07 September 2009

Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News- 7SEP09

Irish astronomy group investigating after 'explosion in the sky'

DigitalJournal.com -
... that one was a Russian military satellite that exploded over the country, and the other was a rock from space which we predicted would have fallen on ...

Se necesitan $ 42.000 para estudiar los cráteres en Santiago

El Liberal Digital -
Sobre las excavaciones, puede determinarse el ángulo de impacto y las características morfológicas del meteorito. Luego se realiza el inventariado de las ...

42.000 need $ to study the craters in Santiago

The Liberal Digital one - ‎
On the excavations, one can determine the angle of impact and the morphologic characteristics of the meteorite. Then the inventoried one is realized of...
Nueve universidades andaluzas abren juntas una 'Ventana a la Ciencia'
Aprendemas.com -
... se abrirá a los meteoritos, “Fragmentos de otros mundos”, organizada por la Universidad de Huelva y que estará abierta hasta el próximo 4 de octubre. ...

Nine Andalusian universities open together a ' Window for the Science '

Aprendemas.com - ‎
... it will be opened for the meteorites, “ Fragments of other worlds ”, organized by the University of Huelva and that will be opened until the next October 4....

Una sonda de asteroide "colisiona" con la Tierra

El Día (Argentina) -
Por ejemplo -explicó- se cree que fue un cometa o un meteorito de apenas 60 metros de diámetro el que causó el desastre de Tunguska en 1908. ...

A probe of asteroid "clashes" with the Earth

El Dia (Argentina)-
For example - he told - one believes that it was a comet or a meteorite of scarcely 60 meters of diameter the one that caused the disaster of Tunguska in 1908....

万石博览会开幕 月球陨石首次来渝

新浪网 -
据悉,本次展出的陨石共有40多种,来自世界各地,是迄今为止我市最大规模的陨石展。 带来这些陨石的北京天文馆高级工程师张宝林介绍,火星陨石和月球陨石都属于比较珍 ...

10000 Stone Fair Opens lunar meteorites for the first time
Laiyu Sina -
It is learned that a total of more than 40 kinds of meteorites on display from around the world, is by far the largest city of the meteorite show. Beijing Planetarium brings these meteorites senior engineer Zhang Baolin introduction, Mars meteorites and lunar meteorites are all relatively ...


京华网 -
爱尔兰天文学家认为,对这一现象最合理的解释是,陨石或人造卫星撞进大气层,坠落地表。当时人们看到天空滑过的火球非常明亮,如明月一般。 爱尔兰天文学会负责人戴维 ...

Mystery fireball glide rapidly over
Jinghua Network
Ireland -
before the Irish astronomers believe that this phenomenon the most reasonable explanation is that meteorite or satellite crashed into the atmosphere, falling surface. At that time people see the sky is very bright fireball glide, such as the moon in general. Astronomy Ireland will be responsible for David ...


中华网 -
新浪科技讯北京时间8月14日消息据物理学家组织网报道,美国宇航局火星勘测轨道飞行器日前发回一张火星维多利亚陨石坑的最新靓照。这张照片是火星勘测轨道飞行器使用高 ...

NASA's Mars Public Figure: You absolutely can not think of the alien world
SAN FRANCISCO August 14 news organizations, networks, according to physicists, reported that NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has sent back to 1 Victoria crater on Mars the latest Match Friends. This photo is the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter using high ...



新浪网 -
次日,他们二人又走向“Head”、“Bench”、“Sharp”等三个陨石坑,采集了岩石样本,沿途还拍了照片。“阿波罗12号”任务总共带回来超过70磅(约合32公斤)的月球样本,科学家利 ...

America probe photographed the Apollo 12 spacecraft to the moon traces (Figure)
Sina -
The next day, two of them again moved toward the "Head", "Bench", "Sharp" and so three crater, collecting of the rock samples along the way was also photographed. "Apollo 12" mission brought back a total of more than 70 pounds (about 32 kilograms) of lunar samples, the scientists li ...


宁夏网 -
1908年,一颗足球场大小的陨石在西伯利亚通古斯湖上空发生大爆炸,毁灭了周围近2000平方公里森林,而这种事件大约每100年就会发生一次。 美国国家航空航天局估计,约有 ...

New type of aircraft able to divert the asteroid collision
Ningxia Network -
in 1908, the size of a football field in the Siberian Tunguska meteorite explosion took place over Lake, destroyed nearly 2,000 square kilometers of the surrounding forest, while such incidents around will occur once every 100 years. United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration estimates that about ...

鮮知先贏/彗星 首次發現甘胺酸

聯合新聞網 - ‎18 時間前‎
過去曾從地球隕石中發現胺基酸,這次再從彗星中發現甘胺酸,證明構成生命的原始物質在太空中並不罕見。地球上的生物,有可能就是來自彗星或隕石。 NASA所發現的那些微量胺基酸是從冰核彗星Wild 2彗尾蒐集而來。 故事要從1999年講起。那一年NASA發射星塵號(Stardust)太空 ...

Little known, first win / Comet was first found glycine
in the past amino acids found in meteorites from the Earth, this comet was found again from glycine to prove that constitute the raw material of life in space not uncommon. Life on Earth, there may be from a comet or meteorite. NASA found that micro-amino acid is from ice cores collected from the comet Wild 2 comet. Let's talk about a story that starts in 1999. That year, NASA launched Stardust (Stardust) Space ...

Meteor/Meteorite News- 7SEP09

Observatory sets fall viewing nights

Online Athens
18, and this year will hold an open house on a Monday night to view a meteor shower. The observatory features a 24-inch telescope and is located atop the ...

