Showing posts with label asteroid 2011 CZ3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label asteroid 2011 CZ3. Show all posts

08 February 2011

NEOs Worldwide Standby for Meteors, Green Fireballs and Bolides 7FEB-10FEB

Worldwide Standby for Meteors, Green Fireballs and Bolides
NEOs Green Fireballs photo credit:Takashi Shinohara, Kyoto University/PNAS
by LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo, Japan 15:39 8FEB2011 revised 20:51revised 9FEB201108:15 10FEB2011 23:42
Once again Earth will encounter an increase in meteor activity from passing yet undetected NEOs (Near-Earth Objects) asteroids or their debris.  Originally for February 2011 there were 20 known NEOs with scheduled approaches near Earth.  Since January 1, 2011 there have been at least 28 new discoveries of NEOs to pass near Earth in February; this is an increase of over 100% in number for the month.  There are as of today 48 NEOs discovered for February 2011 and it appears that there may be another 5 or more added by the end of the month.
 This increase in discoveries indicates to me that we will see a marked increase in meteor activity for February.  I also expect that we will have a new meteorite this month.
  Have your cameras ready and if possible get outside to watch.  Expect to see worldwide several green meteor fireballs and bolides during, just prior to, and just after 7FEB-11FEB.  If more findings come in about other newly found NEOs I will post.  For the most current information see the NASA NEOs site:
 If anyone captures video, a photo or has a sighting please email me at:

48* NEOs with scheduled approaches for FEB2011

28* FEB2011 NEOs Discovered JUST in 2011 revised 9FEB2011 10FEB2011 13FEB2011 14FEB2011

AU = ~150 million kilometers1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers:
NEWLY found closer NEOs for 9-10FEB201114FEB2011
(2011 CZ3) 2011-Feb-100.00622.4  LD13 m - 28 m 26.613.56
(2011 CA7) 2011-Feb-09 0.00070.3 LD2.3 m - 5.1 m30.49.64

(2011 CL33) 2011-Feb-090.032812.8 LD18 m - 40 m25.94.18

(2011 CV46) 2011-Feb-120.051920.228 m - 64 m24.814.52

(2011 CF50) 2011-Feb-190.045617.711 m - 25 m26.98.33
(2011 CM50) 2011-Feb-190.178569.573 m - 160 m22.810.50
(2011 CL50) 2011-Feb-190.01606.2 LD8.0 m - 18 m27.63.07
(2011 CE50) 2011-Feb-200.163563.660 m - 130 m23.28.86

(2011 CK50) 2011-Feb-240.145256.539 m - 88 m24.27.39

*subject to change

(2011 BL45) 2011-Feb-080.067826.49.0 m - 20 m27.42.14
(2011 CV4) 2011-Feb-090.028411.118 m - 40 m25.910.15
(2011 BF40) 2011-Feb-090.046117.929 m - 65 m24.818.77
(2011 CA7) 2011-Feb-090.00070.32.3 m - 5.1 m30.39.34
(2011 CZ3) 2011-Feb-100.00642.514 m - 31 m26.413.38
(2011 BV11) 2011-Feb-100.078830.755 m - 120 m23.417.12
(2011 CZ6) 2011-Feb-100.027710.819 m - 43 m25.76.04
(2011 BV10) 2011-Feb-110.040915.933 m - 75 m24.58.94
(2008 CQ116) 2011-Feb-110.086133.550 m - 110 m23.613.43
(2011 BZ18) 2011-Feb-120.114144.4120 m - 270 m21.715.70
(2011 AM16) 2011-Feb-120.198677.395 m - 210 m22.213.49
(2010 CK19) 2011-Feb-130.119946.67.0 m - 16 m27.98.59
(2000 EF104) 2011-Feb-140.183471.4450 m - 1.0 km18.813.23
(2009 QH6) 2011-Feb-160.041116.077 m - 170 m22.79.83
(2008 AH33) 2011-Feb-170.123247.9370 m - 820 m19.322.97
(2008 BP16) 2011-Feb-170.110743.1130 m - 290 m21.621.28
(2010 CN19) 2011-Feb-180.186972.715 m - 33 m26.316.41
253841 (2003 YG118) 2011-Feb-200.173967.71.1 km - 2.4 km17.020.83
(2003 FC5) 2011-Feb-220.144056.0600 m - 1.3 km18.211.83
(2011 BQ50) 2011-Feb-230.028010.96.0 m - 14 m28.22.45
(2007 MR) 2011-Feb-230.182671.1110 m - 250 m21.95.99
(2011 AG5) 2011-Feb-260.095737.2110 m - 240 m21.97.52
(2004 EK1) 2011-Feb-260.055521.6110 m - 250 m21.97.45
(2006 KV89) 2011-Feb-270.163963.8150 m - 350 m21.26.67
(2009 PQ1) 2011-Feb-270.120546.983 m - 190 m22.517.40
(2009 FY4) 2011-Feb-280.065925.7160 m - 370 m21.015.17
(c) NASA/JPL/CalTech 2011 website for the most up-to-date NEOs information: