13 November 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 13NOV2015

Siberia, Russia Bolide Meteor Leaves Many Stunned with Awe 12NOV2015 w
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Chita, Siberia, Russia Bolide Meteor Leaves Many Stunned With Awe 12NOV2015 w/ Video updates pending- Russia MeteorRats start investigating!

BRAMON- Brasil Meteor Observation Network 10 years!
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
18th ENAST 2015 Conference - BRAMON- Brasil Meteor Observation Network 10 years! Congratulations! c 2015 Carlos Augusto Di Pietro / BRAMON ...

UAE to Establish Meteor Monitoring Network
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Fireballs, Meteors, Bolides, Meteorites, Comets, Asteroid Impact,Meteorite Quest, ... Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 07NOV2015 w/ Video.

Eastern Turkish villages have 'meteor rush'
Hurriyet Daily News
A large number of people rushed to two eastern Turkish villages after several media reports revealed that meteor pieces, which fell over the villages in ...

Falling space junk WT1190F blazes on Friday the 13th
But the fireball produced by the object as burned up in the atmosphere was captured by U.S. and German astronomers aboard a Gulfstream 450 ...

Mystery object dazzles in the sky over Siberia
The Siberian Times
There were three flashes, leading some to believe they were seeing a rocket and others to say it was a meteor exploding as it flew through the ...

New study reveals that Mercury experiences yearlymeteor showers
According to a new study, the planet Mercury experiences regular meteor showers at roughly the same time each year, as it moves through a trail of ...

Taurid meteors, fireballs to light up skies Thursday
If you're lucky enough to be in an area with clear skies tonight, keep your head up because the Taurid meteor shower — best known for its fireballs" ...

New Brunswick should see Taurid meteor shower this weekend
Star gazers in New Brunswick should have a good view of the Tauridmeteor shower in our skies this weekend according Catherine Lovekin, assistant ...

Triple green meteor lights up Siberian skies near Chita (VIDEO)
A huge fireball has been spotted in the skies over the Russian city of Chita near the border with China. An unidentified flying object, most probably a ... Video proves FAKE Recycle of 02NOV2015 Bangkok, Thailand Bolide.!

Event 3340-2015
AMS received 12 reports about a fireball seen over LA, MO, AL, AR, TN, MS and NC on Wednesday, November 11th 2015 around 23:42 UT.

November 2015 – Fireball Surge | American Meteor Society
The American Meteor Society has logged a record number of fireball reports in the last two weeks. In the whole of 2015 there have been 472 unique fireball events witnessed by 5 or more people each. 172 of those have been logged in the last 11 days. That means 36% of the 2015 fireballs events with 5…


Gabriel Rodrigues Hickel
November 13 at 5:59am
[1511.02487] Performance of D-criteria in isolating meteor showers from the sporadic background...

Sergio Pereira Macedo
November 13 at 4:10am

Colisão no cinturão de asteroides! - Mensageiro Sideral
Cacildis! Astrônomos detectaram uma colisão ocorrida no asteroide Griseldis! Especula-se que um outr...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

12 November 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12NOV2015

BRAMON- Brasil Meteor Observation Network 10 years!
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
18th ENAST 2015 Conference - BRAMON- Brasil Meteor Observation Network 10 years! Congratulations! c 2015 Carlos Augusto Di Pietro / BRAMON ...

UAE to Establish Meteor Monitoring Network
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Fireballs, Meteors, Bolides, Meteorites, Comets, Asteroid Impact,Meteorite Quest, ... Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 07NOV2015 w/ Video. ...

Planetary Defence: Is India Equipped?
The largest meteor of the past two decades fell over the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia. It was 20 meters in diameter and it exploded at a height of 29.7 ...

Fireball lights up night sky over much of Saskatchewan
This photo of a fireball crossing the sky was taken by Bill Allen near Ralph, Sask.

Upgrade Helps NASA Study Mineral Veins on Mars
Diverse composition of mineral veins at the "Garden City" site investigated by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover suggests multiple episodes of groundwater activity.

Secondhand Spacecraft Has Firsthand Asteroid Experience
NASA's NEOWISE mission has observed 158,000 asteroids and discovered more than 35,000 since December 2009.

Blue flash streaks across the Northern Lights during Taurid meteor showers
Daily Mail
With a flash of blue, a meteor streaks across the clear night sky against the stunning backdrop of the Northern Lights. The fireball was seen during the ...

Watch The Taurid Meteor Shower Peak Tonight
Brevard Times
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida -- The Taurid meteor shower peaks overnight tonight and into the early morning of November 12, 2015. This year's ...

Parts of a meteorite seen in Irish skies could have landedAstronomy Ireland appeals for sightings after reports of ‘colossal explosion’ on Sunday
Aine McMahon- Irish Times- November 9, 2015
Astronomy Ireland has said parts of a meteorite seen flashing across the sky last night could have landed on earth. It said a "colossal explosion" was seen over Ireland on Sunday night at about 8.15pm and said reports are urgently needed to locate any meteorite that was dropped as a result. ...

