15 November 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 15NOV2014

Watch the Leonid Meteor Shower for a Weekend Spectacle
National Geographic
Like other meteor showers, the Leonids happen when Earth plows through a trail of debris left in the wake of a comet orbiting the sun, in this case ...

Leonid meteor shower peaks early Tuesday morning
Baltimore Sun (blog)
The Leonid meteor shower will be at its most active late Sunday night into early Monday morning, but it's not expected to be a good time to watch from ...

Leonid meteor shower best views before dawn November 17, 2014
A "streaky" meteor shower will be at its best before dawn on Monday, November 17, according to the editors of StarDate magazine. Unfortunately, this ...

BBC Local Live: Derbyshire
BBC News
This morning I'm with a group of amateur astronomers from Derbyshire who are hoping for a spectacular view of the Leonidsmeteor shower this ...

Meteorite Bears Evidence of Magnetic Fields in Early Solar System
Scientific American - 9 hours
New research shows that magnetic fields played a role in the solar system's formation -- Read more on ScientificAmerican.com

Diamonds Found In El Dorado County Meteorite
CBS Sacramento - 2 hours
Diamonds are now a scientist’s best friend.

Could there be organic matter on Mars?
Fox News - 7 hours
The origins of organic matter found by Mars lander missions have long been debated, but a new study suggests a way to find out whether these ...

Here's how our solar system may have evolved
ANI via Yahoo! India News - 16 hours
Washington, Nov 14 (ANI): A new study explored the measurements of magnetic fields trapped in grains within a primitive meteorite that gave ...

Glenvar library to host special viewing program for Leonid meteorshower Nov. 17
Roanoke Times
The Leonid meteor shower takes place every November, as the earth moves through space. This year, the peak night of the shower is expected from ...

Amateur astronomer on the hunt for Soyuz rocket debris that streaked across Australian skies in July
Sydney Morning Herald
The object, which many thought was a meteor, was the "third stage" of the Soyuz rocket, used on July 8 to launch Russia's second Meteor-M weather ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Newly Released Map Data Shows Frequency of Small Asteroid Impacts, Provides Clues on Larger Asteroid Population

Newly Released Map Data Shows Frequency of Small Asteroid Impacts, Provides Clues on Larger Asteroid Population
Linda Billings & NASA/JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office- November 14, 2014
Map showing the bolide events from 1994 to 2013
It happens all the time: small asteroids impact Earth's atmosphere

Small asteroids near Earth, with sizes of only about a meter, hit the atmosphere and disintegrate with surprising frequency - around every other week, new data show.

Data gathered by U.S. government sensors and released to NASA for use by the science community reveal that these small impact events are frequent and random. A map of these small impact events - known as fireballs or bolides - recently released by NASA shows the frequency and approximate
energy released by bolide events detected from 1994 through 2013. It dwarfs a data-base of small impacts based on infra-sound detections released last fall, but it does not contain all fireballs - objects less than a meter in size - that impacted the Earth during this period.

Over this 20-year interval, U.S. Government assets recorded at least 556 bolide events of various energies. On this world map illustration, the size of the orange dots (daytime events) and blue dots (nighttime events) are proportional to the optical radiated energy of the impact event measured
in billions of Joules (GJ) of energy. An approximate conversion between the measured optical radiant energy and the total impact energy can be made using an empirical relationship provided by Peter Brown and colleagues in 2002. For example the smallest dot on the map represents 1 billion
Joules (1 GJ) of optical radiant energy, or when expressed in terms of a total impact energy the equivalent of about 5 tons of TNT explosives. Likewise, the dots representing 100, 10,000 and 1,000,000 Giga Joules of optical radiant energies correspond to impact energies of about 300 tons, 18,000 tons and one million tons of TNT explosives respectively.

The largest impact energy recorded during this 20-year interval was the recent daytime Chelyabinsk event (440,000 - 500,000 tons of TNT) recorded over central Russia on February 15, 2013. This small asteroid that exploded in the atmosphere near Chelyabinsk, Russia was about 20 meters in size
before it hit the Earth. While that impact focused public attention on the potential hazards of NEO impacts with Earth, space scientists have long known that such events are just a part of Earth's geologic history.

NASA's Near Earth Object (NEO) Observations Program finds, tracks, and characterizes asteroids whose orbits bring them within approximately 50 million kilometers (31 million miles) of Earth's orbit about the sun.

