06 May 2011

Meteor/Meteorite News 5MAY2011

Meteorite lands on roof, northern Poland
meteorite weighing about a kilogramme smashed into the roof of a Masurian agro-tourism farm in the village of Sołtmany, near Kruklanki, northern Poland. Nobody was hurt but some damage was done to the roof. Parts of the meteorite, which descended on ...

Meteor streaks across Georgia and several other states
Unfortunately no one caught it on tape, but a worldwide meteor reporting web site got reports from people in seven states who saw an incredible meteor streak across the sky around 10:00 PM Friday night. Darton College professor Dr. Craig Flowers and ... (includes photos and info from Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News!)

Possible meteor or space debris 'event' seen, felt across South ...
VALDOSTA — A meteorite or space debris may have been the cause of fireballs reportedly seen in South Georgia skies Friday night and the resulting impact ...

Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower peaks tonight, break out the camera
By Dennis Bodzash Tonight marks the peak of the Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower, a once a year event that can produce stunning pictures. Yes, while meteor watching is a favorite past time for many, other people desire more, namely, photographing the meteors. ...

Vietnam to see meteor shower tonight
VietNamNet Bridge
VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnamese will have a chance to see meteor shower Eta Aquarids from the famous Halley's comet in the evening of May 5, and early morning of May 6, according to NASA. Observers can see from 40 to 60 showers per hour in ideal weather ...

Cosmic fireworks in night sky theatre
Deccan Chronicle
PTI Cosmic fireworks will enthral sky gazers on Friday night as Eta Aquarids meteorshower will be at its peak. This year the Eta Aquarids meteor shower will be at its peak on May 6 at 6.30 PM, General Secretary of Planetary Society of India N. ...

Meteors to light up Metro Detroit sky thanks to Halley's Comet
The Detroit News
The phenomenon, known as "Eta Aquarids," happens every May and October, but because we are in a "new moon" period — meaning the skies will be dark — the meteor shower will be easier to see than most years. Observers will likely be able to see the ...

Meteor Shower Tonight to Rain Bits of Halley's Comet on Earth ...
Bits and pieces of the famous Halley's Comet will light up the overnight sky in a promising meteorshower, weather permitting, skywatching experts say.

In tonight's meteor shower watch falling debris from Halley's ...
Halley's Comet won't be back for half a century, but tonight Earth will move through some of the debris the comet left behind, creating a spectacular meteor ...

Meteor Shower Tonight Rains Bits Of Halley's Comet | Meteor ...
The Eta Aquarid meteor shower created by Halley's Comet will peak tonight and early Friday. SPACE.com offers skywatching tips to spot the Eta Aquarid ...

Exploring the universe
Petaluma Argus Courier
May 7: Award-winning NASA scientist Dr. Mark Marley, 3 pm May 14: Dr. Jean Demouthe of the California Academy of Sciences discusses meteorites on loan to the exhibit, 3 pm May 28: Apollo 9 astronaut Russell L. “Rusty” Schweickart, 3 pm What: A musical ...

Night fireball in sky thrills residents — RT
Residents of the biggest city in Russia's Ural Mountains unexpectedly witnessed the spectacular night launch of a space satellite.
News RSS : Today - http://rt.com/news/today/

Night Sky News: Watch Bits of Halley's Comet Fall
National Geographic
If you have clear skies early this Thursday night through Friday morning, watch for a minor meteor shower with a famous pedigree. Known as the Eta Aquarids, this annual shooting-star show is set to peak in the predawn hours of May 6, with rates of 10 ...

Meteor shower to feature bits of Halley's Comet
Washington Post (blog)
The annual meteor shower known as the Aquarids will send bits of the heavenly body raining down on Earth.The peak time for viewers to catch the show is between 3 am and dawn Friday morning, according to ABC 7. The meteor shower occurs when the Earth ...

Meteor Shower Spawned by Halley's Comet Peaks Friday
Discussion about Meteor Shower Spawned by Halley's Comet Peaks Friday at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, ...

Witness meteor shower tonight
Hindustan Times
Cosmic fireworks will enthral skygazers on Friday night as Eta Aquarids meteor shower will be at its peak at 6.30pm, said NS Kumar of the Planetary Society of India. As per the International MeteorOrganisation, on May 6, around 70 meteors per hour are ...

Meteor shower can be seen tonight
The meteor shower is the result of a debris trail left by Halley's comet. From Thursday evening (5th) you can see in the sky a shower of meteors with the naked eye. The phenomenon is caused by debris from Halley's comet, which passes through the solar...

May brings the annual Eta Aquarid meteor shower
The first week of May brings the opportunity to enjoy the Eta Aquarid Meteor Showers in the nighttime sky that will peak Friday morning, May 6th. Under clear skies, the Eta Aquarids will yield up to 40 meteors per hour, with even more visible in the ...

Asteroids make life's raw materials
New Scientist
Raffaele Saladino of the University of Tuscia in Viterbo, Italy, and colleagues wondered if they could have been made deep inside the asteroids from which some meteorites break off. The team knew that a simple chemical present in space, ...

