10 October 2011

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10OCT2011

REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK: UFO was bolide, not flying saucer
Sandusky Register
A bolide is a "very bright meteor (or fireball) that often explodes," according to thefreedictionary.com. Schulden said he'd seen one a couple years back outside Bellevue. He was driving down the road when it hissed over top. "It lit up the whole truck...

Blue-green object seen in sky may be part of meteor shower
Did you see something in blue-green in the sky Thursday night? You weren't alone!

Sky shorts: See a fireball ... or better yet, find a fragment?
Canton Repository
8 at about 1:30 am Eastern Daylight Time, cameras at the Southern Ontario Meteor Network captured images of a fireball, or bolide, entering the atmosphere 54 miles above Lake Erie. I was fortunate enough to have seen the fireball that night, ...

Meteorite lands on home of Mrs Comette
The Local
meteorite chose the roof of a house belonging to a Mrs Comette in the southern suburbs of Paris to make its acquaintance with the planet Earth. The astral surprise hit the roof of the home in Draveil while the Comettes themselves were on holiday. ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for October 8-14, 2011 « The Transient Sky ...
By Carl Hergenrother
The radiant (the area of the sky where meteors appear to shoot from) positions and rates listed below are exact for Saturday night/Sunday morning October 8/9. These positions do not change greatly day to day so the listed coordinates may be ...
The Transient Sky - Comets, Asteroids...

Large Meteor Breakup (2011.09.30) Video
29 sec
A wide field meteor camera at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center recorded this spectacular meteor breaking up in Earth's ...

Almahata Sitta meteorites could come from triple asteroid mash-up
The black fragment of Almahata Sitta meteorite number 15 shows up black against the lighter coloured rocks of the Nubian desert in Northern Sudan. Credit: Peter Jenniskens (SETI Institute/NASA Ames) (PhysOrg.com) -- Analysis of fragments of the...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Indicates Meteor ...
MBIQ Indicates Meteor Outbreak in Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, ... MBIQ ( Meteor Bot Internet Query) Indicates Green Meteor Outbreak in Florida, Missouri, ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for October 8-14, 2011 | American Meteor ...
This weekend the waxing gibbous moon will set during the early morning hours and will allow a couple of hours of meteor observing in dark skies before ...

Draconid meteor shower: Wow! Sorry you missed it
Los Angeles Times
The Draconid meteor shower came Saturday as predicted, lasting for several hours and streaking the darkening sky with trails of light. NASA had predicted a display that would be, at times, dazzling. Global observers were reporting that the show was ...

A Mad Dash for the Draconids
Sky & Telescope
That's how long I've known that the little-known Draconid meteor shower is predicted to put on an over-the-top performance. The Draconid meteor storm of October 9, 1933, was witnessed all across Europe. Formerly called the Giacobinids, ...

Meteorite Fall Found in Draveil (Essonne), France 2011

Meteorite fall in Draveil (Essonne), France

A meteorite that crashed through a roof in France has been reported:

English translation by Google Translate:

another online article on the fall:


Enlish translation:

A TV report:
TV report (France 3, Paris edition of this evening) in which you can see the fragments,
A. Carion and the proud owner of the meteorite:


Choose edition:   J/T 19/20 Paris Ile-de-France du 09/10/2011

It starts after 55 seconds running time.

Photo close-up of the meteorite in the hand of Dr. Alain Carion:

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Daytime Meteor Fireball 9OCT2011

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Daytime Meteor Fireball 11:05 am 9OCT2011
While traveling home from Church on Hwy 417, traveling East at acres Rd., I saw what looked like a very bright star traveling fast across the sky from South West to North East. Suddenly it appeared to explode and I saw a puff of smoke for a couple of seconds, then it dissipated. I have no idea whether this was a meteor or part of a satellite. -Marian Thank you Marian!

We need your sighting reports; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

09 October 2011

Porto, Portugal Meteor 8OCT2011

Porto, Potugal Meteor 22.30 aprox 8OCT2011
I saw what I think be the largest meteor of my life!
It was green, very bright with a huge tail and was from southeast to
northwest. -Maria Silva Thank you Maria!

