15 November 2009

Spanish Meteor/Meteorite News- Week of 14NOV09

Grandes meteoritos que impactaron la Tierra Large meteorites hit the Earth

El Informador - ‎20 時間前‎ The Informant - 20时间前
De manera estricta la palabra meteorito hace referencia sólo al fenómeno lumínico que tiene lugar en la atmósfera, cuando un cuerpo celeste entra a la ... The word strictly refers only to the meteor luminous phenomenon that occurs in the atmosphere, when a celestial body enters the ...

Feria en Barcelona de fósiles, joyeria y …. meteoritos de Marte Fair in Barcelona from fossils, jewelry and .... Meteorites from Mars

Noticias Jóvenes - ‎2009年11月10日‎ News Young - 2009年11月10日
Este fenómeno se produce cuando un meteorito colisiona contra un cuerpo celeste, en este caso Marte y la Luna, generando una lluvia de pequeños pedazos ... This phenomenon occurs when a meteor collides against a celestial body, in this case Mars and the Moon, creating a shower of small pieces ...

Opinando sin politica (559) Opinando without politics (559)

El Diario CoLatino - ‎2009年11月10日‎ The Journal CoLatino - 2009年11月10日
Según una hipótesis, este pudo haber sido causado por el impacto de un meteorito enorme, o un cometa, con la liberación de una cantidad de energía ... According to one hypothesis, this could have been caused by the impact of a huge meteorite or a comet, with the release of an amount of energy ...

Abren exposición de astrofotografía en Saltillo Astrophotography exhibition opens in Saltillo

Vanguardia (México) - ‎2009年11月10日‎ Vanguardia (Mexico) - 2009年11月10日
Un fragmento de un meteorito amorfo de 50 centímetros de diámetro compuesto de níquel y fierro denominado Coahuila II y que fue localizado en la Sierra de ... A fragment of a meteorite amorphous than 50 cm in diameter consisting of nickel and iron called Coahuila II and was located in the Sierra de ...

Chihuahua: ¡Viaja por la ruta de Villa! Chihuahua: Travel along the route from Villa!

Terra México - ‎2009年11月11日‎ Terra Mexico - 2009年11月11日
... población que se hizo mundialmente famosa en 1969 cuando cayó cerca de la comunidad un gran meteorito que se fragmentó en miles de pedazos, sin embargo, ... ... People who became world famous in 1969 when it crashed near the community a large meteorite that broke up into thousands of pieces, however, ...

Diez teorías apocalípticas sobre 'El fin del Mundo' el 21 de diciembre de 2012 Ten apocalyptic theories on 'The End of the World "on December 21, 2012

Momento 24 - ‎2009年11月13日‎ Moment 24-2009年11月13日
*Donald Yeomans, director de la Oficina del Programa de Objetos Cercanos a la Tierra de la NASA- Impacto de un meteorito - “A escalas de tiempo muy grandes, ... * Donald Yeomans, director of the Office Object Program Near Earth NASA-impact of a meteorite - "A very large time scales, ...

Opportunity localiza extraña roca en el horizonte Opportunity strange rock located on the horizon

Akro Noticias - ‎2009年11月9日‎ Akro News - 2009年9月11日
Si anteriormente fueron hasta tres los meteoritos los que se cruzaron en el camino de Opportunity, ahora una nueva roca apareció ante los ojos del rover, y, ... If you previously were three meteorites that stood in the way of Opportunity, a new rock now appeared before the eyes of the rover, and ...

Russian Meteor/Meteorite News- The Week of 14NOV09

перепутал метеорит с обычным камнем confused with ordinary meteorite stone

Lenta.ru - ‎2009年11月9日‎ Lenta.ru - 2009年11月9日
Марсоход Opportunity обнаружил камень, который ученые издалека приняли за метеорит и успели дать ему имя Marquette Island ("Остров Маркет"). Mars rover Opportunity has found the stone, which scientists have adopted a distance of meteorite and managed to give him the name of Marquette Island ( "Island Market"). При ближайшем рассмотрении, однако, камень оказался всего лишь куском грунта, выброшенным во время падения метеорита в другом месте. ... Upon closer examination, however, the stone was just a piece of ground, thrown out during the fall of the meteorite in a different place. ...

В небе над томской АЭС сгорел метеорит In the skies over the Tomsk plant burned meteorite

Vesti.kz - ‎2009年11月11日‎ Vesti.kz - 2009年11月11日
В небе над Томском недалеко от действующей атомной электростанции сгорел каменный метеорит , сообщает Life News. In the skies over Tomsk near existing nuclear power plant burned stone meteorite, reports Life News. След падения небесного тела на камеру сотового телефона зафиксировал вечером в минувший вторник, 10 ноября, 20-летний уроженец села Тахтамышево. Next fall of the celestial body to the camera cell phone recorded the evening on Tuesday, 10 ноября, 20-year-old native of the village Tahtamyshevo. На фото отчетливо виден вертикальный ... The photo is clearly visible vertical ...

