Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts

17 March 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 16MAR2021 Late Edition

The giant meteor will pass two million kilometers from the Earth
FLA News
Meteorites discovered twenty years ago may have a maximum size of 1.7 ... NASA said the meteorite is unlikely to hit the Earth, but the 2001 FO32 ...

Asteroide in rotta verso la Terra: Nasa e Esa preoccupate
Asteroide: nuovo ALLARME, un altro meteorite minaccerà la Terra a breve Un asteroide è stato segnalato dalle note agenzie NASA ed ESA ...

Precious meteorite found by the roadside in the UK
Researchers are commenting today on their discovery in rural England. Remains of a rare meteorite containing important information about the ...

Meteor the Size of a Ball Rattled Buildings after Flashing in Vermont Sky
UK Fireball Alliance calculated the meteorite strewn field #fireball #meteor ... Perhaps it may have made its way to Earth in meteorites, where it most ...

Une météorite aperçue dans le ciel de la Beauce
Le Journal de Québec
Une météorite aperçue en Beauce passionne les astronomes, qui découvrent depuis lundi que plusieurs caméras ont pu capter son phénomène ...

Stolen Wolfe Creek meteorite heads home
Yahoo News Australia
The 11kg meteor was donated to the store by a family friend who found it in 1973 while visiting Western Australia's Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater ...

Police charge man after missing meteorite located at Atherton
Mirage News
Cairns detectives have charged a man after locating a missing meteorite during the search of a Mooroobool property earlier this month. The meteorite ...

Meteorite missing for five years is returned to Queensland owners
Brisbane Times
Investigations led to officers searching a property in Mooroobool, Cairns, about 80 kilometres from Atherton, where they found the meteorite. A man ...

Out of this world robbery sees alleged crim brought back down to earth
Daily Telegraph
A hefty 11 kilogram meteorite, estimated to be worth several thousands of dollars, disappeared without a trace from the Atherton Crystal Caves ...

Man charged after missing meteorite located, Atherton
The meteorite was stolen from a Main Street premises at Atherton in June 2015 when two men allegedly broke into the shop. Investigations led officers to ...

Ils trouvent une « relique du système solaire primitif » sur une route en Angleterre
Marseille News .net
Ce sont les propriétaires qui ils ont ramassé les morceaux de la météorite et ils ont alerté le UK Meteorite Observation Network, qui a ensuite contacté le ...

Acqua e pianeti rocciosi, il legame in un meteorite
Global Science
L'indagine, che si focalizza sul passato di Marte, si è basata su un meteorite originario del Pianeta Rosso e vecchio di oltre 4 miliardi di anni: Nwa ...

Meteorite illumina i cieli del Regno Unito e poi si schianta a terra
Everyeye Tech
Il meteorite pesa ben 300 grammi, ed è il primo trovato nel Regno Unito dal 1991. Per intenderci, la roccia spaziale ha dapprima illuminato i cieli ...

Le 15 mars 1806 tombait dans le Gard la météorite d'Alais
Midi Libre
"Alors que l'autre commune d'Occitanie a, récemment, élevé une élégante stèle céleste à sa météorite, notre météorite gardoise, qui fait rayonner le ...

Il misterioso cratere del Sirente creato da un meteorite: luogo per riflettere su tempo e universo
Si sarebbe creato dopo un meteorite del diametro di circa 10 metri caduto 1500 anni fa. La sezione del cratere è infatti quella tipica scavata dai ...

Questo meteorite scoperto nel deserto è antecedente alla formazione del nostro pianeta
... del sistema solare, rendendolo attualmente il meteorite più antico mai scoperto, circa un milione di anni prima del precedente detentore del record.

Goodness gracious: 'Fireball' captures how meteors shape our planet
Christian Science Monitor
Scientist Clive Oppenheimer shares a meteorite discovery in Antarctica in “Fireball: Visitors From Darker Worlds.” November 11, 2020. By Peter Rainer ...

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

02 February 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 02FEB2021

Meteor shoots across Malaysian sky (Videos)
Yahoo Singapore News
“Witnesses say the meteor created loud noises and smoke,” a member from the society said. Eyewitness Amz Awie from Labuan told reporters on ...

Meteor over Alishan Taiwan
Focus Taiwan News Channel
A meteor blazes across a starry sky over Niupuzai Grassland, which is part of the Alishan National Scenic Area in central Taiwan, early Monday.

Forte boato nei cieli bresciani: lavori in corso o colpa del meteorite?
Alcune fonti online segnalano – in maniera molto dettagliata – il passaggio di un meteorite poi esploso proprio intorno alle 23, nei cieli del Nord Ovest.

