06 March 2011

Elevated Green Fireball Activity Expected for 6MAR2011 - 9MAR2011

NEOs Green Fireballs...Yes RATS! photo credit:Takashi Shinohara, Kyoto University/PNAS
 Elevated Green Fireball Activity Worldwide Projected* for 6MAR2011- 9MAR2011
Have your cameras ready for a capture!  Alberta, are you ready?
Known NEOs (Near-Earth Objects) asteroids will pass safely but their debris and unknowns are likely to produce Green Fireball and Bolides this coming Monday through Wednesday. (March 6-9) Get out and watch! 

 22 /41(as of 7MAR) New NEO discoveries have been made for March 2011 with more to come! 
 Please get the word out and post a link to this site on Facebook, Twitter, Forums, News Stories, etc. Thanks!  IF you like this site bookmark the PUPPY http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/
-* by LunarMeteorite*Hunter Tokyo, Japan.

IF you witness a Green Meteor Fireball please email: lunarmeteoritehunter@gmail.com
or the easiest leave a comment below.  Thank you!

NEOs Scheduled Passes 


AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers

(2011 CG33) 2011-Mar-050.187472.9110 m - 240 m22.019.37
(2011 ET4) 2011-Mar-050.184271.7170 m - 390 m20.916.81
(2011 BA12) 2011-Mar-050.075329.380 m - 180 m22.66.85
(2010 CO1) 2011-Mar-060.082532.1130 m - 290 m21.514.96
(1998 HK49) 2011-Mar-060.136453.190 m - 200 m22.35.37
(2011 EC) 2011-Mar-060.02379.221 m - 46 m25.67.55
(2011 EO11) 2011-Mar-060.00461.89.0 m - 20 m27.411.57
(2011 BX59) 2011-Mar-060.073328.529 m - 65 m24.87.93
(2011 EY11) 2011-Mar-070.00090.35.8 m - 13 m28.311.72
(2011 EC12) 2011-Mar-080.00873.417 m - 38 m26.015.28
(2008 CA22) 2011-Mar-090.198277.1200 m - 440 m20.627.69

NASA/JPL  For more information:

05 March 2011

Fossils of Cyanobacteria in CI1 Carbonaceous Meteorites - Abstract 5MAR2011

Fossils of Cyanobacteria in CI1 Carbonaceous Meteorites:
Implications to Life on Comets, Europa, and Enceladus

Richard B. Hoover, Ph.D.
NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL


Environmental (ESEM) and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) investigations of the internal surfaces of the CI1 Carbonaceous Meteorites have yielded images of large complex filaments. The filaments have been observed to be embedded in freshly fractured internal surfaces of the stones. They exhibit features (e.g., the size and size ranges of the internal cells and their location and arrangement within sheaths) that are diagnostic of known genera and species of trichomic cyanobacteria and other trichomic prokaryotes such as the filamentous sulfur bacteria. ESEM and FESEM studies of living and fossil cyanobacteria show similar features in uniseriate and multiseriate, branched or unbranched, isodiametric or tapered, polarized or unpolarized filaments with trichomes encased within thin or thick external sheaths. Filaments found in the CI1 meteorites have also been detected that exhibit structures consistent with the specialized cells and structures used by cyanobacteria for reproduction (baeocytes, akinetes and hormogonia), nitrogen fixation (basal, intercalary or apical heterocysts) and attachment or motility (fimbriae). Energy dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) studies indicate that the meteorite filaments are typically carbon rich sheaths infilled with magnesium sulfate and other minerals characteristic of the CI1 carbonaceous meteorites. The size, structure, detailed morphological characteristics and chemical compositions of the meteorite filaments are not consistent with known species of minerals. The nitrogen content of the meteorite filaments are almost always below the detection limit of the EDS detector. EDS analysis of terrestrial minerals and biological materials (e.g., fibrous epsomite, filamentous cyanobacteria; mummy and mammoth hair/tissues, and fossils of cyanobacteria, trilobites, insects in amber) indicate that nitrogen remains detectable in biological materials for thousands of years but is undetectable in the ancient fossils. These studies have led to the conclusion that the filaments found in the CI1 carbonaceous meteorites are indigenous fossils rather than modern terrestrial biological contaminants that entered the meteorites after arrival on Earth. The δ13C and D/H content of amino acids and other organics found in these stones are shown to be consistent with the interpretation that comets represent the parent bodies of the CI1 carbonaceous meteorites. The implications of the detection of fossils of cyanobacteria in the CI1 meteorites to the possibility of life on comets, Europa and Enceladus are discussed. Keywords: Origins of life, CI1 meteorites, Orgueil, Alais Ivuna, microfossils, cyanobacteria, comets, Europa, Enceladus

