14 May 2011

Updated w/ Video- Montana, Washington, Idaho, Alberta, British Columbia Meteor Detected 13/14MAY2011

Update Video Added - MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Queries) Indicates that Meteor Event Occurred Night 13/14MAY2011
Montana, Washington, Idaho, Alberta, British Columbia Meteor Detected 13/14MAY2011


Uploaded by  on May 1, 2009 266,492views
- Last Updated 1JUN2011 (Tokyo)

Projected Meteorite Fall Area Based on a "One Camera Solution"
(actual fall area may  be +/- several kilometers).
Credit: Solution  calculation provided by Esko Lyytinen, Helsinki, Finland
This is the latest solution ( of one station data only) coming from az direction 17, slope 39 degrees; Assumed start height 86 km would correspond with an entry velocity of 22 km/s and the end height 18 km.  No wind effect is applied, but the wind would shift a few kilometers roughly "backwards" along the ground track. A main mass of 15kg is projected (within quite wide margins) with perhaps a total survival to be a few dozens of kilos. The original entry mass is estimated to be between 100 to 200 kgs. -posted 17MAY2011 Tokyo
(c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth 
All Rights Reserved
May Not Be Published or Reproduced Without Expressed Written Permission from LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com.

Canada Bolide Meteor 2:15:51 MDST 14MAY2011
(c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth

Cranbrook, BC Sandia Sentinel Allsky
Capture of 14MAY2011 Meteor
Rick Nowell at College Of The Rockies, Cranbrook BC, Canada

Chondrite Meteorite Fresh Fall
Anyone finding a rock like this please contact me ASAP at
  Thank you!
(click on image to enlarge)
(c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter
Hanna wrote regarding 13MAY2011 California meteor:
I saw it (or one) too and I m in MT 
Coeur d'Alene, ID and Rathdrum, ID greenish-blue meteor ~1:19 am 14MAY2011
A friend and I saw the greenish-blue meteor that fell this morning (5/14/2011 at 1:19 AM PDT) North of the Idaho/Washington border in Canada.
We were seperated by about 10 miles - he was travelling north on Hwy 41 towards Rathdrum, ID and I was travelling northwest on Honeysuckle Ave. In Coeur d'Alene, ID. Using our observations we triangulated the approximate area where the meteor may have landed.
I would like to be contacted by other observers (especially from Canada) to get more lines of sight to possibly aid in recovery of pieces. I don't have a passport so I can't travel to Canada. John (email address on file)

Coeur d'Alene, ID
Guest934 (guest): Not sure how this works,not very computer savvy. Were you able to get my message about May 14th sighting near Coeur d'Alene, ID? My husband works nights and was on his way to work Sat.AM about between 12:30 and 1:30 PST.He had just left our house in Coeur d'Alene, ID when a bright, large flaming ball lit up the entire sky. It appeared to have entered the atmosphere very quickly and perhaps smashed into the ground somewhere near. He thought it might have been 5-15 miles away. Another car was on the road,also, and pulled over to watch it happen.They didn't get out of their cars. Am wondering if anyone else saw it or reported? Forgot to mention that it was so bright that it temporarily put out the photo sensitive street lights for a few minutes. hr said it was huge and didn't say how close he thought it was. I'm thinking he thought it was much closer than I estimated.Maybe just up the road.
Nelson, British Columbia, Canada bright white light 1:20 am 14MAY2011
May 14, 2011 1:20 am Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. The bright white light lasted for maybe 3 seconds then a big glowing ball flew across and down and disapeared after about 2 seconds....about one minute later I heard a low rumble...not sure if its related. -Colleen

Kamloops BC  Meteor Green-colored, ~ size of the moon ~1:20 am
I got to see the meteor in Kamloops BC last night at ~ 1:20 while driving home. Green-colored, ~ size of the moon and looked like it ended with lightning .It was amazing to see. Thanks for your website! - Lita G.

Kamloops BC, Canada Large Meteor ~1:20 am 14MAY2011
Guest806 (guest): A meteor was viewed in kamloops bc about 1:20am, and it looked like it collided with a part of the earth, as it burst upon impact. Very cool to watch! it was bigger than the moon.

