Showing posts with label Varre-Sai Brazil meteorite fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Varre-Sai Brazil meteorite fall. Show all posts

15 November 2010

Varre-Sai Brazilian Meteorite Fall Report Meteor/Meteorite News 15NOV2010

Varre-Sai Brazilian Meteorite Fall Report article about this interesting event. Also check pics and videos.

Sightings by Readers:
Maryland, USA 4:15am 13?NOV2010- need date confirmed
tamara (guest): Yesterday morning early (4:15am) in Maryland, USA I saw a large fireball going horizontally from s to e in the sky. It seemed to move fairly slowly as shooting stars go, but it had a VERY visable, red tail that was clearly spiraling. It was a beautiful site to see. Of course no one else was up and outside at this hour, so I went online today to see if anyone else had seen the same thing. Looks liked they did. Do you have anymore info?? I had only ever seen one fireball before and it was green. (no contact info) 13NOV2010?

Acorn, Virginia (37N 079W) 6:45 am EST  13?NOV2010- need date confirmed
Guest197 (guest)I saw a small fireball at approximately 6:45 am EST. Iam at 37N 079W (Near Acorn, Virginia). Az was approximately 040 and alt about 15.perceived direction was right to left.Green in color. Split into 3 pieces. Slow moving. Stayed in view about 1.5 seconds. (no contact info)  - need date confirmed

Meteor/Meteorite News 15NOV2010
Meteor Shower registered on the junction of Serbia, Macedonia and ...
The people of southern Serbia were disturbed by a flash of light and clamor, which were reportedly caused by a falling meteor. Blinding lightning was also ...

Meteors to light up the sky
Desert Dispatch
The Leonid meteor shower reaches its peak late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning, offering stargazers a chance to see more than 15 meteors an hour. ...

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Meteorite Men: Atacama Desert Hidden Gems, Chile ...
42 min Video
Meteorite Men: Atacama Desert Hidden Gems, Chile (Season 2, Episode 2): Thirteen years ago, the Imilac strewnfield was the ...