Local News
u.tv Sat, 05 Sep 2009 13:17 PM PDT
Astronomers are on the trail of a meteorite after a massive explosion over Ireland.

05 September 2009

Ireland Meteor/Meteorite News- Bolide over Eire 3SEP09 5SEP09

Huge 'sky explosion' investigated
Jupiter and its rings
Jupiter is currently the brightest star is in the night sky

An Irish astronomy group is calling for help in tracing the origin of a huge explosion in the skies over the country on Thursday evening.

BBC News-

Astronomy Ireland said it was currently investigating the explosion, which occurred at 2100 BST.

A spokesman said the most likely explanation was a space rock or satellite crashing into the atmosphere.

The group wants anyone who witnessed the event to contact its website at www.astronomy.ie

Astronomy Ireland chairman David Moore said: "So far, reports have been registered by residents in west Cork, Kerry, Cavan and as far north as Donegal, thus suggesting that this spectacular event may have been witnessed by people all over the country.

"In the past two decades there have been two major explosions in the skies over Ireland.

"When we investigated these, we were able to conclude that one was a Russian military satellite that exploded over the country, and the other was a rock from space which we predicted would have fallen on Carlow and this rock was indeed found, becoming the last meteorite fall of the millennium."

Mr Moore said the explosion should not be confused with a hugely-bright star which was positioned just below the full moon on Thursday night.

"This was actually the planet Jupiter and it can be characterised by being by far the brightest star in the entire night sky," he said.


Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News- 5SEP09

Lluvia de meteoritos

Granada Hoy - Granada,Granada,Spain
La Universidad de Huelva ofrece una exposición sobre su grupo de trabajo en torno a la detección de meteoritos. 2. Ernesto Páramo y José María Madiedo ...

Astronomers in search of meteorite
Press Assoc. via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News Fri, 04 Sep 2009 10:10 AM PDT
Astronomers are on the trail of a meteorite after a massive explosion over Ireland.

The Elegant Way to Save Earth From Asteroid Destruction

Discover Magazine
The one fact in Deep Impact that we can all agree on is that we should not allow the Earth to get hit by a large meteor. Depending on its size, ...

BBC News
Huge 'sky explosion' investigated

BBC News
... was a rock from space which we predicted would have fallen on Carlow and this rock was indeed found, becoming the last meteorite fall of the millennium. ...

Astronomers in search of meteorite

The Press Association
Astronomers are on the trail of a meteorite after a massive explosion over Ireland. The fireball, said to burn as bright as the full moon, was seen flashing ...

Una exposición muestra la evolución del sistema solar a través de ...

Radio Granada - Granada,Andalucía,Spain
Esta exposición, compuesta por más de 200 meteoritos y fragmentos de cráteres ... "Para ver que una roca es un meteorito hay que someterla a distintos ...

Streaking light stuns stargazers: A meteor was reported in the sky ...

Kalamazoo Gazette - MLive.com
"That's a meteor!" he blurted out in his wife's voice mail. A meteor, otherwise known as a falling star, is a bright streak of light caused by a meteoroid ...

03 September 2009

Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News- 4SEP09

Asteroid Strike Coming?

The Westender -
It's the work of moments to boil out any unwanted information revealed by records of meteor strikes, but with their hundred-billion dollar budget the USAF ...

Martian meteorite may have held life

New Scientist
MORE than a decade after the furore over a Martian meteorite that some claimed contained fossil microbes, a new analysis suggests the rock's environment on ...

Josh receives a heavenly gift from meteorite collector

This is North Devon
A SIX-year-old stargazer from Bratton Fleming who found what he thought was a meteorite in his back garden has been given a generous gift from one of the ...

Meteor spotted Tuesday

(WOOD) - A meteor flashed across the sky at around 9:10 pm Tuesday. It was visible from north to northeast, moving left to right. It also moved from "top to ...

Spaceshuttle Discovery II

Medium4You -
Een kleine botsing met een meteoriet ter grootte van een paasei, heeft me compleet uit de richting en koers geslagen. Ik zit niet op Mars maar op een ...

Litopanspermie: Může se živor šířit impakty?

Science World.cz -
Ta ovšem není stabilní – na nově vzniklý meteorit působí gravitační vlivy okolních planet, v případě malých kousků také tlak slunečního záření. ...

La Casa de las Ciencias acogerá desde el día 29 la exposición ...

El Correo Digital (Vizcaya) -
«Responderá a muchas preguntas y ofrecerá al público piezas reales, fotografías impactantes e incluso un trozo de meteorito marciano», prometió Fernández. ...

Потемнение достаточно часто происходило в истории Земли

Каталог Минералов -
По словам ученых, неожиданное потемнение достаточно часто происходило в истории Земли. Типичным примером подобных событий могут являться мощные извержения вулканов или падения комет и метеоритов, то есть события, которые приводят к повышению концентрации аэрозолей в верхних слоях атмосферы. ...

Юные экологи осмотрели коллекцию метеоритов

Татар-информ (подписка) -
Смогли своими глазами увидеть коллекцию метеоритов, собранных в 40 странах мира». Дети посетили зал Ледникового периода, где увидели скелеты древних млекопитающих, а также в зал нефти и истории Земли. По словам организатора мероприятия специалиста Управления информационно-аналитической ...


网易 -
本报讯(记者罗剑生实习生郭彬玲林婷婷)本报8月26日6版报道了鲤城江南霞洲有两块神秘的石头,当地传说它们是300多年前从天而降的陨石,该报道引起了泉州天文界人士的 ...