The complete article with text and photos can read/viewed here: 
Journal of Cosmology, 2011, Vol 13, in press. 
JournalofCosmology.com, March, 2011

03 March 2011

Huron, Ohio 2:01 am Brilliant Green Fireball 3MAR2011

Huron, Ohio 2:01 am EST Brilliant Green Fireball 3MAR2011
Shatteredmind wrote:
Huron Ohio- Mar 3,2:01am. Wife was heading into work and as I watched her travel down the road,a very nice, large,brilliant green fireball appeared to be coming down at a rather slow pace. It was visible for at least 3-5 seconds. I was facing approximately east-southeast.

Kingsville Ontario, CA
Derek S wrote:
I saw it last night as well!
A large green fireball falling straight down - never seen anything like it before - Was Amazing
It appeared to fall over Lake Erie at a South Eastern location from my view point in Kingsville Ontario, CA

Mayfield Heights, OH Meteor on Police Dashcam 02:05 EST
Michael Lanzola wrote:
I am a police officer who was on duty at the time of sighting. When I saw it, I activated my dash cam hoping the camera would catch it. It did. I don't have all of the sighting because of the direction of the camera but I do have most of it including the end.

Amelia, Ohio large green fireball 9:00pm 3MAR2011
Guest819e (guest) wrote:
Last night - March 3 at @9:00pm there was a there was a large green fireball that shot across the sky Amelia, ohio

Meteor/Meteorite News 3MAR2011

What's Hitting Earth? - NASA Science
Groups of smart cameras in the new meteor network triangulate the fireballs' paths, and special software1 uses the data to compute their orbits and email ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for February 26- March 4 | American Meteor ...
March is the slowest month for meteor activity. No major annual showers are active and only two very weak minor showers produce activity this month. ...

Discovery hints that meteorites seeded life on Earth
Researchers in the US say they have found strong evidence to support the theory that life on Earth could have been seeded by meteorites from outer space. Sandra Pizzarello of Arizona State University and colleagues in California say that a primitive ...

Insider's hand suspected in theft of meteorites from museum
Times of India
CHENNAI: The five meteorite pieces taken away from the Chennai museum were all originals and the one left behind in the display case was a "fake" generally used for study purposes, investigations found on Wednesday. Museum authorities and the police ...

Study offers warning about next potential mass extinction
USA Today
One possible cause of the largest extinction event in the history of life on Earth was ameteor that crashed off the coast of Australia about 251 million years ago. Scientists in 2004 found evidence of an impact crater there, believed to be from a ...

NASA Tracks Shooting Stars to Give You More Chances at Wishes
NASA's All Sky Fireball Network aims to make the process of night sky gazing a lot easier. Using three video cameras located in Tullahoma, Tenn.; Chickamauga, Geor.; and Huntsville, Ala., scientists are tracking the trajectory of fireballs - or meteors ...

Abundant ammonia aids life's origins
Arizona State University
A portion of the asteroidal meteorite CR2 Grave Nunataks (GRA) 95229 used in this study. Download image An important discovery has been made with respect to the possible inventory of molecules available to the early Earth. Scientists led by Sandra ...