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada  huge green fireball streaking across the sky between ~01:00-1:30
My name is Jeremy Brisbin and I live in kelowna British Columbia Canada. I am a security guard whom works graveshift and at approx. 0100-0130 on may 14 today I saw a huge green fireball streaking across the sky. It was most impressive for I have never seen such a thing.It looked like real green fire flying behind it. It flew past and disappeared behind the trees heading towards the mountain. Then there was a little flash then a huge one. Really big lit up the sky. It was amazing I turned the radio on right away expecting to here something but nothing? I came home raced onto castanet (local news) but nothing. When it flashed does this mean it hit the ground? Or is there any other people maybe local that I can report this to. I watch the show meteorite men and know these things are wanted maybe. I just need to know if I am supposed to report what I saw. It was truly amazing and mind bending and I can't believe it  was green. GREEN I have never heard of that before.
Please get back too me with a suggestion thank you
From Jeremy Brisbin
Blown away security guard

Salmon Arm BC huge light with a long tail. ~1:20 am
Guest205 (guest): I saw the meteor in Salmon Arm BC around 1:20a.m. -was sitting at my computer and a huge light with a long tail.Was wondering if it hit the ground as it was still so big when it disappeared behind the hills to the south.Way, way bigger than anything I saw from the Perseides last August!

East Kootenay's of BC, Canada
Guest126 (guest): At 1:20am May 14th in the East Kootenay's of BC, Canada, my brother viewed an event from his south-facing mountain-side home near Trail. He describes the very sudden appearance of an extremely bright white object -larger in appearance than the waxing Gibbous Moon. He was outside viewing the moon as it was beginning to set into the trees in the WNW. He states the object burned only brilliant white from his perspective, and that it lit up the entire area to day-light brightness for approximately 3 seconds

Nelson, B.C.
piscesx: Nelson, B.C Canada. May 14th 2011. After 1AM sometime. I was sitting outside and the sky lit up and then saw a few bright flashes following that.Was with a group of people who all noticed and questioned what we just saw. Bothered me all day until i got home and looked it up. thought it might have been some weird kind of lighting even tho there were no clouds -Ana

Guest783 (guest): I saw it too, It was as big a moon falling down to earth! Scary but real!
The color of that thing was totally White and it ignited more light as it travelled down towards the earth. the ammount of light it generated was same as welding machine!! More like white moon light! it was also sparking like it had some kinda fuel in it!! or maybe thermite! end of the world in calgary i guess?

Grand Forks, BC
Sighted in Grand Forks, looking NE towards Christina Lake, early morning, moon-sized meteor with almost vertical trajectory wtih bright tailings of light. Soundless. -tajai
Innisfail, Alberta Bright green light 2:20 am 14MAY2011
Spotted while driving south on Hwy 2 about 5 minutes north of Innisfail, Alberta at approx. 2:20 AM on May 14. Bright green light that fell almost straight down towards the horizon. Cut through or just above some clouds and then seemed to burn out. This was my first sighting and it was just plain amazing!

Cochrane AB  fire ball  ~2:08 am
A Meteor was seen in Cochrane alberta just outside of Calgary at approx: 2:08 am. It was a fire ball with a red streak behind it, happened incredibly fast. Looked as if it had landed in the glenbow school field. It lit up the sky and was very bright, looked like it went straight down. Didn't feel any movement or hear any bang so I'm assuming it hit somewhere eles.
Lindsey Maire, Cochrane AB

Cochrane, Alberta 2:08 am
It passed cochrane alberta too, at 2:08 am. Bright red didn't make a noise or anything but lit up the sky pretty good. I wish the news would cover it.

Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Guest8 (guest): I saw it too; i am in calgary, it was huge, very huge, fell near calgary it went thru the (clouds) could making a hole in it, it made a hole thur the clouds and then cops were everywhere near deerfoot n mcknight !unless that was a check stop LOL, it was more brighter than sun and was changing directions as falling down it almost fell straight down at the end part of it; but it made a hole in the coulds i am sure it fell in calgary.

