Los científicos e investigadores consultados por RCN La Radio coinciden en que el objeto o bola de fuego que cayó en zona rural de Santander es un meteorito. El director del Observatorio Astronómico de la Universidad de Nariño, Alberto Quijano, aseguró que por las características del objeto es basura espacial que se conoce como meteorito. ... (more)
http://www.rcnradio.com/noticias/nacional/06-09-10/expertos-dicen-que-extra-o-objeto-es-un-meteoritoImTranslator 3.3.4-P (modified) Spanish to English Translation of text
Experts say that strange object is a meteoriteThe scientists and investigators consulted by RCN The Radio coincide that the object or fire-ball that fell down in rural zone of Santander is a meteorite. The director of the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Nariño, Alberto Quijano, made sure that for the characteristics of the object it is a spatial garbage that is known as meteorite. He told that this meteorite would be quite big because “ it resisted the first layers of ambience " and asked the inhabitants of the municipality of San Joaquín to be attentive for if they feel an earthquake so that they locate the one that might be the place where it fell.
Meanwhile, the commander of the Metropolitan Police of Bucaramanga, brigadier general Yesis Vásquez Prada, said that it received reports of the mysterious light and asked for calmness to the community.
Some witnesses reported that they saw a brilliant fire-ball that fell down in this region of the country, without up to the moment the exact place is had located.
The strong explosion was listened in the city of Bucaramanga and in municipalities like Girón, Piedecuesta, Floridablanca, Malaga, Carcasí, Capitanejo and San Andrés, in limits with Boyacá. Equally it was listened in San Gil and Help.
In some houses of rural zones of the locality of Piedecuesta, the Police said that it had glass reports of windows broken as the explosive wave.
For his{your} part, Luz Amanda Pulido, director of Management of Risk of the Department of the Interior and Justice, said that after inquiries with aeronautical authorities and of the National Network of Seismology (RNSC), it has been discarded that has talked each other as a plane in emergency or of an earthquake or a geologic flaw in the zone.
Different witnesses said that they saw a fire-ball that furrowed swiftly the sky of several municipalities of Santander and then a big explosion was heard.
More:'El sonido fue muy fuerte, pero las versiones son sólo conjeturas ...
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Los científicos e investigadores consultados por RCN La Radio coinciden en que el objeto o bola de fuego que cayó en zona rural de Santander es un meteorito ...
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