11 August 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11AUG2012

Perseid meteor shower showcases natural fireworks
The International Meteor Organization and "The Observer's Handbook 2012" explain that the zenithal hourly rate is about 90 to 100 meteors each hour. Although you'll never see that many, be happy with a few. The shower supposedly will peak Sunday at 8 ...

Perseid Meteor Showers set to light up Philadelphia skies this weekend. Aug 10 ...
Named because they seem to radiate from the constellation Perseus, this meteorshower will peak this weekend through August 13th. It is not uncommon to see up to 60 meteors an hour with the Perseids. The moon is in a waning crescent phase, meaning is ...

This Weekend: Perseid meteor shower and free opera concert
The Perseid meteor shower will reach its height this weekend. There will be an estimated 50 to 60 meteors per hour. The Perseid shower is considered one of the most reliable meteor showers that occur in the Northern Hemisphere. In addition to the...

Where To Watch The Perseid Meteor Shower This Weekend
The Perseid Meteor Shower kicks off tonight, lasts through Monday and peaks in the wee hours of Sunday morning. This year the meteors are supposed to give a particularly good show since there will only be a waning sliver of a moon in the sky giving off ...

The Skinny on Viewing the Perseids Meteor Shower
The forecast for Saturday and Sunday nights in the Canon-Mac area is for partly cloudy skies (and maybe even rain) with overnight low temperatures hovering around 70 degrees, but we hope that doesn't keep you from looking up this weekend. Because you ...

Perseids Meteor Shower 2012: Peak Time and Place to Watch in SW Minneapolis
If the clouds cooperate (that means, if they stay away), you can see the annual meteor shower any night this week, but it will be strongest on Sunday morning around 4 a.m., said Terry Jones, astrophysics professor the University of Minnesota. The ...

Perseid meteor shower to dazzle the night sky this weekend ...
From the blog Technology News Blog: If your head frequently gets lost in the stars — and really, with the Curiosity landing still so fresh, who could blame you ...

Perseids Meteor Shower Maximum Is This Weekend - Slashdot
New submitter turp182 writes to remind us that the Perseid meteor shower will be visible this weekend (Aug. 11-13). Astronomers are anticipating the Perseid ...

Meteor showers to be visible on 11th August night - Hindustan Times
Try to get as far from city lights as possible on August 11 and you will be able to see meteorshowers in the sky.

Viewer's guide to meteor showers - Mother Nature Network
Here's a look at a few annual meteor showers and what we've learned from them through the years.

Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks This Weekend - weather.com
Get the latest weather news from weather.com. The annual Perseid meteor shower peaks Saturday night through Sunday morning, and this year's shower ...

Sky Gazing: Help NASA Gather Meteor Data This Weekend With ...
Watch the Perseid Meteor shower this weekend (a hundred shooting stars an hour!) and help NASA at the same time. Here's how.

Deluxe Meteor Shower - Radiolab
So I'm guessing there's a .0009 chance that Radiolab fans don't already know this, but I just learned that this ...

Look to the skies - Perseid meteor showers reach their peak this ...
Looking for something to photograph this weekend? How about the Perseid meteor showers (which should be visible over the next few evenings and nights)?

This weekend: Perseid meteor shower - Birmingham ...
The Perseid meteor shower is expected to be an above average performance this year. The ...

Year's best shooting star show, Perseid meteor shower, hits Bay Area this ...
San Jose Mercury News
The famous "old faithful" meteor shower -- the Perseids -- peaks late Saturday night and Sunday morning, producing probably your best chance this year to see shooting stars, astronomers say. The forecast calls for mostly clear skies inland with only a ...

Perseid meteor shower peaks early Sunday
Los Angeles Times
The annual Perseid meteor shower begins late Friday night, with the peak occurring in the early hours of Sunday morning local time. The number of visible meteors is generally lower than during December's Geminid meteor shower, but the Perseids are ...

Perseid Meteor Shower 2012: Shooting Stars Sunday Morning
ABC News
Go outside in the wee hours of Sunday morning and, if the night sky is clear, you may see exquisite showers. The Perseid meteor shower of 2012 is expected to peak Sunday between midnight and dawn, and if you're in a good, dark place, you might see more ...

Tips for best viewing of Perseid meteor shower's peak
Get out your thermos and sleeping bag, this year's Perseid meteor shower will peak Saturday night into Sunday morning. It's already "looking very good," in the words of Bill Cooke, who tracks meteors for NASA at Marshall Space Flight Center in ...

Perseid Meteor Shower May Dazzle This Weekend: How to Watch Online
The annual Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend and if you can't catch the "shooting star" spectacle in person, have no fear. You can tune in online for live views of the meteor display from NASA. NASA is inviting people to participate in its "Up ...

Meteor showers! This weekend is optimum viewing
Mason City Globe Gazette
With thousands of other astronomy enthusiasts across the world, he will be watching for a light show provided by the annual Perseid meteor showers. “It's like playing the lottery,” said Toomsen. “There are no two experiences that are the same.” That's ...

