19 July 2009

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News- Dr Randy Korotev in Meteorite News 19JUL09

St. Louis Post-Dispatch - Stephen Deere -
Korotev's career of studying moon rocks took him to the deserts of Antarctica, where scientists have discovered most lunar meteorites. ...

18 July 2009

Moon Meteorite News- Moon Rocks Yield Information 40 Years Later 18JUL09

  • Washington, July 18 : There are still many secrets waiting to be gleaned from moon rocks collected by Apollo 11 astronauts on their historic moonwalk 40 years ago.
    New Kerala - 1 hour, 11 minutes ago
  • Washington, July 18 : A lunar geochemist at Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL) has determined that there are still many answers to be gleaned from the moon rocks collected by the Apollo 11 astronauts on their historic moonwalk 40 years ago.
    New Kerala - 2 hours, 42 minutes ago
  • A lunar geochemist says that there are still many answers to be gleaned from the moon rocks collected by the Apollo 11 astronauts on their historic moonwalk 40 years ago July 20.
    Science Daily - Jul 17 10:29 PM
  • A lunar geochemist at Washington University in St. Louis says that there are still many answers to be gleaned from the moon rocks collected by the Apollo 11 astronauts on their historic moonwalk 40 years ago July 20.
    Newswise - Jul 17 11:33 AM
  • Image 1: Small rock fragments from the lunar "soil" collected by the Apollo 11 astronauts in 1969. The background grid spacing is 2 mm. Photo by Randy KorotevImage 2: Researchers in WUSTL's Laboratory for Space Sciences in Arts & Sciences have a long tradition of being among the first in the world to receive samples from a NASA mission. In this photo taken in 1969, the late Robert M. Walker, ...
    redOrbit - Jul 17 11:27 AM
  • Carleton Moore was alone in the Arizona State University laboratory the night he placed the first material collected from the moon into a testing apparatus.
    12 News Phoenix - Jul 17 11:03 AM

17 July 2009

Pennsylvania Meteor News- Mr Hankey Stars in PA/MD Meteor Video 17JUL09

Iowa Meteor/Meteorite News- Iowa Hit by Meteorites 17JUL09

Carlson: Meteorites weren't always rare visitors

DesMoinesRegister.com - ‎29 minutes ago‎
Written by Christopher Cokinos, a professor at Utah State University, it's a new and exhaustive study of meteorites that have, you know, fallen from the sky ... (more)

16 July 2009

Serbia Meteorite News- House Hit Five Times Hoax

Man whose house was hit by five meteors believes he is targeted by ...

Portalino, Serbia -
The chance of being hit by a meteorite is so small that getting hit five times has to be deliberate." The first meteorite fell on his house in November last ... (more)

Canada Meteorite News- 1909 Meteorite Fall in Canada? 16JUL09

Dipping Into the Past
Postmaster says he has meteorite that fell on his farm near Perm
100 YEARS AGO Thursday, July 15, 1909

Orangeville Citizen- July 16,2009

Perm, Ontario- J. J. Morrow, Perm's postmaster, says he has in his possession what he believes is the meteorite which fell in Mulmur township on the afternoon of June 29. "I was working on my farm, Lot 14, Con. 7, when on looking up I saw a ball of fire... (more)

*Note- Checking the Meteorite Database for meteorites reported near Perm, Ontario it appears that a meteorite fell in 1904- Shelburne, Ontario
L5; mass=18.6 kg; Fell 1904; MetBull database entry


Arkansas Meteorite News- Piggott Museum Meteorite Display 16JUN09

Meteorite, space rocks on display at museum

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Piggott Times
Piggott, Arkansas-
The Matilda and Karl Pfeiffer Museum at Piggott recently received, on permanent loan, specimens from NASA and outer space from the collection of Kenneth Renshaw, local astronomer and NASA Solar System Ambassador. ... (more)

Arizona Meteorite News- New Photos of Arizona Meteorite Fall 16JUL09

Photos and text about the latest meteorites found from the fireball of June 23, 2009 over Southern Arizona near Sierra Vista, AZ.


Maryland Meteor/Meteorite News- Mr. Hankey Seeks Rocks 16JUL09

Mr Hankey- Meteor Man in Green Tights
Story and photo (bottom of his page) of Mike Hankey-

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News- Many Asteroids are Comets 16JUL09

Many Asteroids Are Comets
India Times
PARIS- Many of the primitive bodies wandering the asteroid belt between Mars and
Jupiter are former comets
, tossed out of orbit by a brutal
ballet between the giant outer planets, say a team of astrophysicists. ... (more)

Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News- Noctilucent Clouds Go Wild 16JUL09

Space Weather News for July 15, 2009

NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS GO WILD: An intense display of noctilucent clouds (NLCs) lit up the skies of Europe and North America last night. Bright electric-blue tendrils were visible through fireworks during Bastille Day celebrations in France, while the clouds descended as far south as Nebraska in the USA. Sky watchers should be alert for a repeat performance tonight. Observing tips and photos of the July 14th-15th display may be found at these URLs:

Europe: http://spaceweather.com/nlcs/gallery2009_page12.htm

USA: http://spaceweather.com/nlcs/gallery2009_page13.htm

Please visit http://spaceweather.com
for updates.