We need your sighting reports; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011The Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 9OCT2011

October 6, 2011 Fireball over Southeastern USA | American Meteor ...
fireball is a meteor that is larger than normal. Most meteors are only the size of small pebbles. A meteor the size of a softball can produce light equivalent to the ...

Hyperactive Draconid meteors peak this week - Technology ...
The annual Draconid meteor shower will hit its peak Saturday (Oct. 8), but skywatchers may not get much of a light show.

Bayonne, NJ Meteor Fireball 9OCT2011

Bayonne, NJ Meteor Fireball ~11:00 pm EST 9OCT2011
Spotted the meteor while sitting on my porch outside

This spotting was magnificent and must have been a HUGE meteor because i live right across the water from New York City and since the sky is naturally so bright i can barely see stars let alone meteors.
This fireball i like to call it was only visual for about 2 seconds before it vanished
It was headed in a Northern direction
Only visible in my area for about 2 seconds.
It was very bright, more bright then Venus and the moon but not brighter then the sun
It had a orangish red color which looked as if a white brightness engulfing the edges and trailing behind.
No sounds were heard
and I am sorry but i have no videos or photos of this event.
This is a a rare event in my area so naturally i had to start searching on the internet to see if anyone else had seen this fireball in the sky. -Tiffany  Thank you Tiffany!

We need your sighting reports:

Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 Year of Meteors!

Alert- NEOs Close Approach May Bring More October Fireballs 9OCT2011

Alert- NEOs Close Approach May Bring More Fireballs 9OCT2011
NEOs (Near Earth Objects), (2011 TB4) and (2011 SE97),will pass relatively close to Earth on 10OCT2011 and 12OCT2011.
There may be accompanying astrodial debris that will hit us just prior to, on, or just after their
passing on the 10th and 12th. Mid-month on the 17th (2009 TM8) will pass the Earth at .9 LD; this will for sure bring us some meteor activity just prior and just after the 17th. Get out and observe and have your cameras ready for a capture of some green meteors and fireballs.


AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers

(1993 DA) 2011-Oct-080.195676.114 m - 31 m26.47.25
(2000 AB6) 2011-Oct-090.071928.0100 m - 230 m22.19.31
(2011 TK5) 2011-Oct-090.190074.073 m - 160 m22.810.69
163081 (2002 AG29) 2011-Oct-090.198177.1610 m - 1.4 km18.27.28
(2011 TO6) 2011-Oct-090.067326.214 m - 32 m26.36.89
(2010 CC55) 2011-Oct-090.182270.988 m - 200 m22.416.19
(1998 SD9) 2011-Oct-090.072528.241 m - 91 m24.112.62
(2005 SL) 2011-Oct-100.065925.671 m - 160 m22.910.20
(2011 TB4) 2011-Oct-100.01335.221 m - 47 m25.513.08
(2004 JO20) 2011-Oct-110.159061.916 m - 35 m26.115.04
(2011 SE97) 2011-Oct-120.02047.931 m - 69 m24.714.41
(2011 SE16) 2011-Oct-120.078230.431 m - 68 m24.74.41
(2011 SS25) 2011-Oct-120.178169.3640 m - 1.4 km18.131.77
(2010 GM65) 2011-Oct-120.037614.687 m - 190 m22.420.85
138524 (2000 OJ8) 2011-Oct-130.128049.81.4 km - 3.2 km16.410.36
(2011 SQ12) 2011-Oct-140.097137.8180 m - 410 m20.88.94
(2011 TJ5) 2011-Oct-140.040315.716 m - 36 m26.110.51
(1990 UA) 2011-Oct-150.084532.9400 m19.616.64
(2011 TA4) 2011-Oct-160.134652.4190 m - 430 m20.712.97
(2009 TM8) 2011-Oct-170.00230.95.1 m - 11 m28.68.18
(2007 SV1) 2011-Oct-170.177268.931 m - 68 m24.713.28
(2009 UC) 2011-Oct-180.057122.213 m - 29 m26.612.96
(2011 SH189) 2011-Oct-180.114544.544 m - 97 m23.93.03
(1998 SC15) 2011-Oct-180.121547.3380 m - 850 m19.216.79
(2011 SO32) 2011-Oct-200.083732.6180 m - 400 m20.912.96
(2011 SL189) 2011-Oct-200.074228.928 m - 63 m24.98.40
(2001 UP) 2011-Oct-210.114944.720 m - 44 m25.711.55
(2011 SJ16) 2011-Oct-210.123548.1440 m - 980 m18.924.95
(2011 SM68) 2011-Oct-220.093436.4330 m - 750 m19.520.47
(2011 SJ189) 2011-Oct-220.173167.479 m - 180 m22.64.03
(2003 FH) 2011-Oct-240.065325.4450 m - 1.0 km18.922.79
(2011 SP70) 2011-Oct-240.142255.375 m - 170 m22.712.45
(2006 SP19) 2011-Oct-260.090635.333 m - 74 m24.510.06
(1993 VD) 2011-Oct-260.090235.1120 m - 280 m21.719.58
(2005 CJ) 2011-Oct-270.081831.9240 m - 540 m20.29.88
(2011 LC19) 2011-Oct-290.058022.6540 m - 1.2 km18.514.54
(2010 VU98) 2011-Oct-310.046218.030 m - 68 m24.710.22