02 March 2011

Ireland Meteor 8.30pm GMT 1MAR2011

Galway, Ireland meteor 1st March 2011 8.30pm GMT
Last night I saw an amazing meteor streak fairly slowly across the sky on an even trajectory - though it seemed to be quite low it didn't appear to be falling. It was travelling due west over southern Ireland and I would guess it hit somewhere in the Atlantic ocean.  Time was 8.30pm GMT and the meteor was huge, yellow and had a red and yellow fiery tail.  I could see the meteor itself burning.  Absolutely beautiful - I have never seen anything like it before.
ricia Tierney

Thank you Tricia!

Ash wrote:
I was on a bus from Limerick to Cork last night (1st March), it was an ultra clear night. It was just after 8.30pm and my girlfriend shouted 'shooting star' and we watched it and it kept going for up to 6-8 secs until the horizon. It had a very long white and orange tail that, to me, looked like it was burning up as it entered the atmosphere.
It is definatly a sight to see firsthand. Though I'm sure the dinosaurs didn't thinks so.

Ann-marie wrote:
Last night i seen a meteor I was heading towards fota island ,cork when I spotted it ,it looked very low down and like it was heading in the direction of the city it was around 8:30 pm it was in the sky for about 8 seconds,fantastic sight to see .

Helston, Cornwall 8.30 March 1st
8.30 March 1st (approx) while out fishing at Loe Bar Beach near the Lizard peninsula myself and a friend saw the most spectacular meteor we have ever seen and we have seen a few... It lasted for around 4-5 seconds (seemed longer)came from the SW of us and disappeared to the NW over Penzance. It had the best trail we have ever seen with visable sparks trailing from it as it burned out. At one stage the tail briefly went out then lit up again... Was this the same one as seen from America?
It must have been a big one, has anyone any idea how big it was or how can I get info?
Mark (Helston, Cornwall)  
This was NOT the same one seen in the US.  I have no further information on size please contact the Armagh observatory perhaps they can answer your questions?

Mark Baguley wrote: Hello all... The meteor that fell at approx 8.30gmt yesterday evening, is the any way of finding out how big it was? great sight.
Yes, contact the Armagh Observatory http://www.arm.ac.uk/

Breaking News - NY, NJ, PA, VA, DC CT DE MD Meteor 1MAR2011

Reports from Readers:
Delaware Meteor 9:40 pm EST 1MAR2011
I just saw a meteor streak rapidly in front of me at 9:40 pm in Delaware.....looked like a ball of fire in the air.. - Joe Yancey (email)  Thank you Joe!

Washington DC Green Meteor ~9:30 EST 1MAR2011
I saw a green Meteor in the sky over NE Washington DC about 45 minutes ago.
Kathryn (email)  Thank you Kathryn!

Bethpage, NY large shooting star 21:18 EST 1MAR2011
I just saw a large shooting star in the SSE sky from bethpage, NY. It fell straight towards the ground quickly and had a long red tail until it burned out!
Melissa De Falco (email)  Thank you Melissa!

Vineland, NJ Meteor ~9:30 pm 1MAR2011
Saw meteor around 9:30pm to my left while traveling down rt 55 south near mile marker 41 near Vineland, NJ. It came down slowly and appeared to burn brighter as it descended. Awesome!  Thank you!

Toms River, New Jersey large ball of fire ~9:40 pm EST 1MAR2011
just saw an amazing sight in the sky around 940 pm while at a stop light in toms river new jersey. looked like a large ball of fire that shot downward. if it was a shooting star, it was the biggest one i have ever seen. to my eyes it looked like it stayed in on spot and then shot down ward but that just might have been how my eyes procieved it. - Garret Holland (email)  Thank you!

Central NJ meteor or falling star 9:20 pm 1MAR2011
Hubby & I saw what appeared to be a meteor or falling star at 9:20pm tonight in central NJ. Appeared quite large and got brighter as it fell. What's going on with all these sightings lately? Weird. - Janice and Bob Thank you!