"We now know that Earth's atmosphere does a great job of protecting Earth from small asteroids", said NASA NEO Observations Program Executive Lindley Johnson. The new data will be extrapolated to estimate more precisely the frequency of impacts by asteroids large enough to cause ground damage.
"How big is the population of larger asteroids we really need to worry about? We need to better understand that." Johnson said.

While the new data emphasize that small asteroid impacts with Earth are not unusual, the risk of future impacts is not to be taken lightly. "The aim is to find potentially hazardous asteroids before they find us," said Donald Yeomans, manager of NASA's NEO Program Office at the Jet Propulsion

NASA's Asteroid Initiative features a Grand Challenge to the community "to create a plan to find all asteroid threats to human populations and know what to do about them."

The NEO Observations Program already has identified more than 96 percent of the estimated population of nearly one thousand one-kilometer or larger
sized asteroids. The Program's current objective is to identify 90 percent or more of the far more numerous NEOs larger than 140-meters in diameter. It is estimated they may be as much as 25 times more numerous than 1 kilometer asteroids.

Every day, Earth is bombarded with more than 100 tons of dust and sand-sized particles from space. About once a year, an automobile-sized asteroid hits Earth's atmosphere, creating a spectacular fireball (bolide) event as the friction of the Earth's atmosphere causes them to disintegrate - sometimes explosively.

Studies of Earth's history indicate that about once every 5,000 years or so on average an object the size of a football field hits Earth and causes significant damage. Once every few million years on average an object large enough to cause regional or global disaster impacts Earth. Impact craters on Earth, the Moon and other planetary bodies are evidence of these occurrences.

Meteor Crater near Winslow, Arizona, is evidence of the impact with Earth's surface of a 50-meter asteroid about 50,000 years ago. Impact of the metal-rich object released energy equivalent to a 10 megaton explosion and formed a 1.2 kilometer-diameter crater. Scientists have identified several dozen
impact craters in North America alone, most masked by erosion and vegetation.

Scientific assessments of the risk of, as well as the hazards posed by, future asteroid impacts with Earth vary. In a 2013 paper published in Nature, Peter Brown and his colleagues reported that "telescopic surveys have only discovered about 500 near-Earth asteroids that are 10-20 meters
in diameter (comparable to the Chelyabinsk asteroid) of an estimated near-Earth asteroid population of around 2 x 10 7 [20 million], implying that a significant impactor population at these sizes could be present but not yet cataloged in the discovered near-Earth asteroid population."

"These newly released data will help NEO scientists construct a more complete picture of the frequency and scope of asteroid impacts with Earth," said Johnson.

In conducting its work, the NEO Observations Program collaborates with other U.S. government agencies, other national and international entities, and professional and amateur astronomers around the world. NASA works closely with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other federal
government departments and agencies on NEO impact warning, mitigation and response planning. The Program is responsible for facilitating communications between the astronomical community, the federal government and the public about NEO impact hazards and risks. The NEO Observations Program is a lead participant in a newly organized International Asteroid Warning Network.

For more information:



For a documented list of bolide events, see:

P.G. Brown et al., The flux of small near-Earth objects colliding with
the Earth. Nature, vol. 420, 21 Nov. 2002, pp. 294-296

P.G. Brown et al., A 500-kiloton airburst over Chelyabinsk and an enhanced
hazard from small impactors, Nature 503, 14 November 2013

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

14 November 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 14NOV2014

Rosetta's Comet Lander Landed Three Times
The Rosetta mission's Philae comet lander bounced off the surface twice before coming to rest on the surface. Many of its science instruments have already sent back data. ...

Look for Leonids meteor shower early Tuesday morning
Bellingham Herald
The Leonid meteor shower will reach its peak Monday night and Tuesday morning. Now, South Sound astronomers just need the clouds to cooperate.

Comet Siding Spring Captured by ISRO's Mars Orbiter
Science Times
After a preliminary analysis of the mineral traces, researchers found that the meteor was composed of eight trace minerals and metals

'Black Beauty' meteorite found in 2011 expected to fetch £63,000
Daily Mail - 22 hours
The ‘Black Beauty’ meteorite from Mars was discovered in the Sahara Desert in 2011. Less than two inches long, it is expected to fetch ...