Space News: Meteor smoke makes strange clouds
Lake County News
Anyone who has ever seen a noctilucent cloud or “NLC” would agree: They look alien. The electric-blue ripples and pale tendrils of NLCs reaching across the night sky resemble something from another world. Researchers say that's not far off.

Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks This Weekend; Nerds Expected To Break Curfew
Slate Magazine (blog)
Brew a pot of coffee, grab the lawn chair and binoculars, and get ready for the annual early morning light show. This year's Perseid meteor shower is getting under way, and is due to peak late night Saturday and Sunday before dawn. Appearing to radiate ...

For best meteor viewing, find rural spot Saturday night
Times Herald-Record
"(Saturday) night, you should be able to see a meteor or two a minute if you're in a reasonably dark sky," Bailey said. Bailey said the Perseids, although not the most spectacular of meteor showers, is one of the most watched ones, because of its ...

2012 Perseid Meteor Shower display this weekend
WJLA (blog)
The Perseid Meteor Shower will light up the sky this weekend as a result of the Earth's orbit through a debris cloud left by the Swift-Tuttle comet, which orbits the sun once every 133 years. According to NASA, the best views will be in the Northern ...

Chico Observatory still open for Perseids meteor shower tonight
The meteor shower is created by the dust trail formed by the comet Swift-Tuttle when it passed through the inner solar system in 1862. Each year between Aug. 11 and 13, the Earth passes through this cloud of mostly microscopic particles. When the ...

2012 Perseid meteor showers have begun; peak expected August 11 and 12
The Perseid meteor showers have begun over North America, and will peak Sunday, August 12, 2012. Clear skies are in the forecast for much of the United States so viewing the Perseid meteor showers should be easy to see for many Americans.

Perseid Meteor Shower—And Moon Flashes—Peaks Saturday
National Geographic
The Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend, and thanks to relatively dark skies, the 2012 edition of the annual sky show should be well suited to naked-eye stargazing. Sky-watchers with backyard telescopes, though, might join NASA in training their ...

Perseid meteor shower set to light up sky this weekend
CTV News
The Perseid meteor shower takes place every August, hitting its peak between August 11 and 13, when those looking skywards could see up to a hundred meteorites every hour - weather permitting. “The meteor rate might be up to 60, even a hundred ...

Perseid meteor shower takes center stage this weekend
Florida Today
Our lack of depth perception hides the true distance of the beginning and end of the trail, so we perceive the meteor as moving across the apparently flat sky, rather than moving down through the atmosphere. Perspective makes the nearly parallel tracks ...

Perseid meteor shower to peak this weekend
San Jose Mercury News
The year's big meteor shower, the Perseid event, will peak on Saturday night. In the Bay Area, the event will be best viewed as midnight approaches on Saturday. The waning crescent moon, whose light will be a small interference, will rise at 1 a.m. Sunday.

How to Watch the Perseid Meteor Shower
Every August for about the last 2000 years, the meteor shower Perseides has passed through the sky. The spectacle is linked to the comet Swift-Tuttle, which orbits the sun once every 133 years. Here's how it works: as Earth passes through the comet's ...

Where to See The Perseid Meteor Shower In Aliso Viejo
"The meteor shower will be hard to see from here, due to the light pollution. If you can get to a dark area with some elevation, perhaps the area up around the top of Pacific Island Dr., you might be able to see a few meteors," says Laguna Niguel ...

Look skyward: Perseid meteor shower set to pour overhead this weekend
Alaska Dispatch
If you've been hovering around the house this summer, this weekend might be your best opportunity to get out. As summer wanes and dark returns to northern skies, the annual Perseid meteor shower will pour through the heavens and put on a show for ...

What the Perseid Meteor Shower Looks Like from Space
The Atlantic
For the past week, the Perseid Meteor Shower has been crescendoing, and this weekend it will hit its peak. Visible anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere after 11pm, the dusty exhaust of the comet Swift-Tuttle will dance most vividly in the hours just ...

Meteor shower to peak early Sunday
Cecil Whig
Meteor shower to peak early Sunday By Gail Dean Special from the Star Democrat Cecil Daily | 0 comments. The annual opportunity to make wishes on “falling stars” arrives this weekend with August's Perseid meteor shower peaking around 1 a.m. Sunday.

Perseid meteor shower this weekend: how to get the best view
The Guardian
The Perseid meteor shower happens every August. Every Perseid meteor you see was once in the tail of Comet Swift-Tuttle, a 27-kilometre-wide iceberg in space. Photograph: Ali Jarekji/Reuters. The Perseid meteor display is upon us. Over the course of ...

Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend
WRAL.com (blog)
The result of debris burning up as it the atmosphere, the meteor shower occurs as Earth passes through the tail of comet Swift-Tuttle. This weekend, look to the North, just below the up-ended W-shaped constellation Cassiopeia. Meteors will appear as ...

2012 Perseid Meteor Shower
It's only natural, while you're watching a meteor shower like the Perseids, to count the number of shooting stars you see. It turns out those numbers in your head are valuable. NASA wants them.Meteor tallies gathered by amateur sky watchers can be ...