Red Deer, Alberta bright greenish blue ball ~2:20 am
May 14th Approx 2:20 am. Red Deer, Alberta. Standing outside and happened to notice a fairly large bright greenish blue ball of light? that looked like it was on fire or glowing (hard to explain)...Happened so fast couldn't believe my eyes but it just appeared to be falling from the sky so fast...Couldn't hear anything but thought perhaps it hit the earth, it disappeared behind some buildings...CRAZIEST thing I've ever saw...And of course nobody was standing outside with me at the time so nobody believed me.
Fort Macleod, Alberta huge bluish green fireball 2:10 a.m May 14,2011
Guest692 (guest):Saw a huge bluish green fireball in the western sky over Fort Macleod Alberta on Saturday, May 14,2011 at 2:10 a.m. It was the brightest one I have ever seen.Thought is fireworks at first. Amazing. -leehsi

Spokane, Washington 1:15 am
Spokane, WA. Around 1:15AM I saw a bright flash in the northern sky that pulsed twice. Following that you could see what looked to be a meteor traveling from south to north. The whole event lasted only a second and made no sound.

Dr. Alan R. Hildebrand, PhD.
Coordinator of the Canadian Fireball Reporting Centre writes:

A bright fireball widely reported (Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Montana,
Idaho, Washington) on early Saturday morning, May 14, 2011 at approximately 08:18:44
UT (2:18 MDT or 1:18 PDT). Skies were cloudy over much of Alberta, BC, and western
Washington or many more reports would probably have been made despite the late hour.
Exact times are a bit in conflict. The camera was recorded by an all-sky camera from
the Cranbrook area (BC) with a spectacular record only damped by clouds late in
flight - recorded flight was between 5 and 6 seconds duration (unknown as yet if this
camera is calibrated). The fireball began high in the Cranbrook sky and apparently
travelled towards the WSW at a moderate incline although both azimuth and elevation angle are uncertain at this time. The fireball fragmented spectacularly near its end in basically two series of flashes (eye witnesses report 
two flashes). A camera in Calgary records these two flashes through clouds at approximately 8:18:47 and :48 UT which leads to fireball occurring from about 8:18:44 to :49, but all potential info on timing not yet sorted. An extraordinary thing
revealed by the Cranbrook recording is an early period of wake formation not
associated with flaring that ends at high altitude with fragmentation beginning at
lower altitude. Although somewhat obscured by clouds, fragments apparently continued
for roughly half second after last flare, and are indicative of surviving material to
fall as meteorites. A meteorite fall is also indicated by witnesses reporting
delayed booms from Cranbrook and Nelson, BC, and the fall area would be indicated
somewhere in vicinity of Nelson, although still uncertain by approx. 100 km (and
could be on US side of border still). This country is mountainous and forested in
large part with relatively narrow valleys with some cleared land and lakes occupying
valley bottoms. The described fireball characteristics and all-sky record indicate a
rock with an initial mass of order 100 kg. Should be lots of serendipitous videos
available in region and a good one to chase - i.e. good potential to determine
trajectory - although general area has a lot of tough ground to search for meteorites
(as most of BC is - spectacular scenery generally equals tough meteorite searching).
Alan :-)
Alan R. Hildebrand
Coordinator of the Canadian Fireball Reporting Centre

Kamloops, British Columbia arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for bc falling star meteorite.
18:46:58 -- 6 minutes ago

Spokane, Washington arrived from bing.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Australia Bright Green Fireball Meteor Event? Space Trash? 10MAY2011" by searching for bright green shooting star Spokane WA .
18:36:55 -- 5 minutes ago

Kelowna, British Columbia arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for bright flash in sky may 14.
18:01:52 -- 23 minutes ago

Calgary, Alberta arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite alberta 2011 may 14.
17:58:15 -- 28 minutes ago

Portland, Oregon arrived from google.com on "elp allsky" by searching for spokane green meteor 5/13/2011.
18:16:12 -- 11 minutes ago

Boise, Idaho arrived from google.com on "elp allsky: Meteor News...PA Meteor Fireball 13MAY2011..." by searching for meteor 5/13/2011.
18:08:27 -- 19 minutes ago

Please help out with information.  We need the Date and Time... And:
Anyone with a report of these events please let me know.  Your Location (town,city), time, Start and Stop location in sky, Direction of movement, Brightness (venus, moon, Sun), color, sounds?  Thank you!  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

Breaking News- Almost Bright As Moon Bolide Meteor Paonia, Colorado ~9:50 pm Friday 13MAY2011

Breaking Meteor News- Almost Bright As Moon Bolide Meteor 
Paonia, Colorado ~9:50 pm Friday 13MAY2011
Guest57 (guest): Just saw orange, large meteor, arcing south to southwest, from Paonia, Colorado.About 9:50 p.m., Did not fall to the ground,but had a huge, beautiful tail. Was West and below the moon, but almost as bright as the moon.

