27 January 2012

Oman Meteor/Meteorite News - The 10th Arab Conference on Astronomy and Space Sciences 5-8FEB2012

The 10th Arab Conference on Astronomy and Space Sciences
5-8 Feb 2012, Muscat, Oman

Oman Astronomical Society hosts the 10th Conference of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences (AUASS) in cooperation with Ministry of Transport and Communications, the International Astronomy Union (IAU), National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), European Space Agency (ESA) and the Foreign Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), the inter-Islamic network for space science and technology (ISNET), and The Research Council, 12-15 Rabeea al Awal 1433 corresponding to 5 to 8 February 2012 Muscat - Sultanate of Oman. The Tenth Conference of the Union comes under the theme"The Role of Astronomy and Space Sciences in Developing Contemporary Societies"

The Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences is an NGO Arabic Astronomical Astronautical Authority based in Amman/Jordan , (AUASS) which was formally established in 1998.

Conference Aspects are:
1. Astronomical Projects and Observatories
2. New approaches to Astro-Archeology ,History and Heritage
3. Innovations in Astronomy and space science education
4. Space-based Earth Observations and Monitoring
5. Outreach programs and fostering interests in Science
6. The Star-light reserve: as a tourism attraction
7. Youth and Amateur Astronomy Research Projects
8. Galactic and cosmological research studies
9. Space-based tourism: vision and challenges
10. Peaceful usage of outer space technologies
11. Stellar and interstellar research studies
12. Planetary and Atmospheric research studies
13. Celestial mechanics and orbital control
14. New innovation in space technologies
15. Solar activities and climatic change relations
16. Meteorites and craters as gates to early history and new economy
17. Astronomical Societies and Clubs as pioneers in civil societies

To register in the Conference fill the following form:

تستضيف الجمعية الفلكية العمانية في سلطنة عمان مؤتمر الإتحاد العربي العاشر لعلوم الفضاء والفلك الذي يعقد بالتعاون مع وزارة النقل والإتصالات و الإتحاد الفلكي الدولي(IAU) ومكتب الأمم المتحدة لشؤون الفضاء الخارجي (UNOOSA) ومجلس البحث العلمي وكالة الفضاء الأمريكية (ناساNASA ) ووكالة الفضاء الأوربية (إيسا ESA) والشبكة البينية الإسلامية لعلوم الفضاء والتقنية بإذن الله في الفترة من 12-15 ربيع الأول 1433هـ الموافق 5-8 فبراير/شباط 2012م في مسقط بسلطنة عمان. تحت شعار :

" دور علوم الفلك والفضاء في تطوير المجتمعات المعاصرة"

الإتحاد العربي لعلوم الفضاء والفلك (AUASS) هيئة فلكية فضائية عربية غير ربحية وأحد الاتحادات النوعية التابعة لمجلس الوحدة الاقتصادية العربية التابع للأمانة العامة لجامعة الدول العربية، مقره مدينة عمان في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية ، تأسس رسمياً سنة 1998.

للتسجيل بالمؤتمر إضغط هنا http://www.falakoman.org/10thAUASSconf/Registration.aspx?i11s1

Post Sponsored by Astronomers Without Borders (AWB), Mike Simmons
Tokyo Night Sky Watch (AWB), Dirk Ross... Tokyo

26 January 2012

Tissint Morocco Martian Meteorite Hunting Video

البحث عن شظايا أحجار نيزك مريخي سقط بالقرب من طاطا
Posted on YouTube by izakri74 on 24 Jan 2012 100 views

Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Tissint
www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/index.php?code=54823 -
19 Jan 2012 – Tissint 29°28.917'N, 7°36.674'W. Tata, Morocco. Fell: 18 July 2011. Classification: Martian meteorite (Shergottite). History: (H. Chennaoui ...

Italia Fireball Meteor Bolide 24JAN2012

Italia Fireball Meteor Bolide 24JAN2012
fireball ( nella nebbia ) 2012.01.24 19.59.32 UT
fireball ( nella nebbia ) 2012.01.24 19.59.32 UT
Ferruccio Zanotti

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 26JAN2012

On TV Thursday, Jan. 26
The Fireball of Christ, 8 pm, NatGeo A documentary about how a possible meteorite strike may have been the sign that pushed the Romans to convert to Christianity. Either that, or it's a rockumentary about a Christian death-metal band. 30 Rock, 8 pm, ...

