Showing posts with label asteroid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label asteroid. Show all posts

25 July 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 26JUL2014 - Early - Post 4000

The Surveillance State Is Looking in the Wrong Direction: The Asteroid Threat
bloomberg.comThe asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs was as wide as San Francisco and taller than Mount Everest. It slashed through the atmosphere 150 times faster than the ... -And what did the White Rabbit... say to Alice about the time??? -LMH, Tokyo

Earth in the midst of sixth mass extinction, study says
Eaton Rapids Community News - 10 hours
A Fish and Game Department biologist holds a dead Karner Blue butterfly at her lab in Concord, N.H. New Hampshire has taken a lead role in ...

NASA Mars Spacecraft Prepare for Close Comet Flyby
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
July 25, 2014
NASA is taking steps to protect its Mars orbiters, while preserving opportunities
to gather valuable scientific data, as Comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring heads
toward a close flyby of Mars on Oct. 19. ...

Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower Could Be a Great Show for a Change
NBC News
August's Perseid meteor shower is arguably the best-known sky show of the year, but for the next week, another spectacle known as the Delta ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for July 26-August 1, 2014
American Meteor Society
The estimated total hourly meteor rates for evening observers this week is near 4 as seen from the northern hemisphere and 3 as seen from southern ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

28 June 2014

Asteroid- The Doomsday Rock video

Asteroid- The Doomsday Rock "video
Space Documentary - Asteroid The Doomsday Rock- Space Documentary
Posted on YouTube by Space Vacationers 147,706 views

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Asteroid / Meteoroid Airbursts in Recorded History

Asteroid / Meteoroid Airbursts in Recorded World History
*subject to editing 28JUN2014
modified data/text excerpts from Original Data/Article at Wikipedia

Date, Location, Coordinates, Yield of explosion (TNT equivalent), Height of explosion, Notes

mid-Atlantic Ocean
11.7°N 40.3°W
Asteroid 2014 AA, discovered on 1 January 2014 by Richard Kowalski at the Mount Lemmon Survey, the second asteroid detected before Earth impact.[42]

heard in Montreal, Ottawa, and New York state [37] [38] [39] [40]
< 1 tonne of TNT (< 4.2 GJ) [41] Montreal bolide 

North Atlantic Ocean
10–20 kilotons Infrasound detection [29] 

near Chelyabinsk, Russia
500 kilotonnes of TNT (2,100 TJ) [34] Estimated 30–50 km [35] Chelyabinsk meteor [36] (Largest meteor airburst known since Tunguska in 1908) 

air burst centered near La Grange, California
4 kilotonnes of TNT (17 TJ) [32] 30–47 km [33] Sutter's Mill meteorite. Numerous fragments from object recovered. Analysis determined it was a Carbonaceous chondrite. 

South Pacific Ocean
>20 kilotons Infrasound detection [29] 

coastal region of Bone Regency in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
31–50 kilotonnes of TNT (130–210 TJ) 25 km (16 mi) No meteoritic material found (most likely fell into the ocean).[31] Occurred ~03:00 UTC; ~11:00 local time.[31] 

Nubian Desert, Sudan
0.9–2.1 kilotonnes of TNT (3.8–8.8 TJ) 37 km (23 mi) 2008 TC3, the first asteroid detected before impacting Earth;discovered by Richard Kowalski at the Mount Lemmon Survey,. It was the first time that an asteroid impact had been predicted prior to its entry into the atmosphere as a meteor.[43]

Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland
40 km (25 mi) Superbolide that was observed as far as northern Lapland.[30] Meteoritic material was suspected to have landed southeast of Oulu but none has been found.[citation needed] 

10–20 kilotons Infrasound detection [29] 

Indian Ocean
10–20 kilotons Infrasound detection [29] 

200 km off shore Queen Maud Land, Antarctica
69°S 27°E
12 kilotonnes of TNT (50 TJ) 28–30 km (17–19 mi) Asteroid 7–10 meters in diameter. Coordinates are for dust trail observed an hour after event by NASA's Aqua satellite. Event was observed also by military satellites and by infrasound stations. Dust was observed 7 hours after event by LIDAR in Davis Station.[28] 

The Vitim River basin near the town of Bodaybo, Irkutsk Oblast, Russia
58.27°N 113.45°E
0.2–2 kilotonnes of TNT (0.84–8.37 TJ) 30km Vitim event or Bodaybo event [27] 