Stamford CT large bright ball of light prior ~9:30 pm 1MAR2011
Just before 9: 30 pm est, my cousin & I saw a large bright ball of light coming straight down from the sky. It looked so close & appeared white to me. She said it looked greenish. It lasted about one or two seconds. We were anticipating a crashing sound or something but it just seemed to disappear a few feet from the ground.
- Jen Strada & Kati Scheckler  Thank You Jen and Kati !

Sighting on Route 50 Eastern Shore Maryland
March 1. Between 9:30 - 9:40. Beautiful "falling star" seemed to just hang there with yellow tail visible. Almost like fire ball as others have mentioned. Largest we've ever seen. -Connie Luxton
Thank You!

West Harwich MA just before 9:30 pm 1MAR2011
I live in West Harwich MA. I was driving west along route 28 just before 9:30. I saw a fairly large white light falling toward the earth in an east to west direction. It appeared to dive in an arc toward the ocean, south of Harwich, toward Marthas Vineyard. It didn't seem to be travelling very fast. It was slow enough to catch my eye before diving out of sight. - Marge Frith
Thanks Marge!

long island at aprox 9:28 pm 3/1/11
Something dropped from sky over the south shore of long island at aprox 9:28 pm 3/1/11. Large white object looked like a shooting star but much larger and straight down Aprox area of Islip, NY. Thank you for your report!

Bohemia, NY  large green Meteor 9:38 pm EST
facing south toward the Atlantic Ocean a large green Meteor streaked across the sky then discipated into 3 streaks and disappeared, I was on Johnson avenue in Bohemia, NY at 

9:38 pm EST -John Leone  Thanks John!

Danbury, CT.
March 1, 2011, 9:25pm +/-5 minutes.
Saw very prominent straight shooting light in sky heading southeast to the horizon. White in color with no tail. 2 seconds long in duration. I first thought it was a bright meteor, then thought maybe city lights reflecting off my car window. After reading posts here, I am sure it was a meteor. -David Newton  Thank you David!


Hartford, CT
I saw a falling Meteor on my way home last night, traveling south on Interstate 91 headed towards Hartford, CT. It was one of the brightest and largest I have seen, with a long tail, and appeared to almost die out but then brightened before finally fading out. - Jennifer  Thank you Jennifer!

Long Beach Island, NJ. At 9:22 pm
I live on Long Beach Island, NJ. At 9:22 pm while lying in bed watching TV, I saw a flash of green light about 1 foot long with a dot of black in it, in the sky over the Atlantic Ocean. The police came to the beach to look out over the sea and said they had about 8 people calling with the same description up and down the Island. Since the sky is jet black at night over the ocean it was pretty amazing to see. Sincerely, Mary Ann Gutchigian  Thank you Mary Ann!

Warfordsburg, PA Very bright fireball 9:30 3-1-2011
I saw a very bright fireball in the eastern sky from inside my house in Warfordsburg, PA around 9:30 on March 1, 2011. I was watching TV and saw the slow, very bright meteor through a window facing the east. It was still glowing quite brightly as it disappeared behind the hills and had a slight green color. - Jenna  Thank you Jenna!

montgomery co md
Saw a Green shooting star around 9pm on march 1 2011 while driving in
montgomery co md. was really bright and had a long tail. saw a few
other interesting bright silver objects in the sky while passing
through hampshire greens near dusk last evening. - Rob  Thank you Rob!

James Murphy wrote: 9:30pm 3/1/11 brick,nj   Thanks James!

Weehawken NJ  March 1, 2011 around 9:21 pm
I was in Weehawken NJ last night, March 1, 2011 around 9:21 pm when I saw an abnormally bright, large, green meteor fall straight down at a 90 degree angle to the earth. Looked like it was beyond Long Island toward the Atlantic Ocean . -kimberly.kraemer  Thank you Kimberly!