Molten blobs create moon flashes
Science News
Meteor showers, like the Leonids in November, can dump as many as 20 objects on the moon in one night. At first, scientists didn't think the flashes necessarily came from the moon; they might have been reflections from tumbling satellites or some other ...

Astronomer for the Vatican says U.K. a star
Chicago Tribune
Brother Guy Consolmagno, a staff astronomer and the curator of meteorites at the Vatican Observatory, travels about 100,000 miles each year, splitting his time between Tucson, Ariz., and Rome. The planetary scientist also gives 40 to 50 talks annually at universities, schools and parishes around the world. ...

Astronomers seek meteroite samples
Drogheda Independent
Astronomy experts believe a meteorite may have landed somewhere in the Co Louth region, after a large 'fireball', which is a really big meteor, was seen from various parts of the country. After issuing an appeal for reports on where the meteor was ...

"Life in CI meteorites"

Curtin Geologists Discover Proof of Meteorite Collisions on the Moon
International Business Times AU
By Genalyn Corocoto | January 26, 2012 12:39 AM EST A new study by geologists from Curtin University revealed proof of meteorite collisions on the Moon as evidence by the mineral zircon from lunar rock samples recovered during NASA's Apollo missions.

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Greece ...
It could have been 23:30 according to our time ( Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 26JAN2012

Nice meteor sighting: Peters Creek, Alaska
I just stepped out onto my deck for a few minutes to give my dog a nature break and looked due South just in time to see a very nice meteor above the trees.

Meteor Flashes, Monster Fireballs, Mystery Boom and Earth Tremors ...
Meteor Flashes, Monster Fireballs, Mystery Boom and Earth Tremors ... not so strange with an open mind. Mon Jan 16 13:13. % of readers think this story is Fact.

25 January 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25JAN2012

Sidmouth observatory joins Dulverton stargazers
Sidmouth Herald
Sidmouth Norman Lockyer Observatory astronomers Alan Shuttleworth and Mac Currie, members of the NLO meteor detection team. ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Indicates Texas ...
Important new changes coming to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News ... MBIQ (MeteorBot Internet Query) Bot Indicates Texas Meteor Fireball ~11:00 ...

Even NASA can't help solve Grimsby 'Big Bang' mystery
This is Grimsby
Although Mike Brightmore, secretary of the Cleethorpes and District Astronomy Society, said: "If it had been a meteor, it would have been accompanied by a bright streak across the night sky. As far as I am aware, no one has reported seeing one.

The best places on earth to see the sky at night
The Independent
The Perseids meteor shower is one of the best annual displays of shooting stars in the world, often with more than 50 meteors per hour. A new trip takes you to the Wadi Rum desert, aka the Valley of the Moon, in Jordan for the peak of the activity in ...

Whacked moon rocks yield up their secrets
However, the sample at Curtin has been put to good use: working out how to identify rocks that have suffered a meteor collision, by looking at formations in zircon present in the samples. It's a no-brainer (or to put things more scientifically, ...

Curtin geologists make a 'shocking' discovery
PhysOrg Tue, 24 Jan 2012 05:50 AM PST
Research led by Curtin University geologists has uncovered a wealth of new evidence in the mineral zircon from lunar rock samples recovered during NASAâs Apollo missions, revealing indisputable proof ofmeteorite collisions on the Moon.

Apocalyptic boom over Elmbridge not end of the world, RAF say
Kingston Guardian Tue, 24 Jan 2012 03:36 AM PST
Concorde was not flying again, a meteorite had not collided with Earth and there was no jumbo jet nose-diving toward the ground, despite what you may have heard.

ASU acquires exotic piece of Mars
SpaceDaily Mon, 23 Jan 2012 16:12 PM PST
ASU currently owns the largest institutional piece of the martianmeteorite Tissint. Photo by: Laurence Garvie.

Meteorite Wine Unveiled In Chile By British Astronomer Ian Hutcheon
Huffington Post
Dubbed Meteorito, Ian Hutcheon concocted the cosmic Cabernet Sauvignon from his very own mountain vineyard in the Cachapoal Valley, Chile, according to a ...

Meteor Counter - Scientific American
Citizen Scientists with an iPhone iPad or iPod Touch are encouraged to take these gadgets loaded with the Meteor Counter app along while stargazing Start ...

Hundreds of Meteorites Uncovered in Antarctica
Discovery News
Meteorites stand out well in Antarctica's snow, but the constantly shifting snow re-covers the finds. Search for meteorites program places researchers on the ice to live in base camp conditions of wind and snow....