Watch the Perseid meteor shower this weekend
The annual Perseid meteor shower is coming our way this weekend. Anyone who lives in the Northern Hemisphere may be in for a good old-fashioned sky show, just by looking up. The Perseids are debris from a wandering comet that appears as shooting...

Perseid Meteor Shower 2012 this weekend! - Video ...
Watch Perseid Meteor Shower 2012 this weekend! video online at Times of India. View free ...

Perseid meteor shower: NASA explains why it'll be the year's best
Los Angeles Times
The Perseid meteor shower -- set to hit its peak this weekend -- is expected to be "the best meteorshower of the year," NASA says. That's because, in addition to the blizzard of shooting stars, some of the most stunning orbs visible to mere mortals ...

Annual meteor shower to light up sky this weekend
Global BC
Vancouverites who look up this weekend may see 60 meteors or more an hour zoom through the Earth's atmosphere, as one of the world's most spectacular annual meteor showers lights up the sky. Parts of the Perseid meteor shower — named after the ...

Meteor showers to peak early Sunday
The Star Democrat
CAMBRIDGE — The annual opportunity to make wishes on “falling stars” arrives this weekend with August's Perseid meteor showers peaking around 1 a.m. Sunday. A waning crescent moon and a weather forecast for clear skies above the Eastern Shore ...

Perseid Meteor Shower Enlivens August Nights for Local Skywatchers
Malibu Surfside News
For more than 2000 years, sky watchers have observed the annual meteor shower. Named for the constellation Perseus— the location, or radiant, in the night sky where they appear to originate, the Perseids are actually associated with the comet Swift ...

Best meteor viewing of the year this weekend
Best meteor viewing of the year this weekend. Comments. Tweet. Best meteor viewing of the year this weekend. August 10, 2012. The Perseid meteor shower has started and will be visible throughout the weekend and into Monday in B.C.. Kamloops ...

UPI NewsTrack Science and Technology News
Unlike last year when the glare of the full moon made spotting meteors difficult, this year a waning crescent moon "should be considered more of a nuisance than a deterrent," the International MeteorOrganization said. The Perseids are best observed in ...

Aug 7, 2012 | 2:21News Sacred meteorite - CBC.ca
News Sacred meteorite Aug 7, 2012 | 2:21A First Nation wants the Royal Alberta Museum to ...

Extraterrestrial Origin: Bizarre Crystal Zipped Here From Outer Space
SPACE.com Fri, 10 Aug 2012 07:26 AM PDT
Quasicrystals likely landed with a meteorite 15,000 years ago.

Researchers Hunt For Naturally Occurring Quasicrystals
redOrbit Fri, 10 Aug 2012 04:20 AM PDT
April Flowers for redOrbit.com - Your Universe Online An expedition to far eastern Russia, a 15,000 year old meteorite, secret diaries, smugglers, gold prospectors and bears; sounds like the plot to an Indiana Jones movie, right? This is the story of two researchers looking for the origin of naturally occurring quasicrystals. Who knew science could be so exciting? Writing in Reports on Progress ...

Perseid Meteor Shower 2012 Peaks This Weekend ...
The Perseid meteor shower of 2012 will reach its peak before sunrise on Sunday, Aug. 12 ...

Perseid meteor shower peaks: What skywatchers can expect
The Perseid meteor shower occurs each year in late July and early August when the Earth passes through the dusty remains of the comet Swift-Tuttle. In the night sky, themeteor shower appears to radiate out of the constellation Perseus, hence, its name ...

Meteor shower: Shooting star display to peak Sunday night
In dark locations, away from the lights of cities and suburbs, the perennially popular Perseid meteor shower can streak the sky with light up to 60 times an hour, according to Sky & Telescope. Look northeast starting about an hour before midnight as ...

Catch the Perseid meteor showers during a hike in the Simi Hills
Los Angeles Times
Looking for a good place to watch the annual Perseid meteor showers this weekend? Any dark venue away from urban lights -- say the Angeles National Forest or Santa Monica Mountains -- will do, provided you have a clear view of the night sky. Here's an ...

Meteor Shower This Saturday
Alton Daily News
One of nature's annual occurrences is the Perseid meteor shower, which is visible from mid-July each year, with the peak in activity being between August 9 and 14, depending on the particular location of the stream. This year, the peak is predicted for...

ScienceCasts: The 2012 Perseid Meteor Shower
Published on Aug 9, 2012 by ScienceAtNASA. Visit http://science.nasa.gov/ for more. The Perseidmeteor shower is underway. There's more to see than meteors, however, when the shower peaks on August 11th through 13th. The brightest planets in the solar ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

10 August 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor*Meteorite News 10AUG2012

Nobel prize-winning crystals fell to earth in meteorites
LONDON (Reuters) - The only known natural examples of a Nobel prize-winning crystal, now used in everyday objects like razor blades and non-stick frying pans, arrived on earth in meteorites, scientists have found. Israeli scientist Dan Schechtman won ...

