03 June 2020

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03JUN2020

Scientist captures new images of Martian moon Phobos to help determine its origins
Perhaps it's from a big meteorite impact that ejected material into the orbit, and the material grouped together to form Phobos. So that's why we're ...

Nasa says FOUR asteroids moving at 50000mph will make close passes of Earth today
The Sun
At that point, it becomes a meteorite; Comet: Like asteroids, a comet orbits the Sun. However rather than being made mostly of rock, a comet contains ...

This Saturday, The Meteor Body Will Pass Through The Earth, Passing At A Speed ​​Of 5.2 Km ...
This meteorite physique will move close to the Earth's orbit this week. NASA has named this meteorite rock Rock-163348 (2002 NN4). It is rising at a ...

Oural : une nouvelle méthode pour traquer les chutes de météorites
Le Courrier de Russie
... espagnols et finlandais, a mis au point une méthode permettant de prévoir et de détecter les impacts de météorites avec une plus grande précision,...

Monday Night Fireball
WTAJ - www.wearecentralpa.com
A fireball is another name for a bright meteor that is visible in the sky. Thanks to everyone who sent us photos and videos! ...

Another disaster on Earth amid Corona epidemic: The Biggest Asteroid to Fly by This Year
World-Wire (press release)
According to NASA, this meteorite will pass close to the Earth on Sunday. Now, four years after this meteorite passes through the Earth, no meteor will ...

Fireball booms over Britain in 'once in a lifetime' phenomenon
RESIDENTS of the UK were stunned when a fireball exploded over the British isles in what witnesses described as a "once in a lifetime" opportunity.

Possible meteor explodes in the sky
Fort Smith/Fayetteville News
Possible meteor explodes in the sky. Home security footage recorded the moments a large ...

A meteor observed from Morbihan to Switzerland
World Today News
It was 4:35 am Friday May 29 when a meteor streaked the sky of Vannes, under the eyes of a resident of the city of Morbihan, reports West France.

आज पृथ्वी से गुजरेंगे 4 बड़े उल्कापिंड, जानिए क्या पृथ्वीं पर मंडरा रही ...
Bharat Khabar
इन दिनों धरती पर कोरोना का कहर टूट रहा है तो वहीं दूसरी तरफ आसमान पर कुछ ऐसी अजीब घटनाएं घट रही हैं। जिससे ...

EPSC–Session SB4: Surface and Interior Dynamics of Asteroids and Meteorite Parent Bodies
Planetary News (press release)
We welcome contributions on the studies of the processes on and the evolution of specific parent bodies of meteorites, investigations across the ...

New study says dinosaur-dooming asteroid struck Earth at 'deadliest possible' angle
Artist's concept of the fiery meteor that struck Earth 66 million years ago, bringing the age of dinosaurs to an end. Image via Imperial College London.

The Meteor Impact that Wiped Out the Dinosaurs Created a Vast Underground Hydrothermal System
Universe Today
The Meteor Impact that Wiped Out the Dinosaurs Created a Vast Underground Hydrothermal System. The Chicxulub impact event was an enormous ...

L'angolo letale del meteorite che ha ucciso i dinosauri
Everyeye Tech
Nuove simulazioni, provenienti dall'Imperial College di Londra, rivelano come l'asteroide che ha determinato la fine dei dinosauri abbia colpito la ...

Misteriosa sfera rossa compare sui cieli dell'Emilia Romagna. Zone colpite
Centro Meteo Italiano
Enorme meteorite precipita dal cielo in Ecuador: si attendono conferme dall'agenzia spaziale civile ecuadoriana. A proposito di oggetti misteriosi ...

Season's first 'night shining' clouds make appearance over Western Washington
KOMO News (blog)
... disperse over time and then, as the northern hemisphere heats up in late spring, ice crystals begin forming around those meteor smoke particles.

Tesla Model 3 catches meteor falling across the sky
Motor1.com UK
While it is rare that we actually get the meteor recording from a TeslaCam, this isn't the first time we've seen it. Last year, Teslarati reported on a ...

Enorme palla di fuoco ha illuminato il cielo ed è caduta poco fa: tantissime segnalazioni – VIDEO ...
Centro Meteo Italiano
Meteorite attraversa i cieli delle Hawaii: lo spettacolare evento ripreso in video grazie alla telecamera di una Tesla Model 3. Il meteorite si è schiantato ...

Une Tesla Model 3 filme quelque chose d'absolument terrifiant dans le ciel ! (vidéo)
Tribunal Du Net
Après avoir envoyé sa première fusée habitée dans l'espace, le PDG de Tesla a accidentellement filmé une météorite en feu dans le ciel. Pour ce ...

A Typical Meteor That Hits The Earth's Upper Atmos...
Answer to A typical meteor that hits the earth's upper atmosphere has a mass of only 2.0 g, about the same as a penny, but it is m...

What is a meteor?
ABC Education
Brianna and Professor Jonti Horner look up into the night sky to find out more about shooting stars. What is a shooting star made of and why do they ...

2020 The SEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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