Showing posts with label Yin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yin. Show all posts

16 August 2013

Canberra, Australia Meteor D+3 Update 16AUG2013

Canberra, Australia MeteorRats Hunt D+3 Update 16AUG2013

WE NEED Security Camera Videos of the meteor PLEASE HELP SEARCH for them!!!
Quality is not necessarily an issue at this time; if you own a security camera in the Camberra, Sydney or Melbourne Areas PLEASE CHECK your video for capture at around 21'36 AST 13AUG2013; thank you!
email- with videos or reports.

D+2= Weather Dog Yin Catches First MeteorRats!
"click on image to enlarge"
Weather Dog Yin Catches First of
Australian MeteorRats!

c2013 ALYN / LunarMeteoriteHunter /Google Earth
Story in Japanese about Canberra Meteor Event 13AUG2013-
Translate this page
22 hours ago - Macarthur居民Bradley Sommerauer周三早上醒来时检查了以下他的摄像机,这对于他已经成为了一种习惯。不过,检查拍摄的镜头之时,这名20岁 ...

Meanwhile Outback in OZ...

Bruces and Andys are Still...
in a staff meeting discussing Andys plan with the PM for the hunt of ... 
the (Ultra Rare) Cheese.

Latest Development NEW MeteorRats to be dispatched...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

15 August 2013

Camberra, Australia MeteorRats Scramble! The Hunt HAS started...

Camberra Australia MeteorRats Scramble!  The Hunt HAS started...
D+2 update

WE NEED Security Camera Videos of the meteor PLEASE HELP SEARCH for them!!!
Quality is not necessarily an issue at this time; if you own a security camera in the Camberra, Sydney or Melbourne Areas PLEASE CHECK your video for capture at around 21'36 13AUG2013; thank you!
email- with videos or reports.
"click on image to enlarge"
D+2 update
Baby Yin Hunting MeteorRats Hunting Canberra MeteorRites
Yang is holding out for a 'Roo!
[The twins are "Yin" and "Yang" - "Yin"'s the little girl, "Yang" the
little boy]
c 2013 ALYN

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!