04 May 2011

Brunswick, Victoria, Australia Meteor Fireball 4MAY2011

Brunswick, Victoria, Australia Meteor 5 am 4MAY2011
Hi we live in Brunswick Victoria australia.5am this morning we saw a really large object burn up in the earth's atmosphere.it started as a shooting star and then became a glowing fire ball which turn green as the tail end burnt out.it was to the west - Stephanie Yates

Anyone else witness this event? 
Have photos or video? 
Find a meteorite? I
f so please email your details of the meteor to LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com 
 Thank you! 

 2011 is the "Year of Green Fireballs"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just and filmed what i thin is a metero falling from my backyrd in fort Worth Texas today May 4th, 2011 at approx. 8 p.m. CSt.

In the West Sky I saw 2 'white' lines falling in the bright blue sky. At first I thought it was a plane but it was falling almost straight down.

I grabbed my video camera and filmed it. When I zoomed in a 56X, it appeared to be something falling on fire. After a while it disappeared.