Showing posts with label Waverley Australia Meteor 19MAR2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waverley Australia Meteor 19MAR2011. Show all posts

19 March 2011

Waverley, Australia Meteor 19MAR2011

Kia ora, was down in south Taranaki (Waverley) sober driver at a party on the night of saturday 19th. There was a couple of us looking up at a funny looking star that was very bright and flashing multiple colours. We kept an eye on this star (NW of us) for about 4-5 hours during the night before it slowly disappeared in the north. During our sky gazing a couple of us witnessed what we thought was a weird looking shooting star. It was very large, visible for about 2 seconds. it was very large and round, dark with flecks of orange and a orangey tail. Because of the size of it we thought it was within the vacinity of our home town and we paused for a while expecting to hear and feel a very large crash. But nothing came (that we heard).
  a few days prior to this during the week just after 5pm while in Kelston, West auckland saw a round object falling from the sky. looked to be of plane size maybe 50-100 miles north. it was falling straight down thru the clouds. It had to white trails behind it (so maybe it was a plane) but from where we were watching it from it looked round. Watched it fall for nearly a minute thru 3 different levels of cloud, it disappeared into lower cloud which was the lowest part of the skyline we could see.
 i can confirm dates and times once i catch up with workmates as i texted them after both sightings.