Santander Asteroid Blast Area
image copyright Google 2010/ Lunarmeteorite*hunter (Click on image images to enlarge.)
Columbia and surrounding countries with placemarks of cities where the blast was heard from the bolide as it detonated in the atmosphere including: Santander, Bucaramanga, Giron, Piedecuesta (windows broken from shock wave), Floridablanca, Malaga, Carcasi, Capitanejo, San Andres, Boyaca, and San Gil.
Source: Columbia Radio News
image copyright Google 2010/ Lunarmeteorite*hunter (Click on image images to enlarge.)
Colombia confirms 'giant fire ball' a meteorite
... According to Colombia Reports, Bucaramanga Mayor Fernando Vargas confirmed the phenomenon was a meteorite that left a crater 100 meters in diameter where it crashed into the earth in the San Joaquin municipality in Santander. ...
Extraño objeto causó sorpresa en Santander
(Foto: Gráfico Aurelio Valencia / VANGUARDIA LIBERAL)
Photo of smoketrail/fireball and area sighted.
Los primeros reportes de los ciudadanos hablaban de una “especie de bola de fuego de colores que estuvo acompañada de un zumbido”, que fue seguida, minutos después, de una fuerte explosión. ...