8/3/2012 Fireball seen from Coors Field - YouTube
A fireball is seen at 0:15 during the SF Giants/CO Rockies game at Coors Field in Denver, CO
(Meteor was real??? (appeared to be NOT a meteor!; my call... faked story!) 

Meteor Activity Outlook for August 4-10, 2012 | American Meteor ...
Meteor activity kicks into high gear in August as seen from the northern hemisphere. The main reason for all this activity is the Perseid shower that peaks on ...

Lather up your weekend with the Perseid meteor shower
Washington Post (blog)
(NASA) How do you watch a meteor shower? Step one: Find yourself a clear, dark sky late in the evening. Two, pour a cool, summer beverage. Three, find a lawn chair, sit and drink aforementioned beverage. And finally, look up. Not only do we get ...

Weekender -- Meteor Showers, Truffle Burgers & Liza Minnelli
Huffington Post (blog)
With temperatures pushing 90 all week, we at Broke Girl's Guide are just about ready to ditch our work-appropriate clothing and wander into the office in a bikini. Our responsible/sane/dessert-stuffed side will hopefully prevent us from actually doing ...

Meteor shower on the horizon
Grant Tribune Sentinel
A meteor shower occurs when Earth passes through the debris stream of a comet which has passed through the inner solar system leaving bits of dust and gravel in its wake. When this debris collides with Earth's atmosphere it begins to heat and glow ...

Scientists ask: Did a meteor fall in Jacksonville 448 years ago?
Florida Times-Union
At sea in August 1564, a Spanish priest in Pedro Menendez' fleet wrote of a “miracle from heaven” — a comet as bright as the sun, streaking west toward Florida. On land, the hungry, miserable French settlers at Fort Caroline were stunned by a “stroke ...

Prodigious Perseid meteor shower to dart through sky Saturday night
Napa Valley Register
The Perseid shower is one of the two best meteor showers of the year, and this year it should be particularly good because there will be little or no moonlight to interfere with viewing, Charlesworth said in a news release. A meteor shower is caused by ...

Meteor showers to be visible on 11th August night
Newstrack India
Washington, August 9 (ANI): Try to get as far from city lights as possible on August 11 and you will be able to see meteor showers in the sky. The Perseid meteors should put on the peak of their yearly display late this Saturday night and early Sunday ...

Meteor shower event set Aug. 11 at LIGO
Mid Columbia Tri City Herald
... telescopes that will be set up around the observatory by members of the Tri-City Astronomy Club. Roy Gephart, a Tri-City astronomy buff and retired environmental scientist, also will give a presentation, starting at 8 p.m., about the Perseid meteor ...

Where to View the Perseids Meteor Shower
article[new_asset_attachment_attributes][user_id]. new_asset_attachment_attributes. With only partly cloudy skies forecast over Georgetown, we should be able to get a good view of the Perseidsmeteor shower, which is set to peak this weekend. The ...

Perseid Meteor Shower Set to Dazzle
Tellus Science Museum is presenting Friday a 7 p.m. lecture on the Perseid Meteor Shower, featuring Astronomer David Dundee and images and video clips from the museum's fireball camera. Will you be watching the Perseid Meteor shower? If so, tell us ...

2012 Perseid Meteor Shower to Dazzle on Aug. 11, 12
asset[new_asset_attachment_attributes][to_type]. Article. article[new_asset_attachment_attributes][user_id]. new_asset_attachment_attributes. According to Astronomy.com, the Perseid meteorshower,on the night of Aug. 11, has some added bonuses this ...

Where to Watch the Perseid Meteor Shower in Evanston
Northwestern University astronomer Dr. Laura Trouille will discuss the Perseid Meteor Shower and other objects in the night sky, while Field Museum geologist James Holstein will talk about meteorites that fall through the earth's atmosphere, and bring ...

Perseid Meteor Shower Visible This Coming Weekend
Boise Weekly
The Perseid meteor shower has a long and storied history with astronomers. According to Newsday, it was the ancient Chinese sky watchers who first documented the meteor event in 36 AD and wrote that "more than 100 meteors flew thither in the morning." ...

Massive meteorite crater discovered in Canadian Arctic
University of Saskatchewan researchers have unearthed evidence of a massive crater that formed when a meteorite crashed into it many millions of years ago. According to NBC News, the site of the impact measures 15 miles (25 kilometers) across and was ...

Meteor-shower party complete with s'mores planned for Muskegon and Oceana ...
Muskegon Chronicle - MLive.com
Muskegon State Park, 3560 Memorial, is hosting a meteor watching party at 9 p.m. on Sunday. Watch for meteors while noshing on s'mores provided by Michigan Department of Natural Resources officials, who are hosting the event. On display is the Perseid ...

Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend
RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR) – After a storm system sweeps through the Commonwealth Friday into Saturday, drier air should move into the Mid-Atlantic along with decreasing cloud-cover. This should hopefully make for good viewing of the popular annual ...