White Plains, NY
Guest610 (guest) wrote:
Last night (march 1)at 9:20pm, I saw a huge green ball that shot straight downward with a red tail. I was driving on Taconic Pkwy (5 min north of White Plains, NY)
Bel Air, Maryland arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor spotted.
12:04:30 -- 9 minutes ago

New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Minn. Green Meteor 7:25pm 1MAR2011" by searching for green fireball nyc.

Dover, Delaware arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for falling star march 1 2011 delaware.
12:09:18 -- 4 minutes ago

Northampton, Pennsylvania arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: VT, DE, NY, NJ, MD, DC, MI, OH / Montréal & Ontario Canada Green Meteor Fireball 05:15am EST 23FEB2011" by searching for fireball over nj.

Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for falling meteor march 1 2011.

Allentown, Pennsylvania arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite sighting March 1 2011.
11:39:49 -- 20 seconds ago

Collegeville, Pennsylvania arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for huge meteor se PA 3-1-11.
11:45:36 -- 16 seconds ago

Newtown, Pennsylvania arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor/Meteorite News 1MAR2011" by searching for march 1,2011 meteor.

Bayville, New Jersey arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor south sky March 1.
11:30:42 -- 3 minutes ago

Lindenhurst, New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for shooting stars long island ny 3/1/11.
11:42:16 -- 14 seconds ago

Freeport, New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for long island meteor 3/1 2011.
11:30:35 -- 3 minutes ago

Bronx, New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor/Meteorite News 1MAR2011" by searching for March 1, 2011 New York Meteor.

Triangle, Virginia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for Falling from the sky in va march 1st 2011.

Arlington, Virginia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: VT, DE, NY, NJ, MD, DC, MI, OH / Montréal & Ontario Canada Green Meteor Fireball 05:15am EST 23FEB2011" by searching for meteor sighting DC.

Toms River, New Jersey arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor shower philadelphia march 1st 2011.

Carle Place, New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for flash of green light seen in sky march 1, 2011.
11:56:43 -- 2 minutes ago
Annapolis, Maryland arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for maryland comet sighting.
11:56:37 -- 2 minutes ago
New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor/Meteorite News 1MAR2011" by searching for nj meteor sighting march 1 2011.

Ashburn, Virginia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for shooting star over washington dc mar 1, 2011.
12:25:05 -- 12 seconds ago
Atlantic City, New Jersey arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor new jersey.
12:23:01 -- 2 minutes ago
Alexandria, Virginia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for blue light falling out of the sky 3/1/11.
12:23:01 -- 2 minutes ago
Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News - NY, NJ, PA, VA, DC Meteor 1MAR2011" by searching  meteor march 1 2011.

Washington, District of Columbia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for green meteor over dc march 1 2011.
12:19:16 -- 6 minutes ago
Freeport, New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News - NY, NJ, PA, VA, DC Meteor 1MAR2011" by searching for freeport long island meteor 2011.

Please also get the word out on Facebook, Twitter, forums and news reports that this site has information collected; thank you!

Minn. Green Meteor 7:25pm 1MAR2011

Guest277 (guest) wrote:Just saw a green meteor NE of me in Kingston MN

Eagan MN 7:20pm Meteor 1MAR2011
We saw it yesterday around Eagan MN 7:20pm, we were on 35E going North towards St.Paul. It was blue.
Jenedee Canino

Tanner Schaaf wrote: At about 7:25pm I saw a green meteor go down to my NE. I live in Kingston MN.  It had a SE to NW direction and it last for a a second and a half I would say.

Eric Lee Hansen wrote:pretty sure I just saw one 3/1/11 in the eastern sky out of Grand Rapids, MN. probably was about 7:25 sounds right.

Guest947 (guest) wrote: My husband and I saw a very large, green "shooting star" at about 7:20 on Monday night in Grand Rapids MI.Nobody else seems to have seen it, but it was a gorgeous sight!