新浪网 -
由此,他开始关注地球以外的东西———陨石。 “从1960年到1994年,整整35年,我所有的工作都围绕着一个目标———准备。准备中国有能力的时候自己去探月。”欧阳自远说 ...


北方新闻网 -
... 拥有山脉、平原、峡谷、火山、干枯的河道等地形地貌,且有明显的南北差异,北方是被熔岩填平的低原,南方则是充满陨石坑的古老高原,两者之间以明显的斜坡分隔;土 ...


西部网 -
在先后25次南极科学考察中,取得了南极磷虾复眼研究、格罗夫山陨石回收等举世瞩目的成果。 “没有首次科考,就没有我国今天的南极科考大国地位。”刘小汉说,“随着昆仑站 ...


每日甘肃 -
1908年,一颗足球场大小的陨石在西伯利亚通古斯湖上空发生大爆炸,毁灭了周围近2000平方公里森林,而这种事件大约每100年就会发生一次。 美国国家航空航天局估计,约有 ...

Meteor/Meteorite News - 3SEP09

Using technology to solve mysteries
UB Reporter Wed, 02 Sep 2009 14:43 PM PDT
The fist-sized hunk of metal or stone found on an Iowa railroad track could have been extraterrestrial, a fragment of the Estherville meteorite that had fallen to Earth from space in May of 1879. If so, the nugget would qualify as a precious object, rare and expensive.

Meteorite mystery
Lancaster Online Tue, 01 Sep 2009 21:36 PM PDT
If you live in the Bird-in-Hand area, especially if you live on a farm, be prepared for a man to knock on your front door. He'll ask if he can check out your property. Maybe after the crops are harvested.He's looking for rocks.Not just any rocks. Meteorites. From outer space.Meteorites that ...

University at Buffalo Reporter
Using technology to solve mysteries

University at Buffalo Reporter
On one well-known collector's Web site, a half-ounce chunk of the meteorite is listed for $964. So with hopes high, the owner of the fist-sized find sent a ...

02 September 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- 2SEP09

Meteor Lights up Michigan Sky

9&10 News
People tell 9&10 News they saw a bright, white, almost fiery red at times meteor across the sky. One person said they saw sparks coming from it. ...

Meteor spotted around

(WOOD) - A meteor flashed across the sky at around 9:10 pm Monday. It was visible from north to northeast, moving left to right. It also moved from "top to ...

Meteorite mystery

Lancaster Newspapers
Meteorites. From outer space. Meteorites that are probably worth a lot of money. We aren't kidding. His name is Mike Hankey. He's a meteorite hunter, ...

Crossroads Of The Ancients, Part 2

Four Wheeler Magazine
But if you are in the meteorite business in Morocco, this is the place to be. In the course of 24 hours, we ventured into half-dozen hidden shops, ...

Von Meteoriten, Tsunamis und Erdbeben /Wissenschaft ...

Proplanta - Das Informationszentrum für die Landwirtschaft - Stuttgart-Hohenheim,Baden-Würtemberg,Germany
Von Meteoriten, Tsunamis und Erdbeben /Erdwissenschaften Wissenschaft Von Meteoriten, Tsunamis und Erdbeben Von Meteoriten, Tsunamis und Erdbeben Zürich ...

Mars-Meteorit ALH 84001 lag einst in lebensfreundlichem Wasser

grenzwissenschaft-aktuell.de - Germany
Houston/ USA - Strukturen im Marsmeteoriten ALH 84001 veranlassten 1996 Wissenschaftler der NASA den Nachweis außerirdischen Lebens zu verkünden. ...

01 September 2009

UK Meteor/Meteorite News- 1SEP09

Daily Mail
Father snaps meteor on camera phone as it speeds across sky

Daily Mail
'I realised it must be a meteorite, which makes sense because there was a red trail followed by a tapering orange light behind it. ...

US Meteor/Meteorite News- Mike Farmer on CNN video 1SEP09

Chinese Meteor/Meteorite News- 1SEP09


人民网 -
1957年至1966年间,欧阳自远在北京就读研究生并从事核子地质、陨石学和月球科学研究。因研究工作的需要,他与当时位于文津街的北京图书馆(国家图书馆前身)结下了不解 ...

Ouyang: Thoughts on lunar exploration starting from the National Library
People's Net - 55 minutes ago from 1957 to 1966, the Ouyang Ziyuan graduate student in Beijing, and to engage in nuclear geology, meteorites and lunar science research. Due to the need for research work, he was at Wenjin Street, Beijing Library (the predecessor of the National Library) have forged a puzzled ...



中华网 -
此外,该城尚有被人们视为天降圣物的黑色陨石和克而白古寺,因而成为半岛的宗教祭祀中心。位于麦加以北的雅特里布也是1座商贸之城。因地处绿洲,盛产椰枣、谷物和蔬菜 ...

Rise and Fall of the history of the Arab Empire: once a great empire across three continents
In addition, the city still to be seen as sacred heaven black meteorite, and g and white temple, it would become the peninsula's religious centers of worship. Mecca is located in the north of Yatelibu is a business city. The area was an oasis, rich in date palm, cereal and vegetables ...

解密古今神奇天象 一起来看流星雨

博宝网 -
有没烧完的流星就落到地面上的,这便是陨石。如果有许多块落到地上,就称为陨石雨。 据《竹书纪年》记载:“帝禹后氏八年雨金于夏邑”。这是公元前2133年降落在今河南省 ...

Decrypted with the view of ancient and modern magic sky meteor shower
Bo Po-Net -
The meteors do not burn on the fall on the ground, which is the meteorite. If there are many pieces fell to the ground, it is called meteorite shower. According to "Bamboo Annals" record: "After the Emperor Yu's eight gold in the xiayi rain." This is the land in 2133 BC, Henan Province, in this ...