This event may also have been seen in the New Mexico, Panhandle of Texas,  Oklahoma and maybe Utah.

Please help out with information.
Anyone with a report of these events please let me know.  Your Location (town,city), time, Start and Stop location in sky, Direction of movement, Brightness (venus, moon, Sun), color, sounds?  Thank you!  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

Devon UK Meteor 10:00 pm 12MAY2011

Devon UK Meteor 10:00 pm 12MAY2011
Andy Woggle:Approx 10PM, Talaton, Devon UK..very slow moving, almost comet-like shooting star across sky from south to north. .anyone else see it? Devon UK

Please help out with information.
Anyone with a report of these events please let me know.  Your Location (town,city), time, Start and Stop location in sky, Direction of movement, Brightness (venus, moon, Sun), color, sounds?  Thank you!  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

California Meteor 13MAY2011

California Meteor 12:55am 13MAY2011

San dimas California
Guest363 (guest):Just saw a bright meteor fall right over San dimas California

Burbank, CA
Erik Heintz wrote: Approximately 1255am 13May2011 Burbank, CA. I was traveling NW on N.Hollywood Way towards Verdugo in Burbank, CA when I saw a LARGE blue/green object fall to the earth to the NW at what looked like less than a mile away. I saw a helicopter using a search light in the area where the object appeared to land a couple minutes later.

Riverside/Ontario, CA
On May 13, 2011, at approximately 1am, I was driving in Southern Ca.in Riverside/Ontario area. It was near Ontario International Airport. I saw a huge fireball in the sky. It passed in front of me overhead. It was so close,I waited to hear some kind of explosion, but there was none. Please tell me Im not crazy, and someone else saw something strange in the sky as well.
other events:

southern california ~9:00 pm 12MAY2011
Guest309 (guest): I saw two meteors in the southern california sky heading north at around 9 to 9:30pm on May 12, 2011

Please help out with information.
Anyone with a report of these events please let me know.  Your Location (town,city), time, Start and Stop location in sky, Direction of movement, Brightness (venus, moon, Sun), color, sounds?  Thank you!  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

Illinois, Wisconsin Green Meteors Two 11:30 pm 12MAY2011

Illinois Green Meteor 11:30 pm Central 12MAY2011
Kewanee, IL  Meteor 11:30 pm 12MAY2011
Last night May 12, 2011 at around 11:30 PM, my daughter and I were headed home from Wal-Mart going North on Main Street in Kewanee, IL and to the west we saw a very large bright light with a red fiery tail. It was very colorful and only lasted for a few seconds. It was the most beautiful “falling star/meteor” we ever saw. I have never seen anything like it before.
Debra K.

Villa Park, Illinois. Two Meteors!precisely 11:30 PM May 12th, 2011
Last night, on May 12th, 2011, at precisely 11:30 PM, I spotted a meteor while standing outside in Villa Park, Illinois. It seemed like it was heading north east. For a few seconds it held a bright, colorful tail. The tail immediately dissipated, and it appeared that the meteor cooled down very quickly until it was no longer visible.
Roughly 30 minutes later, I spotted another meteor. This one seemed to be heading directly north and was not nearly as vibrant as the previous. It left a white colored trail for a few short seconds before being lost in the night sky.
I hope this information helps you in some way! Thanks, Chris Kolar

Chicago, Illinois
Guest484 (guest): May 12,2011, 11:30pm Central time, saw very bright and long meteor streak across the eastern sky,viewed from west of Chicago. Meteor appeared to be headed in a northeast direction.Lasted 3 or 4 seconds and left a nice, colorful trail.

Yorkville, Illinois
Guest224 (guest):Also saw May 12,2011 meteor, just past 11:30 p.m.Central time, from Yorkville, Illinois.Green-blue glow toward last part of my view. Hi,sorry; I saw two or three seconds, was just getting into my car so unable to tell if there was sound. No breakup that I saw. Glad to help. I also was glad to see other report; was easily the brightest and most colorful I've ever seen.

