Showing posts with label Cincinnati Fireball 13NOV09. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cincinnati Fireball 13NOV09. Show all posts

14 November 2009

Ohio Meteor/Meteorite News- Cincinnati Fireball 13NOV09 14NOV09

Fireball - Cincinnati

Time 19:38 EST
Date 13 Nov. 2009
Viewed from Cincinnati, OH
Relative position - azimuth 200 deg., elevation 10 deg.
Color - white / yellow
0bserved duration - 10-15 seconds

When first seen, it had a slow relative straight-downward motion, with a trail extending upward. It was about the brightness of a large aircraft's landing lights viewed from 15-20 miles.

My first impression was that it was traveling away from me i.e. on a 200 degr. heading. However after a few seconds two pieces broke off, one to the left, one right, and they diverged from the center object. I now believe it was traveling towards me i.e. on a 020 heading.

If you need more, please contact me..

Tom Emmert, Cincinnati, OH