Mediterranean Sea, 230 km north-northeast of Benghazi, Libya
34°N 21°E
12–26 kilotonnes of TNT (50–109 TJ)[25] [26] [23] Eastern Mediterranean event 

over Whitehorse, Yukon
1.7 kiloton [23] One airburst at ~08:00, fragments recovered Tagish Lake meteorite.[24] 

150 km south of Nuuk, Greenland
>0.064 kilotonnes of TNT (0.27 TJ) >25 km (16 mi) One airburst at 46 km, three more breakups detected between 25 and 30 km. No remains found so far. Yield only based on luminosity, i.e. the total energy might have been considerably larger.[22] 

300 km south of Kosrae, Micronesia
11 kilotonnes of TNT (46 TJ) 21–34 km (13–21 mi) Marshall Islands fireball (4–14 meters in diameter). Two fragments exploded at 34 km and 21 km of altitude. This impact was observed by space based infrared (IR) sensors operated by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and by visible wavelength sensors operated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).[21] 

Cando, Spain Cando event 

Lugo, Northern Italy
>10 kilotonnes of TNT (42 TJ) 30 km Superbolide airburst caused by the breakup of a low density meteoroid traveling at approximately 26 km/s.[20] 

Vilna, Alberta
0.6 kilotonnes of TNT (2.5 TJ) 13 km (8 mi) Two very small fragments found - 48 milligrams (0.0017 oz) and 94 milligrams (0.0033 oz). Stored at University of Alberta, in Edmonton.[18] Photographed.[19] 

Lake Huron, Michigan–Ontario
0.6 kilotonnes of TNT (2.5 TJ) 13 km (8 mi) No material from meteorite found. Photographed bolide body.[17] 

Revelstoke, British Columbia
0.6 kilotonnes of TNT (2.5 TJ) 13 km (8 mi) 1 g (0.035 oz) material from meteorite found. Sometimes placed in Southeastern Canada on May 31.[16] 

Approximately 1,900 kilometres (1,200 mi) south of South Africa51°S 24°E
176–356 kilotonnes of TNT (740–1,490 TJ) A bolide was detected infrasonically approximately 1,100 kilometres (680 mi) west-south-west of the Prince Edward Islands off the coast of South Africa by a U.S. government instrument network designed to detect atmospheric explosions.[15] 

Sikhote-Alin Mountains in eastern Siberia, Primorsky Krai, Russia
10 kilotonnes of TNT (42 TJ) Sikhote-Alin meteorite. Estimated explosive yield of 10 kt equivalent.[14]
1941.04.09 Ural mountains, Katav-Ivanovo district of Chelyabinsk region Russia Катавский болид (Katavsky bolide). Residents of several localities had seen a fireball flying at a high speed in the dark sky, followed by roaring likened to the sound of a speeding steam locomotive. Fragments were left as a result of the event.[citation needed] 

Chicora, Pennsylvania United States
On June 24, 1938 a meteorite fell in the vicinity of Chicora. Named the "Chicora Meteor", the 450+ tonne meteorite exploded approximately twelve miles above the Earth's surface.[13] 

Arroyomolinos de León, Spain
190 kilotonnes of TNT (790 TJ) 15.7 km (9.8 mi) Shattered windows. Likely connected to the δ-Arietids meteor shower.[12] 

Curuçá River Area, Amazonas, Brazil
9–5,000 kilotonnes of TNT (38–20,920 TJ) Generally assumed to be generated by three meteor fragments. An astrobleme of 1 km was found on the ground, but may be related to an older feature.[7][8] [9] [10] [11] It is also known as Brazilian Tunguska or Curuçá Event.[9] 

Southern Michigan and Northern Indiana, USA
42°N 86°W
A gigantic meteor was seen approaching from the east. A brilliant flash of light, thunder and an earthquake lasting 3 minutes were reported. Considerable damage to property and broken windows were reported over a very large area as well as disruption to telegraph, telephone and electrical power systems.[6] 

60 kilometres (37 mi) west-northwest of Vanavara [5] in Yeniseysk Governorate, Russian Empire
10–15 megatonnes of TNT (42,000–63,000 TJ) 8.5 km (5.3 mi) Tunguska event  (Largest meteor airburst known in modern history.)