Lancaster, Wisconsin
I was driving about 10 miles northwest of Lancaster, Wisconsin and saw a large slow moving falling star. It had a large glowing ball in front and a long tail in the back. It seemed to hang in the sky as it travelled slowly to the northwest of Grant county and disappeared. It was at about 7:20 P.M. on March 1, 2011. Awesome. Viewed by Judie Barnes.

Thank you all for your kind reports!

If anyone else saw this or other meteors please either email me or leave a comment in the comments.  Please give name, location, time, details of meteor sighting.  Thank you!  - Tokyo


01 March 2011

New York fireball 28FEB2011 and more meteors 27FEB2011

Vestal, New York fireball ~9:00pm EST 28FEB2011
I live in Vestal Ny. I saw a fire ball last night,just after 9 pm in the western sky. It was the size of a golf ball!Beautiful! -Tricia Valek

Girard PA large explosion in the atmosphere 1:00 am 28FEB2011
Guest567 (guest):Monday night at about 1:00 am there was a very large explosion in the atmosphere above Girard PA, it was all everyone was talking about the next day. I've never heard anything like it, I was waiting for my house to fly away. Everyone I've talked to for many miles was woken by it. One person was injured by a falling item. It shook houses for 30 miles around.Any other reports from this area?

Lima, Ohio Bright Blue Meteor ~0:00 am EST 27FEB2011
I live in Lima, Ohio in America. On late Saturday night/early Sunday morning (a few minutes past midnight EST) I was outside facing south. I was blessed to see what had to of been a big object in the sky that was moving south west at a pretty quick speed. It was a very cloudy night, but the object was bright blue and apparently was bright enough to see even behind the cloud blanketed night sky. I have never seen something like it before. It did not completely burn up like a shooting star. It kept right on moving until it was out of my sight. I saw it for about 2 to 3 seconds. It was amazing. My guess is that it was headed toward Texas. I wonder if anyone in the south west saw it? It was big and it was hauling butt. - Adam Spears

Cow Bay, Nova Scotia Canada ~6:15pm Atlantic time 27FEB2011
Saw object in the sky
Hi, my wife and I witnessed a strange object. Definitely not a plane, it was descending on earth across the sky. Had a bright red tail, looked like it might have had 2 tails. Tail did not stay in the sky as the object moved across, it wasn't a long tail either. The object moved slowly, we watched it for more than a minute. Neither of us have ever seen anything like it ever. - Craig Hamilton

Meteor in Utah Feb 27 , 2011

I'm just curious if you've had any reports of a meteor in Utah last night. I just happened to see a blue ball fall very fast about a golf ball size ( from my window) . I was facing South and saw it fall down towards the horizon, I actually got worried that it was going to hit the ground and explode. I'm not sure what it was so I'm hoping you might know. It was around 8 or 9 pm. Thanks. -Amy Kohler

If anyone else has seen the above you may leave your information in the comments.  Thank you all!

Meteor/Meteorite News 1MAR2011

Ammonia from meteorites could have aided start of life on Earth
Scientific American Mon, 28 Feb 2011 15:02 PM PST
Asteroids and comets have long been suspected of helping nudge Earth toward life. The interplanetary interlopers have struck Earth since the beginning, delivering carbon, water, and sometimes organic compounds such as amino acids . By providing key chemicals or even pre-formed biological building blocks , as well as the heat and energy generated by a meteorite impact, space rocks may have played ...

Mars meteorite craters: Make mine a double
MSNBC Mon, 28 Feb 2011 14:43 PM PST
What could be worse a meteorite hitting you? Two meteorites hitting you, at the same time!

Meteorites may have delivered first ammonia for life on earth: new study
PhysOrg Mon, 28 Feb 2011 14:41 PM PST
Researchers have teased ammonia of a carbon-containing meteoritefrom Antarctica, and propose that meteorites may have delivered that essential ingredient for life to an early Earth....

Bukit Bunuh-the oldest Palaeolithic site outside Africa
Researchers also found evidence supporting the theory that the local Palaeolithic culture was disappeared due to a meteorite impact 1.83 million years ago. This was provided by geomorphologic evidence, the presence of suevite stone-a type of rock ...