Chicago's NW side ~11:00 pm
Guest89 (guest):Around 11pm Thursday May 12th,viewed from Chicago's NW side, bright white light w/tail across southern sky.Viewable for several (3-4) seconds -brightest I've ever seen in the city.

East Troy, Wisconsin Meteor ~11:30pm 12MAY2011
Thats awesome I am in east troy wisconsin and around 11:30 pm last night I spotted the brightest shooting star I have ever seen in my 27 years, I think It was heading North. I was in my bed and happened to catch it out my window. This is the first time on your site and I think it's so cool other people in a different state could have possibly seen what I saw at the exact same time. God bless. -shimer

Franklin Park, Illinois Fireball ~10:30 12MAY2011
Last night on Thursday, May 12th around 10:30 PM in Franklin Park, Illinois my husband and I saw what appeared to be a fireball moving rapidly from south to north. At 1st I thought it was shooting star but it was too low and the colors were that of fire. As quick as it came it disappeared.
It was amazing! Never had seen anything like that before. -Minga

McHenry, IL. huge green ball with a spiral tail ~11:30 pm
It was between 11:30 PM and midnight on 5/12/2011. I was driving southeast in McHenry IL. Something caucht my eye in the sky above me. At first I thought the light came from a plane heading toward Ohare Airport. Then the orange light grew a thin tail. All of a sudden the "comet" exploded into a huge green ball with a spiral tail. This happened within a few seconds and was the most amazing thing in the sky I have EVER seen!!! - Anon.

Rio, Wi. specktacular meteor 11:30 pm may 12 2011
Rio, Wi. 11:30 pm may 12 2011 I saw a very specktacular meteor wile letting the dog out. It was east/south east of me, it was very bright and seemed to have a thicker tail than I have seen before.It went out then flashed again. - Anon.

Fox river grove, il.
Guest628 (guest): Fox river grove il. saw a bright green blue moteorite flaming trail and I even saw smoke. incredible sight. only second to the northern lights!

MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query):

New Lenox, Illinois arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Illinois Brilliant Blue/Green Meteor 8MAY2011" by searching for green meteor.
15:10:08 -- 3 minutes ago

Burbank, Illinois arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Durgapur, India Meteor 5MAY2011" by searching for meteor may 2011.
14:59:23 -- 14 minutes ago

Joliet, Illinois arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sighting today.
14:38:50 -- 35 minutes ago

Chicago, Illinois arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois Meteor 11APR2011" by searching for fireball in Illinois sky.
14:06:51 -- 1 hour 8 mins ago

Elmhurst, Illinois arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois Meteor 11APR2011" by searching for Chicago meteor.
14:02:20 -- 1 hour 13 mins ago

Festus, Missouri arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Illinois Brilliant Blue/Green Meteor 8MAY2011" by searching for meteor 2011 may Illinois.
13:43:51 -- 1 hour 32 mins ago

Orland Park, Illinois arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Illinois Brilliant Blue/Green Meteor 8MAY2011" by searching for meteor illinois may.

Oswego, Illinois arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball in the sky may 12, 2011.
15:58:55 -- 15 minutes ago

Glen Carbon, Illinois arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Ontario, Canada / Mid West US Green Bolide Fireball Meteor Multiple Events? ..." by searching for boom heard in Belleville last night may 12 2011.
03:04:26 -- 32 minutes ago

Please help out with information.
Anyone with a report of these events please let me know.  Your Location (town,city), time, Start and Stop location in sky, Direction of movement, Brightness (venus, moon, Sun), color, sounds?  Thank you!  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

12 May 2011

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12MAY2011

NASA scientist says boom that rattled Hampton Roads, Eastern Shore might have ...
Washington Post
A NASA scientist says a loud boom that rattled Hampton Roads and the Eastern Shore might have been caused by a meteor. Residents in Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Suffolk and other areas reported hearing the boom Tuesday night. Some said it shook their homes ...

