Showing posts with label Slooh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slooh. Show all posts

06 June 2014

'Beast' Asteroid 2014 HQ124 Flyby 08JUN2014 (VIDEO)

'Beast' Asteroid 2014 HQ124 Flyby 08JUN2014
Asteroid Cave Art -"Beast"
photo by Dirk Ross
C2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter
'Beast' Asteroid To Fly By Earth Sunday, June 8 (VIDEO)
Huffington Post
Earth is in for a close call this week. Well, not too close. A massive asteroid nicknamed "The Beast" is set to fly by Earth on Sunday, June 8, shortly before 2 a.m. EDT at a distance of three lunar lengths, at least 716,500 miles from Earth. Asteroid 2014 HQ124 was first spotted by NASA's…...

(2014 HQ124) 2014-Jun-080.00843.3320 m19.114.05

"The Beast" Potentially Hazardous Asteroid to Fly By Earth Sunday, June 8
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 187 views
Tracking Near-Earth Asteroid 2014 HQ124
Posted on YouTube by Slooh   14,148 views
Streamed live on Jun 5, 2014
Discovered on April 23rd by NASA's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), Near Earth-Asteroid 2014 HQ124, now nicknamed "The Beast", with an estimated diameter of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier (325 Meters / 1066 feet) and traveling at approximately 31,000 MPH (14 km/s), will race by Earth this week at a worrisome three lunar distances away.
Slooh will cover The Beast live on Thursday, June 5th starting at 11:30 AM PDT / 2:30 PM EDT / 18:30 UTC - International Times: . Slooh will broadcast the event live from Australia, featuring time lapse imagery from Slooh's newly renovated robotic observatory in Chile.
Viewers can watch the live asteroid broadcast free on The image stream will be accompanied by discussions led by Slooh host, Geoff Fox, Slooh astronomer, Bob Berman, Slooh friend, Dr. Mark Boslough, an expert on planetary impacts and global catastrophes and frequent participant on many science TV documentaries. Viewers can follow updates on the show by using the hashtag #Sloohbeast.

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

20 March 2014

Giant Asteroid Occultation of Bright Star Regulus 20MAR2014

Giant Asteroid
Asteroid 163 Erigone Occultation of Bright Star Regulus March 20 Giant Asteroid to Black Out Bright Star Regulus March 20
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 25 views
In the early morning hours of March 20, 2014, Erigone is expected to occult the first-magnitude star Regulus[4] as first predicted by A. Vitagliano in 2004. Regulus is about 78 light-years away from Earth and the brightest star in Leo and roughly the 21st brightest star in sky. This may be the best and brightest asteroid occultation ever predicted to occur over a populated area.
Although Erigone will come nowhere near Earth, as it passes in front of the star its shadow of approximately 110 kilometres (68 mi) wide[ will sweep across Nassau and Suffolk counties, all five boroughs of New York City and the Hudson River Valley, with the center of the predicted shadow path following a line roughly connecting New York City, White Plains, Newburgh, Oneonta, Rome and Pulaski before crossing into Canada near Belleville and North Bay, Ontario. Observers in the shadow path may see the star wink out for as long as 14 seconds. The Planetary Society has provided maps to help observers.

Watch live here:
Slooh Live Broadcast-


2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

05 March 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 05MAR2014

 98-foot asteroid flashes between moon and Earth within 24 hours

March 4, 2014
The asteroid, named 2014 DX110, is expected to make its closest approach at 21:07 GMT on Wednesday at a blistering speed of 14.85 km/s (32,076 mph). Although the space rock poses no threat to earth, it highlights the earth’s susceptibility to near-Earth asteroids. ...

The Virtual Telescope Project 2.0- Next LIVE event:
 “Near-Earth Asteroid 2014 DX 110” 
– 5 Mar. 2014, 20:30 UT

Video that will want to watch about this asteroid!

Enormous Asteroid to Zip Between Earth and Moon on March 5
Posted on YouTube by nemesis maturity 28 views
Thanks Elias! Great job!  Please subscribe to his channel nemesis maturity for more interesting videos.

Slooh Live Broadcast Tracking of 2014 DX110 -- TODAY 05MAR2014
Watch live as Asteroid 2014 DX110 passed between the Earth and Moon today.
Details on their site for viewing time...

Other News-
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest WorldwideMeteor/Meteorite News 04MAR2014
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-02MAR2014 JJ Antioch, il. usa 2314 pm Central time 2 secs Starting Sky Heading nw sw tail white / blue Circle (Flash) .

'Tunnels' and 'spheres' in meteorite revive debate over life on Mars
Fox News
The discovery of tiny carbon-rich balls and tunnels inside a Martian meteorite has once again raised the possibility that the Red Planet was teeming ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Lunar Meteorite Quiz - How big an object with velocity to ...
File a Meteor/Fireball Sighting Report "click here" If YOU saw a METEOR; ... Breaking News -Kenya BolideMeteor With Loud Boom 27FEB2014.

Earth to Receive the Greater Meteorite Shower of Last Years
Prensa Latina
A meteorite, popularly known as shooting star, is the trail of brilliant steam remaining on the path followed by a meteoroid, which is a small fragment of ...

East Coast Meteor Strike As 'Bright As A Burning Plane' Reported - But Did It Actually Happen?
Huffington Post UK
The American Meteor Association logged calls from hundreds of people last week claiming to have seen the fireball streaking across the sky. meteor ...

Martian meteorite suggests water once existed on the Red Planet
UPI - 6 hours
Brooks Hays WASHINGTON, March 3 (UPI) -- Scientists have found more evidence to support theories that water and microbial life once existed ...

Signs of life from Mars?
Fox News - 6 hours
This scanning electron microscope image shows spheroidal features in a layer of iddingsite, a mineral formed by action of water, in the ...

NEOWISE spies its first comet
PhysOrg - 12 hours
( —NASA's Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) spacecraft has spotted a never-before-seen comet—its first ...

Japan Fireball Meteor 03MAR2014 - Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Japan Long Path Fireball Meteor 19'19 JST 03MAR2014 - 2014年3月3日 19時19分37秒 長経路星. Kagawa, Japan Allsky Camera Image credit- ...

Meteorite crashes into moon in 'largest lunar impact on record'
Independent - 4 hours
Astronomers say they have observed a meteorite weighing almost half a tonne crashing into the Moon in September, creating a record-breaking ...

Scientist Says Russian Meteorite Being Stored Incorrectly
Russian Information Agency Novosti - 7 hours
The largest surviving fragment of a meteor that entered Earth’s atmosphere in a fiery blaze over Russia last year will quickly deteriorate ...

Hail of Meteorite Fragments Hits Russia
Russian Information Agency Novosti - 7 hours

Will we die a fiery death? Ask a NASA expert Wednesday
SAN FRANCISCO -- Will we all die a fiery death when a giant meteor ... The person to ask is Bill Cooke, NASA's meteor and fireball expert.

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest WorldwideMeteor/Meteorite News 04MAR2014
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-02MAR2014 JJ Antioch, il. usa 2314 pm Central time 2 secs Starting Sky Heading nw sw tail white / blue Circle (Flash) .

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!