Magnetic fields frozen into meteorite grains tell a shocking tale of solar system birth
EurekAlert! - 4 hours
( Arizona State University ) Astrophysicist Steve Desch of ASU's School of Earth and Space Exploration says that magnetic clues in a ...

Could There Be Organic Matter on Mars?
SPACE.com - 9 hours
The origins of organic matter found by Mars lander missions have long been debated, but a new study suggests a way to find out whether these ...

New Horizons Set to Wake Up for Pluto Encounter
November 13, 2014
NASA's New Horizons spacecraft comes out of hibernation for the last
time on Dec. 6. Between now and then, while the Pluto-bound probe enjoys
three more weeks of electronic slumber, work on Earth is well under way
to prepare the spacecraft for a six-month encounter with the dwarf
planet that begins in January. ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for November 15-21, 2014
American Meteor Society
Since it will be less than half illuminated it will not compromise meteor watching unless you view directly toward the moon. As the week progresses ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Japan Bolide Meteor 13NOV2014 -2014年11月13日22:17:36JST 火球

Tokyo / Osaka, Japan Bolide Meteor 2217 JST 13NOV2014 -2014年11月13日22:17:36JST 火球
Seen from both Tokyo and Osaka! This was a small asteroid!

"click on image to enlarge"
Tokyo / Osaka, Japan Bolide Meteor 2217 JST 13NOV2014-2014年11月13日22:17:36JST 火球
C2014 SonotaCo / Site Admin
SonotaCO Meteor Forum for more photos and videos of the event-

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

VA MD NC Meteor 14NOV2014

VA MD NC Meteor Apprx. 2000 EST 14NOV2014

Check your security cameras!

Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.


Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
14NOV2014 Jennifer Vallandingham Knoxville, MD USA 2109 EST,PM 3 SECS W-S WHITE MOON NO BIG WHITE SHOOTING STAR

14NOV2014 Walter Goldschmidt Fairfax, Va USA 21:02 EST 1-2 Seconds SW ~50 degrees to 20 degrees (straight down) White Moon No straight down, bright streak

14NOV2014 Rick Hunter Stokesdale, NC USA 21:00 PM EST 4 seconds United States white moon no very bright with long tail

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

[IMO-News] WGN Vol. 42, No. 5

International Meteor Organization-News- WGN Vol. 42, No. 5

WGN - Journal of the International Meteor Organization
Volume 42, Number 5, October 2014, pages 155-204

The new issue of this Journal is now in print. It will be posted
shortly; subscribers should receive it soon. Subscribers can also access
the Journal in PDF format immediately through the IMO's web site

All WGN subscribers will receive this. Those who are also IMO Members
will receive the new Administrative Booklet as well.

The Journal contents are below.

Letter - Meteoroid streams, meteor showers
Juergen Rendtel ................................................ 155

From the Treasurer - IMO Membership/WGN Subscription Renewal
for 2015
Marc Gyssens ................................................... 157

Letter - The CMN catalogue of orbits for 2012
Croatian Meteor Network ........................................ 157

International Meteor Conference 2014 report
Auriane Egal ................................................... 158

First announcement of the International Meteor Conference 2015
Thomas Weiland ................................................. 160

Details of the Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference,
Poznan, Poland, 22-25 August 2013
Marc Gyssens, Paul Roggemans, and PrzemyslZoladek, editors ..... 160

Various meteor scenes I: the perception and the conception of
a 'meteor shower'
Masahiro Koseki ............................................... 170

Various meteor scenes II: Cygnid-Draconid Complex (kappa-Cygnids)
Masahiro Koseki ............................................... 181

Meteorite producing fragment on the Apophis' orbit
Alexandra Terentjeva, Elena Bakanas ............................ 198

Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network - June 2014
Sirko Molau, Javor Kac, Stefano Crivello, Enrico Stomeo, Geert
Barentsen, Rui Goncalves, and Antal Igaz ......................... 201

Those who do not subscribe to this Journal, but wish to, should see the
IMO's web site
and follow the link to WGN. As well as subscribing to WGN, you can
apply to join IMO at the same time. We encourage you to do this.

Writing for WGN
This Journal welcomes papers submitted for publication. Papers could
include (but are not limited to) theoretical articles, shower analyses,
observing reports, and other meteor related articles.
All papers are reviewed for scientific content, and edited for English
and style. Instructions for authors can be found in WGN 31:4, 124-128,
and at <http://www.imo.net/docs/writingforwgn.pdf>.

