14 June 2009

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13 June 2009

German Meteorite News- Meteorite Hoax?* 13JUN09

*topic was previously posted 0n Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News, in German, earlier this week on 10JUN2009 and was discounted as probable hoax. The stone is too small to have created a crater of that size and meteorites do no emit light that close to ground. Also, no one but the boy witnessed his "meteorite strike".

Boy Says He Was Hit by Meteorite
FOX 29 Lake Charles Fri, 12 Jun 2009 15:28 PM PDT
Gerrit Blank was walking to school when he says he saw a "ball of light" in the sky and then he felt a pain in his hand. "Then a split second after that, there was an enormous bang like a crash of thunder," Blank said.

German teen struck by meteorite
redOrbit Fri, 12 Jun 2009 15:17 PM PDT
A German boy on his way to school has become the second known person to survive a direct strike by a meteorite, scientists say. Gerrit Blank, 14, has a 3-inch scar where he was hit on the hand by a pea-sized rock that hurtled to earth at more than 30,000 miles an hour, The Daily Telegraph of London reported Friday. At first I saw a large ball of light, and then I suddenly felt a pain in my hand, ...

14-year-old boy hit by falling meteorite
New York Daily News Fri, 12 Jun 2009 14:10 PM PDT
A 14-year-old German boy was hit on the hand by a tiny meteorite leaving him a little frazzled. The falling piece of space left the boy with a scar.

Meteorite Strikes Teen's Hand; He Survives
Wired News Fri, 12 Jun 2009 12:38 PM PDT
A 14-year-old German boy was hit in the hand by a tiny meteorite traveling 30,000 miles per hour. Meteorite strikes on humans and human infrastructure are actually more common than you might think.

14yr-old survives after being struck by meteorite travelling at 30,000mph
New Kerala Fri, 12 Jun 2009 12:13 PM PDT
London, Jun 12 : A 14-year-old boy, who was on his way to school, was struck by meteorite, which crashed to earth in a ball of flames at 30,000mph.

14 Year Old Boy Smote By Meteorite
Slashdot Fri, 12 Jun 2009 11:59 AM PDT
eldavojohn writes "Winning the lottery requires incredible luck and one in a million odds. So does getting hit by a falling space rock. A 14 year old German boy was granted a three inch scar by the gods. A pea sized meteorite smote young Gerrit Blank's hand before leaving a foot sized crater on the road. The boy's account: 'At first I just saw a large ball of light, and then I suddenly felt a ...

Teen knocked down ... by a meteorite?
MSNBC Fri, 12 Jun 2009 10:37 AM PDT
A 14-year-old German boy says he was hit in the hand by a pea-sized meteorite that scared the bejeezus out of him and left a scar.

Boy Survives 30,000 mph Meteorite Impact [Space]
Gizmodo Fri, 12 Jun 2009 09:05 AM PDT
This 14-year-old boy is Gerrit Blank, and he is probably smiling because he survived a 30,000 mph meteorite hit. His taleâconfirmed by scientists at Germany's Walter Hohmann...

Boy Hit by Meteorite Traveling at 30,000 MPH
Fox News Fri, 12 Jun 2009 06:49 AM PDT
A teenager was hit by a meteorite travelling at 30,000mph - and lived to tell.

Boy Hit by Meteorite
SPACE.com via Yahoo! News Fri, 12 Jun 2009 06:45 AM PDT
A 14-year old German boy was hit in the hand by a pea-sized meteorite that scared the bejeezus out of him and left a scar.

Italy Meteorite News-Coast of Amalfi: Luminious Wake in Sky, Perhaps a Meteor 13JUN09

Costa d'Amalfi: scia luminosa in cielo, forse un meteorite
Il Foglio Costa d'Amalfi - ‎5 hours ago‎
Un meteorite? Chissà, fatto sta che la scia apparsa nel cielo ha attirato l'attenzione di decine di persone. L'accaduto intorno alle 20,30 di ieri sera a ...