Сеть фотокамер выследила аномальный метеорит Network cameras tracked the anomalous meteorite

InFuture.ru - Почувствуй будущее! - ‎2009年11月9日‎ InFuture.ru - Feel the future! - 2009年11月9日
Сеть фотокамер, установленных в равнине Наалларбор в Западной Австралии, позволила исследователям отследить падающий на землю метеорит , и определить его исходную орбиту и материнское тело. Network cameras installed in plain Naallarbor in Western Australia, has allowed researchers to track the meteorite falling to earth, and to determine its initial orbit and the mother's body. Состав этого метеорита отличается от других метеоров, исходя из этого учёные полагают, что он происходит от ... The composition of this meteorite differs from the other meteors, on the basis of this, scientists believe that it comes from ...

оказались ионами жизни ions were living

Lenta.ru - ‎2009年11月9日‎ Lenta.ru - 2009年11月9日
У этой теории есть одно слабое место - высокая температура при ударе метеорита о поверхность планеты должна была бы привести к разрушению всех органических соединений до таких простых молекул как углекислый газ и вода. In this theory, there is one weak spot - a high temperature when the meteorite hit the surface of the planet would have to lead to the destruction of all organic compounds to simple molecules such as carbon dioxide and water. Авторы новой работы предложили иную версию. ... The creators of the work offered a different version. ...

Древние атомные бомбы вовсе не фантастика? Ancient atomic bombs did not fiction?

ДОНБАСС - ‎2009年11月12日‎ Donbass - 2009年11月12日
Кроме того, глыбы стекла, найденные в Ливийской пустыне, имеют степень прозрачности и чистоты 99 процентов, что не является типичным для состава упавших метеоритов , в которых железо и другие материалы смешиваются с литым кремнием после удара. In addition, lumps of glass found in the Libyan desert, have a degree of transparency and purity of 99 per cent, which is not typical of meteorites, in which iron and other materials are mixed with a molded silicon after impact. Тем не менее, ученые предложили, что метеориты , ... Nevertheless, scientists suggested that the meteorites ...

МЧС спасет Россию от опасного метеорита MOE will save Russia from a dangerous meteorite

Маяк - ‎2009年11月9日‎ Lighthouse - 2009年11月9日
МЧС России будет отслеживать угрозы от метеоритов и астероидов. MOE Russia will monitor the threat of meteorites and asteroids. За предварительную информацию о предполагаемых местах падения опасных небесных тел ведомство Сергея Шойгу готово заплатить астрономам полтора миллиона рублей. For preliminary information on the alleged impact point of dangerous celestial bodies agency Sergei Shoigu astronomers willing to pay a half million rubles. Об этом говорится в сообщении на сайте Роскосмоса. This is stated in a message on the site Roskosmos. Ученые могут заранее ... Scientists can advance ...

Japanese Meter/Meteorite News- Week of 14NOV09

またまた「2012年人類滅亡説」 隕石衝突か大地震か大津波か

J- CASTニュース - ‎2009年11月12日‎マヤ文明の長期暦「マヤ暦」が2012年の冬至付近で終わるのを根拠に、「隕石が地球にぶつかる」「大地震、大津波が起こる」 などというのだ。人類滅亡の映画「2012」の公開が迫っていることも手伝って、ネットでは、「2012年、人類はどうなるんでしょうか? ...

And also, "annihilation theory of 2012 was" a major earthquake or tsunami, or meteorite impact or J-CAST News - 2009 November 12, Sun Mayan long calendar "Mayan calendar" is based on the 2012 year end near the winter solstice to, "the meteorite hit the earth," "Earthquake, tsunami happens," as he called. Movies of annihilation "2012" also helped the imminent publication of the Net, "2012, humanity is what I expect? ...


秋田魁新報 - ‎2009年11月12日‎
今回の観測隊には本社政治経済部の安藤伸一記者も同行する ▼南極観測は国民の日常生活に直接はかかわらない。しかし地球規模での基礎的な観測、研究は地球の将来を考える貴重な手掛かりになろう。南極誕生の研究や周辺海域のレーダー調査、隕石(いんせき)採集など、 ...
Hokutosei (Nov 13 date) Akita Sakigake Shimpo - 2009 November 12, the expedition this day to attend the conference Andou Nobukazu ▼ Antarctic headquarters of the political and economic life of the people directly to the mess. Basic observations on a global scale, however, research has become a valuable clues about the future of the earth. And radar survey of the waters surrounding the birth of the Antarctic meteorite (meteorite) and collecting, ...

14 November 2009

Chinese Meteor/Meteorite News- Meteor/Meteorite News for the Week of 14NOV09

收藏"天上星星"把玩"生命之美" 爱上陨石[图]

新华网 - ‎2009年11月9日‎
探索宇宙是人类共同的心愿,陨石这种“天外来客”常常被人们浪漫地视为天上的星星。在包罗万象的收藏界里,有的藏家收藏的就是“星星”——陨石。对陨石收藏人士来说,外表 ...
Collection "Heavenly Star" playing with "The Beauty of Life," fell in love with meteorites [map] Washington Post - November 9, 2009 to explore the universe is the common aspiration of mankind and meteorites this kind of "extraterrestrial" is too often viewed as a romantic sky stars. In the all-inclusive collection circles, and some collectors collection is the "stars" - meteorite. Meteorite collection of the people, the appearance of ...