Meteor shower to be visible Friday in Vietnam

Thanh Nien Daily
Vietnamese star lovers will have a chance to see the Eta Aquarids meteor shower associated with Halley's Comet early Friday, according to scientists. Dang Vu Tuan Son, chief of the Vietnam Astronomy Club, said the best time to watch the meteors would ...

Anyone else witness this event?
Have photos or video?
Find a meteorite?
If so please email your details of the meteor to LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com
Thank you!
2011 is the "Year of Green Fireballs"!

05 May 2011

Boise, Idaho Meteor 4MAY2011

Boise, Idaho Meteor early morning Time? 4MAY2011
Guest62 (guest): saw a medium sized possible meteor early this morning 05/04 in Boise, ID in the southern sky  Please supply the time.

Anyone else witness this event? Have photos or video? Find a meteorite? If so please email your details of the meteor to LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Thank you!
 2011 is the "Year of Green Fireballs"!

Chilliwack, British Columbia Meteor 4MAY2011

Chilliwack, British Columbia Meteor ~11:00 pm 4MAY2011
I saw something fall from the sky last night, it was something I have never seen in my 37 years of life, the sight of it made me gasp for air but it was truly beautiful. It was blue/green and the tall looked light yellow. It only lasted for about 5 seconds and it seem to disappear before it hit the ground. From my point of view it looked to be the size of a small car. At first I thought it was fireworks but it was a single streak of light and it was falling to the ground not going up into the sky. Can you tell me what you think it was because I think it was a Meteor. I live in Chilliwack, British Columbia and the date of the event was May 4, 2011 at about 11:00pm.

Anyone else witness this event? Have photos or video? Find a meteorite? If so please email your details of the meteor to LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Thank you! 
 2011 is the "Year of Green Fireballs"!

Florida Meteor 5MAY2011

Coral Springs, Florida 11:20 pm 5MAY2011
Roseofthevalle: May 5, 2011 at around 11:20PM.
I like in Coral Springs, Fl.

Anyone else witness this event? Have photos or video? Find a meteorite? If so please email your details of the meteor to LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Thank you!
 2011 is the "Year of Green Fireballs"!

04 May 2011

Updated! Poland Meteorite Fall 30APR 2011 The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 4MAY2011

New Meteorite Fall- ~1kg stone hit the roof of a building 
~6:00 am 30APR2011- Soltmany village, Poland

(c) 2011 Wadi & Woreczko
All Rights Reserved

(c) 2011 Wadi & Woreczko
All Rights Reserved

(c) 2011 Wadi & Woreczko
All Rights Reserved

(c) 2011 Wadi & Woreczko
All Rights Reserved
A new fall has just occurred in Poland: a hammer!
Here is some information about the circumstances of the fall:
The meteorite fell on 30 April 2011 at 6 a.m. in Soltmany village, near the
town of Gizycko. The ~1kg stone hit the roof of a building and was
discovered broken into a few pieces. This information about the fall
comes from a Mr. Roman who called Andrzej Pilski from Frombork
Astronomical Observatory. Andrzej Pilski immediately asked Woreczko
and Wadi to go to the fall location, take photos, and ask eyewitnesses
for reports, as well as to see the stone and obtain a sample for
The classification will be done by professor T. Przylibski from the
Wroclaw University of Technology. Frombork Observatory wants to buy
meteorite for their museum.
Best regards
Wadi & Woreczko


Uploaded by  on 5 May 2011 285 views 

Update! Wikipedia entry (story and more photos) in Polish.

Sołtmany- Wreszcie mamy nowy polski spadek!
30 kwietnia 2011 roku o godzinie 6.06 rano w okolicy Giżycka, we wsi Sołtmany, poczta Kruklanki spadł meteoryt. Leciał niemal pionowo, przebił dach w budynku gospodarczym, czyli klasyczny hammer. Jest to również pierwszy w tym roku spadek na świecie!
Piękny lekko orientowany okaz przebił eternit, wybił dziurę w deskach dachu i z wielkim impetem częściowo roztrzaskał się na betonowym schodku. Okaz spadał z olbrzymią prędkością, w grubych deskach wybił dziurę, ale ich nie połamał. Gdyby nie uderzenienie w dach i związane z tym wyhamowanie jego impetu, zapewne roztrzaskałby się na setki małych fragmentów.
Według wstępnych oględzin jest to chondryt zwyczajny. Profesor Tadeusz Przylibski z Politechniki Wrocławskiej rozpoczął proces klasyfikacji meteorytu, po sklasyfikowaniu meteoryt Sołtmany zostanie zgłoszony do Meteoritical Bulletin. ... (more)

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Usłyszeli świst i huk... Okazało się, że to meteoryt rozbił dach Zobacz więcej:
2011-05-03 12:23:06 (ost. akt: 2011-05-03 21:15:32)
Poruszenie w Polskim Towarzystwie Meteorytowym wywołała wieść o meteorycie, który spadł w sobotni poranek nieopodal jednego z domów na kolonii wsi Sołtmany, w gminie Kruklanki.