12 June 2009

Greek Meteorite News- Heavy Meteorite Bombarment Brings Earth Life 12JUN09

Ο βομβαρδισμός της Γης από μετεωρίτες την έκανε πιο κατοικήσιμη


Μια καταιγίδα μετεωριτών, που σφυροκόπησε τη Γη, καθώς και τον Άρη, πριν περίπου 4 δισ. χρόνια (ο λεγόμενος "Ύστερος Βαρύς Βομβαρδισμός" που κράτησε 20 εκατ. χρόνια), πιθανότατα έκανε τους δύο πλανήτες πιο ζεστούς και υγρούς και τελικά πιο κατοικήσιμους, σύμφωνα με μια νέα επιστημονική έρευνα.

Η μελέτη έγινε από βρετανούς επιστήμονες, υπό τον Ρίτσαρντ Κορτ, του Τμήματος Γεωεπιστημών του Αυτοκρατορικού Κολλεγίου (Imperial College) του Λονδίνου, και δημοσιεύτηκε στο γεωχημικό περιοδικό "Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta", σύμφωνα με το BBC. ... (more) http://www.ana.gr/anaweb/user/showplain?maindoc=7692443&maindocimg=7692470&service=143

Selene Makes Impact on Moon 12JUN09

A smashing end for Japanese lunar orbiter mission

Posted: June 10, 2009

Bookmark and Share An Australian telescope observed the controlled crash of Japan's Kaguya lunar probe into the moon Wednesday, an important warm-up act before a NASA impactor attempts a similar feat in October with much higher stakes. ...(more)


11 June 2009

Military Hush-Up: Incoming Space Rocks Now Classified 11JUN09

Military Hush-Up: Incoming Space Rocks Now Classified
By Leonard David
SPACE.com's Space Insider Columnist
posted: 10 June 2009

For 15 years, scientists have benefited from data gleaned by U.S. classified satellites of natural fireball events in Earth's atmosphere – but no longer.

A recent U.S. military policy decision now explicitly states that observations by hush-hush government spacecraft of incoming bolides and fireballs are classified secret and are not to be released, SPACE.com has learned. ... (more)


10 June 2009

Japanese Spacecraft Set to Impact the Moon 10JUN09

Image by JAXA 2009 Projected Selene Impact Site

Japan's Kaguya (Selene) will crash into the Moon on Wednesday, June 10th, around 1830 UT. The timing favors observers in Asia and Australia, who might be able to see a flash of light or a plume of debris rising from the Moon's southeastern limb. The spacecraft masses 2,600 kg and it will slam into the lunar surface at 6,000 km/hr. No one knows, however, how bright the flash might be or whether it will be visible even through large telescopes. Images of the crash, if any are captured, will be posted on http://spaceweather.com

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA) launched "KAGUYA (SELENE)" using the H-IIA Launch Vehicle at 10:31:01 a.m. on September 14, 2007 (JST) from Tanegashima Space Center.
The major objectives of the "KAGUYA" mission were to obtain scientific data of the lunar origin and evolution and to develop the technology for the future lunar exploration.
"KAGUYA" consisted of a main orbiting satellite at about 100km altitude and two small satellites (Relay Satellite and VRAD Satellite) in polar orbit. The orbiters carried instruments for scientific investigation of the Moon, on the Moon, and from the Moon.

