Showing posts with label Hungaclcik imagery Bolide Meteor Rákospalota felett 06APR2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hungaclcik imagery Bolide Meteor Rákospalota felett 06APR2015. Show all posts

07 April 2015

Slovakia / Hungary Bolide Meteor Rákospalota felett 06APR2015 w/ videos

Slovakia / Hungary Bolide Meteor Rákospalota felett 18:31 Local / 19:31UT  06APR2015 w /videos
Breaking News- 
Magyar meteorit! Tűzgolyó Miskolc felett
Sonics with Fragmentation!  Maybe Meteorites!  Hungarian METEORRATs be ready for Scramble!
METRATs; Message... We have Cheese on the ground...!
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Seismic Data at time of event
Click Link to Read about.

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Map of Slovakian / Hungarian  Visitors Following Story
c2015 LunarMeteoriteHunter 

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Budapest, Hungary Bolide Meteor Rákospalota felett 18:30 Local 06APR2015

Video 1- Budapest, Hungary

Meteor Rákospalota felett 06.04.2015
Posted  to YouTube by stunczer 301 views

Video 2- Kocice, Hungary Kocice, Hungary- Vesmírny objekt nad Košicami
Posted to YouTube by Viktor W 301 views

Video 3- Meteor 2015.04.06.
Posted to YouTube by Péter Bali 12,680 views

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NEWS Reports- 
Tűzgolyó Miskolc felett - Estihirlap
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14 hours ago - A tűzgömb hétfőn este fél 8 körül bukkant fel Miskolc felett az égen, mennydörgésszerű hang kíséretében – ezt Mizser Attila, a MagyarCsillagászati Egyesület ...
---The fireball appeared Monday evening around 8 up over half of Miskolc in the sky, accompanied by thunderous sound - Attila Mizsér this, General Secretary of the Hungarian Astronomical Association also confirmed. ...

  Today has reported a very brigh sonic-boomed fireball over Hungary at 19:31UT in the daylight sky.
Directly is from NE to SW over city of Miskolc NE cityside. A lot of eyewitness reported
sonic- boom and very bright green flashed fireball. Trajectory calculate is going.
Brightness: mid of Moon and Sun.
I attached the preliminary trajectory and some images of fireball.
Best Regards!
Zsolt Kereszty

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