Good News, Alien Seekers: ET Probably Doesn't Need a Freaky-Big Moon Like Ours
Discover Magazine (blog)
A slightly different initial arrangement of planets, or tiny perturbations, such as a smallmeteor hitting the Earth, could change the situation significantly millions of years down the road. This is somewhat like the proverbial butterfly whose ...

Mars Meteorites Landed in Morocco - YouTube
1 min
Martian rock is more than a million times rarer than gold and meteorite dealers are selling the ...

24 January 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24JAN2012

Geologists uncover how meteorites struck moon
Zee News
Sydney: A wealth of evidence, provided by lunar rock samples, shows how meteoritesstruck the moon. The study, headed by microstructural geology experts Nick Timms and Steven Reddy, professor, Western Australian School of Mines (WASM), documents the ...

東京大学の研究により太陽系の初期に形成した隕石の炭酸塩は太陽系の形成から480万年後にできこれらの隕石の素になった小惑星は太陽系の形成から350万年後にできたこと ...

Meteorite motherlode: Scientists collect hundreds of space rocks in Antarctica
Every year since 1976, members of the Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET) program have scoured the frozen wastes at the bottom of our world for interstellar debris, and have just wrapped up their latest month-long expedition.

NASA launches quest to reclaim long-lost astromaterials
The New York Times reports that scientists have transformed themselves into a different kind of researcher as they search for missing moon rocks, meteorite samples and a number of other pilfered and long-lost astromaterials. Their origins vary, but the ...

Hundreds of meteorites uncovered in Antarctica
Fox News
Extreme Living: Scientists at the End of the Earth * Fallen Stars: A Gallery of Famous Meteorites * Spectacular Perseid Meteor Shower Photos of 2011 Copyright 2011 Space, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved.

Exclusive one night viewing of exquisite gemstone paintings by Fareen Butt
Art Daily
Not your typical oil or acrylic paintings, the entire medium used is a combination of crushed gold, silver, sapphires, rubies, onyx and rare geological minerals such as witherite (phosphorescent mineral) or muonionalusta (mineral from a meteor), ...

National Geographic
When a Swediesh geologist stumbles upon a massive crater lake, he can't help but see an ancientmeteor shower. Plane Full of Sled Dogs - Zaz hauls 14 dogs through the Alaskan skies just in time for their sled race. Potato Chips Galore!

The Flavor in That Cabernet? It's Meteorite
Forbes Mon, 23 Jan 2012 12:13 PM PST
When Dom Perignon first created sparkling champagne, he supposedly said, "I'm tasting stars." But for those who drink Meteorito, a Cabernet Sauvignon, it's close to truth: this Chilean red has been aged with a 4.5 billion-year-old meteorite that came from the Asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter.

Cosmic Cabernet: Meteorite-Aged Wine Debuts in Chile
Dubbed Meteorito, it was made in the Cachapoal Valley's Tremonte Vineyard, which Hutcheon bought in 2009. Through a process called malolactic fermentation, ...

Meteorite is from Mars, landed in Morocco last year
KOLD News 13 Tuscon Mon, 23 Jan 2012 03:31 AM PST
Astronomers think millions of years ago something big smashed into Mars and sent rocks hurtling through the solar system.

Hundreds of Meteorites Uncovered in Antarctica
They are participants in the Antarctic Search for Meteorites program, or ANSMET for short. Since 1976, ANSMET researchers have been recovering thousands of According to the ANSMET website, the specimens are currently the only reliable, ...

Meteorites definitely struck Moon
The presence of zircon in rocks collected during the Apollo missions provides unequivocal evidence that meteorites have collided with our Moon. Research led by Curtin University geologists has uncovered a wealth of new evidence in the mineral zircon ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Greece Bolide Meteor ...
Important new changes coming to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News in 2012! ... Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor?

Stunning Quadrantid Meteor | meteorwatch.org
Quadrantid meteor Credit Sarah Loughlin. I would like to share one of my Quadrantid meteorshowers photographs with Meteorwatch.org. My name is Sarah ...

Bright green ball, like a meteor flies overhead!!, page 1
Bright green ball, like a meteor flies overhead!!, page 1. privacy. Pages: ATS Members have flagged this thread 0 times. Topic started on 20-1-2012 @ 04:29 AM ...