Newfound Moon Craters Point to Asteroid Puzzle
by Charles Q. Choi- space.com- November 3, 2015
Newfound lunar craters suggest that asteroids that smashed into the moon long ago were very different from the ones that now occupy the asteroid belt, researchers say....

Will the 2015 Leonid meteor shower produce the storm of the century? Here's your guide to viewing
Catholic Online
In one week, Earth will pass through a stream of cosmic debris that will produce the Leonids meteor shower. Here's everything you need to know ...

Meteor monitoring network to be set up in Abu Dhabi
Dubai, Nov 11 (PTI) The UAE Space Agency has announced a joint venture to set up ameteor monitoring and filming network that will provide ...

November 2015 Fireball Surge
American Meteor Society
The American Meteor Society has logged a record number of fireball reports in the last two weeks. In the whole of 2015 there have been 472 unique ...

MESSENGER Spies a Meteor Shower… on Mercury
Universe Today
Taurid meteor swarms. Earth is no stranger to meteor showers, that's for sure. Now, it turns out that the planet Mercury may experience periodic meteor ...

Mercury is being pummeled by meteoroids from the trail of comet Encke
Daily Mail
The comet is also the same one that has been producing the Tauridmeteor shower over the past week on Earth. The effect on Mercury's tenuous ...

Jon Larsen
November 12 at 1:57am
Anyone here interested in micrometeorites? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQSazRgiaFg
41 micrometeorites in less than 2 minutes!
41 micrometeorites in the size range of 0,2-0,5 mm, found in Norway 2015 by Jon Larsen. Scanning ele...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Siberia, Russia Bolide Meteor Leaves Many Stunned with Awe 11NOV2015 w/ Real Video?

Chita,  Zabaykal'skiy Kray, Siberia, Russia
Bolide Meteor Leaves Many Stunned With Awe 2147 Local 11NOV2015
Breaking Story updates pendingRussia MeteorRats start investigating!

Real? video just posted thank you to Zabgeo  Thank you Sir!
(VIDEO posted by RT/Levitan now proven faked/recycled of Thailand Bolide 02NOV2015)

Проверьте свои камеры безопасности!
Пожалуйста, сообщайте ваши наблюдения метеоров на этот сайт для posting- Помните, что если вы ищете для отчета, и никто тогда все отчеты не хватает информации; спасибо.
Если у вас есть фото или видео на этом мероприятии, пожалуйста, email- LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

A kind viewer from Chita, Siberia has sent me a real video? of the event!
Flash from Meteor Lights Surroundings
Video labeled GREENHILLHOUSE- odd name for Russian Label?
c2015 Zabgeo

To PLAY video click 2X on start arrow.
Chita Russia 11 NOV 20015 - Real video? of this meteor event!?
Copyright 2015 All Right Reserved - Zabgeo  Thank you Sir!

Update! COMMENT and Analysis of the RT posted video-
There have been a spate of recycled videos and now, 30 mins after this post, it has been confirmed that the video posted below IS NOT of the reported Siberian event! The video is a cropped version of the Thailand 02NOV2015 event; thus a "faked" recycled video; sorry readers. It is unknown at this time if the event was of any extraordinary size... - LunarMeteoriteHunter, Japan
An expert with a very good eye, Jarmo Moilanen, has just commented:
The video shown is a cropped copy from this 02NOV2015 Bangkok fireball video shown on Russian tv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfON0TOLPjA

c2015 Jango Fixit
Thailand Bolide 02NOV2015
from which "faked/recycled" Siberian video was made

Chita, Siberia, Russia Bolide Meteor 11NOV2015
VIDEO now proven faked/recycled
c2015 Levitan / YouTube

Метеорит в чите 12.11.2015
VIDEO now proven faked/recycled
Posted to YouTube by LEVITAN VIDEO 212 views
Published on Nov 11, 2015
Text c2015 Levitan / YouTube
Residents of Chita reported unusual bright green flare lit up the sky around midnight on November 11th. Witnesses wrote to the social networks that the phenomenon could be seen over the northern neighborhoods

"The flash of bright green color will appear for a few moments and abruptly disappeared. It was like the fall of any object ", - he wrote one of the witnesses.

According chitintsev, it seems that the sky is falling rapidly unknown object, leaving a tail of bright light. About unusual celestial phenomena also told residents and Tin Nerchinsk.

As the portal zabmedia.ru, in the Chita Hydrometeorological weather at the time of the outbreak was normal. The press service of BBO journalists commented that there are currently no exercises in the Trans-Baikal region is not carried out.

