Showing posts with label China 6JUN2010 Ice Cubes meteor?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China 6JUN2010 Ice Cubes meteor?. Show all posts

08 June 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 9JUN2010

Hayabusa on Track for June 13 Return Home
Softpedia - ‎5 時間前‎
Once around the planet, it will eject a canister that JAXA experts hope contains some pebbles and meteorite dust. However, this is uncertain, given that the ...

Als der Mars noch lebensfreundlich war - ‎2010年6月6日‎
Diese Zusammensetzung findet sich auch in den Carbonatkügelchen, die in dem Mars-Meteoriten ALH 84001 entdeckt wurden. Der Allan-Hills-Meteorit sorgte Ende ...

山村晴朗天氣天上掉三大塊冰塊 墜落時帶響(圖)

中國經濟網 - ‎10 時間前‎
6月6日上午,記者趕到了波東村,正巧遇到聞訊趕來的北京天文臺研究隕石的專家張寶林和北京 電視臺科技頻道的記者,記者和專家走訪了20多位村民,大家都說當時確實沒有聽到和看到飛機經過,當時也確實是晴天。豐寧滿族自治縣氣象局局長吳曉軍證 實,6月5日上午8時至9時,衛星 ...
Village sunny weather, the three large ice cubes fall out the sky when the band sound (Figure) China Economic Net - 10 hours ago on June 6 morning, reporters rushed to the wave of East Village, jumped at the Beijing Observatory, who heard of meteorites Experts Baolin and Beijing TV channel technology journalists, reporters and experts visited more than 20 villagers, everyone says that when the aircraft did not hear and see through, was indeed a sunny day. Wu Xiaojun Fengning County Meteorological Bureau confirmed that, at eight o'clock on the June 5 to 9, the satellite ...


毎日新聞 - ‎16 時間前‎
地球に落下する隕 石(いんせき)は、小惑星からもたらされる物質の代表格だ。だが隕石は大気圏を通過する途中で高温になり、落下後は地球環境にさら されて変質している。はやぶさが持ち帰る物質は、このような熱変化や地球環境による汚染の影響がない。 ...
2010 A Space Odyssey: an asteroid rock samples, to analyze
毎日新聞 - 16 hours ago
Meteorites fall to Earth (Inseki) is the representative of the material come from the asteroid. But along the way became a hot meteorite through the atmosphere after the fall has been exposed to environmental deterioration. Material brought back by the spacecraft is not affected by pollution and global environmental changes such heat. ...