Fireball/Meteor Recorded Over 42-Seconds Long from New Mexico ...
From Thomas Ashcraft: "On January 21, 2012, during the 0636 am MST minute ( 1326 UTC) my .www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDuEdxZHoqs

23 January 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23JAN2012

Tanzania: Karatu - Arusha's Own Red Planet
Speaking of planets, a Meteorite fell onto Karatu on September 11 in 1963. It was one of the threeMeteorite falls documented in Tanzania with other two recorded in Mbeya earlier on. Whether the piece of the planet which landed in Karatu about 50 years ...

$5 million a kilo for Meteorite? Astronomy with Dr ...
Meteroites from Mercury, Comet Lovejoy, A piece of Mars falls to earth in Morocco, the latest ...

Postcolonial politics threatens integrity of Documenta 13 art exhibition
Art Threat
El Chaco is the largest fragment from a meteor that exploded 4000 years ago over north-central Argentina and Moqoit ancestral territory. The remains of the explosion are and have been significant sacred artifacts in local aboriginal cosmology. ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News -Newly ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
will be passing from 23JAN until 30JAN2012 and I expect that we will see a marked increase inMeteor/Fireballs from accompanying debris and yet undetected other NEOs. Asteroid 433 Eros (EROS) will pass 30JAN far away but may be ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Fireball/Meteor Recorded Over 42-Seconds Long ...
57 sec
From Thomas Ashcraft: "On January 21, 2012, during the 0636 am MST minute ( 1326 UTC) my ...

Breaking News -Newly Discovered NEOs Close Approach Meteor Activity to Continue to Increase 23JAN2012


Breaking Asteroid News- NEO Close Pass 27JAN2012


Breaking News -NEOs Asteroids (Near Earth Objects) Close Approaches - Meteor Activity to Increase 23JAN2012
Just discovered NEO (2012 BS1)(2012 BY1)(2012 BW13)(2012 BD14) 
will be passing from 23JAN until 30JAN2012 and I expect that we will see a marked increase in Meteor/Fireballs from accompanying debris and yet undetected other NEOs.  Asteroid  433 Eros (EROS) will pass 30JAN far away but may be visible with a telescope. Remember, you read it here first! So, Please kindly cite my site WITH link http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/
Get out and observe, cameras ready, hone your observation skills; and REPORT please.  The reporting link is on the top of the site.  Get the word out via News Media, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, your favorite forum and tell your friends.
Best Always, Dirk Ross...Tokyo
-LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo, Japan


AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers

(2012 AY) 2012-Jan-220.090735.386 m - 190 m22.512.74
(2012 AC3) 2012-Jan-230.072428.268 m - 150 m23.05.88
(2012 BG11) 2012-Jan-230.033713.193 m - 210 m22.39.20
(2012 BS1) 2012-Jan-230.00803.15.4 m - 12 m28.58.86
(2012 BY1) 2012-Jan-240.00522.019 m - 42 m25.818.44
(2009 BO58) 2012-Jan-240.179569.8110 m - 250 m21.920.32
(2010 LN14) 2012-Jan-240.149958.3160 m - 350 m21.119.19
7341 (1991 VK) 2012-Jan-250.065025.31.2 km - 2.7 km16.78.73
(2012 BW13) 2012-Jan-260.00441.710 m - 23 m27.111.80
(2011 FC29) 2012-Jan-260.172067.0170 m - 380 m20.917.47
(2008 CL20) 2012-Jan-280.116845.423 m - 52 m25.39.96
(2010 WU8) 2012-Jan-300.077630.239 m - 86 m24.27.91
(2012 BD14) 2012-Jan-300.01495.812 m - 27 m26.77.16
433 Eros 2012-Jan-310.178769.517 km11.25.95

Source: NASA/JPL

Sighting reports? Please report: Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? See the Report Button at the top sidebar. Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2012 THE Year of Meteors!

22 January 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22JAN2012

Mars Meteorites Fall in Morocco
Astrobiology Magazine (press release)
Arizona State University's (ASU) Center for Meteorite Studies has acquired a significant new sample for its collection: a rare martian meteorite that fell in southern Morocco in July 2011. It is the first martian fall in about 50 years. ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News -Texas ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
20JAN2012 Dan Collins Granbury, TX 20:12 CDT 5 sec Start NNW abt 30deg above horiz; end NNE abt 20deg, Bright white; small orange near endflight; was not where I could hear any sound Brighter and closer looking than meteor shower ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Kyoto, Japan Meteor Fireball 17JAN2011

Kyoto, Japan Meteor Fireball 23:30 (GMT+9) 17JAN2011

1/22/2012 20:50:05 17JAN2012 Maruta KYOTO, JAPAN 23:30 GMT+9 3-5 sec N-S Orange/yellow, like fire moon yes It looked like a big fireball, with a long orange tail and fragments breaking off

More sighting reports please; thank you.