A similar object in the sky was observed on October 31 residents of Kaliningrad.
Russian Press Reports-

Triple green meteor lights up Siberian skies near Chita (VIDEO now proven faked/recycled)
Published time: 12 Nov, 2015 06:25 Edited time: 12 Nov, 2015 07:06
RT writes, "A huge fireball has been spotted in the skies over the Russian city of Chita near the border with China. An unidentified flying object, most probably a meteorite, made three extra bright flashes before burning out, according to eyewitness accounts." more-

Residents of the Trans-Baikal Territory noticed in the sky bright green meteor, says pressNewsRu.com
Google translated from Russian- A huge ball of light seen the night before the city Chita locals. Dozens of people watched the sky over the Trans-Baikal regional center at about 22:00 local time (17:00 Moscow time) series of flashes lit up bright green color. He writes about the amazing phenomenon of local press. According to media reports, most likely, it is a meteor that produced some bright flashes before disappearing. The web video even appeared spectacular flight of the car, however, was soon followed by the exposure: a fake movie turned out. ...citation to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News!
Жители Забайкальского края заметили в небе ярко-зеленый метеор, утверждает пресса
Огромный светящийся шар заметили накануне вечером над городом Читой местные жители. Десятки человек наблюдали, как небо над краевым центром Забайкалья около 22:00 по местному времени (17:00 по Москве) озарила серия вспышек ярко-зеленого цвета. Об удивительном явлении пишет местная пресса. По мнению СМИ, скорее всего, речь идет о метеоре, который произвел несколько ярких вспышек перед тем, как исчезнуть. В Сети даже появилось видео эффектного пролета болида, однако вскоре последовало разоблачение: ролик оказался фейком.http://www.newsru.com/russia/12nov2015/chita.html

Russian reader Константин Пашкульский has also commented  "Siberia, Russia Bolide Meteor Leaves Many Stunned ...":

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

BRAMON- Brasil Meteor Observation Network 10 years!

BRAMON- Brasil Meteor Observation Network 10 years! NOV2015
Click on Image to Enlarge
18th ENAST 2015 Conference - BRAMON- Brasil Meteor Observation Network 10 years!
c 2015 Carlos Augusto Di Pietro / BRAMON

Bramon team assembled the first physical meeting of the group on the 18th ENAST. Almost all participants in the network are present.

More than ten years have passed since the first efforts to create a network of meteor video surveillance in Brazil, and here we are, firm, strong, growing, monitoring the skies every night, collecting and organizing data, producing science, creating and sharing emotions between us and all of you dear readers network.

We thank all the staff as well as our friends and the EDMOND European partners (especially Algol Jakub Koukal, Richard Kacerek, Roman Piffl and Martin Popek) and Dirk Ross, by the completion, dissemination and expansion of this immense and valuable work.

Thank you all, BRAMON Members, for your endless efforts and dedication to make this dream come true!
- Dirk Ross...Tokyo


Equipe BRAMON reunida no primeiro encontro presencial do grupo no 18º ENAST. Quase todos os participantes da rede estão presentes.

Mais de dez anos se passaram desde os primeiros esforços para se criar uma rede de videomonitoramento de meteoros no Brasil, e aqui estamos, firmes, fortes, crescendo, monitorando os céus todas as noites, coletando e organizando dados, produzindo ciência, criando e dividindo emoções entre nós e todos vocês leitores amigos da rede.

Agradecemos a todos da equipe, bem como a nossos amigos e parceiros europeus da EDMOND (em especial Jakub Algol Koukal, Richard Kacerek, Roman Piffl e Martin Popek) e a Dirk Ross, pela realização, divulgação e expansão deste imenso e precioso trabalho.

Obrigado a todos, Bramon deputados, por seus esforços intermináveis e dedicação para tornar este sonho realidade!
- Dirk Ross ... Tokyo

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

11 November 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11NOV2015

Siberia, Russia Bolide Meteor Leaves Many Stunned with Awe 11NOV2015 w/ Video - Just BREAKING

BRAMON- Brasil Meteor Observation Network 10 years!

نيزك - UAE to Establish Meteor Monitoring Network
Meteorite Fall Over Eastern Turkish Village: Poor Villagers Make Hundreds Of Thousands Of ...
International Business Times
Pictured: This long-exposure photograph taken on Earth Day, April 23, 2015, shows the Lyrids meteor shower passing near the Milky Way in the clear ...

Kouga, Eastern Cape, South Africa Boom Blue Flash a Meteor?
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Still no sign of mysterious Eastern Cape 'meteorite'. 2015-11-09 13:46. Ahmed Areff, News24. A meteor the size of a minivan and weighing in at 70 .

Ireland / Wales Fireball Meteor 08NOV2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Ireland / Wales Fireball Meteor 2012 Local 08NOV2015 Check your security cameras! Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- ..

The Search For Returns Has Taken Investors To The Nether Regions Of The Solar System
Rob Wile- Business Insider- June 12, 2014
...according to Artemis, a group that tracks catastrophe bonds, insurer USAA took out a policy against the risk it would have to pay out for tropical cyclones, earthquakes, severe thunderstorms, winter storms, wildfire, volcanic eruption and meteorite impact. ...

Taurid Meteor shower pics
Cloudy Nights
Taurid Meteor shower pics - posted in General Observing and Astronomy: I thought I would share a pic of a nice meteor I saw yesterday morning and ..

Taurid Meteor Shower 2015 Peak: Perfect Conditions For 'Fireballs,' 'Earthgrazers'
“The annual Taurid meteor shower is going on right now, and we are seeing steady activity in our meteor cameras,” Bill Cooke with NASA's Meteoroid ...