Near Helsinki in Grand Duchy of Finland, Russian Empire
20 km (12 mi) Produced the largest amount of meteoritic debris ever found on Finnish soil, weighing 328 kilograms in total. Bjurböle Meteorite [4] The heaviest single meteorite weighs 80 kilograms and it is currently located in the Finnish Museum of Natural History.[citation needed] 

Near the Seven Stones reef, off Cornwall in United Kingdom
Exploded over a light vessel, at ~02:00, "showering the deck with cinders."[3] 

Near New York City in United States
The meteor was witnessed by many in the region, including residents of New York City, as it passed overhead. The fireball exploded over Toms River, New Jersey. The concussion from the explosion shook houses miles from the epicenter. The sound from the explosion lasted for nearly two minutes, and was described as continuous cannon fire.[1] [2]

Excerpt -Data Source- Wikipedia- Author/s unknown
article edit incomplete 28JUN2014-

Thank you to the author/s of this compilation in Wikipedia past and future!

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

06 June 2014

'Beast' Asteroid 2014 HQ124 Flyby 08JUN2014 (VIDEO)

'Beast' Asteroid 2014 HQ124 Flyby 08JUN2014
Asteroid Cave Art -"Beast"
photo by Dirk Ross
C2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter
'Beast' Asteroid To Fly By Earth Sunday, June 8 (VIDEO)
Huffington Post
Earth is in for a close call this week. Well, not too close. A massive asteroid nicknamed "The Beast" is set to fly by Earth on Sunday, June 8, shortly before 2 a.m. EDT at a distance of three lunar lengths, at least 716,500 miles from Earth. Asteroid 2014 HQ124 was first spotted by NASA's…...

(2014 HQ124) 2014-Jun-080.00843.3320 m19.114.05

"The Beast" Potentially Hazardous Asteroid to Fly By Earth Sunday, June 8
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 187 views
Tracking Near-Earth Asteroid 2014 HQ124
Posted on YouTube by Slooh   14,148 views
Streamed live on Jun 5, 2014
Discovered on April 23rd by NASA's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), Near Earth-Asteroid 2014 HQ124, now nicknamed "The Beast", with an estimated diameter of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier (325 Meters / 1066 feet) and traveling at approximately 31,000 MPH (14 km/s), will race by Earth this week at a worrisome three lunar distances away.
Slooh will cover The Beast live on Thursday, June 5th starting at 11:30 AM PDT / 2:30 PM EDT / 18:30 UTC - International Times: . Slooh will broadcast the event live from Australia, featuring time lapse imagery from Slooh's newly renovated robotic observatory in Chile.
Viewers can watch the live asteroid broadcast free on The image stream will be accompanied by discussions led by Slooh host, Geoff Fox, Slooh astronomer, Bob Berman, Slooh friend, Dr. Mark Boslough, an expert on planetary impacts and global catastrophes and frequent participant on many science TV documentaries. Viewers can follow updates on the show by using the hashtag #Sloohbeast.

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

25 March 2014

NASA Seeks Proposals on Asteroid Redirect Mission Concepts Development

NASA Seeks Proposals on Asteroid Redirect Mission Concepts Development

In support of NASA's Asteroid Redirect Mission - a key part of the agency's stepping stone path to send humans to Mars - agency officials are seeking proposals for studies on advanced technology development.

Through a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), released Friday, NASA hopes to solicit proposals for concept studies in areas including asteroid capture systems, rendezvous sensors, adapting commercial spacecraft for the Asteroid Redirect Mission and feasibility studies of potential future partnership opportunities for secondary payloads and the crewed mission.

"As NASA continues to make great progress refining our mission concepts, we're reaching out to seek new and innovative ideas as we extend the frontier of space exploration," said William Gerstenmaier, associate administratorfor Human Exploration and Operations at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "To reach Mars, we'll rely on new technologies and advanced capabilities proven through the Asteroid Initiative. We're looking forward to excitingideas from outside NASA as well to help realize that vision."