Any other sighting reports? Please report: Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? See the Report Button at the top sidebar. Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2012 The Year of Meteors!

Greece/Macedonia Meteor Breaking News - Greece Bolide Meteor 22JAN2012

Greece/Macedonia Meteor Breaking News - Greece Bolide Meteor ~00:30/23:20 local time 22JAN2012
Greece/Macedonia Bolide Meteor 22JAN2012
Neon Markers=Sighting Reports
v.1 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth

22JAN2012 16:36:05 22JAN2012 Elizabeth Kolindros, MACEDONIA, GREECE ~00:30 local time about 8 sec W Really big light green tail but dark core Sun In the atmospheric layers First time we saw something like that, really light, big and remaining over 6 seconds on the atmosphere
Thank you Elizabeth!

21JAN2012 Ena Resen, Macedonia 23:20:00 5 sec E-W Yellow Very bright something between the Sun and Moon It was far behind some houses, so I don't know I didn't have time to take a photo but made a drawing.  I am from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, a neghbour country to Greece. It could have been 23:30 according to our time ( Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ), which would be 00:30 Greek time. So it should be the same meteor. Resen is Close to the Macedonian - Greek border , and so is the town of Kolindros.  I hope I helped And please tell me if we saw the same meteor. This is my first experience of this kind for me. And it means to me a lot. Thank you
Thank you Ena!

We need more reports about this event; thank you!

Any other sighting reports? Please report: Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? See the Report Button at the top sidebar. Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2012 The Year of Meteors!

Breaking News -Texas/Oklahoma Meteor 20JAN2012

Breaking News -Texas/Oklahoma Meteor 20JAN2012
Texas/Oklahoma Meteor ~ 22:10 CST 20JAN2012
(c) Hawley, TX Sentinel Allsky, Kevin Palivec

Texas/Oklahoma Meteor  ~ 22:10 CST  20JAN2012
(c) Hawley, TX Sentinel Allsky, Kevin Palivec

20JAN2012 Bill and Nancy Vernon, Texas 22:10 CST 4 seconds 80 degrees from vertical straight down.  It was in the eastern part of the sky. White to light yellow.  No sound. Brighter than Venus Yes. There was no variation in the size.  It started wide and it ended wide.  It started bright instantly, then dimmed, and then was bright again.  Then it was gone.

20JAN2012 Dan Collins Granbury, TX 20:12  CDT 5 sec Start NNW abt 30deg above horiz; end NNE abt 20deg, Bright white;  small orange near endflight; was not where I could hear any sound Brighter and closer looking than meteor shower debris generally is;  brighter than Venus I saw at least one piece burn off with different color (orange) but did not see any trajectory. drawing on request

We need your sighting reports; thank you!

Any other sighting reports? Please report: Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? See the Report Button at the top sidebar. Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2012 The Year of Meteors!

21 January 2012

Oman Meteorite News - Scientists index Oman's galaxy of meteorites 20JAN2012

Scientists index Oman's galaxy of meteorites

Uploaded by  on 20 Jan 2012 305 views
Deep in the heart of the Omani desert, the search is on for rocks worth millions of dollars: not diamonds but rubble that has fallen from the sky.
A group of German and Swiss scientists are working with the Omani government to catalogue the vast number of meteorites that lay strewn across the desert - famed as the place with the world's second largest cache of heavenly rocks.
Al Jazeera's Andrew Hopkins reports from Oman.


The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21JAN2012

2012 Meteor Shower List | American Meteor Society
The 2012 Meteor Shower List is presented in four separate parts. The showers are broken down by intensity with major, minor, variable, and weak showers ...

PSK2K – a new meteorscatter mode by DJ5HG
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
PSK2K is a meteor scatter mode that enables multiple contacts to take place on a single frequency. PSK2k is high speed meteor scatter software written by Klaus DJ5HG (Prof. of Computer Science at University Hamburg). It allows 2 way MS QSO's to be ...