新浪网 - ‎21 分前‎
当时,“半人马座”火箭首先撞向月球南极的一个名为“Cabeus”的陨石坑,大约4分钟后,LCROSS卫星接踵而至,向月球表面发起第二波撞击。虽然这次撞击完成已有1个月的时间, ...
New York Times - 21 minutes ago At the time, "Centaurus" rocket crashed into the lunar south pole of the first one, called "Cabeus" of the crater, about 4 minutes later, LCROSS satellite followed, to launch a second wave of impact on the lunar surface . Although the impact has been the completion of a month's time, ...

またまた「2012年人類滅亡説」 隕石衝突か大地震か大津波か

J-CASTニュース - ‎2009年11月12日‎マヤ文明の長期暦「マヤ暦」が2012年の冬至付近で終わるのを根拠に、「隕石が地球にぶつかる」「大地震、大津波が起こる」などというのだ。人類滅亡の映画「2012」の公開が迫っていることも手伝って、ネットでは、「2012年、人類はどうなるんでしょうか? ...

And also, "annihilation theory of 2012 was" a major earthquake or tsunami, or meteorite impact or J-CAST News - 2009 November 12, Sun Mayan long calendar "Mayan calendar" is based on the 2012 year end near the winter solstice to, "the meteorite hit the earth," "Earthquake, tsunami happens," as he called. Movies of annihilation "2012" also helped the imminent publication of the Net, "2012, humanity is what I expect? ...


秋田魁新報 - ‎2009年11月12日‎
今回の観測隊には本社政治経済部の安藤伸一記者も同行する ▼南極観測は国民の日常生活に直接はかかわらない。しかし地球規模での基礎的な観測、研究は地球の将来を考える貴重な手掛かりになろう。南極誕生の研究や周辺海域のレーダー調査、隕石(いんせき)採集など、 ...
Hokutosei (Nov 13 date) Akita Sakigake Shimpo - 2009 November 12, the expedition this day to attend the conference Andou Nobukazu ▼ Antarctic headquarters of the political and economic life of the people directly to the mess. Basic observations on a global scale, however, research has become a valuable clues about the future of the earth. And radar survey of the waters surrounding the birth of the Antarctic meteorite (meteorite) and collecting, ...

會不會太晚?隕石上周險撞地球 竟在15小時前才發現它!

鉅亨網 - ‎2009年11月11日‎
《2012 末日預言》電影今(12) 日上映,但本月6 日,天文學家真的偵測到一顆隕石差點撞上地球,而專家卻是在它接近地球之前15 小時才發現它! 香港《大公報》報導,馬雅曆預言末日將於2012 年降臨,並指一顆小行星將撞向地球。昨天,美國太空總署(NASA) 還信誓旦旦的說電影 ...
Will be too late? Last week, insurance meteorite hit the Earth 15 hours before actually found it! ABC News - November 11, 2009, "2012 doomsday prophecy" film today (12) day release, but on the 6th of this month, astronomers have actually detected a meteorite hit the Earth almost, but experts say It is close to the Earth in 15 hours only to find it before! Hong Kong "Ta Kung Pao," reported that Mayan calendar doomsday prophecy will come in 2012, and that an asteroid will hit Earth. Yesterday, the United States Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has also vowed to say the film ...


亞視新聞 - ‎2 時間前‎
美國太空總署上月用火箭和觀測衛星兩次撞向隕石坑,再用光譜儀分析由撞擊產生的塵埃,發現塵埃中有水,美國太空總署指這次發現出乎意料。 這次的探月任務是美國重登月球計劃的第一步,如果確認月球有分佈廣泛的豐富水源,不但有助日後的探月旅程,長遠更有助人類在月球 ...
NASA analysis of data confirmed that the moon contains a moisture ATV News - 2 hours ago Last month, a NASA rocket and crashed into a crater two observation satellites, and then spectrometer analysis of dust generated by the crash and found that dust There are water, NASA discovered that the unexpected. This lunar mission is the United States re-program the first step in landing on the moon, the moon, if there is widespread recognition of a rich source of water will not only help in future lunar exploration journey, a long-term and help human beings on the moon ...


新華網 - ‎2009年11月12日‎
國外一家博客網站近日對墜落于地球的最重的隕石進行了盤點,納米比亞重約60噸的霍巴隕石問鼎。以下就是迄今發現的七大最重隕石。 作為墜落于地球的最重隕石,霍巴隕石的重量幾乎是排名第二的艾爾·查科隕石的兩倍。這顆隕石的表面積超過6.5平方米,重量在60噸左右。 ...
Seven heaviest meteorite: Africa 60 tons of extraterrestrial aspirations to (Figure) Washington Post - November 12, 2009 outside a blog site has crashed on Earth on the heaviest meteorite carried out an inventory, Namibia weight About 60 tons of meteorites aspirations to Hobart. The following are the seven most ever found meteorites. As a fall in the earth's most meteorites, meteorites Hobart weight is almost the El Chaco second meteorite twice as high. Meteorite surface area of more than 6.5 square meters, weight 60 tons. ...