Caught on Camera: Fireball flies across Kansas sky
ANDALE, Kan. (KWCH) - There were several reports Sunday night and early Monday morning of a fireball lighting up the sky, including right here in ...

Sonic boom or meteorite behind loud explosion?
The Star Online
The PABD website also uploaded witness accounts which can be read at ...

Mystery blast: Signs point to sonic boom or meteorite
The Star Online
... Lawas (Sarawak), and parts close to these areas on Sunday (Jan 31) could have been a sonic boom or a meteorite which exploded in mid-air.

Meteor in Kerala sparks fear, netizens suspect alien visit
IBTimes India
Several netizens claimed that the meteor that appeared in the skies of Kerala could actually be an alien UFO. Scroll down to know more. By Nirmal ...

Meteor Fireball Reports
The American Meteor Society, a nonprofit group, said it received more than 200 reports of a bright fireball over eastern Ohio. The American Meteor ...

2021 January 31 - Asteroids in the Distance - APOD
Astronomy Picture of the Day - NASA
Larger bits appear initially as a bright meteor. Baseball-sized rocks and ice-balls streak through our atmosphere daily, most evaporating quickly to ...

NASA asks Queensland school for explanation after 'meteorite' falls on grounds
Images of the so-called meteorite went like a rocket across on social media.  Australia Crash Investigation Unit sparked ..... FAKED Meteorite Event

Domanitch & Bursa | Center for Meteorite Studies
Center for Meteorite Studies - Arizona State University
How do we know that Bursa is a distinct meteorite, and not a piece of Domanitch? Both the Domanitch and Bursa meteorites were witnessed falls, ...

Find Out If You Live Near a Crater Impact Site With This Website
Interesting Engineering
Ever wondered if you live above a huge meteorite impact crater? ... Sizeable chunks of rock from meteorites, asteroids, and comets smashed into Earth ...

2021 February 2 - A Colorful Quadrantid Meteor - APOD
Astronomy Picture of the Day - NASA
Explanation: Meteors can be colorful. While the human eye usually cannot discern many colors, cameras often can. Pictured is a Quadrantids meteor .

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

05 October 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 05OCT2014

Arizona Daytime Meteor? 04OCT2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports- 04OCT2014 Patrick Williams, Arizona USA 9:00:00 2 sec NE/ left to right Bright White Venus Yes Just happened.

Fireball from meteorite sighted from Flagstaff
Arizona Daily Sun
The contrail of a burning meteor was seen about 9 a.m. Saturday from Flagstaff, prompting numerous calls to the National Weather Service in ...

To Find Meteorites, Listen to the Legends of Australian Aborigines
The site is the Henbury meteorite field, which was created about 4,700 years ago when a large, iron-filled meteorite slammed into Earth's atmosphere ...

Montreal 'ball of light' mystery deepens
CBC via Yahoo Canada News - 7 hours
Experts say a mysterious ball of light over Montreal last night was not a meteor, raising questions about what that ball of light could be. ...

What Is The Kaaba? Black Cube Marking Islam's Most Sacred Site Sparks Curiosity
International Business Times - 5 hours
Every year millions of Muslims travel to Mecca for the hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam. Muslims travel to Islam’s most sacred mosque, ..

VIDEO: Meteor Flashed Across Utah Sky
SALT LAKE CITY — A meteor flashed across the Utah sky around 4:30 Thursday morning.Patrick Wiggins, NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador to ...

Locals report 'fireball' over northern Arizona skies
... Danny Mercado and Matt Llano were on a morning jog on Waterline Road on Mount Elden when they saw what Fernandez described as a "fireball.".

Police report possible meteor sighting in downtown Oklahoma City Friday
Police officers and firefighters are investigating sighting of light over downtown. Emergency workers have not found any evidence of aircraft in the ...

Police report possible meteor sighting in downtown Oklahoma City Friday
The light was possibly a meteor, according to one officer who reported on police radio. Firefighters have not found any aircraft down in the area.

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
The blog Lunar Meteorite Hunters reported the meteor was also seen in Ottawa, Rhode Island and Maryland. An Ottawa man said it looked like a .

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports- 02OCT2014 While driving on the I-15, near Washinton Parkway, Utah, my partner and I, we're truck drivers, saw a .

NASA Wants Meteor Warning System -old new
YouTube ⋅ 01:38
ABC's Devin Dwyer explains what the space agency wants to do to protect the country.