2012 promises to be exciting for astronomy buffs: museum
Focus Taiwan News Channel
The lineup of events stretches from January to December, with highlights such as the very rare transit of Venus across the sun on June 5 and 6 and some prolific meteor showers, the museum said. The transit of Venus as it passes between the Earth and ...

A lifetime pressed to a telescope building an archive of epic discoveries
Globe and Mail
Over the course of half a century, Mr. Levy grew from mildly autistic boy to man and followed up with more than 16000 entries about sightings from novas to meteorstorms; made discoveries of a near-record 23 comets, notably Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 that ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Urgent Update - Alert ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
Meteor Sighting Reports. Important new changes coming to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News in 2012! Welcome to a New Year! - LunarMeteorite*Hunter -- Tokyo. If you find these sites useful please help by BOOKMARKING and ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Slow, Odd Fireball Recorded from Japan - 17 January 2012 -- Fire in ...
SuperSearch Help Loading... Fire in the Sky. Meteor. Slow, Odd Fireball Recorded from Japan - 17 January 2012. YouTube. Fri, 20 Jan 2012 16:43 CST. Print ...

Newly Fallen Meteorites Offer Fresh Look At Mars
NPR Fri, 20 Jan 2012 11:10 AM PST
Scientists have confirmed that rocks collected recently in the Moroccan desert came from the Red Planet. University of Alberta meteorite expert Chris Herd, who has acquired one of the chunks, talks about how scientists analyze space rocks, and whether organic compounds might be found inside.

The chemistry of exploding stars
uniprotokolle Fri, 20 Jan 2012 07:42 AM PST
Meteorite contains evidence of formation of sulfur molecules in the ejecta of a supernova explosion Fundamental chemical processes in predecessors of our solar system are now a bit better understood: An international team led by Peter Hoppe, researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, has now examined dust inclusions of the 4.6 billion years old meteorite Murchison, which had ...

Scientists confirm rocks fell from Mars
WABC-TV New York Fri, 20 Jan 2012 06:43 AM PST
Scientists are confirming that 15 pounds of rock collected recently in Morocco fell to Earth from Mars during a meteorite shower last July.

Visitor from Mars
Bangkok Post - Thailand's English news Thu, 19 Jan 2012 23:10 PM PST
It is not often that someone finds a meteorite from the planet Mars. It is even rarer for someone to see a Mars meteorite falling from the sky.

Meteorite found in Callisburg?
KXII Sherman Thu, 19 Jan 2012 16:26 PM PST
CALLISBURG, TX-- A panel of international scientists has confirmed that about 15 pounds of meteorites that fell in Morocco last summer came from Mars.

UT Professor Honored by National Academy of Sciences
Tennessee Today
McSween is being awarded the J. Lawrence Smith Medal for his pioneering studies of the parent planets of meteorites and his work on the geological history of Mars using studies of Martian meteorites and spacecraft missions to the planet. ...

Update - Alert- Newly Discovered NEOs to Pass Activity of Meteors Projected 20-21JAN2011

Update - Alert- Newly Discovered NEOs to Pass
- Increased Activity of Meteors Projected
Cameras, Observers Alert Standby  (2012 BV1)
LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo (Dirk Ross)


AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers

(2012 AX) 2012-Jan-200.074929.149 m - 110 m23.77.20
(2012 BV1) 2012-Jan-200.00210.81.7 m - 3.8 m31.08.65
Source: NASA/JPL

Any other sighting reports? Please report: Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? See the Report Button at the top sidebar. Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 
2012 The Year of Meteors!

20 January 2012

Tulsa, Oklahoma Daytime Meteor Event? 18JAN2012

Tulsa, Oklahoma Daytime Meteor Event? 18JAN2012

Anyone else see this event please contact me drtanuki@gmail.com  Thank you!

18JAN2012 mike tulsa, ok, usa 1400 cst 15 sec sw-ne yellow, explosion, smoke cloud daytime, but still very visable no happened during the day. exploded about 500ft above the ground, probably about 1 mile from location. the explosion was powerful enough to felt in delivery truck, also rattled windows of near by businesses

Any other sighting reports? Please report: Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? See the Report Button at the top sidebar. Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2012 The Year of Meteors!

Florida Launch Tonight Florida ~7:38 EST 19JAN2012 NOT Meteor!