HUB PICK: 'The Perseid Meteor Shower'
Kearney Hub
... Perseid Meteor Shower' 0 comments. “The Perseid Meteor Shower,” featuring information on the cause of the shower and how best to view it, 8 p.m. Friday at the UNK Planetarium in Bruner Hall of Science on the University of Nebraska at Kearney campus.

How to view a Catholic meteor shower this weekend!
Catholic Online
You want to go to Saturday evening mass this weekend, if you can, because you will be awake all night Saturday, after you attend a genuine Catholic meteor shower. Yes, you read correctly, a Catholic meteor shower. Known to the faithful, as the tears of St.

Perseid Meteor Shower to Light Up the Sky
The Perseid Meteor Shower hits its stride this weekend, late Saturday night and early Sunday morning. And what stride it will be: according to NASA, expect up to 100 meteors per hour. As an extra bonus, a waning crescent moon means that moonlight won't ...

When and Where to View the Perseids Meteor Shower
With the weather forecast to be clear before dawn on Sunday, you may have the opportunity to witness the Perseids meteor shower (so-called because the Perseids—debris from an old comet—seem to emanate from the constellation Perseus). Head to an ...

Canadian geologists discover ancient meteor impact crater
Agenzia Giornalistica Italia
(AGI) Ottawa - University of Saskatchewan and Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) researchers have discovered a meteor impact crater from millions of years ago in Canada's western Arctic. Situated in northwest of Victoria Island, the crater, or ...

August 11-31, 2012 Pinnacle Mountain State Park Events
Beebe News
9 pm- 11pm - Meteor Shower Mania. View shooting stars from the middle of Lake Maumelle (if the sky and clouds cooperate)! Join a park interpreter on this guided cruise to learn about stars and constellations then watch a slice of the annual Perseid ...

Perseid Meteor Shower Campout Returns to Squaw | Squaw Valley
At Squaw's Perseid Meteor Shower Campout star gazers can watch the spectacular meteor shower and enjoy amazing views of Lake Tahoe and the ...

Night Sky Observing Guide for August 2012 (Sky Maps) | Space.com
Skywatchers will be treated to the Perseid meteor shower, several planet conjunctions, and a "blue moon" in August 2012. See tips for observing the events in ...

Perseid Meteor Shower to Light Up Sky August 11-13th | NowPublic ...
Perseid Meteor Shower to Light Up Sky August 11-13th.

Chance to see meteor shower this weekend | WJHL.com
With clear skies possibly in the forecast this weekend, you may have a chance to wish on a shooting star or stars.

The Urban Astronomer: Perseid Meteor Shower 2012
The big meteor shower of the year, the Perseids, peaks this weekend and promises a good show for all who can find dark skies and have the patience to enjoy ...

NASA scientists: Perseid meteor shower to light up ...
People on Earth will have the opportunity to see the Perseid meteor shower between August ...

Perseid meteor shower this weekend
The annual Perseid meteor shower is this weekend. You can expect to see up to one meteor each minute streaking across the sky. Meteors are tiny fragments of minerals that burn up upon hitting our atmosphere. Some Meteorites can be comprised up of ...

Weekend Planner: Meteor Shower, Concert, Back-to-School and More
Tweet. Email. Print. Comment. ‹ Back to Article. new Video_thumb. Embed | Share. Maryland skywatcher Mike Hankey captured this shot of a Quadrantid meteor after 10 hours of photography on the night of January 3–4, 2011. Mike Hankey. context. Photos (1) ...

Check out planetary display and meteor shower
Bend Bulletin
August is always an exciting month for stargazers of all ages. This year is no exception, but tonight you'll have to watch the sky just after sunset to catch a rare view. Saturn and Mars are located together low in the southwest. Together with the ...

Hamptons Agenda: Author's Night, k.d. lang, Get Wild! Summer Gala
METEOR SHOWER: The Montauk Observatory astronomers will be at the Montauk County Park on Saturday at 9 p.m. to guide those in attendance on a free tour of the Perseid Meteor Showers. You can bring the whole family with a picnic basket, lawn chairs, ...

Enjoy The Perseid Meteor Showers In The National Parks
National Parks Traveler
The meteor showers get their name because the meteors appear to 'rain' in the sky from the direction of the constellation Perseus in the northeastern sky. Perseus rises into the night sky at about 11 p.m. Meteors are icy debris and cosmic dust from the ...

Perseid Meteor Shower: The Best Places To Watch This Weekend (PHOTOS ...
Huffington Post
Perseid Meteor Shower. Not going to Outside Lands this weekend? Here's a different way to get your fix of stars and bright lights. The Perseid meteor shower is coming this weekend, and the phenomenon will peak with a spectacular show on Saturday night.

Perseids Meteor Shower Peaks This Weekend
The best place to see the Perseids meteor shower in Manassas Park maybe off Signal Hill Road—there aren't too many street lights and it will make it easier to see the shower. If you venture into the area be sure to stay out of Signal Hill Park-the ...