Reconstruyendo la Historia Astrogeológica Mediante los Meteoritos 10JUN09

Reconstruyendo la Historia Astrogeológica Mediante los Meteoritos

Noticias Ciencia y Tecnologia - ‎Jun 7, 2009‎
Han sido encontrados aproximadamente 30.000 meteoritos en la Tierra. El Museo Real de Ontario alberga cerca de 2.300 fragmentos. Es la segunda colección más ... (more)

Netherlands Meteorite News 10JUN09

'Bombardement van meteorieten maakte aarde bewoonbaar'

NU.nl - ‎Jun 2, 2009‎
AMSTERDAM - Miljoenen inslagen van meteorieten hebben de aarde waarschijnlijk bewoonbaar gemaakt voor levende organismen. Dat beweren Britse onderzoekers in ... (more)

Hong Kong Meteorite News- 10JUN09


香港新浪網 - ‎Jun 8, 2009‎
李先生說,他撿起一塊仔細端詳,發現石頭表面好像有火燒過的痕跡,“難道是隕石?” 李先生越看越覺得稀奇,經過搜羅,找到近30塊“黑石頭”,但這些石頭到底是什麼,他卻無從得知。 6月5日,記者拿著其中一塊石頭找到了新疆觀賞石協會副會長吳雲華,他在仔細觀察後告訴記者, ...

Russian Meteorite News 10JUN09

Метеорит породил реку на Марсе

Версии.сом - ‎June 9, 2009
Специалисты Европейского космического агентства опубликовали данные об изучении одной из областей Марса, где предположительно от падения метеорита расплавились подземные ледники. Снимок сделан 28 декабря 2007 года космическим аппаратом Европейского космического агентства (ESA) Mars Express.

Крупнейшая коллекция метеоритов будет выставлена на аукцион

РБК - РИА РосБизнесКонсалтинг - ‎Jun 8, 2009‎
Британский коллекционер Роб Элиот (Rob Elliott), знаменитый своей коллекцией метеоритов, привзенных из разных частей света, намерен продать внушительную часть своего собрания, за которую планирует выручить до 1,6 млн долларов, сообщают британские СМИ. Увлечение Р.Элиота началось 13 лет назад, ...

Метеоритные дожди помогли появиться жизни на планете

E-News: новости Украины и мира - ‎Jun 7, 2009‎
Чтобы имитировать нагрев, который испытывали камни при входе в атмосферу, геологи нагревали 15 образцов древних метеоритов электричеством со скоростью примерно 20 тысяч градусов по Цельсию в секунду. В результате им удалось установить, что примерно 12 процентов массы метеорита высвобождается в ...

В Звенигороде состоялась встреча Сергея Миронова с сотрудниками Института астрономии РАН

Интернет-портал Правительства Московской области - ‎Jun 9, 2009
Одна из главных задач современной астрономии - прогнозирование угрозы падения на Землю астероидов и метеоритов, при этом финансирование исследований должно вестись за счет государства. Сергей Миронов пообещал ученым оказать поддержку при вступлении России в международный проект "Европейская ...

German Meteorite News- Heidhausen, Germany Student Claims Struck by Meteorite-Hoax 10JUN09

Meteorit trifft Schüler in Heidhausen

Derwesten.de - Nordrhein-Westfalen,Germany
Neben dem 14-jährigen Gerrit Blank fiel ein Meteorit vom Himmel und verletzte den Schüler an der Hand. „Erst habe ich nur einen großen, weißen Lichtkegel ... (more with photos)


Another German Meteorite News Post:

Wenn ein Meteorit die Erde trifft

Derwesten.de - Nordrhein-Westfalen,Germany
Was passiert, wenn ein Meteorit die Erde trifft? Verglüht er in der Atmosphäre, trifft er ein Haus oder einen Menschen? Darum geht es in der aktuellen ... (more)

Camp Verde Meteorite Found in Native American Burial 10JUN09

The tale of a falling star

Verde Independent -
The object so delicately wrapped and reverently placed in the stone cyst was a nickel-iron meteorite, or what meteorite collectors call simply, an iron. ... (more)

09 June 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News 9JUN09

Study: 20-Million-Year Meteorite Shower Turned Earth Warm & Wet

Discover Magazine -
The scientists found that, on average, each meteorite was capable of releasing up to 12 per cent of its mass as water vapour and 6 per cent of its mass as ...