Following evaluations of the proposals, NASA plans to select no more than 25 proposals and make total awards of as much as $6 million. Contracts would begin and end this year. More information can be found in the BAA, available at:

The announcement precedes a Wednesday, March 26, Asteroid Initiative Opportunities Forum at NASA Headquarters. The forum will provide status updates from
ongoing Asteroid Redirect Mission concept and extensibility refinement and expand on the BAA, which is a follow-on step from the 2013 Request for Information in mission planning activities. The event also will highlight opportunities for public engagement in the mission and activities associated with the agency's Asteroid Grand Challenge. The forum will be carried
on NASA Television and streamed online for virtual participants. For the agenda and to register as a virtual participant, go to:

NASA's Asteroid Initiative includes the Asteroid Grand Challenge and the Asteroid Redirect Mission. The grand challenge will develop new partnerships and collaborations to accelerate the agency's existing planetary defense work, and the mission will collect and redirect an asteroid where astronauts can explore and sample it.

The Asteroid Redirect Mission has three major elements: target identification; a robotic mission to capture and redirect the selected asteroid into a stable orbit beyond the moon; and a crewed segment in which astronauts in NASA's Orion spacecraft launched on the Space Launch System rocket will rendezvous with the captured asteroid, conduct spacewalks to collect samples from it, and return them to the Earth for analysis. New capabilities and systems tested through the Asteroid Initiative will advance NASA's ultimate goal of sending humans to Mars.

For more information about NASA's Asteroid Initiative, visit:


Trent J. Perrotto
Headquarters, Washington

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

20 March 2014

Giant Asteroid Occultation of Bright Star Regulus 20MAR2014

Giant Asteroid
Asteroid 163 Erigone Occultation of Bright Star Regulus March 20 Giant Asteroid to Black Out Bright Star Regulus March 20
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 25 views
In the early morning hours of March 20, 2014, Erigone is expected to occult the first-magnitude star Regulus[4] as first predicted by A. Vitagliano in 2004. Regulus is about 78 light-years away from Earth and the brightest star in Leo and roughly the 21st brightest star in sky. This may be the best and brightest asteroid occultation ever predicted to occur over a populated area.
Although Erigone will come nowhere near Earth, as it passes in front of the star its shadow of approximately 110 kilometres (68 mi) wide[ will sweep across Nassau and Suffolk counties, all five boroughs of New York City and the Hudson River Valley, with the center of the predicted shadow path following a line roughly connecting New York City, White Plains, Newburgh, Oneonta, Rome and Pulaski before crossing into Canada near Belleville and North Bay, Ontario. Observers in the shadow path may see the star wink out for as long as 14 seconds. The Planetary Society has provided maps to help observers.

Watch live here:
Slooh Live Broadcast-


2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

06 March 2014

Breaking News - No Earth Danger! 0.2LD Asteroid Passing Earth 06MAR2014

Breaking News! 05MAR2014
Another Very Close Shave Asteroid 2014 EC Just Discovered 05MAR2014!
 - No Earth Danger! 0.2LD Asteroid Passing Earth 06MAR2014
update 05MAR2014
(2014 EC) 2014-Mar-060.00040.26.2 m - 14 m28.215.93
Source- NASA/JPL - 2014 EC Page -;orb=1
NASA NEO Main Page -

Breaking News: Extremely Close Shave Asteroid 2014 EC Just Discovered! Passing Earth March 06
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 169 views

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

02 March 2014

Top 10 Biggest Asteroid Strikes in Prehistory Video

Top 10 Biggest Asteroid Strikes in Prehistory Video

Top 10 Biggest Meteor Strikes in History
Posted to YouTube by toptenznet 5 views

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

01 March 2014

RT News Report- Gang of Asteroids: Russian meteor may have followers on same path - TV News Video

A Reminder!
RT News Report- Gang of Asteroids: Russian meteor may have followers on same path - Video
Nearly 20 known asteroids believed to be on the same path according to RT News.
Gang of Asteroids: Russian meteor may have followers on same path
Posted to YouTube byRT 54,268 views

Russian Meteor Might Have Siblings in Tow - Scientific American
Aug 2, 2013 - Orbital estimates have pinpointed 20 asteroids on similar paths to the space rock that exploded near Chelyabinsk in February. Aug 5, 2013 |By ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

30 September 2013

Asteroid near-miss reported by Russian scientists

Asteroid near-miss reported by Russian scientists

A 15-meter asteroid, similar to the object that exploded above Russia in February, moving at a speed of 16km per second, was detected hours before it narrowly missed Earth over the weekend, according to Russian scientists.
"[The asteroid] was discovered on Friday night by our station near Lake Baikal and nine hours later it flew within 11,300km of the Earth’s surface, below the orbit of geostationary satellites. It was about 15 meters in size,” Vladimir Lipunov of the Moscow State University and the Sternberg Astronomical Institute indicated. ...
Sure am glad the USAF Space Fence was shut off 01SEP2013, one month earlier than scheduled due to budget constraints. so we dont have to deal with these!

