Showing posts with label San Antonio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label San Antonio. Show all posts

03 May 2011

San Antonio, Texas Meteor? 1MAY2011

San Antonio, Texas Meteor? 1MAY2011
Ok so im in san antonio texas and me and my hubby were driving to jack in the box around 1am (may 1,2011) when the whole sky lit up bright green, it stayed lit for a couple of sec. Then when we made it up our mile long street I noticed a red smoky spot in the sky and it was pulsing then it disappeared? Then like ten mins later cops n fire trucks and ambulences were driving around confused about what was happening. Is this the same thing that all of yall are talking about, I can`t find anything else about this? -Jessica Gonzalez  Thank you Jessica!

Anyone else witness this event?  If so please email your details of the meteor to  Thank you!
2011 is the "Year of Green Fireballs"!