Showing posts with label Winnipeg Canada meteor 23FEB2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winnipeg Canada meteor 23FEB2011. Show all posts

26 February 2011

B.C. CANADA THREE Green Fireballs 25FEB2011 and Several Others

Surrey B.C huge green fireball between 2:15 and 2:35 AM 25FEB2011
Between 2:15 and 2:35 AM, my friend and I were driving in Surrey B.C. facing west towards Richmond B.C. when we saw this huge green fireball looking thing falling from the sky... I am 26, and in my entire life I have never seen or heard of anything green falling from the when we got back to my place and did a little google search, I fell upon this page and noticed that two days ago there were reports of the same type of celestial event in "8 U.S. States and 2 Provinces in canada".... I thought it might be good to report this event...
I wonder what is causing this and why this happened two days ago..... kinda creepy

Vancouver BC. Green Meteor ~6:00am 25FEB2011
I was walking to work this morning Feb 25, 2011, at approximately 6:00am in Vancouver BC.
Looking to the south/southwest I saw a brief 1-2 second flash of the meteor. If I were to guess, from my perspective, it became visable at about 45 degrees of elevation. It was quite bright and seemed large. Certainly larger that the persiades and leonids that I have seen.
It burned out over Richmond BC/YVR, or the Georgia Straight - perhaps further south.
It was great to see and wondered if anyone else caught sight of it.
Cheers, O.

Maple Valley, WA orange to green flash 6:06AM or 6:07AM Friday, February 25th
Anon wrote: Driving south/west on HWY 18 between Maple Valley, WA and Covington, WA, at 6:06AM or 6:07AM Friday, February 25th, I saw the same orange to green flash in the sky. Lasted only a few seconds but it was quite spectacular.
If you were looking SW at the area of the sky between Tacoma and Mt. Rainier, you couldn't have missed it.

Tacoma, WA, USA Green Shooting Star ~6:00am 25FEB2011
Guest923 (guest) wrote: I seen something that looked like a green shooting star this morning in tacoma,wa a little after 6am this morning. Was it a meteor?

Shelton,Washington brilliant blue/white fireball 6:00 am Feb 25
Feb 27 2011, 2:42 AM
Guest237 (guest) Mactwister wrote: I also saw a fireball streak through the sky on the morning of Feb 25. It happened just a few minutes after 6AM and I was located about 10 miles west of Shelton,Washington. It was moving from west to east and crossed just below the moon.It appeared as a brilliant blue/white fireball.

Lake Country,BC, Canada Bright Orange Fireball BC 8:45pm (PT) 25FEB2011
Last night (Feb.25) at about 8:45pm (PT), my wife and I were outside our home in Lake Country, BC in the hot tub. Sandy saw what she said was a “shooting star” high in the sky looking somewhat south from our home. Only a couple minutes later we were both looking up and saw what we assume to be a meteor; it was the largest I’ve ever seen in the sky, was very large and egg like in shape. It appeared to be darker in the middle and outlined in very bright orange. It would have been about 700 or so looking up from the horizon and moving west x south-west from our home moving in east-to-west direction. It appeared to cross the sky very quickly (within second or two) and passed the horizon (from our view).
This was very cool to see; I’ve seen nothing like it before. Have you heard any other reports of anything similar last night and can you tell me what it is that we may have seen?
Darryl Fontaine
Lake Country, BC

If you saw this or another meteor event please email me about it, others are searching for it too!

Other Canada Meteors 23-26FEB2011

Mississauga Ontario, blue vertical streak 3:15am 26FEB2011
Mississauga Ontario, At 3:15am I was walking my two dogs, when I saw a blue vertical streak of bright light in the sky. A second streak of light appeared seconds later. Hoping someone can confirm, or give some info on what it was?  It happened on Saturday morning February 26th 2011 at approximately 3:15 am. The streaks traveled from North to South. They were very wide light blue in colour and light up the whole sky. - Jay

Comox on Vancouver Island, BC Large White Object ~7:40pm 24FEB2011
Brent Townsend wrote:
On the 24 of February around 7:40 pm we noticed a large white object that descended from overhead and fragmented just above the southern horizon. It seemed bright even when compared to city lights as it crossed from the west, moving down towards the south. I'd say it may have lasted 5 seconds as others still had time to turn around and catch what we were looking at. An equally large second fragment appeared to be falling away, whereas the first - continued on its prime trajectory; both objects lasted about the same time. We were next to a busy road and didn't hear anything but I believe we saw a brief but sizable cloud of smoke. This was observed from Comox on Vancouver Island...

Timmins, Ontario slow moving meteor 7:00pm EST 24FEB2011
Feb 25 2011, 9:32 AM
Guest965 (guest) wrote: feb.24/2011 timmins,ontario, seen slow moving meteor passing through sky,took about 2 mins to burn out, very cool occured at 7:00pm est
Two minutes is a bit too long for a meteor perhaps you saw the ISS or another satellite?

Winnipeg, Canada bright white meteor 8:30 -9:00pm CST 24FEB2011
Feb 25 2011, 2:56 PM 
Guest849 (guest) wrote: its thursday february 24.between 8:30 -9:00pm CST we saw a bright white meteorite or something fall straight down in the eastern direction as we were driving eastbound away from winnipeg, canada

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada meteor  2300hrs 23FEB2011
Feb 25 2011, 6:31 AM
Guest586 (guest) wrote: Saw a suspected meteor last night (23 Feb 2011) @approximately 2300hrs in Winnipeg,Manitoba, Canada. It was traveling in an easterly direction.Anybody else spot it. It was was white hot and very bright. One of the brightest I've ever seen. Especially since I was within city limits surrounded by brights lights.