 To zdarza się niezwykle rzadko, w Polsce odnotowano zaledwie kilkanaście takich przypadków! ...(more)

Meteorite lands on roof, northern Poland
A meteorite weighing about a kilogramme smashed into the roof of a Masurian agro-tourism farm in the village of Sołtmany, near Kruklanki, northern Poland.

Incoming links to this story:
Anyone else witness this event?
Have photos or video?
Find a meteorite?
If so please email your details of the meteor to LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com
Thank you!

 2011 "Year of Green Fireballs"!

Northern Colorado Meteor Fireball 3MAY2011

Denver, Colorado Greenish Blue Fireball ~10:30 0r ~10:45 3MAY2011
Guest321 (guest): I think I saw a fireball tonight, tues may 3 around 10:30 or 10:45pm in Denver, CO.It was enormous and looked like a rectangle, greenish blue like a really hot flame with whitish yellow flecks coming off and a tail. at first i thought the neighbors shot off a firework but it was so big and seemed like it landed 20 blocks away. I live just north of downtown denver and was facing west/slightly southwest and it went from left to right from where i was standing
Thank you for your fine report!

Anyone else witness this event?
Have photos or video?
Find a meteorite?
If so, please email your details of the meteor to LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com 
 Thank you!
 2011 is the "Year of Green Fireballs"!

Brunswick, Victoria, Australia Meteor Fireball 4MAY2011

Brunswick, Victoria, Australia Meteor 5 am 4MAY2011
Hi we live in Brunswick Victoria australia.5am this morning we saw a really large object burn up in the earth's atmosphere.it started as a shooting star and then became a glowing fire ball which turn green as the tail end burnt out.it was to the west - Stephanie Yates

Anyone else witness this event? 
Have photos or video? 
Find a meteorite? I
f so please email your details of the meteor to LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com 
 Thank you! 

 2011 is the "Year of Green Fireballs"!

03 May 2011

WALB CH 10 TV Report- Meteor streaks across Georgia and several other states

Meteor seen in So. GA (Link)

WALB CH 10 TV Story and TVideo Report about 29APR2011 Meteor

0:59 sec

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
29APR2011 Original report:

Florida- Sandia Allsky Camera Captures Fireball Event 29APR2011
Report by ELP Allsky, Jim Gamble

Anyone else witness this event?
Have photos or video?
Find a meteorite?
If so please email your details of the meteor to LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com
 Thank you!

 2011 "Year of Green Fireballs"!

California Green Fireball Meteor 3MAY2011

San Diego county, California Green Fireball Meteor ~9:30 pm 3MAY2011
Guest371 (guest):Saw a very bright,large, green fireball heading south to southeast of North San Diego county at about 9:30pm pst May 3 2011. Seemed to move slower than others I've seen.Almost seemed to be fizzling....

Anyone else witness this event? Have photos or video? Find a meteorite? If so please email your details of the meteor to LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Thank you! 2011 is the "Year of Green Fireballs"!

Carlisle, Cumbria, UK Meteor? 1MAY2011

Carlisle, Cumbria, UK Meteor? 5:18 pm 1MAY2011
Hi to all out there that are interested!
At 5.18pm 1st of May, my daughter and I were walking when I at first observed something which I have never seen in the sky, at least not in broad daylight - i'm nearly 100% positive it was an asteroid.
It was pointing straight down and towards the top seem to taper into a tail and on the bottom was what appeared to be a ball. At times like these you just wish you'd taken your binoculars! But we both thought there was a ball at the end.
It was pointing down until relatively low, when it seemed to hit something and slightly veered off to the right. We both believed and agreed that it must have been the impact of hitting our atmosphere.
We live near Carlisle in Cumbria and were facing North West, approximately towards where the Solway estuary is.
I do hope this has been useful and is to all concerned. Please could you give me feedback if you get an affirmation on this, as I would like confirmation as to what we saw. I have tried to search for other reports or sightings but have found none reported.
Thanks in advance -Eileen

Anyone else witness this event? Have photos or video? Find a meteorite? If so please email your details of the meteor to LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com 
Thank you!
2011 is the "Year of Green Fireballs"!

San Antonio, Texas Meteor? 1MAY2011

San Antonio, Texas Meteor? 1MAY2011
Ok so im in san antonio texas and me and my hubby were driving to jack in the box around 1am (may 1,2011) when the whole sky lit up bright green, it stayed lit for a couple of sec. Then when we made it up our mile long street I noticed a red smoky spot in the sky and it was pulsing then it disappeared? Then like ten mins later cops n fire trucks and ambulences were driving around confused about what was happening. Is this the same thing that all of yall are talking about, I can`t find anything else about this? -Jessica Gonzalez  Thank you Jessica!

Anyone else witness this event?  If so please email your details of the meteor to LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you!
2011 is the "Year of Green Fireballs"!

Rarotonga, Cook Islands Large Bright Meteor Fireball 29APR2011

Rarotonga, Cook Islands Large Bright Fireball ~2am Friday 29APR2011
Large bright fireball seen in sky above Rarotonga Cook Islands aprox 2am Friday 29 April moving south, also reported seen above Mangaia Island in the Cook Islands around 4am. Reported in local newspaper Cook Islands Times-Editor Cook Islands Times.