Arizona Meteorite News- Meteorite Moves to Flag 8JUN09

Meteorite moves to Flag
Arizona Daily Sun Mon, 08 Jun 2009 06:39 AM PDT
The 535-pound fragment of the meteorite that formed Meteor Crater lay undisturbed for 49,000 years before being discovered in 1903 by mining engineer Daniel M. Barringer.
... (more)

06 June 2009

Indonesia Meteorite News 6JUN09

Jual Meteorit Senilai Rp 16,6 M

JawaPos.com - Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Memang bukan batu sembarangan, namun pecahan meteor (meteorit). Dia mengumpulkannya dari berbagai belahan dunia. Juru lelang menaksir semua koleksi langka ...

05 June 2009

India Meteorite News- Karimatti Metorite to be Studied 5JUN09

Electron-Microscopy to unravel meteorite mystery
Times of India - ‎5JUN09‎
KANPUR: The detailed probe into the meteorite, which had fallen on Karimatti village of Hamirpur district on May 28, extended into another day on Thursday. ... (more)

04 June 2009

India Meteorite News- 3JUN09

`Object that fell from sky was a meteorite'
The Times of India
3 Jun 2009, 2224 hrs IST, Abhinav Malhotra, TNN

KANPUR: "Meteorite is a rocky material which enters into earth's atmosphere from outside the earth (for eg, Mars) whereas numerous small and big rocks circulating in between the planets Mars and Jupiter are known as asteroids," said Prof Harish Chandra Verma of department of Physics of IIT-K while talking to TOI, specifying the difference between a meteorite and an asteroid.

Prof Verma ruled out the possibility of the stone being an asteroid as reported in some newspapers and emphatically remarked that the initial study of the piece of the rock done on Wednesday confirms that it's a meteorite. Usually such pieces of rock (debris) come from asteroid belt only but sometimes they may very well be a part of other celestial bodies also.

Prof Verma was referring to the incident of May 28, when a 1 kg stone resembling a meteorite fell down from the sky about 12 noon and left the people of the Karimatti hamlet in Hamirpur district amazed and puzzled. The stone which is ten inches in length and five inches in width was put in water to bring down its high temperature. Eyewitness to the entire incident, Mannu Lal, a villager was the first to observe this heavenly body. In no time, the news of the incident had spread like a wild fire in the entire village. The matter was then referred to the administration, which took the stone in its possession.

Prof Verma, travelled 200 km and brought the stone to IIT-K on Tuesday last for detailed study. Visibly excited with the discovery of the magnetic stone, Prof Verma shared his experience and said, "It's confirmed now that it is a meteorite due to its properties. As it was getting attracted towards a magnet and also the whole of the stone was covered with a black layer it gave us an idea of it being a meteorite.''

"Genuine scientific tests done on this meteorite will help us to know more about the secrets of the solar system like what was the composition of the solar system when it was formed, what was the early solar system like etc," he further said.
Prof Verma went on to say that the researchers from Physical Research Lab, Ahmedabad, University of Jodhpur, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and IIT-K will carry out tests in collaboration.

SOURCE: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Kanpur/Object-that-fell-from-sky-was-a-meteorite/articleshow/4614002.cms

German Meteorite News 3JUN09

Meteorit war offenbar doch aus Eisen

Heidenheimer Zeitung - Heidenheim,Baden-Württemberg,Germany
STEINHEIM. Bürgermeister Rainer Schaller ist davon überzeugt, dass „die bisherige Geschichte über die Entstehung des Steinheimer Beckens in wesentlichen ... (more)

03 June 2009

Polish Meteor/Meteorite News- Polish Superbolide 31MAY09 3JUN09

009 05 31/01 20:50:49 UT PFN 24 Gniewowo Krzysztof Polakowski

" BLINDING FLASH: On May 31st, evening sky watchers in northern Poland were temporarily blinded by a sudden flash of light brighter than the full Moon. An automated camera in the town of Gniewowo captured this snapshot of the "un-night" sky
(see at http://www.spaceweather.com/ )