For the most updated NEO information: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

Report a Meteor -- We need your sighting reports; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 9OCT2011

Draconids 2011 | International Meteor Organization
This is expected to produce enhanced meteor activity, with apparent rates likely to reach about 1meteor per minute near 20h Universal Time. Details can be ...

Draconid meteor storm could send 750 meteors-an-hour streaking ...
The Draconids shower, which happens once every seven years, is set to put on a spectacular show, but it may be very hard to see because of the full moon.

Cloudy skies might spoil view of meteor shower - PAGASA - The ...
Skygazers cannot expect to get a good view of the annual Draconids meteor shower tonight as cloudy skies caused by a low pressure area prevail over the ...

WORLD FROM SPACE Barringer Crater In Arizona
iWeather Online
By Paul Vaughan - Sat Oct 08, 6:02 pm Barringer Crater, also known as “MeteorCrater,” is a 1300-meter (0.8 mile) diameter, 174-meter (570-feet) deep hole in the flat-lying desert sandstones 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) west of Winslow, Arizona. ...

Meteor shower visible in Finland on saturday night
YLE News
It could be possible to observe a meteor shower in the skies above Finland tonight. The meteor shower will be most visible between 10:30pm and 11:30pm, across the country. The shower will be sparked as the earth passes through a trail of dust left by...
How to photograph Draconid Meteors
Tonight marks the peak of the Draconid Meteor Shower, a once a year event that, this year, could produce 1000 meteors per hour and stunning pictures. Yes, while meteor watching is a favorite past time for many, other people desire more, namely, ...

Look to the evening sky
Caribbean Hurricane Network
By Michael Reed There is a lot of discussion about this years Draconid meteor shower tonight. If it takes place it will come from the constellation Draco in the northern sky this evening. Predictions vary between several meteors an hour to perhaps as ...

08 October 2011

Centennial, Colorado Meteor 7OCT2011

Centennial, Colorado Meteor 2:50 a.m. 7OCT2011
I`m in centennial colorado, just south of denver. about 2:53 a.m. this morning i observed a huge fireball. its course was from the southwest to the north east. im not sure how long it lasted, as it was present before i spotted it. i suspect it lasted about 5 seconds for the brief time i saw it. it seemed quite large. it appeared to have structure to it. it almost looked like a flying bus. it seemed to have metal posts or beams within its mass. it was disintegrating as it flew along. i suspected it was space junk of some sort. im curious if some fragment of it landed somewhere. thanks, Marilee
Thank you Marilee!

Denver, Colorado
We saw the same Denver meteor. Our location is approximately downtown Denver and it was visible north of us. From our perspective it was heading west to east, very orange with quite a long tail, meteor very bright and large. It seemed to last at least 6 seconds from what we saw. Very cool! Are there any pictures that you know of? And please let me know if there's any other info you would want, I'll try my best to answer your questions.Thanks -Joe Pucillo
Thank you Joe!

Centennial, Colorado meteor 2:53 AM 7 0ct. 2011
I think is the same one on Cloudbait.com
Thank you very much for all the hard work and time
you must put in to keep this website. I enjoy it greatly.-Jim Hite  Thank you Jim!

We need your sighting reports; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!