Lucky streak! Amateur snapper captures amazing image of bright green meteor in Yorkshire skies
Grandad Peter Horbury went out to photograph the Northern Lights and ended up capturing this image of a meteorite streaking through the sky above ...

Saskatchewan sky watcher captures incredible view of meteorite: 'The fireball fell out of the sky'
National Post
Bill Allen knew the aurora borealis Sunday night would be “epic” — but he wasn't expecting to capture a stunning meteor photo. “I've got in the habit of ...

The Leonids are coming! Here's how to watch them.
Christian Science Monitor
The Leonid meteor shower peaks every year in mid-November, as our ... midpoint to the next anticipated meteor "storm," which is predicted for 2033, ...

Fireball-spitting meteor stream peaks Wednesday night
Sacramento Bee
Bright, glowing fireballs zipping across the night sky have been reported worldwide as the Taurid meteor shower delights stargazers this month.

Comet Encke pelts Mercury with meteors
Astronomers there are presenting results of a study showing that our sun's innermost planet, Mercury, has a recurring meteor shower during which bits ...

Mysterious 'meteor' in Eastern Cape may have disintegrated
"It sounds like a bolide, which is a meteor that is large enough to break up into smaller meteors when it enters the atmosphere," said Jerome Jooste, ...

20000 year-old Taurid meteor puts on a show in Saskatchewan
University of Saskatchewan astronomer Stan Shadick has some background info on Sunday night's meteor sighting.

Look to the sky Wednesday night — you might see 'life-changing event'
Bright, glowing fireballs zipping across the night sky have been reported worldwide as the Taurid meteor shower delights stargazers this month.

Fireballs are falling to Earth this week in numbers we won't see for another 10 years: here's how to ...
National Post
The best way to watch any meteor shower is to get far away from city lights and look up, no special equipment required. Here's a map from ...

Video shows Taurid meteor in Saskatchewan
News Talk 650 CKOM
A University of Saskatchewan astronomy professor explained that the meteor is remnants of an old comment. Shards of the comet produce the Taurid ...

Meteors shower Mercury
Science News
SPACE SHOWERS Recurring puffs of calcium seen by MESSENGER at Mercury (illustrated) might be connected to the Taurid meteor shower, a new .

Taurid Meteor Shower Captured In Stunning Detail By Saskatchewan Photographer
Huffington Post Canada
It's believed the fireball was part of the Taurid meteor shower that's expected to peak this week. "It was literally the first frame,'' Allen said Monday.

Meteor lights up Sask. sky
News Talk 650 CKOM
A spectacular photo making its way through social media was close to not being captured at all. “I had planned to go out last night, Aura's (Aurora ...

Meteor monitoring and filming network to open
Abu Dhabi: A meteor monitoring and filming network, which will include a number of stations in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and the Western Region, will open in .

Oklahoma City Live Shot Catches Meteor Falling in Background
Oklahoma City Live Shot Catches Meteor Falling in Background ... on social media, so the station explained that it was a fireball from ameteor shower.

Incredible bright green meteor photographed off coast of Yorkshire, UK
Signs of the Times
The remarkable sight was captured at the same time as the Taurid Meteor Shower passes Earth - with larger cellestial debris being more visible than ...

Taurid meteor shower peaks with new moon
Daily Nebraskan
This week, stargazers will have the chance to see something a little more exciting than usual up in the night sky. The annual Tauridmeteor shower is ...

13 Reports
Fireball event
AMS received 13 reports about a fireball seen over CT, VT, MA, NY, NH and Ontario on Tuesday, November 10th 2015 around 02:17 UT.

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

نيزك - UAE to Establish Meteor Monitoring Network

نيزك -UAE to Establish Meteor Monitoring Network

UAE stations to unlock mysteries of meteors
Khaleej Times
The UAE Space Agency has inked a deal with the International Astronomy Centre that will help set up a meteor monitoring and filming network.

Meteor monitoring network to be set up in Abu Dhabi
Economic Times
DUBAI: The UAE Space Agency has announced a joint venture to set up a meteor monitoring and filming network that will provide astronomical ...

UAE Space Agency begins meteor monitoring project
The National
ABU DHABI // The UAE Space Agency is to begin working with the International Astronomy Centre to establish a meteor monitoring and filming ...

UAE to set up meteor monitoring network
Gulf Digital News
The UAE Space Agency has announced a deal with the International Astronomy Centre towards setting up and management of a meteor monitoring ...

Meteor Monitoring Network to be Set Up in Abu Dhabi
Dubai: The UAE Space Agency has announced a joint venture to set up a meteor monitoring and filming network that will provide astronomical reports ...

Meteor monitoring and filming network to open in the capital
Yahoo! Maktoob News
A meteor monitoring and filming network, which will include a number of stations in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and the Western Region, will open in the capital ...

Meteor monitoring network to be set up in Abu Dhabi
Dubai, Nov 11 (PTI) The UAE Space Agency has announced a joint venture to set up ameteor monitoring and filming network that will provide ...