科景网 -
雖然之前就曾經在地球上的隕石中發現過胺基酸,但這是首度在彗星中發現胺基酸的存在,這說明了構成生命的原始物質在太空中並不罕見,生命可能也是如此。而地球上的生命,或許就是來自於彗星和隕石的撞擊。這篇研究即將發表在Meteoritics and Planetary Science期刊。...

Astronomy: Comets in the first found in the cornerstone of life
科景网 -
While the earth before the meteorite was found in amino acids, but this is the first time in the presence of amino acids found in comets, which illustrates the composition of the original substance of life in space is not uncommon, life may be true. Life on the earth, perhaps from the impact of comets and meteorites. This study soon to be published in the journal Meteoritics and Planetary Science. ...


齐鲁晚报 - ‎9 時間前‎
1200多年前,一块巨大的陨石落到莒南县坪上镇大铁牛庙村村东几尺见方的土地上,后世百姓奉这块形似牛的陨石为神物,建庙膜拜,一个家族因“铁牛”而兴起。 如今,“铁牛 ...

Days outside the meteorite
Tieniu temple. Sun boring house Qilu Evening News - 9 hours ago more than 1,200 years ago, a huge meteorite fell to Junan Town, tractor Damiao Village Village aerodromes few feet square of land for the future people Bong meteorite piece shaped like cattle for the fetish, temple worship, a family for "tractor" and the rise. Today, the "tractor ...

机遇号新发现六块陨石 成火星是否有水证据
中国武汉 - ‎9 時間前‎
北京时间6月7日消息据英国《新科学家》杂志网站报道,机遇号火星车的不懈探索又有新发现,它在火星表面的维多利亚陨石坑附近发现了六块拳头大小的石头,研究人员表示这 ...

Opportunity discovered six Martian meteorites into whether there is evidence of water
Wuhan, China - 9 hours ago
Beijing June 7, according to the British "New Scientist" magazine's website reported that the tireless Mars rover Opportunity to explore another new discovery, It is the surface of Mars was discovered near the Victoria crater 6 fist-sized rocks, the researchers said that it ...


新浪网 - ‎8 時間前‎
在先后25次南极科学考察中,取得了南极磷虾复眼研究、格罗夫山陨石回收等举世瞩目的成果。 “没有首次科考,就没有我国今天的南极科考大国地位。”刘小汉说,“随着昆仑站 ...

China's first Antarctic expedition team members jumped into the bone-chilling cold water hit drill rod
Sina -
25 sub-Antarctic Scientific Expedition, the obtained compound eye of Antarctic krill research, Grove Mountains, meteorites recycling remarkable results. "No first expedition, there is no today's Antarctic expedition in China great power status." Xiaohan said, "With the Kunlun station ...

31 August 2009

Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News- 1SEP09

Meteor seen along NZ

Marlborough Express -
A fiery meteor blazed a trail through the skies on Friday morning, with sightings reported from Christchurch to Rotorua. Zoe Battersby, out for an early ...

Parts of China to get good view of meteor shower Tuesday

Xinhua -
31 (Xinhua) -- Alpha Aurigid meteor shower can be seen from a belt across China Tuesday, and can be observed in the small hours on Tuesday and Wednesday, ...

Opportunity Continues Meteorite Examination - Sol 1981-1987

Space Daily
25, 2009), the MB was retracted and an ambitious MI imaging campaign, including stereo imaging, was performed on the surface of the meteorite. ...

Una nave para salvar la tierra y desviar meteoritos

Marlex Systems -
... el desarrollo de una nave capaz de salvarle la vida al planeta si este sufriera la amenaza de un meteorito en camino a colisionar con nuestra tierra, ...

Manejo sostenible del lago Bosumtwi, en Ghana

ECOticias.com -
El lago Bosumtwi, de 75 metros de profundidad, ocupa un cráter formado por el impacto de un meteorito hace un millón de años y ha sido centro de referencia ...

El Sur alberga el mayor campo de cráteres

Noti Fe -
No sabemos si fue un meteorito o un cometa, sólo que el objeto penetró en la atmósfera y se desintegró, por eso tenemos estos 150 cráteres simultáneos. ...

A może jesteśmy z Marsa?

Gazeta.pl - ‎10 時間前‎
Ów meteoryt jest dziś wstydliwie ukryty w sejfie w NASA, ale paradoksalnie bardzo przyczynił się do rozwoju nauki. Dynamicznie rozwinęła się, raczkująca do ...

Метеорит взорвется дважды

Эксперт Online - ‎3 時間前‎
Падение на Землю крупного метеорита может вызвать разрушения не только в месте столкновения, но и на противоположной стороне планеты. Допустим, космическое тело врезается где-нибудь в Аргентине, а через некоторое время страшный взрыв валит лес и крушит дома в нашей Сибири. Расчеты российских ...

Шансы на встречу человека с метеоритом ничтожны

Газета "Янтарный край" - ‎8 時間前‎
За год на Земле оседают тонны звездной пыли, но это нечто иное, как сгоревшие в атмосфере метеориты, считают ученые. Не все метеориты сгорают. Ученые называют разную цифру от пятисот до одной тысячи метеоритов, которые за год, не сгорев в атмосфере, приземляются на нашу планету. ...

Метеорит нашли в Выселковском районе Краснодарского края

Новое телевидение Кубани - ‎30 分前‎
В огород одного их жителей станицы Выселки упал метеорит. Пенсионер Николай Щеглак сначала принял космическую находку за обычный камень, который весит почти 3 килограмма. Как подарок из космоса очутился в огороде, Николай Васильевич не знает. Трава рядом с необычным камнем не выжжена, ...