What was the mystery boom?
WTKR Your NewsChannel 3
Was it a meteor shower? Or was it a space shuttle? We called NAS Oceana they say it wasn't their jets. We called Langley they said they didn't make the noise. And we even called the National Space Operation Center but it wasn't them. So what was it? ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: نيزك Umm Al-Hadid ...
By drtanuki
12 May 2011. نيزك Umm Al-Hadid Meteorite Crater Saudi Arabia Camel Caravan Trek. Umm Al-Hadid meteorite crater (c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth. نيزك Umm Al-Hadid Meteorite Crater Saudi Arabia Camel Caravan Trek - ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/

土星衛星タイタン40億年前隕石衝突で大気 毎日jp毎日新聞
太陽系で地球以外に唯一厚い窒素の大気圏を持つ土星の衛星タイタンについて大気が生じたのは40億年前に巨大な隕石いんせきが衝突したためとの研究成果を東京大の関根 ...

Report: Strange noise Tuesday may have been caused by meteorite
Daily Press
Wavy.com is reporting that a strange noise heard in Hampton Roads on Tuesday night, similar to a boom or a roll of thunder may have been a meteorite coming into the Earth's atmosphere. Currently there are no comments. Be the first to comment! ...

YouTube خداااع نيزكwmv Meteor Cheat!-Arabic Pop Song
خداااع نيزكwmv. 733901345 4 videos. Subscribe Alert icon Subscribed. Sign In or Sign Up now. Loading. Alert icon. You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this ...

研究人员表示这一微小的矿物样本直径仅有0.2英寸4毫米发现于陨石内部从外表看这种矿物的外表相当奇特被研究人员们称为有裂纹的鸡蛋不过除了始铝钙石这颗裂纹鸡蛋中至少 ...

A Trip Back In Time: Rub Al-Khali Camel Expedition 2011
Arab News
A mighty meteor from the sky had once lit up the night, gouging a path into the earth and leaving a trail of glass fired from the sands in its wake. Given the combination of a heavenly body wreaking havoc on this immense sea of sand, one couldn't help ...

Looking To The Skies: Planetary Alignments And Apocalyptic Fears
NPR (blog)
Countless other celestial phenomena, from solar eclipses to meteor showers and comets, have done the same through the ages and across the globe. The skies have always been seen as sacred; unusual phenomena were (and still are by many people) ...

Meteor lights up South Georgia sky » Local News » Tifton Gazette
Meteor lights up South Georgia sky. May 3, 2011. Arrest made in armed robbery. May 3, 2011 1 Photo. Firefighters put out mobile home blaze ...

YouTube - Breaking:Large Meteor Streaks over the Southern States ...
Update: Info from the origanal source of the meteor report comes to us from. Thanks goes out to: http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/ ...

Meteorite hits Basking Ridge
The Bernardsville News Tue, 10 May 2011 19:50 PM PDT
BERNARDS TWP. â An apparent meteorite hit a residential lawn on Friday morning, May 6, leaving a large hole and sprayed soil, according to township officials.

Meteor likely caused mysterious boom | WAVY.com | Virginia
By Lori Crouch
Two years ago, hundreds of people across the region heard a similar boom most likely caused by ameteor. This just happens to be a popular time of year for them said Dr. Zawodny. "We're on the tail end of a meteor shower here which ...
Local | WVBT TV - http://www.fox43tv.com/subindex/news/local

The May issue of Meteorite Times 
is ready to read and this month we are really excited to announce that we have an exclusive interview with two notable meteorite hunters. You have seen them on TV and now you can read their story and hear from them exactly what meteorite hunting means to them and how it has changed their lives.
As always, a huge Thank You to all our contributing writers!
The following URL gives access to the Web Browser View, Flash Magazine View, and Mobile PDF.
Paul and Jim

Officials Believe Meteorite Hit Basking Ridge Lawn
Small meteorite believed to have created a trench in township front yard last Friday morning. By Linda Sadlouskos | Email the author | 10:51am Deputy Mayor John Malay, Township Mayor for 2011, at a governmental meeting earlier last year. ...