US Meteor/Meteorite News- Meteorite Men on Science Channel 16JUL09

For any of you who missed the TV show "Meteorite Men," or for those of you
who would like to watch it again, it is airing four more times over the next
three days on the Science Channel.

Wed. July 15, 8:00 pm Eastern Time
Wed. July 15, 11:00 pm Eastern Time
Thurs. July 16, 3:00 pm Eastern Time
Fri. July 17, 3:00 am Eastern Time

You can also check the listings here:


More info about the show can be found at: www.MeteoriteMen.com

Steve Arnold
of "Meteorite Men"

15 July 2009

New Hampshire Meteorite News- New Hunter on the Loose 15JUL09

Retired science teacher in search of 1st meteorite found in NH

Nashua Telegraph - Dave Brooks - ‎9 hours ago‎
"There are (meteorites) here," he said. "The problem is that we have so many other rocks in the Granite State that you don't find them. ...

Pennsylvania Meteor/Meteorite News- PA Meteor Search Closing In 15JUL09

  • Scientists say they are getting closer to finding the exact landing spot of a meteor shower that was spotted in the sky near the Mason Dixon line.
    ABC 2 Baltimore - Jul 14 8:05 AM
For more of the story and a video click on the title link.

UK Meteorite News- Elliot to Auction 90,000 British Pounds 15JUL09

Space rock being auctioned for £90000 found on a country walk

Mail on Sunday - James Tozer - ‎4 hours ago‎
The Yorkshire rock - dubbed the Hambleton Meteorite after the hills near which it was found - is classed as a pallasite, made from a mix of olivine and ...

Arizona Meteorite News- UA Tuscon to Hold Moon Party 15JUL09

Apollo Moon Landing 40th Anniversary Celebration

Saturday, 18 Jul 2009
2:00 pm — 8:00 pm
Location: Kuiper Space Sciences Building, Room 308, 312, 330, atrium

Come help us celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Apollo 11 landing on the Moon!

This event is FREE and open to the public. As more information becomes available, we will update this page, so check back often!

Activities from 2:00 to 5:00p.m. include displays (including lunar meteorites), children’s activities, telescopes, solar viewing, 3D Apollo images, lectures, a NASA documentary of the flight of Apollo 15, and more. ... (for full details):

Meteorites and Lunar Meteorites on Display by:
Aerolite Meteorites
The Hupe Collection
Jack Schrader
Mike Farmer Meteorites
Shauna Russell
Robert Ward

14 July 2009

Pennsylvania Meteor/Meteorite News- Mr Hankey Meteorite Hunter w/ Mr Meteorite Debut 14JUL09

01:42 - 3 days ago youtube.com
from Mike talking about his first day on the job as a meteorite hunter. Part 1 of 2. ... meteor meteorite "mason dixon meteor" "baltimore meteor" "pennslyvania meteor" "PA ...

02:57 - 5 days ago

is an interview with Mike Hankey regarding his photograph of a the Baltimore meteor / PA Fireball. ... meteor telescope astronomy "baltimore meteor" "PA fireball" "astro ...

00:39 - Today youtube.com
... Meteorite2 ...

UK Meteorite News- Rob Elliot Sells 14JUL09

The price is meteorite

Northern Echo - Andy Walker - ‎4 hours ago‎
The Hambleton Meteorite was found near the white horse of Kilburn, near Thirsk, North Yorkshire, in August 2005. Rob Elliott, who discovered the item with ...

Penn Meteori/Meteorite News- No Meteorites in York

No meteorites in York County?

York Daily Record - Teresa Ann Boeckel - ‎10 hours ago‎
"My best estimate at the moment is that meteorites should be found somewhere in the region bounded by Pequea, Colemanville, Martic Forge, Marticville, ...

Colorado and New Mexico Meteor/Meteorite News- Cloudbait Camera Catches Meteor July 13, 2009 14JUL09

Meteor Lights Colorado and New Mexico Night Sky
Cloudbait- Chris L. Peterson
A slow, bright fireball occurred at 2:28 AM MDT July 13, 2009 over central Colorado. I have not received any witness reports.

Data has been recovered from the following cameras:

The image at left is from the Cloudbait camera ...

(more) (excellent website with photos and more information; thank you Chris Peterson and Tom Ashcraft, New Mexico!!!)