Something Strange Is In The Air: Noctilucent Cloud Formation And Meteor Smoke
Bits of “meteor smoke” have been detected in a noctilucent cloud (NLC), supporting an already existing theory. Noctilucent clouds were first noticed in 1885 about two years after the eruption of Krakatoa. Ash from the volcano caused great sunsets ...

Look for 'shooting stars' during Perseid Meteor Shower watch party at ...
Kalamazoo Gazette - MLive.com
KALAMAZOO, MI — Spectators will have the chance to see hundreds of "shooting stars" zoom across the night sky during the annual Perseid Meteor Shower. The Kalamazoo Astronomical Society will host a public observation session as Earth makes its ...

Perseid meteor shower 2012 expected to be great
The Perseids should be a spectacular event because the Moon is in its waning crescent phase, so the light reflecting off its lunar surface should not interfere with the meteors traveling across our night sky at over 200000 kilometers per hour (130000 ...

Perseid meteor shower to hit peak Sunday night, visible in Xiamen
What's on Xiamen
The Perseid meteor shower, also referred to as the "Tears of St. Lawrence" by some Catholics, will peak this coming weekend, and stargazers in Xiamen will be able to observe this fantastic phenomenon if the weather permits, according to Xiamen Economic ...

Star parties offered for Perseid meteor shower Saturday
Herald and News
The Klamath County Museum will host star parties Saturday at three locations for this year's occurrence of the Perseid meteor shower, according to a news release. Amateur astronomers will be at the Landrum Wayside on Highway 97 at the Oregon-California ...

Kopernik's Pegasus classes teach science lessons
Press & Sun-Bulletin
Friday: “Comets & Meteors” presentation by Kopernik staff will share images of comets, allow touching of a meteorite and show how a comet is made. Learn how to view the Perseid meteorshower, see images of past meteor showers and learn about collisions ...

View meteor shower at National Lakeshore's West Beach
PORTER | Join a ranger at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore's West Beach from 8 to 10 p.m. Friday for an evening show courtesy of the annual Perseids Meteor Shower. Learn what causes this annual event and how to help in the conservation of the night ...

Last Night's meteor Shower
This is a 28800 second video composite of the night sky above Parker, Arizona as seen by the NMSU Sky Sentinel All Sky Camera at Parker. This is showing meteors, air traffic, the moon and planets. This year's Perseid meteor shower, which is already in ...

See the Perseids Meteor Shower This Weekend
The Perseids are a meteor shower visible annually when the Earth passes through the tail of the Swift-Tuttle comet. The meteor shower has been visible for about 2000 years, according to NASA. "The Perseids can be seen all over the sky, but the best ...

Perseid Meteor Party Saturday Night
Chronicle Times
Perseid Meteor Party Saturday Night. Thursday, August 9, 2012. Cherokee Chronicle Times. (Photo). The Sanford Museum Association will be hosting a Meteor Shower Party on Saturday, August 11th, beginning at 9 p.m. Viewers may see up to 80 meteors an ...

Did meteor hit Jacksonville 448 years ago?
Florida Times-Union
Jay Huebner, a professor emeritus of physics at the University of North Florida, wants to investigate whether a meteor strike in 1564 created Round Marsh in the Timucuan Preserve. He looks over the marsh Wednesday. 4 more photos >> · 3 comments » ...

Integratron hosts Perseid meteor shower party
Hi-Desert Star
LANDERS — It's that magical time of the summer when the desert's night sky is ablaze with the Perseid meteor shower. And there's no better place to enjoy the celestial light show than the Mojave Desert Land Trust's 6th annual Perseid Meteor Shower ...

Sci-Tech Center to hold 5th annual Perseids Meteor Watch Saturday night
Watertown -- The Sci-Tech Center of Northern New York is inviting the community to it's annual Perseids Meteor Shower Watch this Saturday night. The event will be at the Air Monitoring Site at the Perch River Wildlife Management Area on the Vaadi Rd ...

Perseid Meteor shower to dazzle this weekend
Today's THV
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (KTHV) - The Perseid meteor shower is one of the most anticipated events of the year for pro and amaeuter astronomers. Darrell Heath with the Central Arkansas Astronomy stopped by the THV Weather Garden to talk about the annual ...

First Nations college calls for return of sacred meteorite from Alberta museum
National Post Wed, 08 Aug 2012 15:56 PM PDT
If the Manitou Stone was ever taken, âfamine, pestilence, diseases and basically deathâ would strike natives, a prophesy said. Now an aboriginal group wants it back from the Royal Alberta Museum

Massive meteorite crater found
MSNBC Wed, 08 Aug 2012 12:54 PM PDT
Researchers in Canada's western Arctic have found evidence of a crater that formed when a huge meteorite slammed into Earth millions of years ago.

Massive Meteorite Crater Found in Canadian Arctic
SPACE.com Wed, 08 Aug 2012 12:41 PM PDT
Researchers discovered a crater about 15 miles wide, created when a meteor slammed into Earth millions of years ago.