UAE stations to unlock mysteries of meteors
Yahoo! Maktoob News
The agency explained that the joint project will provide substantial astronomical reports and data around meteor and satellite movements in space.

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!

10 November 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10NOV2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10NOV2015

MB SK PEI NS BC Canada Meteor/s 2012AST - 2029 CST 21:55 PST 08NOV2015
Several meteor reports from all across Canada 08NOV3015...

Ireland / Wales Fireball Meteor 08NOV2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Ireland / Wales Fireball Meteor 2012 Local 08NOV2015 Check your security cameras! Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- ...

Kouga, Eastern Cape, South Africa Boom Blue Flash a Meteor? 08NOV2015

Meteor Caught On Cam in Kalamazoo
There's been a lot of action in the skies lately. From meteor showers to the Northern Lights. This guy caught a meteor flying over Kalamazoo at 2:45 ...

9 November 2015 in News: Enhanced Taurid meteor shower lights up November skies
Astronomy Now Online
The Taurid meteor shower lasts from 20 October to the end of November, but has two distinct peaks of activity occuring on 5 November (the Southern ...

Leonid Meteor Shower November 2015: When, Where & How to Watch
Latinos Post
The meteor shower will be at its peak in the early hours of November 18, Wednesday. However, there will be no Leonid storm this year, although the ...

Cosmic fireballs set to hurtle past Earth at 65000mph in dramatic meteor shower THIS WEEK
AccuWeather Meteorologist Dave Samuhel said: "Every year, the Earth passes through a stream left by Comet Encke, producing the Taurid Meteor ...

Mysterious 'meteor' in Eastern Cape may have disintegrated
"It sounds like a bolide, which is a meteor that is large enough to break up into smaller meteors when it enters the atmosphere," said Jerome Jooste, ...

9 November 2015 in News: Enhanced Taurid meteor shower lights up November skies
Astronomy Now Online
... favourably dark skies, but the double-peaked shower is currently showing signs of unusually high activity similar to the fireball-rich display of 2005.

Meteor lights up sky, Twitter in Saskatchewan
It was a Taurid meteor that lit things up around 8:40 p.m. CST and was visible from Saskatoon to the Weyburn area. Darren Sauer was driving on the ...

UFO-like meteor captured in the skies above Yorkshire
The remarkable sight was captured at the same time as the TauridMeteor Shower passes Earth – with larger cellestial debris being more visible than ...

This giant fireball left Irish people mystified as it lit up skies last night
Belfast Live
This video shows a mysterious fireball soaring across Ireland late on Sunday night - leaving people baffled as to what it could be. YouTube user ...

Astronomy Ireland seeks reports on Fireball
The Clare Herald
Astronomy Ireland is appealing to members of the public who witnessed last night's largefireball in the skies over Clare to submit their reports.

Did anyone else hear that meteor?
Stargazers Lounge
I glance out of the bins and saw the meteor you mentioned. I thought that was a stoke of luck and it looked great passing through Orions belt, I didn't ...

Fireball lights up night sky over much of Saskatchewan
WATCH ABOVE: At about 8:30 last night a meteor event occurred in the Saskatchewan sky raising many eyebrows. Global meteorologist Peter ...

Meteor fireball caught on film
Meteor fireball caught on film. NEWS. BY ANDREW DOUGLAS. An aurora-hunting northeast photographer has captured a stunning image of a meteor ...

Crackle and glow: Saskatchewan photographer captures fireball in night sky
680 News
A fireball appears in the night sky over Ralph, Sask., Sunday, Nov.8, 2015. A huge fireball that crackled and glowed as it streaked across the night sky ...

A Saskatchewan sky watcher lucks out with 'humbling' meteor photo
Bill Allen knew the aurora borealis Sunday night would be "epic" — but he wasn't expecting to capture a stunning meteor photo.

11/10/2015 – Ephemeris – Twin meteor showers ongoing now
Bob Moler's Ephemeris Blog - WordPress.com
11/10/2015 – Ephemeris – Twin meteor showers ongoing now. November 10, 2015 bob moler ...

Taurid Meteor Shower may be visible in Colorado
ObserverLeader.com (blog)
It was not your ordinary light coming from commercial or fighter aircrafts nor was it the Taurid meteor shower. The light was not due to an ordinary ...

Fireballs are falling to Earth this week -- here's how to watch
Business Insider Australia
One watcher reported a bright fireball to the ABC he saw just last night from the NSW South Coast. The best time to watch is from midnight to 3am.

Amazing fireball seen by Saskatchewan residents asmeteor burns up
NYC Today
Saskatchewan residents were in for a surprise meteor passing over the sky leading to a fireball. Soon after the fireball lighted up the sky, users posted ...

Meteor caught over skies of Saskatchewan in stunning image
CTV News
Bill Allen trained his camera lens on the sky near Weyburn, Sask., on Sunday night hoping to capture the magic of the annual Tauridmeteor shower, ...