What happened? A meteoroid of unknown origin hit Earth's atmosphere and exploded. "It was a huge fireball, probably brighter than magnitude -13," reports Gniewowo resident Przemyslaw Zoladek. "The explosion occured at 20:48 UT and was observed by many casual witnesses and at least two Polish Fireball Network video stations." No one knows if fragments of the object reached the ground. "

Relacje naocznych świadków: (Report witnesses:)

1. Dzisiaj o godzinie 22.48 zaobserwowałem bolid przelatujący w kierunku zachodnim, zachdnio północnym. Z Gdyni bolid byl widoczny 15-30 st. zachód od zenitu. Bolid oświetlił budynki i pozostawił po sobie smugę dymu. Pozdrawiam. Maciej

2. Witam wszystkich! Dzisiaj tzn. 31.05 o godzinie 22:48 zaobserwowałem piękny bolid, lecący w kierunku północno-zachodnim na wysokości ~30 stopni. Moją uwagę zwrócił rozbłysk trwający około 2 sek. Nie słyszałem żadnego dźwięku. Przypuszczalnie wleciał w atmosferę kilkadziesiąt kilometrów od mojego miejsca obserwacji, czyli Częstochowy. (...)

3. (...) 31 maja ok godziny 23:10 zauważyłem dość duży obiekt spadający z nieba, któremu towarzyszył silny rozbłysk. Zauważyłem to we Władysławowie w południowej części nieba. pozdrawiam Michał

4.Wczoraj 31.05.2009 ok. godziny 23:00 nad Rumią (woj. pomorskie) widziałam niesamowite zjawisko - wielką paląca się kulę. Leciała z zawrotną prędkością zostawiając za sobą długi ognisty ogon. Leciała jak petarda ale bardzo wysoko. Pojawiła się jakby znikąd by po chwili zniknąć. Bolid/kometa pozostawiła za sobą długą smugę pyłu i dymu. Wygładało to jakby kometa wdarła się w atmosferę ziemską paląc się jasnym płomieniem a potem nagle z niej wyleciała. Nie wiem czy to był bolid czy kometa - nie umiem ich rozróżnić ale to było wyjątkowo piękne i nieoczekiwane zjawisko!!!(...)

5. Zauwazylem bolid tuz nad glowa popijajac smaczna karkowke jeszcze smaczniejszym piwkiem gdzies ok 23-ej w Starogardzie Gdanskim. Przyznam, ze pierwszy raz widzialem cos podobnego i jestem pod ogromnym wrazeniem. Bolid roswietlil na kilka chwil cala okolice po czym spadal rozzarzony przez pare sekund pozostawiajac jasna, powykrecana smuge podejrzewam ze dymu. Bartek

6. Witam serdecznie! Wczoraj wieczorem ok. 22:50 między Trzebnicą a Zmigrodem (na trasie z Wrocławia do Poznania) zaobserwowałem b. jasny bolid. Mimo warstwy chmur zjawisko było dobrze widoczne: najpierw doszło do rozbłysku z kierunku pn-zach na wysokości ok. 45-50 stopni następnie po 2-3 sekundach w dziurach między chmurami dostrzegliśmy wygasające mniejsze fragmenty o wyraźnym zielonym kolorze. Bolid zaobserwowało w sumie 6 osób (4 z naszego auta i 2 z pierwszego z którym podróżowaliśmy). Nie słyszeliśmy żadnych dźwięków. Sam rozbłysk (wybuch?) był na tyle mocny, że na czas ok. 1,5 s rozświetlił kabiny naszych pojazdów. Michał

    Słowa kluczowe dla googleboota:
  • 31 maja 2009, 31 05 09 meteor, bolid, (meteoryt), (kometa), (kula ognia) fireball, bolide, meteorite, poland

Polish Fireball Network