And I hope the coming Raytheon, Lockheed Martin Space Fence is well funded-

YouTube Uploaded by LockheedMartinVideos on 3 Jan 2011 53,147 views

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

06 August 2013

Chelyabinsk, Russia meteor may have followers on same path ...

Gang of Asteroids: Chelyabinsk, Russia meteor may have followers on same path Gang of Asteroids: Russian meteor may have followers on same path
Posted to YouTube by RussiaToday 6,417 views

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

09 June 2013

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 08JUN2013 * Asteroid Passing Earth

0.29 LD New Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2013 LR6 passing Earth ...‎
17 hours ago - 31 posts - 7 authors They found her yesterday, she will 'pass' us tomorrow. Cheers, T.

Small Asteroid Between Earth and Moon Tonight
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
June 07, 2013
Small asteroid 2013 LR6 will safely fly past this evening at 9:42 p.m.
PDT (which is June 8 at 12:42 a.m. EDT/June 8 at 04:42 UTC) at a
distance of about 65,000 miles (105,000 kilometers) above Earth's
surface. The space rock, which is about 30 feet (10 meters) in diameter,
will be above the Southern Ocean, south of Tasmania, at the time of
closest approach. Asteroid 2013 LR6 was discovered by the NASA-sponsored
Catalina Sky Survey on June 6. ...

2011 meteor shower left a ton of debris on earth
Times of India
Scientists have found that meteoritic material - debris from these shooting stars, especially during the 2011 Draconid meteor shower deposited a ton of meteoritic material on Earth. With more than 400 meteors per hour, it was one of the most intense ...

Author Alan Whichello looks at impact of meteors in new novel
PR Web (press release)
Nearly 200 years later, in May 2012, another meteor was spotted traveling from northern Scotland to southern England, descending to an altitude of about 80 miles above Birmingham and Oxfordshire, and is believed to have finally gone down in the English ...

Cañon City part of Colorado Springs meteorite exhibit
Fri, 07 Jun, 2013 03:25 AM PDT
Pieces of some rare Cañon City history will be on display during the Pikes Peak Gem and Mineral Show from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday through Sunday at the Western Museum of Mining and Industry in Colorado Springs. Continue reading

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

01 February 2013

NEOs Asteroid Close Approaches February 2013

NEOs Asteroid Close Approaches February 2013

Three (now 9) known close-close approaches in February,  (See updates! ; more added!)
(2013 BS45) , (2013 BV15), and a very close call on 15FEB2013 of asteroid 2012 DA14.  Expect some increased meteor/fireball activity 3 days or so prior and after their passings.  Cameras, observers and reporters ready?  Thank you!  -LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo, JAPAN