Scientists find massive meteorite crater in Canadian Arctic
CNews Wed, 08 Aug 2012 09:59 AM PDT
Researchers at the University of Saskatchewan have discovered a massive crater in the Canadian Arctic caused by a meteorite millions of years ago.

Alberta meteorite sparks battle for sacred rock
CBC.ca Wed, 08 Aug 2012 06:21 AM PDT
A 150-kilogram meteorite that fell to earth centuries ago is pitting First Nations people northeast of Edmonton against the Royal Alberta Museum.

Massive meteorite crater found in Canadian Arctic
Researchers in Canada's western Arctic have found evidence of a crater that formed when a huge meteorite slammed into Earth millions of years ago. Measuring about 15 miles (25 kilometers) across, the formation was named the Prince Albert impact crater...

Scientists ask: Did a meteor strike Jacksonville 448 years ago?
Florida Times-Union
It could have been a meteor, asteroid or comet 100 feet across, says UNF's Jay Huebner. Most of it would have vaporized on impact, with trees and animals incinerated in unimaginable heat. Water from the river and marsh would have made a roaring ...

5 Things to Do This Weekend (Aug. 10-12)
Wicked Local
The peak of the Perseids meteor shower is this weekend. The moon shouldn't interfere too much, so you'll have a good chance to see the show. Check the newspaper to see if anyone in town is holding any events, or Google the best places to watch from ...

Dark Sky season premiers with meteors
Hinton Parklander
The first program in Jasper National Park's 2012/13 Dark Sky season launches this coming Saturday, Aug. 11 with a viewing of the Perseids meteor shower at the group camping site Marmot Meadows in Whistlers campground. The Perseids meteor shower is ...

Giant Diving Fireball Filmed Over Gulf of Mexico, June 2012 - Sott.net
Startling night-camera footage of what appears to be a giant fireball coming down over (and ...

Perseid Meteor Shower of 2012 Peaks Sunday, Aug ...
Stargazers have a good chance to see the annual Perseid meteor shower this week, but the ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor*Meteorite News 09AUG2012 - blog*spot
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
11-12, astronomer Bill Cooke and his team from the Meteoroid Environment Office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center will answer questions about the 2012 Perseid meteor shower via an "Up All Night" live chat. To join the chat, go to this ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Massive Meteorite Crater Found in Canadian Arctic
Shatter cones have distinctive wavy patterns and are only known to be created by the tremendous force of a meteorite impact or an underground nuclear explosion. What's more, Pratt said his map showed that the feature is circular, which is ...

Perseid meteor shower three night weather forecast
This year the ability to view the Perseid meteor showering is getting some cooperation from the moon. Saturday and Sunday nights the moon will be in the waning crescent phase meaning it is getting a bit smaller with time. When the moon is full, it is ...

Meteor smoke makes strange clouds
A key ingredient for the mysterious clouds comes from outer space. "We've detected bits of 'meteorsmoke' imbedded in noctilucent clouds," reports James Russell of Hampton University, principal investigator of NASA's AIM mission to study the phenomenon.

Geauga's Observatory Park offers late night hours for meteor shower viewing
Plain Dealer (blog)
MONTVILLE - By popular demand, Observatory Park is staying open late this Saturday and Sunday, August 11 and 12, to accommodate anyone who would like to watch Nature's annual meteor shower antics from an International Dark Sky Park.

Annual meteor shower back for a show
NEW YORK, Aug. 7 (UPI) -- Fans of meteors should head outdoors this Saturday, U.S. astronomers say, for the annual nighttime show known as the Perseid meteor shower. The weekend will make for prime sky watching, with Saturday night the best time to ...

Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks This Weekend
(Newser) – It's time for the annual Perseid meteor shower, and this year's will be especially good. A waning crescent moon means that the moon won't block viewing, and the peak is on Saturday night—so go ahead and stay up late to watch. Between ...

Chicago viewing parties for Perseid meteor shower
RedEye Chicago (blog)
The council is hosting viewing parties to watch the annual Perseid Meteor Shower from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday and Sunday at 12th Street Beach on the Near South Side and Montrose Beach in Uptown. A separate viewing party will be held from 9 p.m. to ...

A Great Weekend for the 2012 Perseid Meteor Shower.
One of the best annual meteor showers is set to perform this weekend under optimal viewing conditions. The Perseid meteor shower peaks on the morning of August 12th, although it will be worth starting to watch for meteors a few days prior. The Perseids ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

09 August 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor*Meteorite News 09AUG2012

A First Nation Wants the Royal Alberta Museum to ...
2 min
A 150-kilogram meteorite that fell to earth centuries ago is pitting First Nations people northeast ...

Stargazers Get Set for Meteor Showers
11-12, astronomer Bill Cooke and his team from the Meteoroid Environment Office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center will answer questions about the 2012 Perseid meteor shower via an "Up All Night" live chat. To join the chat, go to this page and log in.

Public can watch meteor shower at state park
Sacramento Bee
GLASGOW, Ky. -- Barren River Lake State Resort Park is offering a chance to view the Perseidsmeteor shower away from city lights and learn more about the event this weekend at the park in south-central Kentucky. The Louisville Astronomical Society ...