Mysterious 50 Pound Ice Meteor Strikes Family Yard In Gray Tennessee Feet - 2013
YouTube ⋅ 02:33
Mysterious 50 Pound Ice Meteor Strikes Family Yard In Gray Tennessee Feet. Peter Maddison.  ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

07 January 2014

Australia Develops Cell Phone App for Meteors! - Australians Check it Out! Today 2014!

Australians Check it Out Today 2014! 
Support Australian Meteor/Meteorite Research!
The Birth of a New Era in Australian Meteor Research; Become a Part of the Project!
-LunarMeteoriteHunter in cooperation with the Desert Fireball Network and Curtin University, Australia.
Desert Fireball Network "link"
Curtain University "link"
Fireballs in the Sky: an iOS and Android app that allows anyone to report a fireball sighting anywhere in the world from their phone.

Fireballs in the Sky (iOS/Android) - Curtin University
Uploaded to YouTube byThoughtWorks 438 views

When you open the app, go to ‘report a sighting’. Simply point at the sky where the fireball started and click on your phone (a heads-up display and star background help orient you), and do the same for where it ended. You can then input a variety of other data, gradually building up an animation of the fireball that you witnessed based on duration; fragmentation colour; brightness etc. If we get enough observations we can determine a trajectory and send that information back to the you. The goal is to give members of the public a way of participating in research via their own observations, while also collecting data that has real scientific value. The app is free and available for iPhone at and Android at (or just search for ‘fireballs in the sky’ on app stores).

All the raw data will be shared with any local groups (amateur societies or research organisations) that would like to participate in the project, to help with triangulation or searching for specific events. If you’re interested in participating please send us your details and we’ll include you on the app as a collaborator organisation with links to your website. The goal is to engage members of the public and get useful data on more fireball events. We want to share the data with you. Get in touch and get involved.

The main network project is funded by the Australian Research Council and is called the Desert Fireball Network. In a nutshell, having a network in a desert makes it more likely that we can find the meteorites. We’ll be putting 50-60 all-sky cameras throughout regional and remote areas of Australia. We’ve just installed the first 5. Additional information about the project can be found at: The website right now is bare-bones. We’ll be upgrading it early next year with an interactive map that will let users click on cameras and download images directly.
Best wishes,
Phil Bland
BSc(Hons) PhD
Australian Laureate Fellow | Science & Engineering
Professor | Applied Geology
Western Australian School of Mines
About Dr. Phil Bland-
Phil started out as a geologist, and pretty much got into meteorites by chance. It’s not something he’s ever regretted. He has interests in many areas in planetary science, but mainly in trying to understand the record of the origin and evolution of the solar system contained in ancient meteorites.

The comparison he makes is with geology in the late 1950’s. Plate tectonics – geology’s grand unifying theory – was just around the corner, but no-one knew it. All they had was a lot of data that didn’t really fit together very well. Planetary science today is at a similar point. We know how the Earth works, but we don’t know how it was made. The idea behind the Desert Fireball Network is really just basic geology – you need to know where rocks come from in order to understand them. The possibility that if we get this data for meteorites, that that might be a big part of the puzzle, is something he finds really exciting.

Phil has worked at a bunch of places, most recently Imperial College London. He spent many years trying to get funding for the trial phase of the Desert Fireball Network. After proving that the concept worked, Phil started at Curtin in May 2012 with funding from an ARC Laureate Fellowship and Curtin University to expand the network across Australia. The Desert Fireball Network team will be spending the next few years doing just that, and sharing what they’re doing with you.
2014 The Year of CERTAIN Uncertainty; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

16 August 2013

Canberra, Australia Meteor D+3 Update 16AUG2013

Canberra, Australia MeteorRats Hunt D+3 Update 16AUG2013

WE NEED Security Camera Videos of the meteor PLEASE HELP SEARCH for them!!!
Quality is not necessarily an issue at this time; if you own a security camera in the Camberra, Sydney or Melbourne Areas PLEASE CHECK your video for capture at around 21'36 AST 13AUG2013; thank you!
email- with videos or reports.

D+2= Weather Dog Yin Catches First MeteorRats!
"click on image to enlarge"
Weather Dog Yin Catches First of
Australian MeteorRats!

c2013 ALYN / LunarMeteoriteHunter /Google Earth
Story in Japanese about Canberra Meteor Event 13AUG2013-
Translate this page
22 hours ago - Macarthur居民Bradley Sommerauer周三早上醒来时检查了以下他的摄像机,这对于他已经成为了一种习惯。不过,检查拍摄的镜头之时,这名20岁 ...