愛上隕石 收藏"天上星星"把玩"生命之美"(組圖)

中國經濟網 - ‎2009年11月9日‎
探索宇宙是人類共同的心願,隕石這種“天外來客”常常被人們浪漫地視為天上的星星。在包羅萬象的收藏界裏,有的藏家收藏的就是“星星”——隕石。對隕石收藏人士來說,外表形似普通石頭的隕石大有價值,籠罩著濃厚的神秘色彩 金庸小說《神雕俠侶》裏,楊過使的是一把“重劍無鋒, ...
Love meteorite collection "Heavenly Star" playing with "The Beauty of Life" (Photos) China Economic Times - November 9, 2009 to explore the universe is the common aspiration of mankind and meteorites this kind of "extraterrestrial" is too often as romantically for the stars in the sky. In the all-inclusive collection circles, and some collectors collection is the "stars" - meteorite. On the meteorite collectors, the exterior shape of common stone meteorites of great value, shrouded in mystery, strong Jin Yong's novel "Condor Heroes", the Yang Guo to make is that an "epee no front, ...

小行星上周險撞上地球 2012年大家自求多福?

NOWnews - ‎2009年11月10日‎
為安撫示大眾的恐慌,NASA宣示,2012年時他們能夠偵測出大多數接近地球的小行星和彗星。 NASA又說,雖然彗星和隕石的確會撞上地球,但大規模撞擊極罕見,最近一次是在6500萬年前,造成恐龍滅絕,NASA說:「我們判斷不會有那麼大的隕石撞上地球」。
Last week, insurance asteroid hit the Earth in 2012 we hope for the best? NOWnews - 2009 Nian 11 Yue 10 as shown to placate the public panic, NASA declared that in 2012, when they can detect most of the near-earth asteroids and comets. NASA also stated that although comets and meteorites will indeed hit Earth, but large-scale impact extremely rare, most recently in 6500 million years ago caused the extinction of dinosaurs, NASA said: "We would not have so much to determine the meteorite hit the Earth" .


NOWnews - ‎9 時間前‎
為了探索月球表面下是否有水的存在,太空總署上月9日發射月球坑觀測和傳感衛星與半人馬座火箭,撞向預先被選定的月球南極一個隕石坑。太空總署發表新聞稿指出,半人馬座火箭撞月後掀起了兩部分塵埃,一部分由蒸汽和微塵組成;另一部分由質量更重的物質組成。 ...

Major breakthrough! NASA: Water found on Moon! And quite a lot! NOWnews - 9 hours ago to explore the lunar surface whether the presence of water, NASA launched last month on the 9th lunar pit observation and sensing satellite and Centaur rocket and crashed into a pre-selected one of the lunar south pole crater. NASA issued a press release pointed out that the Centaur rocket hit two months later, the dust stirred up in part by steam and dust composition; and partly by the quality of the composition of heavier material. ...


鉅亨網 - ‎2009年11月11日‎
■《2012末日預言》今上映,NASA罕見出面駁斥,但科學家說 ,天文學家於上周五(6日) 偵測到一顆隕石差點撞上地球。 而天文學是在它接近地球之前15 小時才發現它。 ■調查指出,男人一生中只有17 年時間會替自己買內褲, 因為買內褲這工作大部分時間都由女性代勞。
Kui Heng Post ABC News - November 11, 2009 ■ "2012 doomsday prophecy," released today, NASA rarely come forward to refute, but scientists say astronomers at the last Friday (6) to detect a nearly meteorite hit the Earth. The astronomy is it close to Earth only to find it before 15 hours. ■ survey found that only a man's life would have taken 17 years to buy their own underwear, because most of the time to buy underwear this work by the women do the job.

46亿年陨石划过加拿大夜空 砸进居民卡车内(图)

新民网 - ‎11 時間前‎
西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)调查人员如今已经找到了9月25日晚坠落地球的一些陨石碎片。起初,他们还埋怨石头砸坏了卡车,但幸运的是,他们留下了这块 ...
Meteorite 46 million years across the Canadian residents of a truck in the night sky fly it (Figure)
Xinmin Net - 11 hours before the University of Western Ontario (University of Western Ontario) is now investigating officers found the evening of September 25 crashes to Earth, some of the meteorite fragments . At first, they also complain about a rock smashed the truck, but fortunately, they left a piece of ...


IT168 - ‎7 時間前‎
问题七:2012年的时候陨石会撞击地球吗? 大牛庚:彗星或者小行星经常光顾地球,但是像“天地大冲撞”这样的事却很少发生。最近一次“天地大冲撞”发生在6500万年前(耳畔 ...
2012: Doomsday or Down? Alarmist or Down?
IT168 - 7 hours ago issue 7: in 2012 when the meteorite hit the Earth will do? Large cattle G: comets or asteroids frequented by the Earth, but as "天地大冲撞" This kind of thing rarely happened. Recently a "天地大冲撞" took place in 6500 million years ago (ears ...