Javor Kac
WGN, Journal of the International Meteor Organization

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

13 November 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 13NOV2014

European Spacecraft Lands on Comet in Historic Space Feat
She originally hails from Knoxville, Tennessee where she and her family would take trips to dark spots on the outskirts of town to watch meteor ...

Brilliant Leonids Meteor Shower Peak Occurs Morning of Nov. 18
NASA Blogs
This year's Leonids meteor shower peaks on the morning of Nov. 18. If forecasters are correct, the shower should produce a mild but pretty sprinkling ...

Meteor shower peaks Nov. 17, a few fireballs early
WHNS Greenville
There is no way to know for sure, but these sightings may have been meteors associated with the mid November meteor shower called the Leonid ...

Rosetta's Singing Comet
Jet Propulsion Laboratory - November 11, 2014
[Audio File]
Sound wave superimposed on an image of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
A set of instruments on the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft
has picked up a mysterious "song" from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Image credit: ESA/NASA/JPL-Caltech ...

European space probe makes first landing on a comet
by Stephen Clark - Spaceflight Now -November 12, 2014
DARMSTADT, Germany - After making history Wednesday as the first spacecraft
to touch down on a comet, Europe's Philae lander collected data on the
rugged alien world's environment and may have rebounded into space ...

Diamond discovered in Sierra foothills meteorite
Lake Tahoe News - 19 hours
By Gamaliel Ortiz, KCRA-TV The mysteries behind the meteorites that rained over California’s gold country in 2012 are becoming a little ...

Experts descend into Siberan crater to learn about its origins
Daily Mail - 13 hours
When frozen, the crater (pictured) in the Yamal Peninsula of Sibera is 54ft (16.5 metres) deep and scientists captured the new images by ...

Rovers completely miss once-in-a-lifetime meteorshower on Mars
Science Recorder
Siding Spring's meteor shower on Mars would have been “stunning” to humans, according to a University of Colorado scientist.

Meteor sighted passing over Georgia, Southeast US
ATLANTA (WXIA) – At least five reports of a meteor going overhead were received from Georgia Tuesday evening – and up to 10 reports came from ...
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12NOV2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Campinas, Brasil Daytime Fireball Meteor 21"55 UTC 10NOV2014c2014 Bramon / Julio Lobo Astronomia. Campinas, Brasil Daytime Fireball Meteor .

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11NOV2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Nasa has confirmed a fireball five times brighter than a full moon took place ahead of twometeor showers set to peak over the next week. The fireball . ...

Meteor sighted passing over Georgia, Southeast US
Signs of the Times
At least five reports of a meteor going overhead were received from Georgia Tuesday evening - and up to 10 reports came from neighboring states ...

Meteor Showers In November 2014
Brevard Times
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida -- Night skywatchers will be treated to two meteor showers in mid-November 2014. The Taurid meteorshower peaks on ...

VA Meteor 10NOV2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports- 10NOV2014 Tom Mays Salem, VA 21:36 EST 2 South to North Green moon No Looked like a firework fragment

Texas Meteor 11NOV2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports- 11NOV2014 Shelly Ritch Bullard, Texas USA 2:55:00 2 seconds south lower sky slight right to left whitish/poof (likee a ...
American Meteor Society
AMS received 9 reports about a fireball seen over IN, MI and OH on November 11th 2014 around 11:29 (UTC)

5 reports
American Meteor Society
AMS received 5 reports about a fireball seen over MA on November 11th 2014 around 22:49 (UTC)

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

12 November 2014

VA MD Meteor 12NOV2014

VA MD Meteor Apprx. 2050 EST 12NOV2014

Check your security cameras!

Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.


Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
12NOV2014 Walter Goldschmidt Fairfax, Virginia, USA 20:46:00 1-2 seconds N, from ~45 degrees to ~20 degrees Light Green/Blue Moon No Path was straight down. I was facing directly north.

