Showing posts with label Javor Kac. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Javor Kac. Show all posts

14 November 2014

[IMO-News] WGN Vol. 42, No. 5

International Meteor Organization-News- WGN Vol. 42, No. 5

WGN - Journal of the International Meteor Organization
Volume 42, Number 5, October 2014, pages 155-204

The new issue of this Journal is now in print. It will be posted
shortly; subscribers should receive it soon. Subscribers can also access
the Journal in PDF format immediately through the IMO's web site

All WGN subscribers will receive this. Those who are also IMO Members
will receive the new Administrative Booklet as well.

The Journal contents are below.

Letter - Meteoroid streams, meteor showers
Juergen Rendtel ................................................ 155

From the Treasurer - IMO Membership/WGN Subscription Renewal
for 2015
Marc Gyssens ................................................... 157

Letter - The CMN catalogue of orbits for 2012
Croatian Meteor Network ........................................ 157

International Meteor Conference 2014 report
Auriane Egal ................................................... 158

First announcement of the International Meteor Conference 2015
Thomas Weiland ................................................. 160

Details of the Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference,
Poznan, Poland, 22-25 August 2013
Marc Gyssens, Paul Roggemans, and PrzemyslZoladek, editors ..... 160

Various meteor scenes I: the perception and the conception of
a 'meteor shower'
Masahiro Koseki ............................................... 170

Various meteor scenes II: Cygnid-Draconid Complex (kappa-Cygnids)
Masahiro Koseki ............................................... 181

Meteorite producing fragment on the Apophis' orbit
Alexandra Terentjeva, Elena Bakanas ............................ 198

Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network - June 2014
Sirko Molau, Javor Kac, Stefano Crivello, Enrico Stomeo, Geert
Barentsen, Rui Goncalves, and Antal Igaz ......................... 201

Those who do not subscribe to this Journal, but wish to, should see the
IMO's web site
and follow the link to WGN. As well as subscribing to WGN, you can
apply to join IMO at the same time. We encourage you to do this.

Writing for WGN
This Journal welcomes papers submitted for publication. Papers could
include (but are not limited to) theoretical articles, shower analyses,
observing reports, and other meteor related articles.
All papers are reviewed for scientific content, and edited for English
and style. Instructions for authors can be found in WGN 31:4, 124-128,
and at <>.

Javor Kac
WGN, Journal of the International Meteor Organization

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!