Индийский зонд пропал без России

Газета.Ru - ‎3 時間前‎
... что с учетом орбиты, на которой летал аппарат (высота – 200 км), приблизительно через 1000 дней зонд упадет на лунную поверхность. Конечно, это произойдет в том случае, если аппарат еще летает над Луной. Не исключено, что потеря связи с ним вызвана попаданием метеорита.

Привет Тунгуске от Галлея

Эксперт Online - ‎3 時間前‎
Куда любопытней предыстория: во время метеорных дождей вспыхивают, как правило, остатки хорошо известных небесных тел — скажем, кометы Галлея. Или кометы Энке, родственницы Тунгусского метеорита: согласно одной из гипотез, и то и другое было частью гигантской «сверхкометы», и то, что вспыхивает ...

Japanese Meteorite News- 31AUG09


Wired Vision - ‎2009年8月25日火曜日‎
よく知られた例は、米国アリゾナ州のバリンジャー・クレーター、別名「隕石クレーター」だ。 [バリンジャー・クレーターは、約5万年前に地球に衝突した隕石によって形成されたクレーターであり、直径約1.2〜1.5キロメートル、深さ約170メートル。クレーターを作ったのは ...

Left a large crater in the Earth: Image Gallery
Wired Vision - 2009 August 25 Tuesday,
Well-known example is the Barringer Crater, Arizona, USA, also known as "Meteor Crater". [Barringer Crater is about five and a crater formed by a meteorite hitting Earth million years ago, about 1.2 to 1.5 km in diameter, about 170 meters deep. Created the crater is ...


Chinese Meteorite News- 31AUG09

300年前 大陨石“空降”泉州霞洲?

福建东南新闻网 - ‎2009年8月25日火曜日‎
昨日,读者吴先生向泉州晚报新闻热线22200000反映称,鲤城区江南街道办事处霞洲社区有两块石头,当地居民认为这是300多年前天上掉下来的陨石。昨日上午,在泉州市老子 ...

300 years ago, large meteorite "airborne" Quanzhou Xia Island?
Fujian Southeast News Net - August 25, 2009火曜日
Yesterday, reader Wu Quanzhou Evening News On-Call 22.2 million to reflect the said Licheng District, Jiangnan Subdistrict Office Xia Island communities have two stones, the local residents think that this is more than 300 years ago come out of the meteorite. Yesterday morning, in Quanzhou I ...


中國網路電子報 - ‎2009年8月27日木曜日‎
2009是全球天文年,天文館隕石特展展期自4月24日起至11月29日止。為推廣難得的3.5公噸大隕石展示活動,天文館於9月6日、13日、20日與27日推出「假日主題導覽」,以「星際一號」為主題,由導覽人員解說隕石特展內容並介紹太陽系形成與隕石的關係。歡迎大家暑假每星期日下午 ...

September holiday-themed tour - meteorite special exhibition, "One Star" special tour of China's
Internet e-News - August 27, 2009
2009 is the world's astronomy, the planetarium meteorite special exhibition will last from April 24 onwards until November 29 only. To promote a rare exhibition of 3.5 tonnes of large meteorites, planetarium on September 6, 13, 20 and 27, launched the "holiday-themed tour," to "One Star" as its theme, from the guide explain the meteorite exhibition content and describes the relationship between solar system formation and meteorites. Welcome to the summer every Sunday afternoon ...


新華網重慶頻道 - ‎2009年8月27日木曜日‎
2009重慶萬石博覽會還特別邀請了全國知名隕石藏家參展,也是國內有史以來最大規模的隕石展覽。本屆展會將展出30個以上的隕石品種,其中包括著名的吉林隕石、南丹隕石以及來自月球的禮物--月亮隕石等。 此外,本屆展覽會還匯集了來自阿富汗、斯裏蘭卡、緬甸、越南、老撾等 ...

Da Shiba dinosaur fossils found in its debut next month, Chongqing
Chongqing, Xinhua Wan Shek Expo Channel - August 27, 2009
Expo 2009 in Chongqing 10000 Stone specially invited well-known meteorite collector exhibitors, but also the history of domestic The largest meteorite display. The exhibition will feature over 30 varieties of meteorites, including the famous Jilin meteorite Nandan meteorites, as well as a gift from the

Dutch Meteor/Meteorite News- 31AUG09

De kubus van Wolfsegg

Grenswetenschap.nl - ‎2009年8月18日火曜日‎
In 1886 verklaarde mijnbouwingenieur en professor geologie bij de universiteit van Bonn, Adolf Gurlt, dat het kubusachtige voorwerp een meteoriet was. ...

The cube Wolfsegg
Grenswetenschap.nl - 2009年8月18日火曜日
Mining engineer and in 1886 declared geology professor at the University of Bonn, Adolf Gurlt, the cube-like object was a meteorite. ...

Hungarian Meteor/Meteorite News- 31AUG09

Meteorite fall claimed found!

Meteorit a répásban

Népszabadság - ‎2009年8月24日月曜日‎
Gasztronómiai-csillagászati vita dúl egy orosz parasztasszony és asztrofizikusok között: nem tudnak megegyezni, hogy mi legyen egy meteorit neve. ...

Meteorite Carrot
Times - 2009年8月24日月曜日gastronomic astronomical debate rages between an astrophysicist and a Russian peasant: they can not agree on what should be a meteorite name. ....