12NOV2014 Jeffrey Manassas, Va , USA 20:45,EST, PM no longer than 4-6 sec N/NW almost certainly impacted, almost straight down, I was facing North. White with green hue about the brightness of the moon no fragmentation lost visual as it entered tree line 600-700 yds away, possibly even falling into river. It entered my fried of vision quickly and defended into the tree line even faster. So fast I had to second guess what I'd seen. I look out this window 2-10 time a night. Aircraft approach IAD on final decent. And I can see the t

12NOV2014 Sandra Ehrlich Freeland, MD,USA 20:45PM aprox. very quick, eye blink or breath from S.E to N.W, bright white, no sound same as star no, but it was falling down if I had blinked I would have missed it

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

UK Meteor 12NOV2014

UK Meteor Apprx. 2230 GMT 12NOV2014

Check your security cameras!

Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.


Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
12NOV2014 Dr Jack Lee Winslow, UK 22.33 UTC/GMT 20 United Kingdom white/orange Venus No I was observing with my telescope and saw a birght meteor shoot from North West to West. Birghtest I have ever seen in long time astronomy. Left a long cloud in the sky for many minutes

12NOV2014 Chris Cullen Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England 22.20 UTC/GMT 7 North to South Larger fireball, 10x larger than brightest star, looked below jet aeroplane height, bright orange tail,. I thought it was going to reach land, but made a tiny 'phut' sound as it burnt out. 10x bigger/brighter than brightest visible object in night sky (no moon visible). No It was fairly slow moving for a meteorite compared to previous higher objects observed. The tail was much broader too. Must have bee lower as distinct colour (orange) could be seen.

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

ESA Rosetta #CometLanding webcast

ESA Rosetta #CometLanding webcast
Science Event · More event details ...


Wed Nov, 12 2014 4:00 AM TST — Thu Nov, 13 2014 4:00 AM TST

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12NOV2014

Siding Springs Comet Came in Close For a MartianMeteor Shower
Science Times
Earlier last month, on Oct. 19, researchers from the world's top space agencies were able to catch a glimpse at one of the rarest sights in space.

Brasil Daytime Fireball Meteor 10NOV2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Campinas, Brasil Daytime Fireball Meteor 21"55 UTC 10NOV2014c2014 Bramon / Julio Lobo Astronomia. Campinas, Brasil Daytime Fireball Meteor ...

VT NJ Meteor 10NOV2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports- 10NOV2014 Phoebe Pacheco Fayston, VT 4:35 East AM 3-4 secs Center of sky to edge, right to left facing Southeast .

European Spacecraft Set to Harpoon a Comet Tomorrow
European Space Agency's Rosetta mission will attempt to land on a comet tomorrow, Nov. 12.

Diamonds, Other Treasures Found In Gold Rush Meteorite
redOrbit - 9 hours
Provided by Jessica Culler, NASA's Ames Research Center Researchers digging deeper into the origins of the Sutter's Mill meteorite , which

Videos capture fireball in Texas sky
Yahoo News via Yahoo! News - 8 hours
A meteor five times brighter than a full moon lit up the skies above Texas over the weekend, officials said Monday. Residents across Texas ...

Rosetta Mission: Scientists Gear up for Dramatic Bid to Land Probe on Comet
Wall Street Journal
A short while ago they detected a large meteor that would pass between the earth and the moon, which it did. They only noticed it four days or so ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Japan Earthquake MAG 4.7 0953 JST 12NOV2014

Japan Earthquake MAG 4.7  0953 JST 12NOV2014
Breaking News-

09:53 JST 12 Nov 2014 36.2N 140.1E 70 km Depth  4.7  Epicenter -Ibaraki-ken Nambu

JMA Offical Page-

No damage expected.  No tsunami danger.

Japan Meteorological Agency - Earthquake Data Page-

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

11 November 2014

Texas Meteor 11NOV2014

Texas Meteor approx. 02"55 CST 11NOV2014
"click on image to enlarge"
Texas Meteor approx. 02"55 CST 11NOV2014
v.2 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Check your security cameras!

Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.


Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
11NOV2014 Shelly Ritch Bullard, Texas USA 2:55:00 2 seconds south lower sky slight right to left whitish/poof (likee a quiet firework going out) much brighter and larger than falling star No clear sky, bright moon

11NOV2014 Jack Austin, Texas ~2:45 CST AM 1-2 seconds. It was South East of central Austin; descending. Bright center; large green radius. No audible sound here. At least as bright as the moon. I saw no fragmentation, but I may have missed it. I lost sight of it behind some trees as it fell.

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

TX Meteor 10NOV2014

TX Meteor Apprx. 2115 CST 10NOV2014

Check your security cameras!

Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.


Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
10NOV2014 Jana Carmona, Texas USA 21:20:00 5 secs East Bright white Very bright No I walked outside and noted a very bright white light fallng from the sky. I've seen many fallng stars in my life but this was very different

10NOV2014 Kevin Hermes Austin, TX USA 21:15pm CST Approx 3 to 4 seconds We were in the car facing North. The (meteor?) flew across the sky on our left heading NW Green! No sound noticed. As bright as Venus. No No

10NOV2014 Kristopher Galland TYLER, TEXAS, USA 20:10 CST 1.5-2 seconds 60degrees from horizon to 10 degrees above SSE Horizon. I was facing SSE travel was left to right Large green ball with very long tail appeared to disentegrate approximately 10-15 degrees above horizon. Fragmentation, yes appeared to "explode" no sound was heard from my position Bright as the moon, only glowing the shade Argon gas lighting. Bright Green yes A sight I will never forget.

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Ontario, Canada / NY OH MI Meteor 11NOV2014

Ontario, Canada / NY OH MI Meteor  approx. 00:30, EST 11NOV2014
"click on image to enlarge"
Ontario, Canada / NY OH MI Meteor  approx. 00:30, EST 11NOV2014
v.3 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Check your security cameras!

Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.


Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
11NOV2014 Bill Muise Guelph, Ontario, Canada 00:30, Est, am 10-15 seconds North/east Green flames, distant boom Brighter than the moon Not that I saw There may have been a sizzle noise

11NOV2014 Johnny b Hamilton ontario canada 00:30, Est, am 10 seconds north green bright green descending no no

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Brasil Daytime Fireball Meteor 10NOV2014

Campinas, Brasil Daytime Fireball Meteor 21"55 UTC 10NOV2014
Campinas, Brasil Daytime Fireball Meteor 21"55 UTC 10NOV2014
c2014 Bramon / Julio Lobo Astronomia

 Campinas, Brasil Daytime Fireball Meteor 21"55 UTC 10NOV2014
c2014 Bramon / Julio Lobo Astronomia

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

VA PA NJ DE MD Meteor 10NOV2014

VA PA NJ DE MD Meteor approx. 21"36 EST 10NOV2014 w/ Fragmentation!
10 Reports!
"click On image to enlarge"
VA PA NJ DE MD Meteor approx. 21"36 EST 10NOV2014 w/ Fragmentation!
v.3 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Check your security cameras!

Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.


Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
10NOV2014 Tom Mays Salem, VA 21:36 EST 2 South to North Green moon No Looked like a firework fragment

10NOV2014 Chris Richmond, Va USA 2130pm est 5-7 seconds western sky...left to right bright white and green moon yes....atleast 4 pieces beautiful

All 10 meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

VT NJ Meteor 10NOV2014

VT NJ Meteor approx. 04"35 EST 10NOV2014
"click On image to enlarge"
VT NJ Meteor approx. 04"35 EST 10NOV2014
v.1 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Check your security cameras!

Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.


Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
10NOV2014 Phoebe Pacheco Fayston, VT 4:35 East AM 3-4 secs Center of sky to edge, right to left facing Southeast Bright orange Brightness of a bonfire across the sky Could not tell Only saw it about halfway through from window

10NOV2014 Chris M. Newark NJ USA EST 0435AM 4 S-N facing north whitish to green venus yes a second one just east of the first one, only white in color

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11NOV2014

Diamond discovered in Sierra foothills meteorite
KCRA 3 Sacramento - 1 hour
The mysteries behind the meteorites that rained over California's gold country in 2012 are becoming a little clearer.

A Vatican astronomer talks God and meteorites
Detroit Free Press
Michigan native Brother Guy Consolmagno is one of 12 Vatican astronomers. He oversees the Vatican's meteorite collection.

Nasa Confirms 'Unusual' Fireball Over Texas Ahead of Taurid and Leonid Meteor Showers
International Business Times UK
Nasa has confirmed a fireball five times brighter than a full moon took place ahead of two meteor showers set to peak over the next week. The fireball ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

10 November 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10NOV2014

Texas / Mexico Bolide Meteor 08NOV2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports- 08NOV2014 Thomas Austin 2050PM/UCT was inside; only saw 3-4 seconds of it United States Fire trail from object ...