(2013 DS9) 2013-Feb-240.02228.715 m - 33 m26.37.01

(2013 DG1) 2013-Feb-240.029211.315 m - 33 m26.310.80

(2013 CW129) 2013-Feb-180.00341.37.4 m - 17 m27.816.73

(2013 CZ87) 2013-Feb-190.01807.017 m - 39 m25.96.93

(2013 CE82) 2013-Feb-170.01194.627 m - 60 m25.013.19

(2013 BA74) 2013-Feb-060.01154.524 m - 55 m25.27.18

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers

(2011 UD21) 2013-Feb-010.108942.45.3 m - 12 m28.54.48
(2012 YN6) 2013-Feb-010.053620.997 m - 220 m22.26.91
230111 (2001 BE10) 2013-Feb-020.190874.2420 m - 940 m19.010.83
177049 (2003 EE16) 2013-Feb-020.146857.1290 m - 650 m19.823.53
(2013 BS15) 2013-Feb-030.080331.228 m - 62 m24.97.69
(2008 SW11) 2013-Feb-030.188173.2160 m - 350 m21.117.34
(2013 AQ72) 2013-Feb-040.145656.794 m - 210 m22.37.31
(2003 BN4) 2013-Feb-040.070927.636 m - 80 m24.33.22
(2013 BU15) 2013-Feb-040.031312.267 m - 150 m23.017.94
(1999 HA2) 2013-Feb-050.149158.0790 m - 1.8 km17.615.08
(2013 AQ27) 2013-Feb-070.059022.936 m - 80 m24.45.01
(2002 LY1) 2013-Feb-080.074128.8120 m - 270 m21.712.98
(2013 BS45) 2013-Feb-120.01264.919 m - 43 m25.73.08
(2013 AB32) 2013-Feb-120.076729.967 m - 150 m23.09.44
3752 Camillo 2013-Feb-120.147857.52.1 km - 4.7 km15.528.82
(2012 US9) 2013-Feb-130.161963.0130 m - 280 m21.67.98
(2013 BV15) 2013-Feb-130.00953.739 m - 88 m24.18.22
(2008 CQ116) 2013-Feb-140.193975.550 m - 110 m23.615.72
(2006 DD1) 2013-Feb-140.094036.613 m - 29 m26.520.14
137805 (1999 YK5) 2013-Feb-150.126349.11.3 km - 2.9 km16.620.21
(1999 VF22) 2013-Feb-150.145456.6210 m - 460 m20.529.76
(2012 DA14) 2013-Feb-150.00020.0936 m - 80 m24.47.82
(2005 RZ2) 2013-Feb-150.081131.560 m - 130 m23.27.38
(2008 DG17) 2013-Feb-160.094636.8300 m - 670 m19.723.24
(2013 BD70) 2013-Feb-170.139854.490 m - 200 m22.36.24
153460 (2001 RN) 2013-Feb-200.155860.6370 m - 820 m19.317.72
(2012 HN1) 2013-Feb-240.177469.011 m - 24 m27.04.51
(2009 AV) 2013-Feb-250.153359.7640 m - 1.4 km18.124.54
(2012 TF53) 2013-Feb-250.100639.1170 m - 370 m21.06.44
(2003 BB21) 2013-Feb-280.138754.0180 m - 410 m20.812.46
Source of Table and for the latest updates:

COMPARE with FEB 2012

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers

(2002 TZ66) 2012-Feb-180.124748.518 m - 39 m25.95.59
(2012 CR46) 2012-Feb-180.030411.812 m - 27 m26.73.37
162421 (2000 ET70) 2012-Feb-190.045417.7640 m - 1.4 km18.111.54
(2012 CP36) 2012-Feb-200.179669.9120 m - 270 m21.711.45
(2012 CL29) 2012-Feb-200.167565.260 m - 130 m23.24.84
(2012 DF4) 2012-Feb-210.00863.419 m - 42 m25.816.17
(2008 WZ13) 2012-Feb-210.147157.2510 m - 1.1 km18.610.49
(2012 DX) 2012-Feb-210.00502.010 m - 23 m27.110.60
(2012 CR45) 2012-Feb-220.040615.824 m - 53 m25.25.16
(2012 DZ) 2012-Feb-220.00652.516 m - 35 m26.116.46
 * Diameter estimates based on the object's absolute magnitude.

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers

(2011 CP4) 2012-Feb-230.02349.1160 m - 350 m21.230.47
(2012 DY) 2012-Feb-240.02379.213 m - 28 m26.69.37
(2012 BM86) 2012-Feb-240.059923.3110 m - 250 m21.918.39
(2007 RS1) 2012-Feb-240.155860.61.7 m - 3.8 m31.016.01
(2012 BH86) 2012-Feb-250.063724.838 m - 85 m24.29.29
(2012 CO36) 2012-Feb-250.066725.920 m - 45 m25.610.44
(2011 YU74) 2012-Feb-250.031512.369 m - 150 m22.95.13
(2012 CS46) 2012-Feb-250.00712.77.2 m - 16 m27.87.25
(2010 RF12) 2012-Feb-260.095837.35.6 m - 13 m28.48.00
(2008 BX2) 2012-Feb-260.155560.549 m - 110 m23.77.66
(2003 QB30) 2012-Feb-280.189973.914 m - 32 m26.417.69
(2002 QC7) 2012-Feb-280.071427.8280 m - 630 m19.915.17
(2012 BN11) 2012-Feb-290.109242.5190 m - 420 m20.713.00
Original Table Source and updates from NASA/JPL:

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!