? hoax

German Meteor/Meteorite News - 31AUG09

Messung stellt Theorie der Elemente-Bildung in Frage

Spiegel Online - ‎2009年8月28日金曜日‎
In unserem Sonnensystem kommt es praktisch nicht vor, denn es entsteht ausschließlich bei der Explosion eines Sterns (Supernova), in Meteoriten unter ...

Measurement puts theory of the element education in question

Spiegel Online - ‎2009年8月28 日金曜日‎
In our solar system it does not happen practically, because it originates exclusively in the explosion of a star (supernova), in meteorites under...

Astronauten der Apollo 11 verschenkten falsches Mondgestein an die ...

ShortNews.de -
... Staub (aufgewirbelt) etwas vom Gestein, vielleicht war man an einer anderen Stelle, vielleicht haben an dieser Stelle mehrere Meteoriten eingeschlagen! ...

Astronauts of the Apollo 11 given away wrong lunar rock to them...
ShortNews.de - ‎
‎... Dust (whirled up) somewhat of the rock, was maybe one at another place, maybe several meteorites have hit at this point!...

«Fixsterne und Sternschnuppen» in 38 Museen

20minuten - ‎2009年8月26日水曜日‎
Im neuen Museum Focus Terra der ETH geht es in der langen Nacht unter anderem um Meteoriten. Funkelnde Fixsterne auf der Fassade des Landesmuseums weisen ...

« Fixed stars and shooting stars » in 38 museums
In new museum Focus Terra of the ETH go it at the long night, among the rest, around meteorites. Sparkling fixed stars on the facade of the land museum point...

Spanish Meteor/Meteorite News- 31AUG09

Llueven piedras en los cielos manchegos

La Verdad (Albacete) - ‎7 分前‎
El núcleo principal: La Red de Investigación sobre Bólidos y Meteoritos es un proyecto de investigación interdisciplinar que integran investigadores ...

Stones rain in the of La Mancha skies
The Truth (Albacete) - ‎7 分前‎
The principal nucleus: The Network of Investigation on Racing cars and Meteoritos is a project of investigation to interdiscipline that investigators integrate...

El Arenysaurus Ardevoli vivió en Arén a finales del Cretácico

Alto Aragón - ‎2009年8月28日金曜日‎
Por ello, "su posible relación con el impacto de un meteorito ha hecho que sea uno de los eventos catastróficos más conocidos popularmente". ...

Did Arenysaurus Ardevoli live in Arén at the end of the Cretaceous
Alto Aragon- 2009.8.28
For it, " his possible relation with the impact of a meteorite has done that is one of the catastrophic events most known popularly "....

É meteorito

Jornal A Cidade - ‎2009年8月29日土曜日‎
Foi um meteorito que explodiu ao entrar na atmosfera da Terra a uma velocidade aproximada de 100 mil quilômetros por hora que assustou a população da região ...

It is a meteorite
Jornal A Cidade - ‎2009年8月29 日土曜日‎
Was a meteorite that exploded while entering in the atmosphere of the Land to a speed approached 100 thousand kilometers for hour that frightened the population of the region...


La sopa primordial que se cree dio origen a la vida pudo ser ...

La Tribuna de Albacete - ‎17 時間前‎
Algunos científicos mantienen, no sin pocas evidencias, que las primeras moléculas orgánicas podrían haber llegado a la Tierra en colisiones con meteoritos ...

The primordial soup that one believes caused the life could be...
La Tribuna de Albacete- ‎17 時間前‎
Some scientists support, not without few evidences, that the first organic molecules might have come to the Earth in collisions with meteorites...

El Gobierno dedica un millón a la gestión sostenible del lago ...

ADN.es - ‎2009年8月28日金曜日‎
Según informa la referencia del Gabinete, el lago Bosumtwi, de 75 metros de profundidad, ocupa un cráter formado por el impacto de un meteorito hace un ...

The Government dedicates a million to the sustainable management of the lake...
ADN.es - ‎2009年8月28 日金曜日‎
As he informs the reference of the Office, the lake Bosumtwi, of 75 meters deep, occupies a crater formed by the impact of a meteorite does one...

Un niño de 6 años encuentra un meteorito en su jardín

Libertad Digital - ‎2009年8月24日月曜日‎
Ha encontrado una fragmento de meteorito, que probablemente provenga de la lluvia de Perseidas de hace unas semanas, según el Daily Telegraph En un primer ...

A 6-year-old child finds a meteorite in his garden
Libertad Digital - ‎2009年8月24 日月曜日‎
Has found one I fragment of meteorite, which probably comes from the rain of Perseidas of a few weeks ago, according to Daily Telegraph En the first one...


Va de piedras, o así

loquepasaentenerife.com - ‎2009年8月24日月曜日‎
Y la sorpresa fue un fragmento meteorito, que es probable que proceda de la lluvia de Perseidas de hace unas semanas. Todo esto según el Daily Telegraph, ...

Does it go of stones, or this way
And the surprise was a fragment meteorite, which is probable that it comes from the rain of Perseidas of a few weeks ago. All this according to Daily Telegraph,...

Poland Meteor/Meteorite News 31AUG09

A może jesteśmy z Marsa?

Gazeta Wyborcza - ‎40 分前‎
Ów meteoryt jest dziś wstydliwie ukryty w sejfie w NASA, ale paradoksalnie bardzo przyczynił się do rozwoju nauki. Dynamicznie rozwinęła się, raczkująca do ...

And maybe we're from Mars?
Gazeta Wyborcza - 40分前
That meteorite is now shamefully hidden in a vault at NASA, but paradoxically very contributed to the development of science. Dynamically developed, the fledgling ...