Siding Spring Comet's Meteor Shower affects Martian Atmosphere
Maine News Online
A meteor shower by comet Siding Spring was recorded on Mars last month and researchers have now gathered consolidated data from NASA ...

Handheld scanner for meteor scatter?
Stargazers Lounge
I`m getting more interested in amateur radio and wondering if a good hand held scanner can be used for meteor detection?. I`ve been looking at the .

NASA Confirms Meteor Hit in Central Texas
ABC News - Go.com ⋅ 01:30
NASA Confirms Meteor Hit in Central Texas. The fireball that went across the sky was measured at 4 feet long and 4,000 pounds. 01:39 | 11/10/2014.

Images of Possible Meteor Over Texas Skies
Yahoo News
Watch the video Images of Possible Meteor Over Texas Skies on Yahoo News . Incredible streaks of light were spotted over the city of San Antonio.

Texas Residents Report Seeing Meteor Streaking across Saturday Night Sky
Maine News
"This was definitely what we call a fireball, which by definition is ameteor brighter than the planet Venus. This event was so bright that it was picked up ...

Meteor lights up Southwest US skies
News 13
A meteor streaked across the Southwestern United States. Residents from California to South Texas took to Twitter to mention the size and speed of ...

Fort Hood Area Events
Just what are the chances that when pressing on the shutter button while photographing the Solero Latin Band a falling star appears, a meteor?

Meteor Seen Across Lone Star State
They told reporters in a conference call today that this event was so bright that it was picked up on a NASA meteor camera in the mountains of New ...

Fireball in Texas sky sparks astronomy interest
AUSTIN (KXAN) — By now, you've probably seen the video showing some sort of fireball – possibly a meteor – fly through the sky above Texas ...

Fireball in Texas sky shakes ground, rattles homes: Was it ameteor? (+Video)
Shortly after 8 p.m. Saturday night, a fireball was spotted streaking across the Texas sky and many witnesses say it was a meteor. The sighting of a trail ...

Watch: Texas meteor streaks through the sky!
Turns out it was a meteor, the Weather Service said. This is an active time for meteor showers, according to the American Meteor Society.

Meteor falls near Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico on Saturday evening, November 8th
Eagle Pass Business Journal
A long bright blue tail of a meteor lit up the dark evening sky of northern Coahuila, Mexico on Saturday, November 8, 2014, at approximately 9 P.M. ...

Meteor? 'Green light' streaks across Texas sky
The American Meteor Society reported on its website that it had received more than 200 reports about a bright fireball over San Antonio at 8:45 p.m. ...

Fireball lit up Texas sky, residents say; was caught on cameraCBS 5 Phoenix - 34 minutes
What burns five times brighter than a full moon and flies through the air with its tail sticking out behind it?

Hundreds Witness Bright Meteor in South Texas
The dashcam video captured the moment in San Antonio around 8:45pm Saturday night when a bright light can be seen streaking across the sky.

Fireball caught on camera streaking across Texas sky
ABC 13 Houston - 9 hours
It's believed the fireball was a meteor, but so far no confirmed meteorite debris has been found

Fireball lights up Texas skyCNN - 6 hours
What burns bright green and flies through the air with its tail sticking out behind it?

Where did Saturday Night's Fireball Come From?
KIII Corpus Christi - 3 hours
What burns bright and flies through the air with its tail sticking out behind it? Possibly a tiny remnant of a comet that disintegrated some ...

Meteor? ‘Green light’ flashes across Texas sky, is caught on camera
FOX 8 WGHP - 8 hours
What burns bright green and flies through the air with its tail sticking out behind it? Possibly a tiny remnant of a comet that disintegrated ...

VIDEO: Brilliant fireball seen across Texas sky
KHON 2 Honolulu - 18 hours
Reports in Texas indicate the meteor, likely a small rock or piece of space debris, entered the atmosphere at about 8:45 p.m.

Security cam footage of meteor fireball from Arlington, TX DFW 11/8/2014
YouTube ⋅ 00:08
Security cam footage of meteor fireball from Arlington, TX DFW 11/8/2014.

meteor spotted all over Texas tonight at 8:45 pm followed by a loud
Large "green" meteor spotted all over Texas tonight at 8:45 pm followed by a .... Topix forum posts from Eagle Pass residents regarding the meteor: ..

