Showing posts with label microtektites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label microtektites. Show all posts

09 April 2018

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 09APR2018

+++Brilliant meteor seen over parts of... Europe w/video
+++Brilliant meteor seen over parts of Europe tonight+++ Did you see it? A brilliant meteor was reported in the skies over Hungary, Slovenia, Austria,...

Fireball events recorded by the SMART Project
SAO/NASA ADS Title: Fireball events recorded by the SMART Project. Authors: José María Madiedo. Affiliation: AA(Universidad de Huelva, Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales. ) Publication: eMeteorNews, eZine, ISSN 2570-4745 Online publication, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 47-48.

Glass 'Bread Crumbs' Could Lead the Way to Missing Crater
Live Science
A spattering of miniscule glass "beads" found in the mountains of Antarctica may lead the way to an 800,000-year-old meteor impact crater. The tiny spheres, known as microtektites, are each no wider than a human hair. They were sprayed into the atmosphere by a 12-mile-wide (20 kilometers) meteor ...

When can you see the Lyrid meteor shower and where is the best place to see this astronomical ...
Hertfordshire Mercury
Skywatchers and meteor shower lovers are set for another fantastic display this month as the Lyrids are set to appearing in the sky. This astronomical event ... As the bits of debris from the comet crash through the Earth's upper atmosphere they vaporise, turning into the colourful meteor shower. The Lyrid ...

Imagine We Have A Meteor Entering The Atmosphere...
Answer to . Imagine we have a meteor entering the atmosphere at 30 km/s (a) Let's model the Earth's atmospheric density as an expo...

2018 The FIFTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!