Showing posts with label impact crater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label impact crater. Show all posts

10 April 2018

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10APR2018

Bright meteor fireball with sonic boom reported over Central Europe, meteorites possible
A bright green meteor fireball was observed and captured on camera as it streaked over Central Europe (Austria, S Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia) at 18:49 UTC (20:49 CET) on April 8, 2018. The American Meteor Society (AMS) received 50 reports of the event (1336-2018) ...

Did you see the big meteor yesterday...Europe w/video
Did you see the big meteor yesterday evening? Here is another excellent view of yesterday's big fireball over the Pannonian and Alpine region, seen as...

Visit Wyoming's Big Meteor Crater
Take a good look at some of Wyoming's landscape and it hart to image that the state does not have a big meteor impact crater somewhere. There is actually one near the center of Wyoming. Cloud Creek Crater is in Natrona County, about 48 miles northwest of Casper. As you might imagine it is circular.

NASA's new Mars lander set to launch next month
Hindustan Times
A trip to the meteor belt or sightseeing across Mars. NASA is launching a new spacecraft to Mars, that will study the deep interior of the red planet to learn how all rocky planets and their moons are formed. This is the first time that a space mission will be ...

Lyrid meteor shower 2018: When, where and how to watch
Palm Beach Post
Lyrid meteor shower 2018: When, where and how to watch. According to NASA, Lyrids are one of the oldest known meteor showers and have been observed for 2,700 years. The Lyrid meteor shower is known for its bright fireballs, but isn't as luminous as August's famous Perseid meteor shower.

The April night and morning sky
Then, on April 22, the Lyrid Meteor Shower peaks with 20 bright meteors per hour visible to the eye. With a telescope, you can see galaxies of Leo and Ursa Major. You'll be able to point out the big dipper and Polaris, not the ATV but the north star. I encourage you to get out and look, and take your kids ...

Lyrid meteor shower 2018: When, where and how to watch
WFTV Orlando
The Lyrid meteors are named after their radiant, defined as the point in the sky from which they appear to come from, the constellation Lyra. According to NASA, Lyrids are one of the oldest known meteor showers and have been observed for 2,700 years. The first recorded sighting of a Lyrid meteor ...

Lyrid meteor shower to dazzle in April: When, where and how to watch
Atlanta Journal Constitution
The annual Lyrid meteor shower, named after the constellation Lyra, is just around the corner and expected to peak on April 22. It's the second meteor shower of 2018. » RELATED: Mark your calendar for these 2018 meteor showers ...

2018 Summer Star Parties at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
There will be prospects for star-gazing, eclipses, meteor showers, solar viewing, storytelling, and more. Starry night skies and natural darkness are important components of the special places the National Park Service protects. National parks enclose some of the last remaining harbors of darkness in ...

Event 1171-2018
Fireball event
Events in 2018 1171-2018 KML. AMS received 8 reports about a fireball seen over AZ, TX and NM on Saturday, March 31st 2018 around 03:04 UT. D. Sound. 6 no. C. Sound. 6 no. Frag. 2 yes. 5 no. Twitter0. 8 Reports. a - Aurelia E. Level 2. b - ROB W. Level 4. c - Rob M. Level 4. d - Seth G. Level 1.

2018 The FIFTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

14 April 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 14APR2015

Asteroid size of Statue of Liberty 'on collision course with Earth'
Researchers visiting villages in the area found a region of shock-wave damage extending some 50 miles on either side of the meteor's trajectory path.

Meteorites key to the story of Earth's layers
PhysOrg - 5 hours
A new analysis of the chemical make-up of meteorites has helped scientists work out when the Earth formed its layers.

Briny Water May Pool in Mars' Equatorial Soil
Discovery News - 8 hours
Mars may be a frigid desert, but perchlorate salts in the planet’s soil are lowering the freezing temperature of water, setting up conditions ..

This Molecule Could've Created the Backbone of DNA and Helped to Kick-Start Life
Popular Mechanics
Taken together, different formamide-meteor combinations produced everything from sugary glucose to fatty glycerol—a wide-ranging list of more than ...

Jeptha's Knob - Volcanic Bump or Meteor Strike?
Bed & Breakfast Association of Kentucky
Jeptha's Knob in Kentucky's Bluegrass Region was long thought to be cryptovolcanic but now appears to be evidence of an ancient, massive ..

Scientists look to dinosaur-killing meteor for extinction mysteries
Science Recorder
For the first time ever, scientists are going to extract sample from the Chicxulub crater in order to explore what happened to the dinosaurs. Scientists ...

Austrália registra a descoberta da maior área de impacto de um asteroide
Cientistas da Austrália descobriram algo incrível, o que dizem ser a maior área de impacto de aster...

Researchers Determine the Origin of Annama Meteorite
An international team led by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) has determined the orbit o...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

23 November 2010

Louisiana Impact Crater Meteor/Meteorite News

Heart of Louisiana: La's meteor strike video
by David McNamara
Dr. Paul Heinrich from LSU has found the remains of a large crater that experts believe was caused by a long-ago meteor impact... SEE Video Video

Other Meteor/Meteorite News:

Great balls of fire?
South Shore Now
"We checked through JRCC and there's no aircraft anywhere in the area, there's no radar contacts of any kind and it was at the height of the meteor shower," ...

University Heights students experience Mission Meteorite at UWO
London Free Press
Grade 6 student Grace Bowman 11 tries her hand at chocolate chip cookie asteroid mining during an outreach program called Mission Meteorite in the ... (It`s Canada!)