金庸粉丝情迷杨过玄铁剑 爱上了陨石收藏

四川新闻网 - ‎2009年11月11日‎
这种古代“玄铁”其实是一种陨石——铁陨石,又称陨铁。南宁藏家钱广生原本喜好古兵器,为了铸造一把陨铁剑而爱上了陨石收藏,多年下来拥有各种陨石几百块。 ...
Discovering fans fell in love with Jin Yong Yang Guo Xuan Tiejian meteorite collection
Sichuan News Net - November 11, 2009 that the ancient "Xuantie" is actually a kind of meteorites - iron meteorite, also known as siderite. Nanning, Guang-sheng Qian collectors prefer the original ancient weapons, in order to cast an iron meteorite fell in love with the sword while the meteorite collection has a variety of meteorites a few hundred years down the block. ...


解放牛网 - ‎2009年10月27日‎
天外陨石坠地的消息惊动了整个拉脱维亚。然而天文学专家对这个“陨石坑”进行详细检查后,却断定它是人工挖掘出来的。 据报道,当地时间25日下午,拉脱维亚消防部门接到 ...
Latvia, a company man Zaochu "crater"
Liberation cow Times - October 27, 2009 days meteorite plunging to the ground outside the news alarmed the whole Latvia. Astronomy experts, however, this "crater" for detailed examination, but concluded that it was dug out. According to reports, local time, on the 25th afternoon, Latvia, the fire department received ...


大纪元 - ‎2009年11月11日‎
由此推断大庆五马沙坨疑似陨石坑。五马沙坨到底是不是陨石坑,有待专家对土壤的成分做进一步检测,一旦确认,五马沙坨将成为中国第一个被证实的陨石坑。 ...
Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, a suspected impact crater 5 Martha lump Epoch - November 11, 2009 5 Martha lump infer Daqing suspected crater. 5 Martha lump in the end is not crater, to be experts on the composition of the soil for further testing, if confirmed, the five Machado lump will become the first to be confirmed crater. ...


大纪元 - ‎2009年11月12日‎
此碎片中含有大量铱元素,被认为是六千五百万年前陨石撞击地球的证据。据计算,当时一颗陨石坠落在墨西哥尤卡坦半岛上,剧烈的爆炸甚至把陨石之一部分向西抛出5400英 ...
Earth's disaster Epoch Times - November 12, 2009 in this debris contains large amounts of iridium is considered六千五百万年evidence before the meteorite hit the Earth. It has been calculated, when a meteorite crashed in Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, violent explosions and even dished out to the west part of the meteorite 5400 English ...


搜狐 - ‎2009年10月21日‎
【搜狐科学消息】据国外媒体报道,美国科学家近日推测,一颗25英里(约为40.2千米)宽的陨石在6500年前坠落在印度西海岸并发生了剧烈碰撞,这直接导致了恐龙的灭绝, ...
Scientists speculated that the west coast of India, a large meteorite collision caused the extinction of dinosaurs Forbes - October 21, 2009 ALAMEDA, science news, according to foreign media reports, U.S. scientists have recently speculated that a 25-mile (about 40.2 km) wide meteorite in the 6500 years ago, will fall on the west coast of India and the occurrence of violent collisions, which directly led to the extinction of the dinosaurs, ...


东北网 - ‎2009年11月8日‎
由此推断大庆五马沙坨疑似陨石坑。五马沙坨到底是不是陨石坑,有待专家对土壤的成分做进一步检测,一旦确认,五马沙坨将成为中国第一个被证实的陨石坑。 ...
Daqing found in a geological engineer Tourism Martha lump suspected crater YORK, 5 - November 8, 2009 5 Martha lump infer Daqing suspected crater. 5 Martha lump in the end is not crater, to be experts on the composition of the soil for further testing, if confirmed, the five Machado lump will become the first to be confirmed crater. ...


新浪网 - ‎2009年10月28日‎
据《中国日报》报道一颗小行星本月8日在印度尼西亚上空的地球大气层中爆炸,释放出的能量相当于三枚原子弹。这再次引发人们对太空天体撞击地球的担忧。 ...
Photo: Earth really will be facing the "meteorite catastrophe," a do New York Times - October 28, 2009 According to "China Daily" reported that an asteroid on the 8th of this month in Indonesia exploded over the Earth's atmosphere, releasing the energy is equivalent to three atomic bombs. This once again raised awareness of the space objects hit the Earth's concerns. ...


华龙网 - ‎2009年11月11日‎
"Opportunity" Mars probe found that the unknown stone block objects DragonSoft - November 11, 2009 the world's netizens have speculated that it would not be a falling meteorite billions of years ago, but also, or aliens to stay under the "traces." NASA said the next week weeks, the "Opportunity" will be closer to the goal of their coverage. (Tang Yaqiong)


科学时报 - ‎2009年11月12日‎
低本底高灵敏度Sm-Nd同位素分析方法对石榴子石Sm-Nd定年、陨石Sm-Nd年代学及地球化学、高度亏损超镁铁岩Sm-Nd同位素研究以及环境样品Sm-Nd同位素地球化学研究等领域 ...
New high-sensitivity Sm-Nd isotopic analysis of science New York Times - November 12, 2009 low-background high-sensitivity Sm-Nd isotopic analysis method garnet Sm-Nd dating of meteorites Sm-Nd geochronology and geochemistry , highly depleted ultramafic rock Sm-Nd isotopic studies, and environmental samples Sm-Nd isotope geochemistry of the areas of ...