Chico observatory will open for Perseid meteor shower Saturday
CHICO — A waning moon will provide the perfect backdrop for the annual Perseid meteor shower, and the Kiwanis Chico Community Observatory will be open for the event Saturday night. The observatory, in upper Bidwell Park by Horseshoe Lake, opens at ...

STARS ABOVE: Awesome meteor shower graces the skies
West Island Gazette
For skywatchers, August will be a busy month, with a meteor shower and multiple planetary close encounters. For early-bird skywatchers, the goddess of love, Venus, dominates the dawn skies in the east, perched firmly in the constellation of Gemini, the ...

Perseids Meteor Shower To Take Place This Weekend
But the Montauk Observatory Inc. is promoting just that with a sponsored viewing of the Perseid meteor shower, an annual spectacle that is visible to the naked eye, on Saturday night. The viewing will take place at the Montauk County Park around 9 p.m...

Perseid meteor shower will hit peak on Saturday
TG Daily
If you want a good look at a meteor shower, you'd better head outside this Saturday. Every year, the Perseid meteor shower provides a dazzling show for people lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the night sky at the right place and the right time. And ...

Perseid Meteor Shower Will Dazzle This Weekend
The Perseid Meteor shower has some added bonuses this year: it will occur on a night when the moon is in its waning crescent phase, which means the moonlight won't interfere with your view of the dashing meteors, according to Astronomy.com. And it's on ...

Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Aug. 11 to 12
The Epoch Times
One of the biggest meteor displays of the year, the Perseid meteor shower, is coming up this weekend. The shower's peak may produce up to 100 meteors per hour, according to NASA. The best time to watch will be the night of Aug. 11–12, although the ...

At the State Parks
Door County Advocate
Celebrate the phenomenal Perseid Meteor Shower this week at Newport State Park. On clear nights every summer, when Earth crosses paths with Comet Swift-Tuttle, the night sky in the Northern Hemisphere is ablaze with the Perseid shower, a display of as ...

Meteor shower: Perseids peak this weekend
13, 2010," YouNews reporter rowdey wrote. EUGENE, Ore. - With clear skies in the forecast and the moon waning to a slender crescent by this weekend, conditions will be prime for the annual Perseids meteor shower. The showers peak the night of Aug.

meteorite murrysville pa aug 8 2012 - YouTube
35 sec
I am so lucky to have caught this meteorite falling to earth in my little town. I just hope one doesn ...

Alberta meteorite sparks battle for sacred rock
A 150-kilogram meteorite that fell to earth centuries ago is pitting First Nations people northeast of Edmonton against the Royal Alberta Museum. To the Cree, "pahpamiyhaw asiniy," is a sacred rock containing the face of the creator, but to scientists ...

Perseid Meteor Shower Is Underway « CBS Minnesota
The annual Perseid meteor shower is underway this week and peaks out this coming Saturday night into Sunday morning, said WCCO Radio Meteorologist ...

Perseid Meteor Shower, August 11, 2012 | StarDate Online
The Perseid meteor shower sprinkles the night sky with “shooting stars” in August , with the best viewing around the night of August 11. The Perseids generally ...

Perseid meteor shower visible this week
A Perseid meteor streaks across the sky early August 12, 2008 near Rogers Spring in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada. The meteor display, known as the Perseid shower because it appears to radiate from the constellation Perseus in the ...

Boots on the tundra, eyes on Mars
London Free Press
A joint effort between Western's Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration and the Canadian Space Agency, the team spent nearly two weeks on Victoria Island conducting a geological survey on a newly discovered meteor impact crater. Their mission was ...

Come to meteor shower watch at the Binbrook Conservation Area
Grand River Sachem
If you plan to attend, bring a blanket, groundsheet or lounge chair, because lying down is one of the best ways to enjoy the meteor shower. Also, protect yourself from biting mosquitoes by applying repellent and wearing pants and a long-sleeved shirt.

See a meteor shower in the August sky
Florida Times-Union
The Perseid meteor shower will peak during the evening of Sunday-Monday. In a dark location with clear skies, the Perseids offer more than 100 meteors, or “shooting stars,” per hour. Realistically, however, an observer in Florida will notice about one ...

Lights Over Grayson Again – UFOs or Early Meteor Shower?
Last month, Grayson was mentioned on the UFO Stalker website for the third time this year. The first reporting was in February, then again in May, and finally there was a reporting on July 16. Whatever these reported unidentified flying objects are ...

Meteor showers set to light up sky on Aug 13
Times of India
This particular light show, Perseids meteor shower, is made of a stream of particles left behind by the giant Swift-Tuttle comet. "With the meteor shower peaking on the night of August 13, one can expect around 60 light streaks per hour," said ...

Stargazing at the dunes Saturday
This is the park's sixth annual Perseid Meteor Stargaze. Stargazing runs from 8:30 p.m. — with prime viewing starting at 9 p.m. until the park closes at 11 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11 at the pavilion. The stargazing is hosted by the state park's ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!