Fireball lights up night sky over much of Saskatchewan
SASKATOON – A fireball lit up the night sky Sunday night in Saskatoon and over much of central and southern Saskatchewan, startling many across ...

Did you see a massive fireball passing over Ireland last night?
Yahoo News UK
Astronomy experts have said that parts of a meteorite seen streaking across the sky last night could have landed on earth. The fireballwas seen ...

This Week's Night Sky: Andromeda Time Machine
National Geographic
We're in the final days of the Taurid meteor shower. The event peaked last week, but skywatchers should be on the lookout for a few exceptionally ...

Giant fireball left Irish people mystified as it lit up skies across the country last night
Irish Mirror
YouTube user Michael O'Connell captured the blaze, speculated by social media users to be part of the yearly northern Taurid meteorshower, over ...

11 Reports
Fireball event
AMS received 11 reports about a fireball seen over MI, OH, NJ, IL, Ontario, VA and PA on Monday, November 9th 2015 around 01:14 UT.

Brilliant fireballs are falling to Earth this week in numbers we won't see for another 10 years ...
Business Insider
The best way to watch any meteor shower is to get far away from city lights and simply look up, no special equipment required. Here's a map from ...

Bang shakes Eastern Cape, Kouga municipality hunts for possible meteor
Lee-Anne Butler - Times Live- 09 November, 2015 15:24
A disaster management team from the Kouga municipality in the Eastern Cape has been sent to the Baviaans area to inspect what is believed to be the impact site of a meteorite....

Saskatchewan sky watcher lucks out with 'humbling'meteor photo
Saskatoon StarPhoenix
Bill Allen knew the aurora borealis Sunday night would be “epic” — but he wasn't expecting to capture a stunning meteor photo. “I've got in the habit of ...

Man captures meteor in Invercargill night sky photo
"There's a meteor shower that recurs regularly at this time of year. The activity increases for some nights so you are bound to see several," he said.

Did you see a massive fireball passing over Ireland last night?
“A fireball in November 1999 that dropped a meteorite on Ireland was found in county Carlow after a similar analysis by Astronomy Ireland,” Moore ...

20000 year-old Taurid meteor puts on a show in Saskatchewan
Among the many spectacles lighting Saskatchewan's active prairie skies, one recent item is at least 20,000 years old: a Taurid meteor. The burst of ...

Search called off for possible meteor impact site at Baviaans
Algoa FM
Search called off for possible meteor impact site at Baviaans. The Kouga Municipality Disaster Management team has called off the search for the ...

Leonid Meteor Shower Peaks November 17-18
Cloudy Nights
The annual Leonid Meteor Shower may already be underway. It is expected to peak during the night of 2015 NOV 17/18. Its radiant is in the ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

09 November 2015

Ireland / Wales Fireball Meteor 08NOV2015

Ireland / Wales Fireball Meteor 2012 Local 08NOV2015

Check your security cameras!

Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- Remember IF you are looking for a report and no one reports then everyone lacks information; thank you.
If you have a video or photo of this event please email- LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

M20151108 201247 8mm
Posted to YouTube by Michael O'Connell 2,281 views

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
08NOV2015 Emily Thomas Taliesin, Mid Wales, powys 2030 10 sec ne;sw Green brief bright light, no fragments no

08NOV2015 Louise Brennan Strokestown, Co. Roscommon Ireland 20:05 5-7 seconds Travelled left to right as I was facing East Green Like firework Yes No

News Reports-
WATCH: Did you see the giant meteor that passed over Ireland last night?
Irish Independent
People around Ireland were dumbstruck last night when a giant meteor lit ... which seems to show the meteor exploding into bright light at one point.

Giant fireball left Irish people mystified as it lit up skies across the country last night
Irish Mirror
This video shows a mysterious fireball soaring across Ireland late Sunday night - leaving people baffled as to what it could be. YouTube user Michael ...

For all meteor reports-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Kouga, Eastern Cape, South Africa Boom Blue Flash a Meteor? 08NOV2015

Kouga, Eastern Cape, South Africa Boom Blue Flash a Meteor? 2100 Local 08NOV2015
MeteorRats Scramble for meteorites!
Check your security cameras!

Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- Remember IF you are looking for a report and no one reports then everyone lacks information; thank you.
If you have a video or photo of this event please email- LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

Initial Meteor Sighting Report-
08NOV2015 L. Fredericks Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa 21:00 about 3-4 sec duration from streak across the sky to explosion and fragments fading away Facing south, direction of travel was E-W bright blue/white lights, first one flash then several consecutive flashes about a second later caused by the meteor exploding as it broke into pieces which is what caused the very bright flashes. sounded like fireworks going of, loud boom. Doubt there was any impact as the meteor exploded quite spectacularly as bright as lightning during thunderstorm but more blueish in colour definite fragmentation, glowing orange-red as it burnt out There was a search launched in the Patensie area by the Kouga municipality, which was later called off but even if the search is to be resumed i strongly doubt that anything will be found in the area. the explosion was kilometers high up in the air. in Port Elizabeth, which is about 60 Kilometers from Patensie, you had to look almost straight up to witness the explosion. eye witnesses believe there was an impact but that is probably because the explosion was seen before it was heard, since the meteor would have been travelling much faster than the speed of sound

08NOV2015 annalize patensie port elisabeth easten cape province south africa 21:00pm 3 seconds don't know bright lights/blue blue nowhere explosions heard 70kilos away could hear noice in jeffreysbay easern cape province south africa

News Reports-
Bang shakes Eastern Cape, Kouga municipality hunts for possible meteor
Times LIVE
A disaster management team from the Kouga municipality in the Eastern Cape has been sent to the Baviaans area to inspect what is believed to be ...