Przyroda Wielkopolski

TTG Polska - ‎2009年8月25日火曜日‎
W samym Poznaniu warto np. odwiedzić rezerwat Meteoryt Morasko, w którym znajduje się siedem kraterów wyż…robionych przez meteoryty 5000 lat pne. ...

Greater Nature
TTG Poland - 2009年8月25日火曜日
For example, it is worth the visit Poznan Meteorite Morasko reserve, which is located seven upland craters made through the meteorites ... 5000 years BC. ...

30 August 2009

Russian-English Meteor/Meteorite News- Recent Russian Meteorite News 30AUG09

New Fall Reported in Russia!???

На Кубани упал метеорит.

New Russian Meteorite Fall!
РБК - РИА РосБизнесКонсалтинг - ‎2009年8月18日火曜日‎
Согласно сообщению, в длину метеорит достигает 21 см и имеет характерную оплавленность, которая возникает в процессе прохождения его через атмосферу. Сообщается, что метеорит упал на земли садоводческого товарищества "Кавказ". В радиусе полуметра от места падения выгорели все растения. ...
Кубанские ученые обследуют метеорит, упавший в пригороде Краснодара Новое
телевидение Кубани
On Kuban the meteorite has fallen.
"In suburb of Krasnodar the meteorite has fallen. The press-service of administration of city today has informed on it. According to the message, at length the meteorite reaches 21 sm and has characteristic оплавленность which arises during its passage through an atmosphere. It is informed, that the meteorite has fallen to the grounds of gardening company " Caucasus ". In radius полуметра from a place of falling have burnt out all plants. As chairman of the Kuban astronomical club Alexander Ivanov has explained agency, falling of a meteorite has occured on July, 21-22st. " Now the meteorite is at the owners who have found it of a site, and its fragments are directed to Committee on meteorites of the Russian academy of sciences ", - it has specified. After research the chemical compound and type of a meteorite will be established. " However, by that not iron, but stone, it is possible to assume this meteorite that it concerns meteoric stream Персеид through which annually there passes the Earth ", - Alexander Ivanov has told. It also has noted, that usually the academy of sciences redeems samples of meteorites at those who has found them, for the collection."
Вечерняя Казань (пресс-релиз) - ‎2009年8月24日月曜日‎
В Адыгее жительница поселка Четук пошла на огород за морковкой, а нашла метеорит. Ученые подтвердили, что черный камень действительно прилетел из космоса. "Увидела на грядке воронку, а в ее центре - пепел. Копнула лопатой и вывернула черный, как смоль, камень", - рассказала Бэла Аташи. Вес камня ...

In Adygea the inhabitant of settlement Chetuk has gone on a kitchen garden for морковкой, and has found a meteorite. Scientists have confirmed, that the black stone has really arrived from space. " Has seen on a bed воронку, and in its center - ashes. Has dug a shovel and has turned out black as смоль, a stone ", - has told Бэла Аташи. Weight of a stone..."


Ученые синтезировали вадслеит
Каталог Минералов -
Это в тысячи раз меньше, чем предполагалось при теоретическом моделировании формирования метеорита. Возможно, это говорит о том, что и формирование планет на ранних ступенях жизни Солнечной системы происходило не при столкновении крупных (несколько километров в диаметре), а весьма небольших ...

"Scientists synthesized вадслеит "
"The Catalogue of Minerals is in thousand times less, than it was supposed at theoretical modelling formation of a meteorite. Probably, it speaks about that, as formation of planets at early steps of a life of Solar system occured not at collision large (some kilometers in diameter), and rather small..."

На дачный участок жительницы Адыгеи упал метеорит

New Russian Meteorite Found
ГАЗЕТА.GZT.ru - ‎2009年8月21日金曜日‎
Факт космического происхождения камня подтвердили ученые местного университета. По сложившейся научной традиции метеорит получит название по месту его находки, однако женщина настаивает, чтобы его назвали Борщом, поскольку именно приготовление этого блюда было поводом для находки метеорита.

The meteorite has fallen to a country site of the inhabitant of Adygea
"ГАЗЕТА.GZT.ru - ‎2009年8月21 Fact of a space origin of a stone was confirmed with scientists of local university. By the developed scientific tradition the meteorite will receive the name in a place of its find, however the woman insists, that it have named the Borshch as preparation of this dish was an occasion for a find of a meteorite..."

Акбулатов прикоснулся к тайне Тунгусского метеорита
Пресс-Лайн.ru -
В ходе визита в Эвенкию глава правительства Красноярского края Эдхам Акбулатов проявил интерес к загадкам Тунгусского метеорита. Премьер побывал в Ванаваре, где побывал у памятного знака, посвященного 100-летию падения небесного тела. Как сообщает пресс-служба администрации Эвенкии, ...

Акбулатов has touched secret of Tungus meteorite
"Пресс-Лайн.ru - During visit in Эвенкию the head of the government of Krasnoyarsk region Эдхам Акбулатов has shown interest to riddles of the Tungus meteorite. Prime-minister has visited in Ванаваре where has visited at the memorable sign, the falling of a heavenly body devoted to the 100 anniversary. As the press-service of administration Evenkii informs..."


Ученые заинтересовались найденным в Адыгее метеоритом

Interfax Russia - ‎2009年8月19日水曜日‎
ИНТЕРФАКС-ЮГ - Килограммовый метеорит, который нашла на своем дачном участке жительница Адыгейска (Республика Адыгея), представляет серьезный интерес для науки, считает сотрудник астрофизической обсерватории Кубанского государственного университета Александр Иванов. "На данный момент мы на 90% ...