Meanwhile Outback in OZ...

Bruces and Andys are Still...
in a staff meeting discussing Andys plan with the PM for the hunt of ... 
the (Ultra Rare) Cheese.

Latest Development NEW MeteorRats to be dispatched...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

15 August 2013

Camberra, Australia MeteorRats Scramble! The Hunt HAS started...

Camberra Australia MeteorRats Scramble!  The Hunt HAS started...
D+2 update

WE NEED Security Camera Videos of the meteor PLEASE HELP SEARCH for them!!!
Quality is not necessarily an issue at this time; if you own a security camera in the Camberra, Sydney or Melbourne Areas PLEASE CHECK your video for capture at around 21'36 13AUG2013; thank you!
email- with videos or reports.
"click on image to enlarge"
D+2 update
Baby Yin Hunting MeteorRats Hunting Canberra MeteorRites
Yang is holding out for a 'Roo!
[The twins are "Yin" and "Yang" - "Yin"'s the little girl, "Yang" the
little boy]
c 2013 ALYN

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

14 August 2013

Canberra, Australia Bolide Meteor 13AUG2013

Canberra, Australia Bolide Meteor 13AUG2013
original post 14AUG2013 01"42  /  updatte 17AUG2013

WE NEED Security Camera Videos of the meteor PLEASE HELP SEARCH for them!!!
Quality is not necessarily an issue at this time; if you own a security camera in the Camberra, Sydney or Melbourne Areas PLEASE CHECK your video for capture at around 21'36 13AUG2013; thank you!
email- with videos or reports.

Canberra, Australia Bolide Meteor 21'36 local 13AUG2013
"Click on image to enlarge"
21.36.52 - Frame Extraction
Canberra, Australia Bolide Meteor 13AUG2013
Frame extracted by J. Reynolds
Video captured by Brad S.
C 2013 Use with full citation and link only 
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
LunarMeteoriteHunter / J. Reynolds / Brad S.
"Click on image to enlarge"
21.36.50 - Frame- 2 Extraction
Secondary Meteoroid Body Becomes Fully Apparent.
Canberra, Australia Bolide Meteor 13AUG2013
Frame extracted by J. Reynolds
Video captured by Brad S.
C 2013 Use with full citation and link only 
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
LunarMeteoriteHunter / J. Reynolds / Brad S.
"Click on image to enlarge"
21.36.50 - Frame 1 Extraction
Secondary Meteoroid Body Emerging.
Canberra, Australia Bolide Meteor 13AUG2013
Frame extracted by J. Reynolds
Video captured by Brad S.
C 2013 Use with full citation and link only 
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
LunarMeteoriteHunter / J. Reynolds / Brad S.
 Canberra, Australia Bolide Meteor 21'36 local 13AUG2013
C 2013 Use of video ONLY with full citation and link 
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
LunarMeteoriteHunter / J. Reynolds / Brad S.

Thank you Brad S.

If you witnessed this meteor event over Canberra, Australia please file a meteor sighting report on this website; thank you!

 If you find this website and meteor event of interest please post a link on FaceBook, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube or your favorite forum; thank you! Please post the main site link and visit often-

Initial Meteor Sighting Report-
13AUG2013 Brad S Canberra, ACT, Australia 21:36:00 6 SSW, fell downwards Maybe white Moon n/a Meteor Camera caught this event!

Related posts in order of posting-

Camberra Australia MeteorRats Scramble! The Hunt HAS started...D+2 update

Canberra, Australia Meteor D+3 Update 16AUG2013

Canberra Meteor/ite Event 13AUG2013 Hunt D+4

Bruces Boy Found With Australian Meteorite Fall - Canberra Meteor/ite Event Hunt D+7

Canberra, Australia Meteorite Hunt Field Day D+8
Meteorites Found in New South Wales and Victoria, Australia
For more information about this and other meteorite maps see- cannot find the map you want, contact me.

Meteorite Maps and Impact Craters Worldwide

Meteorites Found in New South Wales and Victoria, Australia
"click on image to enlarge"
v.1 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth / USGS
Media Coverage- 15AUG2013
Young astronomer films meteor over Canberra
August 15, 2013: An amateur astronomer filmed this meteor as it briefly lit up the sky ... A budding astronomer has captured incredible video of a meteor turning ...

Two Large Meteor Events: Loud Booms Over Memphis Tennessee ...‎
5 hours ago - Two Large Meteor Events: Loud Booms Over Memphis Tennessee and Great Video From Canberra Australia.

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!