Just another asteroid hurtling toward Earth ...
Boston Globe
People have long been fascinated by the threat of apocalypse by asteroid, as depicted in movies such as the 1998 film “Armageddon'' and 1979's “Meteor,'' which was inspired by an MIT student project to create a plan to avoid a theoretical collision. ...

Meteorites Illuminate Mystery of Chromium in Earth's Core
Universe Today
by Anne Minard on February 24, 2011 It's generally assumed that the Earth's overall composition is similar to that of chondritic meteorites, the primitive, undifferentiated building blocks of the solar system. But a new study in Science Express led by ...

Assistant geology professor collects meteorites in Antarctica
TCU Daily Skiff
Mayne, assistant professor of geology, returned from collecting meteorites in Antarctica's negative 30 degree weather one day before Fort Worth's ice storm hit, she said. The National Science Foundation sponsored the Antarctic Search For Meteorites...

What is the Definition of a Meteorite?
Denton Ebel explains the definition of a meteorite. See this basic definition of a meteorite.

California Utah Meteors 27FEB2011

Meteor in Utah last night? 27FEB2011
Hi, I'm just curious if you've had any reports of a meteor in Utah last night. I just happened to see a blue ball fall very fast about a golf ball size ( from my window) . I was facing South and saw it fall down towards the horizon, I actually got worried that it was going to hit the ground and explode. I'm not sure what it was so I'm hoping you might know. It was around 8 or 9 pm.
Thanks - Amy Kohler

Rancho Cucamonga, California Meteor 10:30PM 27FEB2011
Last night at about 10:30PM, my girlfriend and I saw something fall from the sky. It was very bright and seemed to have little angle - looked as though it was dropping nearly straight down. At first we thought it was a "shooting star" however there is a mountain range about a mile from my home and the object fell below the mountain range before the light went out. Meaning, it looked as though it fell between my home and the mountain. I have never seen anything so bright before - Crazy! You can contact me at stan.doll@yahoo.com or at this address. By the way, I live in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Do you know what this might have been?
Stanley Doll

27 February 2011

Keswick Ontario ~2:50am EST Meteor 27FEB2011

Guest175 (guest) wrote: Feb 27 2011, aprox 2:50am, Keswick Ontario
Did anyone else see this? I've never seen anything like it in my life!

Guest175 Please tell us what you saw...

Guest667 (guest) wrote: Sunday Feb 27th @2:50am APSLEY ONT. Amazing fireball to the west, at least 6 seconds

Anonymous said...
I did see this!!!! It was amazing! On Sunday morning around 250am

7:22 AM Anonymous said...
I was with a friend and seen a ball of flame with a long trail behind it around 2:50 am in Bracebridge, Ontario.

Thought I'd let you know I was sitting at my south-facing computer desk window last night about 2:50 am when I saw an extremely bright light in the sky travelling from approx. west to east on a downward trajectory. I live in Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada. Wow! It was so bright and unexpected I rushed outside, but all was still and quiet.
Hope this informs!

Hi Feb 27 my friend and I were outside talking at about 3am in Bracebridge, Ontario, when I saw a ball of flame with a long wavering tail behind it race across the sky. It was pretty large, but it was cloudy so we couldn't tell how high up it was. It did look like we were seeing it through the clouds though. Is this what you saw? -Matthew J

Huntsville, Ontario
arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: 2/20/11 - 2/27/11" by searching for feb 27 meteor.
17:13:35 -- 51 minutes ago

Keswick, Ontario arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for falling meteor february 2011.
17:05:53 -- 59 minutes ago

Mississauga, Ontario arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: 2/20/11 - 2/27/11" by searching for shooting star in mississauga february 27 2011.
16:59:00 -- 1 hour 6 mins ago
Please email me your details about what you saw.  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com
Thank you. - Tokyo