Showing posts with label crowdesourcing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crowdesourcing. Show all posts

15 March 2014

You Can Help Map the Moon by Counting Craters

You Can Help Map the Moon by Counting Craters

CU-Boulder-led study on lunar crater counting shows crowdsourcing effective, accurate tool.
CU Boulder, university of  Boulder, Colorado.

Counting Craters: YOU Can Help Map the Moon by Nicole Gugliucci, News,

CosmoQuest’s “MoonMappers” Shows Everyday People Can Map the Moon, Cosmoquest X Blog,

Robbins, S. J., M. R. Kirchoff, C. R. Chapman, C. I. Fassett, R. R. Herrick, K. Singer, M.
Zanetti, C. Lehan, D. Huang, P. L. Gay, 2014,  The variability of crater identification among
expert and community crater analysts. Icarus Available online 4 March 2014

Paul H.

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