南方网 - ‎2009年11月8日‎
事实上,大自然最终会用冰冷的陨石摧毁我们,但是迄今为止,任何有关彗星的预言或者其他关于世界末日的预言都没有实现。 随着即将上映的灾难片“2012”,以及关于玛雅 ...
Inventory of doomsday predictions: From the Prophet to the new millennium crisis, Nanfang Wang hen - November 8, 2009 In fact, nature will eventually destroy us with ice-cold meteorite, but so far, any predictions of comets or other on the doomsday predictions have not materialized. With the upcoming disaster film "2012", and on the Maya ...

Ohio Meteor/Meteorite News- Cincinnati Fireball 13NOV09 14NOV09

Fireball - Cincinnati

Time 19:38 EST
Date 13 Nov. 2009
Viewed from Cincinnati, OH
Relative position - azimuth 200 deg., elevation 10 deg.
Color - white / yellow
0bserved duration - 10-15 seconds

When first seen, it had a slow relative straight-downward motion, with a trail extending upward. It was about the brightness of a large aircraft's landing lights viewed from 15-20 miles.

My first impression was that it was traveling away from me i.e. on a 200 degr. heading. However after a few seconds two pieces broke off, one to the left, one right, and they diverged from the center object. I now believe it was traveling towards me i.e. on a 020 heading.

If you need more, please contact me..

Tom Emmert, Cincinnati, OH

Meteor/Meteorite News- 14NOV09

Meteor storm to put on a show

LaSalle News Tribune
The astronomy class at Illinois Valley Community College was learning about a variety of subjects such as the Leonid meteor shower that many scientists ...

Catch a celestial show early Tuesday

Daily Comet
The Leonid meteor show is expected to peak at around 3 am Tuesday morning, according to Ken Stage, a local astronomy buff and curator of the St. George ...

Get the most from a promising meteor show

By Joe Rao When people hear about an impending meteor shower, their first impression may be of a sky filled with shooting stars pouring down through the sky ...

H20 Confirmed; Free Spirit!

Just a friendly reminder about the Leonid Meteor shower that will peak the morning of the 17th, head back to Thursday's blog for more information. ...

Leonid Meteor Shower Peaks Tuesday, Nov. 17

University of Texas at Austin News
AUSTIN, Texas — The Leonid meteor shower best viewing this year will be in the hours before dawn on Nov. 17, according to the editors of StarDate magazine. ...
'Meteor to shower in Kolkata on November 17/18'

Press Trust of India
Kolkata, Nov 13 (PTI) Brilliant celestial firework will be on display here on November 17 and the night following when the Leonid meteor would shower ...
Heads up! Leonid meteor shower is next Tuesday

The earth passes through different streams that have different densities of particles, which causes substantial variability in the number of meteors seen. ...

Opolscy łowcy meteorytów

Nowa Trybuna Opolska - Opole,Poland
Wojciech Bogusławski z Prudnika od półtora roku tropi meteoryty. Deszcz leonidów. Najlepiej są widoczne w połowie listopada. Wojciech Bogusławski z Prudnika ...

2009 Leonid Meteor Shower to Peak Tuesday

17 will be the best time to view the Leonid meteor shower in the United States. Watchers of the meteor shower might be able to see even more meteors than ...

Look for Leonid meteor shower after midnight Tuesday

The News-Press
2:57 PM — Insomniacs and sky watchers might be in for a spectacular celestial show after midnight Tuesday as the annual Leonid meteor shower reaches its ...
Duck! Sierra Vista May be Impact Target!

Sierra Vista Herald
High Knoll Observatory — In November of 2001, more than 50 local astronomers observed a meteor storm from the Junk Bond Observatory in Hereford, Ariz. .

13 November 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- 13NOV09

Astro clubs gear up to watch meteor showers

Times of India
PUNE: Various astronomy clubs have organised trips around Pune to watch the Leonid meteor shower, which is expected to happen on November 17 night. ...

Observing podcast: Leonid meteor shower, Silver Coin Galaxy, and IC 1613

Astronomy Magazine
November 13-20, 2009, the Leonid meteor shower makes a great event for all observers, while the Silver Coin Galaxy and irregular galaxy IC 1613 provide nice ...

NASA Debunks the movie 2012 – Science Suffers Humiliation

Idiots who pray Bruce Willis isn't too old to save us by the time that meteor hits. Idiots who wonder why Matthew Broderick could only snag Sarah Jessica ...

Ready for the Leonid meteor showers? Nature's best light show is almost here

It's time again for the spectacular Leonid meteor showers, and this year's annual fiery display in the heavens may just be a great one. ...