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

09 November 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 09NOV2014

Dash cam video of meteor over Hewitt, Tx.
YouTube ⋅ 00:45
Meteor over Texas captured on my dash cam, 11/08/2014.

Bright light in sky sets social media abuzz
Maverick Co. Sheriffs Dept reported the ground shaking due to a #meteor landing around 8:45PM. Lots of confirmations in the area....

Meteor? 'Green light' streaks across the sky
Meteor in North Texas? A YouTube viewer posted an alleged video of the fireball that flew across the sky on Nov. 8, 2014. (Photo: YouTube / shadeth).

Meteor shower lights up the sky
KPRC Houston
HOUSTON - If you're one of the many people in the Houston area who saw shooting streaks of light in the sky Saturday evening, don't worry. The earth ...

Lights flash across Texas sky
... Antonio office twitted Saturday night stating, “Still no official confirmed reports of anyone actually witnessing the #meteor landing or where if it did.

VIDEO: Meteor seen across Texas sky
... reported having seen a meteor which many witnesses described as a 'bright green fireball' shooting through the sky around 8:45 p.m. Saturday.

VIDEO: Brilliant fireball seen across Texas sky
AUSTIN (KXAN) – KXAN viewers from all over Central Texas report seeing a meteor many describe as “lighting up the sky.” Reports indicate the ...

Texas Storm Chasers
Video of the meteor seen in San Antonio around 8:45 PM CST. Folks all across Texas reported seeing a bright green flash. Some even heard a loud ...

Carrollton, TX Meteor 11/8/2014
YouTube ⋅ 00:13
Caught this meteor on dash cam at 8:31pm while heading southwest through Carrollton, TX.

Bright green shooting star / meteor, San Antonio, TX, 08 NOV 2014 dashcam
YouTube ⋅ 00:19
NO AUDIO. Driving west on Hausman road in San Antonio TX, we captured this on our car's dash camera. Note, time clock on video is off by an hour ...

Texas Meteorite - Fireball In Texas. Meteor Spotted In Texas San Antonio
YouTube ⋅02:14
... Meteorite - meteorite over Texas. Texas fireball in the sky. Fireball In Texas. Meteor Spotted In Texas. texas meteor spotted over the Texas skies. a m...

Meteor Streaks Through the San Antonio Sky
YouTube ⋅ 00:55
Meteor Streaks Through the San Antonio Sky Meteor Streaks Through the San Antonio Sky Meteor Streaks Through the San Antonio Sky Meteor ...

Asteroid Defense - Casualty in Chilled US-Russia Relations - Expert
Russian Information Agency Novosti - 20 hours
Space cooperation and even asteroid defense agreements between the United States and Russian governments have been sacrificed as a result of ..

Evidence Of Alien Life: International Space Agency Allegedly Attempts Stealing Meteor Fragments ...
The Inquisitr
Weerawansa accuses the agency of attempting to take possession of the raw material and information based on meteor fragments that fell into a ...

BACKYARD ASTRONOMER: Catch fleeting meteors and bright planets in November
Sierra Vista Herald
To steal a phrase from Forrest Gump's mama, meteor showers are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.

Spectacular meteor storm lights up Mars during recent comet flyby
Astro Bob
On October 19, when Comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring flew just 87,000 miles from Mars, dust from its tail set the sky aglow with a meteor storm.

10 reports
American Meteor Society
AMS received 10 reports about a fireball seen over OH, PA and WV on November 8th 2014 around 02:00 (UTC)

Meteor around Pine Junction Fri evening
Did anyone see a meteor or strange light in the southern sky (I think) coming up from the east 285 before Pine Junction? It was 6:17pm and the sky ...

Weekly Wrap Up: Fireballs Ignite Across Skies Worldwide
In a September interview with Accu Weather.com, American Meteor Society Spokesman Robert Lunsford said that fireballs are much larger than typical ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 08NOV20...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Using the observations, scientists were able to make a direct connection between the input of debris from the meteor shower to the subsequent .

NASA: Comet bombarded Mars sky with meteor shower
NASA: Comet bombarded Mars sky with meteor shower. (AP Photo/NASA/JPL). This handout artist's concept provided by NASA/JPL shows the Comet ...

Leonid Meteor Shower 2014
The Leonid Meteor Shower Sensation of November 2014. Join Slooh as we provide hours of visual and audio coverage of the Leonid Meteor Shower.

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!