08 December 2020

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 08DEC2020

Meteorite hunters say 'no doubt, there's rocks on the ground' in parts of Seneca and Cayuga Counties
ITHACA, N.Y. (WHCU) – There was a flash — then a boom heard from the Great Lakes Region into Central New York. Meteorite hunters suspect ...

Meteo Cronaca DIRETTA VIDEO: Stati Uniti, meteorite ESPLODE nei cieli dello stato di New York ...
iL Meteo
Un grosso meteorite è esploso nei cieli dello stato di New York, in USA; numerose segnalazioni sono giunte anche dallo stato canadese di Ontario, ...

Meteorite sorvola il Mediterraneo. Video dalla Spagna
Meteo Giornale
Nel video vediamo un meteorite che ha sorvolato il Mar Mediterraneo alle 23:40 UTC del 2 dicembre 2020. Il video è stato registrato dalla Spagna ...

Returning asteroid sample can help crack secrets about how the solar system formed
Many “carbonaceous chondrite meteorites” like Ryugu are rich in ... below Ryugu's surface, where the material is protected from meteorite impacts and ...

Collisional Processes in the History of Early Solar System Meteorites
Planetary News
Credit: Lucas et al., 2020. The ordinary chondrite (OC) meteorites originate from at least three different original parent asteroids with slightly different ...

Meteorites Reveal Chaotic Early Solar System Collisions Resembled “Asteroids” Arcade Game
One Friday evening in 1992, a meteorite ended a more than 150 million-mile journey by smashing into the trunk of a red Chevrolet Malibu in Peekskill, ...

UND researchers trace origins of meteorites
Duluth News Tribune
About 40% of the meteorites that fall to Earth are made up of materials from the (6) Hebe asteroid. The work isn't new for Gaffey and Fieber-Beyer and ...

Building block of organic molecules found in meteorite, marking major breakthrough in ...
The Independent
We still do not know how non-biological chemical process could turn into biological ones, but molecules on meteorites are one of the central suspects in ...

Key building block for organic molecules discovered in meteorites
IMAGE: A fragment of the Murchison meteorite, one of the three carbon-rich meteorites that was sampled in this study (Photo: Daniel P. Glavin). view ...

VIDEO grosso Meteorite esplode nei cieli del Giappone. BOATO
Meteo Giornale
Un altro meteorite è entrato in contatto con l'atmosfera terrestre. Stavolta, una palla di fuoco molto luminosa ha attraversato il cielo notturno del ...

Astro Bob: Hey, what's so funny? 55+ dubious astronomy jokes
Brainerd Dispatch
They're a little meteor! What's a nuclear physicist's favorite meal? Fission chips. A seminar on time travel will be held last Tuesday.

2020 The SEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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