Meteors of November

If there was ever such a thing as a teaching meteor shower, the Leonids would be it, because astronomers have learned more from this shower than from any ...

Kometen, Asteroiden und Meteoriten Raumsonde Rosetta kommt zur ...

Bayerischer Rundfunk. - Nurnberg,Germany
Europas Kometenjäger Rosetta ist wieder da - aber nur kurz: Heute rast die drei Tonnen schwere Raumsonde einmal um die Erde, um noch einmal richtig Schwung ...
Comet, asteroid and meteorite space probe Rosetta comes to...
Bavarian broadcasting company. -
Nurnberg, Germany
Comet hunter of Europe Rosetta is there again - but only briefly: Today the three metric tons space probe races once around the earth, around properly swing once again...

Museum of Science and History reopens Friday, with many new interactive exhibits

Fort Worth Star Telegram
You may get lucky and witness an asteroid or a meteor shower live. These and many other jaw-dropping interactive experiences await when the Fort Worth ...

Meteor shower to brighten night sky if the clouds stay away

Santa Rosa Press Democrat
By BOB NORBERG The Leonids, an annual meteor shower that occurs as the Earth passes through the debris of Comet Tempel-Tuttle, is expected to put on a ...


ARIGA, Latvia (AP) - A Swedish mobile phone operator acknowledged on Oct. 27 that it was behind an elaborate meteorite hoax in Latvia and pledged to ...

Shooting-star show heading our way

Bigger, heavier elements that survive their plunge into the atmosphere and hit the Earth are called meteorites. Most meteorites come from asteroids, ...

12 November 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- 12NOV09

Sighting In Kecksburg Remains A Mystery

The military reportedly forced onlookers away and the event was described as a meteor flying across the sky. NASA repeatedly denied anything manmade landed ...

Catholic Church Searching for Aliens

... to bridge the gap between religion and science. It's scientist-clerics have produced research on the topic and even have a world class meteorite collection.

The Post-Standard - Syracuse.com
Vatican Astronomer Guy Consolmagno: "We are not split into a world of Spocks ...

The Post-Standard - Syracuse.com
An astronomer at the Vatican Observatory, Brother Guy serves as curator for the Vatican Meteorite collection in Rome. He spoke from his office. ...

Turn your eyes to the skies

By LINDSEY POISSON Next week, the annual Leonid meteor shower will light up the constellation Leo with a few dozen "shooting stars" in the early morning ...

The Birmingham News - al.com
Meteor storm muse behind 'Stars Fell on Alabama'

The Birmingham News - al.com
Astronomers estimate that a meteor storm on Nov. 12-13, 1833, bombarded Earth's atmosphere with more than 30000 meteors an hour blazing over Alabama and ...

California Meteor/Meteorite News- San Francisco Sunset Fireball 7NOV09 12NOV09

Spaceweather News-
If only photographers had faster reflexes.... On Saturday, Nov. 7th, around 5 p.m. Pacific time, a brilliant fireball raced across the sky of California's San Francisco ...


Kazakhstan Meteor/Meteorite News- Kazakhstan Meteor over Atomic Power Station 11NOV09

В небе над томской АЭС сгорел метеорит
Vesti.kz - Almaty,Kazakhstan
В небе над Томском недалеко от действующей атомной электростанции сгорел каменный метеорит, сообщает Life News. След падения небесного тела на камеру... [more]

Russian-English machine translation:
In the sky above the Tomsk atomic power station the meteorite has burned down
Vesti.kz - Almaty,Kazakhstan
The trace of falling of a heavenly body on the chamber of a cellular telephone was fixed in the evening on the last Tuesday, on November, 10th, by the 20-years native of village Tahtamyshevo. ...

Meteor/Meteorite News- 11NOV09

The Associated Press
Vatican looks to heavens for signs of alien life

The Associated Press
Its scientist-clerics have generated top-notch research and its meteorite collection is considered one of the world's best. The observatory, founded by Pope ...

The lights in the night sky reappear

They didn't belong to a meteorite, a UFO, or anything else - it was only members of the Mile-Hi Skydiving Center. Monday evening, thousands of people saw ...

The 2009 Leonid Meteor Shower

This year's Leonid meteor shower peaks on Tuesday, Nov. 17th. If forecasters are correct, the shower should produce a mild but pretty sprinkling of meteors ...

Meteor impacts may have cooked up life on Earth

Newspost Online
A new research by scientists has confirmed that the organic matter needed for the origin of life could have been delivered to Earth through meteoritic ...

Thinking dark thoughts

Albany Times Union
Next Tuesday, the Leonid meteor shower will be putting on a show. According to this article, the peak performance is expected to be between 3:30 and 5:30 am ...

