posted by LunarMeteoriteHunter (c) - Tokyo, Japan 23JUN2010 11:00 AM
(story embargoed until 10:00PM 13:00GMT 23JUN2010)

Photos and credits:
Wellington Rangel (Clube de Astronomia Louis Cruls/ Instituto Federal Fluminense)/ Astronomers Without Borders
A ~600 gram meteorite fell about 15 meters from a ranch hand in Varre-Sai, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil on June 19, 2010. The images show the meteorite and how it was found (though it was picked up first, and then replaced for the TV camera). The person talking to the reporter is Prof. Marcelo Souza, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense, in Campos. The interview will be aired on Brazilian TV today.
Near Hit!
There is an interesting follow-up to the daylight meteor fireball in Brazil of June 19, 2010. At about 21.00 UT, a ranch hand (name withheld) saw the fireball and heard explosions, after which something fell about 15 meters away from him in a pasture. He walked over to the spot and picked up a 600 gram meteorite that had just fallen from the sky. He saw others fall at about the same time nearby but hasn't been able to find them yet. He commented that the air had a "strong smell of iron".
The meteorite appears to be an ordinary chondrite with both primary and secondary fusion crust. I expect several more meteorites to be found from this fall based upon eyewitness reports. The local university and others will be joining the hunt today and in the coming days; stay tuned-in for more.
Have information about this meteorite fall or others? Please email
Previously reported:
Brazil Daytime Fireball
A daytime fireball with sonic booms was reported by many people in Campos dos Goytacazes, Brazil on June 19 at about 21.00 UT. A local astronomy and physics professor, Prof. Marcelo Souza, was contacted by the fire department and others for explanation.
Map of the Campos dos Goytacazes area in Brazil:,-41.32782&spn=1.035766,1.796265&z=10
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