Was that big boom in the Eastern Cape a meteor strike?
Times LIVE
The Kouga municipality in the Eastern Cape is investigating rumours that a meteorite struck near the Patensie area on Sunday night.

Still no sign of mysterious Eastern Cape 'meteorite'
Still no sign of mysterious Eastern Cape 'meteorite'. 2015-11-09 13:46. Ahmed Areff, News24. A meteor the size of a minivan and weighing in at 70 ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

MB SK PEI NS BC Canada Meteor/s 08NOV2015 w/ Fragmentation / Video

MB SK PEI NS BC Canada Meteor/s 2012AST - 2029 CST  21:55 PST 08NOV2015 w/ Video
w/ Fragmentation reported
Saskatchewan MeteorRats Scramble for meteorites!
Check your security cameras!

Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- Remember IF you are looking for a report and no one reports then everyone lacks information; thank you.
If you have a video or photo of this event please email- LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com
Click on Image to Enlarge
Ralph, Saskatchewan Photo of Fireball 08NOV2015
c 2015 Bill Allan on Facebook

Taurid meteor shower in Saskatchewan
Posted to YouTube by NewsTalk980CJME 140 views
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-


08NOV2015 sheldon Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada approx 2038 5-6 secs Start approx 20 degrees above Eastern horizon. Shallow angle never reached horizon. right to left. travelling south to north. Various colors. Bright white, oranges and reds. Bright Large fragmentations. Parts falling off visibly Largest i have seen in my lifetime of 42 years. Very cool!!!!!

08NOV2015 Ken Hruschak Kelowna, BC, Canada 21:55 PST 1-1.5 sec.s Traveled Sout to North. Facing North Bright white in centre with orange sparks Brighter than moon. appeared to be Appeared to be travelling at about 350deg mag. over the kelowna airport. very high in the sky.

08NOV2015 Hank Stratford P.E.Island Canada 20:25 AST 5 seconds N-S I was facing South star-like color venus no fragmentation It had a tail

08NOV2015 Joshua Halifax,Nova Scotia Canada 20:12pm 3 seconds East to west Very very Bright blue and greenish could hear a faint noise very very bright more than the moon yes i seen what looked to be 6 to 7 parts that were falling off very interesting to see

Press Reports-
Meteor lights up sky, Twitter in Saskatchewan
People in Saskatchewan are talking about a fireball that streaked across Saskatchewan skies last night. It was a Taurid meteor that lit things up and ...

Meteor lights up the sky over Saskatchewan
CTV News
According to NASA, the meteor is part of the Taurid meteor showers, the result of the earth passing through a stream of debris left behind by Comet ...

Meteor tail lights up Sask. sky
News Talk 650 CKOM
Many people across the province reported on social media seeing a red ball of fire streak across the sky and hearing a loud boom. Bill Allen captured ...

For all meteor reports-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 09NOV2015

Christie's Deep Impact Auction - Darryl Pitt  writes, " Christie's auction house is currently conducting their second on-line meteorite sale.As would be expected, there is certainly some outstanding high-end material available—and there are 17 lots priced at $3000 or less. It's a solid offering, and it ends this Tuesday morning (November 10th) EST (UTC/GMT -5)."  View the Auction

ALERT: Exploding Fireballs Reported All Over the Globe / Eyes On the Skies
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 4,717 views

New Posts on The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News-
California Missile Launch Seen by Thousands 07NOV2015 w/video

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 05NOV2015 w/ Video

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor Sporadic 05NOV2015 w/ Video

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 04NOV2015 w/ Video

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 04NOV2015 w/ Video

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 03NOV2015 w/ Video

Massive fireball sighted over Ireland
The Clare Herald
Hundreds of reports of a massive fireball streaking across the skies over Ireland on Sunday night have been posted on social media. Fireballs are ...

People are freaking out over this bright light that appeared in the sky over the west coast
Business Insider
... USS Kentucky fired an unarmed Lockheed Martin Trident II missile. Local news outlets first suggested the light may have been the result of a meteor ...

Taurid Meteor Shower may be visible in Colorado
FOX31 Denver
“We are in the second half of a meteor shower called the Taurid Meteor Shower,” explained Denver Museum of Nature and Science educator Naomi ...

Mysterious light spotted over California, social media explodes
Others believe it was a meteor. As the Taurid Meteor Shower reaches its peak, cosmic fireballs — extremely bright meteors — will sometimes light up ..