10 November 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- Asteroid 2009 VA Whizzes By The Earth 6NOV09 10NOV09

Small Asteroid 2009 VA Whizzes By The Earth
Don Yeomans, Paul Chodas, Steve Chesley
NASA/JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office
November 9, 2009

Trajectory of Asteroid 2009 VA Past Earth on November 6, 2009
Trajectory of Asteroid 2009 VA Past Earth on November 6, 2009

A newly discovered asteroid designated 2009 VA, which is only about 7
meters in size, passed about 2 Earth radii (14,000 km) from the Earth's
surface Nov. 6 at around 16:30 EST. This is the third-closest known
(non-impacting) Earth approach on record for a cataloged asteroid. ...

Meteor/Meteorite News- Father of Chinese Space Program Dies 31OCT09 10NOV09

Father of the Chinese
space program dies


Posted: November 2, 2009

Bookmark and Share

The father of China's space and strategic rocket program Tsien Hsue-shen, who worked initially on U.S. rocket development, helped bring Werner Von Braun to the U.S. then was wrongly deported back to China in the 1950s for alleged ties with communist China, died in Beijing Oct. 31 at age 98. (He has also gone by the name of Qian Xuesen.) ... [more]



Марсоход перепутал метеорит с обычным камнем

Lenta.ru - Москва,Russia
Марсоход Opportunity обнаружил камень, который ученые издалека приняли за метеорит и успели дать ему имя Marquette Island ("Остров Маркет"). ...
The mars rover has mixed a meteorite with a usual stone
Lenta.ru - Moscow, Russia
Mars rover Opportunity has found out a stone which scientists have from apart accepted for a meteorite and had time to name it Marquette Island (" Island the Market ")....

Meteorite found due to skycam

Discover Magazine
It's been observing the sky since 2006, and it paid off handsomely: a bright meteor observed by the skycam has led to the resulting meteorite being found. ...

Meteorite-Times November issue is now up

Meteor/Meteorite News- 10NOV09

Meteor Shower to Light up the Skies

The annual Leonid meteor shower will peak next week, but the meteors could start as soon as Tuesday night. So what should you look for? ...

The Money Times
World will not end in 2012: NASA

The Money Times
Some reports claim that some meteor would hit Earth. Others state that the world will come to an end due to reversal in its rotation or as a result of the ...

Ist das ein Meteorit ?

Oberbayerisches Volksblatt (Abonnement) - Bayern,Germany
Unterreit - Wie erkennt man einen Meteoriten? Als Feuerkugel wird ein besonders heller Meteor mit einer Leuchtdauer von rund fünf Sekunden bezeichnet, ...
Is that a meteorite?
Oberbayerisches Volksblatt (subscription) - Bavaria, Germany
Unterreit - How one recognizes a meteorite? An especially bright meteor with a luminous duration of about five seconds is called fire ball...

Earth Heads into Meteor Territory

It's not an invasion of UFO's, but rather the annual Perseid meteor shower. Astronomers say the Perseid is one of the best meteor showers as it produces up ...

Geelong Advertiser
Mystery holes in Grovedale roof could be meteorites, says expert

Geelong Advertiser
The Astronomical Society of Victoria's president Perry Vlahos predicted a marble-sized piece of space junk or meteorite could have caused the damage and the ...

Here comes the 2009 Leonid meteor shower

Astronomy Magazine
The Leonid meteor shower peaks November 17, when you might see up to 100 meteors per hour under a dark sky. Astronomy: Roen Kelly [View Larger Image] ...

Camera Network Tracks Anomalous Meteorite

Space Fellowship
An unusual meteorite with an interesting orbit has been tracked to the ground using a photographic observatory that records time-lapse images of fireballs ...

Adirondacks: Stargazing Parties, Holiday Events

ABC News
The Adirondack Loj in Lake Placid is planning a Meteor Mania event starting at 10 pm Nov. 17, when experts are forecasting a meteor shower will take place. ...

Camera Network Spies Anomalous Meteorite
Universe Today Mon, 09 Nov 2009 10:18 AM PST
A network of time-lapse cameras set up in the Nullarbor Plain desert of Western Australia has allowed researchers to track a fallen meteorite to the ground, and enabled them to determine its original orbit and parent body. The meteorite has a composition different than that of other meteors, leading researchers to believe that it originates [...]

Weekend Fireball Still a Mystery

NBC Bay Area
Should a piece of the meteor survive the fiery path through the atmosphere and reach the ground it becomes known as a meteorite. The colors seen in meteor ...

Jimmy Westlake: A great year for Leonid meteors

Steamboat Pilot
It is the debris shed by Comet Tempel-Tuttle that creates our annual Leonid meteor shower when the Earth encounters the comet's orbit each November. ...
Meteor sightings on the rise - 'tis the season

Ukiah Daily Journal
Meteor sightings reported by Willits residents on Saturday night may be the first of many later in the month for people in Mendocino County and points all ...
CU professor explains strange lights in the sky over Denver

"I thought it was a meteorite. You could see a tail behind it, and as it got closer you could really see the tail. It was on fire. ...

Troubled asteroid mission stumbles on road home
SPACEFLIGHT NOW-Hopes are fading for the return of the Hayabusa space probe after
another of its ion thrusters failed last week, leaving just one
already-damaged engine to guide the hard-luck spacecraft back to Earth,
potentially with the first precious samples of an asteroid. ...