency calls to police.
Researchers find ancient meteorite dust
PISA, Italy, Nov. 18 (UPI) -- Italian explorers and geologists in the Antarctic report finding the world's largest and oldest cache of meteorite particles.
Sunshield created for the Webb telescope
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists say they've created a sunshield for the James Webb Space Telescope that can withstand severe cold and heat, radiation and meteorite impacts.
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News
Depression may hike COPD hospitalizations … NASA finds evidence of a wetter Mars … Saliva DNA may solve drug dosing problems … Scientist warns of 'digital dark age' ... Health/Science news from UPI.
NASA finds evidence of a wetter Mars
PASADENA, Calif., Oct. 28 (UPI) -- The U.S. space agency says its Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has found evidence that liquid water remained on Mars far longer than previously theorized.
Scientists prepare to study Mars samples
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists say they are preparing for the day when they can study materials returned to Earth from Mars or other planetary bodies.
Aussie diamonds give clues to early life
PERTH, Australia, July 2 (UPI) -- Scientists said diamonds found in Australia may change the accepted time frame for the early evolution of life on Earth.
Physicist: Use nukes against asteroids
MOSCOW, July 1 (UPI) -- A Russian physicist says specially designed nuclear weapons likely would be effective in preventing collisions between the Earth and asteroids.
Study: UV light might find life on Mars
CORVALLIS, Ore., July 1 (UPI) -- U.S. and British scientists say they have developed a method using ultraviolet light that could identify any organic material present in the soil of Mars.
The almanac
UPI Almanac for Monday, June 30, 2008.
Tunguska Event a 100-year-old mystery
MOSCOW, June 26 (UPI) -- Scientists are in Siberia this week to mark the 100th anniversary of the Tunguska Event, a mysterious explosion that flattened millions of trees.
Early genes might have come from the stars
LONDON, June 17 (UPI) -- A British-led study has confirmed for the first time that an important component of early genetic material is extraterrestrial in origin.
Giant meteorite found in Sweden
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, June 13 (UPI) -- A massive meteorite weighing a staggering 2,607 pounds has been found near the northern Swedish village of Kitkiojarvi, officials say.
Mich.-shaped meteorite sells for $20K at auction
Date: June 9, 2008 Publication: Associated Press Archive
A meteorite resembling Michigan's Lower Peninsula has been sold at auction, but bidders weren't quite as smitten with the mitten as the seller expected.
The 75-pound nickel-and-iron meteorite sold for $20,000 Sunday at Heritage Auction Galleries in Dallas. It had been expected to sell for $32,500 to $40,000. Michigan native Darryl Pitt, the meteorite's owner, says he is disappointed by the low price. He says he thinks the space rock is worth...
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Dinosaur dung, other ancient finds go up for auction in NYC
Date: April 29, 2008 Publication: Associated Press Archive
It may look like a geologic find, but the three-pound red and white fossil heading for auction in New York is actually a pile of dinosaur dung.
Bonhams New York puts the prehistoric deposit up for sale Wednesday along with such items as a 30,000-year-old woolly mammoth tusk, a giant beaver skull and a skeleton of a Russian Cave Bear. The dung looks like a rock on the outside and a colorful mineral inside. It's 130 million years old and is expected to sell for between $350...
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Dinosaur poo, meteorites up for auction
NEW YORK, April 28 (UPI) -- A New York auction house says it will hold an auction of meteorites, fossilized dinosaur droppings and other natural history artifacts.
Ind. police: Lights in sky a mystery
KOKOMO, Ind., April 17 (UPI) -- Police in Indiana's Tipton and Howard counties said they have received multiple reports of bright streaks of light in the sky Wednesday night.
Evidence of ancient meteorite strike found
GLASGOW, Scotland, March 29 (UPI) -- Geologists said a seam of stratified rock on the northwest coast of Scotland was formed by a major meteorite strike 1.2 billion years ago.
Peruvian meteorite confounds scientists
HOUSTON, March 12 (UPI) -- A meteorite that hit the earth in the Peruvian countryside last year should have never made it through the atmosphere, scientists say.
Canadian astronomers tape meteor fall
LONDON, Ontario, March 11 (UPI) -- Canadian astronomers at the University of Western Ontario are hunting for pieces of a meteorite they videotaped falling to Earth.
Comet dust resembles asteroid
LIVERMORE, Calif., Jan. 26 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists said comet dust brought back by NASA's Stardust resembles a meteorite from the asteroid belt rather than an unaltered comet.
2008 Meteorite News-UPI
Researcher: Devastating asteroid that exploded over Russia was smaller than once thought
Author: SUE MAJOR HOLMES Associated Press Writer
Date: January 29, 2008 Publication: Associated Press Archive
An asteroid that exploded over Siberia a century ago, leaving 800 square miles of scorched or blown down trees, wasn't nearly as large as previously thought, a researcher concludes, suggesting a greater danger for Earth.
According to supercomputer simulations by Sandia National Laboratories physicist Mark Boslough, the asteroid that destroyed the forest at Tunguska in Siberia in June 1908 had a blast force equivalent to one-quarter to one-third of the 10- to 20-megaton range...
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