نيزك Umm Al-Hadid Meteorite Crater Saudi Arabia Camel Caravan Trek

نيزك Umm Al-Hadid Meteorite Crater Saudi Arabia Camel Caravan Trek -

A Trip Back In Time: Rub Al-Khali Camel Expedition 2011

..."After enjoying the waters, the team drove deeper into the desert to rendezvous with the camels and the support team. At times, it seemed as if the vehicle floated above the surface as the desert sands cushioned the ride. At that point, the final destination, the Umm Al-Hadid meteorite crater, lay about 240 km away. It was expected that the travelers would average about 35 km per day and cover the distance in one week. In the end, the caravan averaged 40 km per day and made the trip in six days."...
Camel Riding Group:
Bradley Wilkinson, Saudi Aramco Public Relations Department
Todd Nims, The King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture
James Duggan, son of Joe Duggan, Saudi Aramco Affairs Research and Advisory Group
Nabiel Al-Shaikh, Dammam Regional Museum
Fahad Al-Daajani, a freelance photographer from Khafji

NJ Meteorite Crater? Claimed Created 6MAY2011 11MAY2011

Officials Believe Meteorite Hit Basking Ridge Lawn
Patch.com Story by Linda Sadlouskos
Small meteorite believed to have created a trench in a Basking Ridge, NJ township front yard last Friday morning....
Brief summary according to Patch.com
Police investigated and contacted Township Committeeman John Carpenter whose report indicates a " crater trench" 4 feet long by 1.5 feet wide and 1.5 feet deep excavated by a "meteorite".  No meteorite has been located in the debris. The bomb squad was called and explosives were determined not to have been the cause. A seismograph in the area indicates activity in the area at 11:35 am that day.   Please read the whole story on Patch.com .

Another Story:

Meteorite hits Basking Ridge

Bernardsville News Story by W. JACOB PERRY, Staff Writer
BERNARDS TWP. – An apparent meteorite hit a residential lawn on Friday morning, May 6, leaving a large hole and sprayed soil, according to township officials.

Story sounds fishy to me. -LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo

I will update IF anything develops.

ANYONE in NJ have any information about this? Please email info and photos to:  LunarMeteoriteHunters@gmail.com

11 May 2011

Sierra Vista, Arizona Green Meteor 11MAY2011

Sierra Vista, Arizona Green Meteor 11MAY2011

Sierra Vista, Arizona arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Southern Arizona Bolide- Sierra Vista has Reports 23JUN09 - 25JUN09" by searching for green bolide over sierra vista.

13:17:53 -- 15 minutes ago

More information please send witness report:  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you.

Time? Start- End points?, direction of travel?, brightness (venus, Moon, Sun)?, sound?  Your location?

2011 The Year of Green Meteors!

Texas / North Dakota/ Virginia/ NY/PENN Meteors Indicated by MBIQ 10MAY2011

Tonight Meteor/Meteorite News MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Querie) and Chat indicate four possible meteor events:

Chesapeake, VA Bright Greenish Meteor ~10:30 pm
Probably the one I observed in Chesapeake, VA (36.74879, -76.20697).
Approximately 10:30 PM local time. Standing in the front yard, facing
South. Observed bright greenish meteor with short tail. Heading
westerly. First observed at about 180 degrees. Burned out at about 215
degrees. probably 20-40 degrees elevation. No sound.
Hope this helps. -M Thank you M!

Norfolk/VirginiaBeach VA area Meteor 7:30 pm
Guest558 (guest):Saw a meteor at about 730pm last night. Im in the Norfolk/VirginiaBeach VA area

Norfolk, Virginia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Australia Bright Green Fireball Meteor Event? Space Trash? 10MAY2011" by searching for green meteorite and boom heard May 10, 2011.
17:58:54 -- 1 minute ago
Need a time, please email.

Honeoye Falls, New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for sun like fireballs in the sky at night may 11 2011.
Need a time, please email.

Hawley, Pennsylvania arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: 美国 隕石 Breaking News--- Major SE USA Meteor Seen SEVEN States 29APR2011" by searching for shooting star right above the trees.
17:31:01 -- 1 hour 57 mins ago

Fort Worth Texas, 2230 central time
Guest731 (guest): i saw a meteor,northern sky 20 miles west of fort worth texas, 2230 c.
More details please email.

Grand Forks, North Dakota arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for did i just see a meteor.
14:47:42 -- 1 hour 19 mins ago  Need a time and details please.

Please help out with information.
Anyone with a report of these events please let me know.  Your Location (town,city), time, Start and Stop location in sky, Direction of movement, Brightness (venus, moon, Sun), color, sounds?  Thank you!  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com