Spaceweather.com Realtime Image Gallery
Friend Called and told me to step outside and this is what I saw. Anyone else see this tonight over Central California tonight? (Im in Merced )I called ...

Mystery light over ocean was missile test
By Pauline Repard - San Diego Tribune- November 7, 2015
A mysterious light that streaked across San Diego's night sky Saturday, visible as far away as Nevada and Arizona, was a Trident missile test-fired by the Navy....

Bright light in the sky explained
Thaddeus LaCoursiere, of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, said it's a part of the Taurid meteor shower named after the ...

Strange streak in sky sparks speculation
The Durango Herald
A strange streak of light across the sky Saturday night erupted a flurry of speculation on a local Durango social media site, with theories of a meteor ...

Mystery light freaks out Southern California residents
Fireball meteor caught on camera. mysterious light ... Meteor or UFO? Fireball lights up ... Possible meteor lights up the night sky. UFO in florida ...

Missle/meteor over soCal crazy light 11/7/15
Missle/meteor over soCal crazy light 11/7/15. Omar Bolanos ... Vision of Meteor/Missile, Food/Water Poisoning & Rapture!!! - Duration: 15:01. by ...

What was up with that weird light in the sky?
Christian Science Monitor
Assumed to be either a UFO to a multicolored meteor, viewers from Los Angeles to Phoenix were left scratching their heads after a weird light lit up the ...

BEST Compilation! UFO, Meteor, Rocket over California
Ufo seen off of the coast of California. Could be a meteor, rocket or secret military aircraft.

Mysterious light blazes across California sky, sparking confusion, excitement and fears of alien ...
Washington Post
A mysterious light that rocketed across the Southern California sky on Saturday night, sparking fears of nuclear war, an incoming meteor and an alien ...

Jose Ildefonso
November 9 at 9:19am
Bom, qual a opinião a respeito!
WT1190F: El objeto que entrará en forma de meteoro cerca del viernes 13 » Sociedad de Astronomía...
Un objeto que orbita la Tierra en una órbita sumamente elíptica u ovalada estaría interceptando a la...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

08 November 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 08NOV2015

Spain / Morocco Bolide Fireball Meteor 06NOV2015 w
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Spain / Morocco Bolide Fireball Meteor 2049 UTC 06NOV2015 w/ Video ... Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK Bolide Meteor 2228 UTC 31OCT2015 Click ...

Mysterious light seen from Las Vegas came from missile test, Navy says
Las Vegas Review-Journal
The light was originally believed to be a part of the Taurid meteor shower, but an astrophysicist at UC San Diego said the meteors would have been ...

Great Balls of Fire: Dueling Taurid, Leonid MeteorShowers
If you miss the Taurid meteor shower's gliding fireballs, the Leonids will peak later this month in the skies over DC metro area.

Meteor coming in over Riverside, CA 11-07-2015
Meteor coming in over Riverside, CA 11-07-2015 ... UFO Fireball Over Southern California Not a Meteor September 14, 2011 - Duration: 1:42. by Lola ... Wrong US NAVY Missile Test!

UFO, meteor, military?! Huge tailed celestial object lights up California night sky (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
The US Navy has confirmed that the mysterious “meteor” was a scheduled Trident II ballistic missile test flight. Cmdr. Ryan Perry of the Navy's Third ...

Seeing lights, with a blue hue, in the sky?
If you're seeing bright lights, at times with a blue hue, in the sky, you're watching the Taurid meteor shower! - Wrong US NAVY Missile Test!

Mystery light streaking across Bay Area skies was a test missile
Bay Area Coast Guard officials blamed it on the Taurid meteor shower. But Peter Jenniskens, a NASA meteor expert, said the object was definitely not ...

Nighttime Missile Test Launch Seen By Thousands of Freaked Out People in Los Angeles
Slate Magazine (blog)
I wasn't surprised to see a lot of mutually contradictory tweets about it from relatively reliable sources; some said it was a meteor — the annual Taurid ...

Mysterious lights over Las Vegas may be frommeteor shower — PHOTO
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Mysterious flashes of light in the Las Vegas sky may be part of the annual Taurid meteor shower, according to AccuWeather.com. The Taurid shower ... Wrong US NAVY Missile Test!

Weekend 4Cast Perfect For Taurid Meteor Shower, Best Since 2005
CBS Local
DENVER (CBS4) – It'll be a great weekend to stay up late and hope for a glimpse of the Taurid meteor shower in the sky over Colorado. It's projected ...

At present, and for next two weeks, we are passing through a stream of meteoroids
Northern Californian
Meteor showers are created by brief-lived light streaks caused by tiny particles that traverse the atmosphere of the Earth and heat it to incandescence.

Great Balls of Fire: Dueling Taurid and Leonid Meteor Showers
Offering some inter-stellar competition is.the Leonid meteor shower, another modest meteor shower with a Nov. 6 start date, and lasting through Nov.

Watch This Knife Specialist Make The Best Knife In the World With Molten Meteorite
Check out this spectacular process of the making of the worlds best knife that is made only from mol...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!