Report of launch:
19JAN2012 Shane and Rebecca Hayes MELBOURNE BEACH, FLORIDA, USA 20:03:00 18 seconds W-E RED and ORANGE/LOW RUMBLING THUNDER MOON YES we have a picture from a cell phone, it was bright enough at that far distance to be picked up on the cell

Possible artificial nebula tonight
If the 0:38 UTC (7:38 EST) scheduled launch goes off as scheduled or even
somewhat later in the launch window from Cape Canaveral, there's
a very good chance for an artificial nebula or "comet" around 2:00
UTC south of Israel to ENE of South Africa, perhaps directly over
Madagascar. It would be within several degrees of the celestial
equator from an observing site. Sorry I don't have more detailed
information. Here's a page for reference:

"WGS 4" is "Wideband Global SATCOM 4", a US military
communications satellite.

Here's a projected ground-track map of the launch events:

With good weather, it could be worth looking for.
Ed Cannon -- Texas

WGS 4 is scheduled for launch from Cape Canaveral in about 8 hours, on 2012 Jan 20, between 00:38 and 02:11 UTC.

I offer the following rough TLE of the orbit after the final burn of the 2nd stage, assuming launch at window-open: 

SECO-2                                                 440 X 66991 km
1 78901U          12020.04833333  .00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0    00
2 78901  24.0048 307.4191 8299446 177.8402   1.4113  1.08160032    02

Following spacecraft separation, observers within range should look for the following 2nd stage events:

    T+       UTC
00:45:00  01:23:00  CCAM Start (Collision and Contamination Avoidance Manoeuvre)
00:47:20  01:25:20  CCAM End
00:54:41  01:32:41  H2 Depletion End
00:56:40  01:34:40  O2 Depletion End
01:18:33  01:56:33  N2H4 depletion End

The fuel dump could produce a spectacular comet-like phenomenon.
Ted Molczan

Any other sighting reports? Please report: Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? See the Report Button at the top sidebar. Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2012 The Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 20JAN2012

The chemistry of exploding stars
Scientists from Germany, Japan and the US now provided evidence to substantiate the theory with the help of isotope analyses of stardust from meteorites. The team around the Mainz Max Planck researcher Peter Hoppe initially isolated thousands of about ...

Visitor from Mars
Bangkok Post
It is not often that someone finds a meteorite from the planet Mars. It is even rarer for someone to see a Mars meteorite falling from the sky. The Martian meteorite''Tissint'' at the Institute of Meteoritics, University of New Mexico, in Albuquerque, ...

Today's Interesting Facts
(1799) The first recorded meteor shower Occured in North America. The shower was recorded by an American astronomer, Andrew Elliot Douglass, who reported that the "whole heaven appeared as if illuminated with sky rockets." Astronomers now know he was ...

Meteorite Possibly Found in Callisburg, TX
CALLISBURG, TX-- A panel of international scientists has confirmed that about 15 pounds ofmeteorites that fell in Morocco last summer came from Mars. NASA scientists were included in the group that performed extensive tests on the space rocks. ...

Now, savour 4.5 billion yrs old 'meteorite' flavoured extra-terrestrial wine
New Kerala Thu, 19 Jan 2012 05:45 AM PST
Washington, Jan 18 : An Englishman now working in Chile has created world's first wine aged with a meteorite that fell to Earth from space.

Middle East Online
Middle East Online Thu, 19 Jan 2012 01:01 AM PST
Rare and expensive fragments of a Mars meteorite fell from the sky in July over Morocco, a team of international scientists confirmed on Wednesday.

Morocco: Meteorite Fell From Mars - Scientists
AllAfrica.com Wed, 18 Jan 2012 23:48 PM PST
RNW Africa (Hilversum)-Rare and expensive fragments of a Marsmeteorite fell from the sky in July over Morocco, a team of international scientists confirmed on Wednesday.

AP etc: The big meteor fall in Morocco last year now confirmed to be ...
AP etc: The big meteor fall in Morocco last year now confirmed to be rocks from Mars. We'll round up some more tomorrow, but the morning cannot pass without ...

Meteor confirmed to be a piece of Mars - UPI | e! Science News
RABAT, Morocco, Jan. 17 (UPI) -- A meteor that broke into fragments before falling to Earth in Morocco was a rare chunk of the planet Mars, scientist say.

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Hawley ...
Important new changes coming to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News in 2012 ...

meteorite maps - YouTube
8 min
i know of three different meteorite spots here in alaska one area you can see from the road one ...  (Goofy ideas about impact craters!!!; Appears to be a scam)