Scientists have become interested in meteorite
"Interfax Russia found in Adygea - ‎2009年8月19 ¿¡ÔÑÓõá¬ß-SOUTH - the Kilogram meteorite which was found on the country site by inhabitant Adygejska (Republic Adygea), represents serious interest for a science, the employee of an astrophysical observatory of the Kuban state university Alexander Ivanov considers. " At present we on 90 %..."

На Марсе найден крупнейший метеорит

Мембрана.ру - ‎2009年8月4日火曜日‎
Метеорит с поперечником 60 сантиметров и высотой 30 см обнаружил и обследовал ровер Opportunity на равнине, усеянной камнями размером с кулак. Находка, сделанная вблизи 800-метрового кратера Виктория, примерно в два раза больше любого другого метеорита среди тех, что учёным доводилось видеть на ...

On Mars the largest meteorite is found
"Мембрана.ру - ‎2009年8月4 Meteorite with a diameter of 60 centimeters and height has found out 30 sm and surveyed ровер Opportunity on the plain covered by stones in size with a fist. A find made near to a 800-meter crater Victoria, approximately twice more than any other meteorite among that scientists could be seen on..."

Минерал метеоритов воссоздан при помощи пушки

Мембрана.ру - ‎2009年8月12日水曜日‎
Используя оригинальную лабораторную технику, Томас Аренс (Thomas Ahrens) из Калифорнойского технологического института (California Institute of Technology) и его коллеги из ряда других американских институтов получили минерал, который в природе встречается только в метеоритах и в глубоких слоях ...

The mineral of meteorites is recreated by means of gun
Мембрана.ру - ‎2009年8月12 Using original laboratory technics, Thomas Arens (Thomas Ahrens) from Калифорнойского an institute of technology (California Institute of Technology) and its colleagues from of some other American institutes have received a mineral which in the nature meets only in meteorites and in deep layers..."

Тунгусский феномен

Сибирское агентство новостей - ‎2009年8月28日金曜日‎
Несмотря на эти исключительные по масштабу и характеру явления, сразу не были предприняты ни поиски места падения метеорита, ни всестороннее изучение этого загадочного явления. Ежедневно с 11:00 до 19:00. Выходной - понедельник. Последняя среда месяца - санитарный день.

Tungus phenomenon
" The Siberian news agency - ‎2009年8月28 Despite of these exclusive on scale and character of the phenomenon, at once have not been undertaken neither searches of a place of falling of a meteorite, nor all-round studying of this puzzle. Daily from 11:00 till . The day off - Monday. Last Wednesday month - sanitary day..."

В космосе летают планеты-самоубийцы
Вести.Ru - ‎2009年8月27日木曜日‎
Похожая судьба ожидает спутник Юпитера Калипсо. Он взорвется, а его обломки обдадут Землю залпом метеоритов. "Планета-самоубийца", "смертельное танго" – это цитаты не из желтой прессы. Ведущий научный журнал мира "Nature" опубликовал в четверг доклад международной группы астрономов. ...

In space planets-suicides of the Message fly.
" Ru - ‎2009年8月27 Similar destiny expects the satellite of Floodlight Калипсо. It will blow up, and its fragments обдадут the Earth a volley of meteorites. "Planet-suicide", " a fatal tango " are citations not from a yellow press. The leading scientific magazine of the world "Nature" has published the report of the international group of astronomers on Thursday...."

Звездный след Булгара-2

Газета Республика Татарстан - ‎2009年8月26日水曜日‎
Судя по всему, метеорит летел со скоростью 2000-3000 метров в секунду, встретился с поверхностью планеты под углом приблизительно 75-85 градусов к горизонту и, чуть не долетев, взорвался. На данный факт указывают характер преобразования земной коры и распределение импактидов. ...

Star trace Булгара-2
"The newspaper Republic Tatarstan - ‎2009年8月26 Apparently, the meteorite flied with speed of 2000-3000 meters to a second, there were a surface of a planet under a corner approximately 75-85 degrees to horizon and, not having reached nearly, has blown up. The given fact specify character of transformation of an earth's crust and distribution импактидов...."


Космический Ставрополь

Ставропольская правда - ‎2009年8月27日木曜日‎
Наименование Ставрополь носит еще один небесный объект — метеорит, который упал 24 марта 1857 года на хуторе Шведино села Петровского Ставропольской губернии. Свидетелем падения (редчайший случай) стал крестьянин Максим Калашников. Он сообщил ученым, что «внезапно раздался треск, ...

Space Stavropol
"The Stavropol truth - ‎2009年8月27 Name Stavropol carries one more heavenly object — a meteorite which has fallen on March, 24th, 1857 on farm Shvedino of village Peter the Stavropol province. The witness of falling (the rare case) became peasant Maxim Kalashnikov. It has informed scientists, that « the crash was suddenly distributed..."

Килограммовый метеорит вместо моркови обнаружила на дачной грядке жительница Адыгейска

Interfax Russia - ‎2009年8月24日月曜日‎
Краснодар. ИНТЕРФАКС-ЮГ - Килограммовый метеорит, который нашла на своем дачном участке жительница Адыгейска (Республика Адыгея), представляет серьезный интерес для науки, считает сотрудник астрофизической обсерватории Кубанского государственного университета Александр Иванов. "На данный момент ...

The kilogram meteorite instead of carrots was found out on a country bed by inhabitant Adygejska
"Interfax Russia - ‎2009年8月24 Krasnodar. The ¿¡ÔÑÓõá¬ß-SOUTH - the Kilogram meteorite which was found on the country site by inhabitant Adygejska (Republic Adygea), represents serious interest for a science, the employee of an astrophysical observatory of the Kuban state university Alexander Ivanov considers. " At present..."