Showing posts with label Updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Updates. Show all posts

12 April 2013

Astronomers Without Borders -AWB Updates - 12-20APR2013

Astronomers Without Borders -AWB- 12-20APR2013

AWB Updates

Friday, 12 April brings another in a series of special film screenings and panel discussions as part of the GAM 2013 AstroArts program. A screening of Overview – a 19-minute film produced by Planetary Collective for the Overview Institute – will be followed by a panel discussion with Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, shuttle astronaut Byron Lichtenberg, author Frank White, and Overview Institute co-founder David Beaver. The panel will also take questions from the worldwide audience.

For his book, The Overview Effect, White interviewed astronauts whose perceptions of our home planet were transformed by their experiences in space. Seeing Earth not just from space, but seeing it in space like any other planet, had a profound effect on some astronauts’ understanding of our place in the cosmos.

Overview is a powerful and enlightening film that has been seen by more than 1.7 million people so far. The participating astronauts will describe their own experiences in space as they relate to the film’s message.

This special event – part of the GAM 2013 AstroArt program – is brought to you by Astronomers Without Borders, Cosmoquest, the Overview Institute, and Planetary Collective.

GAM 2013 Trailer is out!
Global Astronomy Month 2013 has begun and there’s more to do than ever. Spread the excitement with the GAM 2013 trailer! Featuring photos from past GAM events around the world and beautiful night sky images and time-lapse videos, it’s a two minute summary of what GAM is all about. It’s perfect for club meetings and outreach events. Watch the GAM 2013 trailer and share with your friends.

Upcoming GAM 2013 Programs:
12 April - Yuri's Night
12 April - Overview: A Film by Planetary Collective (LIVE online)
14 April - No Gravity by Silvia Casalino (LIVE online)
18 April - Walking on the Moon (LIVE online)
20 April - Global Star Party

GAM 2013 Blog:

01 April - Our Place in the Universe by Mike Simmons
02 April - The Search for Exomoons by Thijs Kouwenhoven
03 April - Favourite Sky Observation Sites in the Indian Himalayas by Ajay Talwar
04 April - Branching out with Public Science: From IYA to IYL by Kimberly Kowal Arcand
05 April - Placebo Effect by Peggy Walker
06 April - It Takes a Village of One People to Make One Starry Sky by Connie Walker
07 April - Raising Awareness About Light Pollution Issues in Morocco by Hatim Madani
08 April - Astronomy For A Better World: What Are We Doing About It? by Kevin Govender
09 April - The Other Side of Astronomy? by Grom Matthies
10 April - Exploring the Invisible Sky by Nicole Gugliucci
GAM 2013 Blog will feature 30 bloggers for the 30 days in April. Follow the blog for posts around the world.

AstroArt Blog:

Astro-Artist of the Month - April 2013: Richard Clar

Richard Clar, a Los Angeles/Paris new media interdisciplinary artist, founded Art Technologies in 1987 as a liaison between the worlds of art and technology. His philosophically-oriented artwork turned towards art-in-space in 1982 with a NASA-approved art payload for the U.S. Space Shuttle. For Global Astronomy Month four of Richard Clar’s projects will be presented; Spaceflight Dolphin, COLLISION II, ALMA da AGUA and New Butoh Space Dance – IMC.Continue reading...

Skylab Butter Cookies for GAM 2013 by Dr. Charles Bourland

For GAM 2013, Dr. Charles Bourland - author of the book “The Astronaut’s Cookbook” - will share recipes throughout the month. The recipe for this week is Skylab Butter Cookies used on the Skylab Missions from June 1973 to February 1974. Continue reading...

Dark Skies Awareness Blog: "A Call to Arms... er, dark" by David Fuller

Ask any random person what “light pollution” or means, and the odds of you getting a correct response from a non-astronomer is pretty slim.  It just isn't on the radar of the average person.  But placed into context, “Do you know why you can't see the stars at night?” or “Does light shining into your window at night keep you from sleeping?” then the response often changes significantly.  People understand those concepts, but what they need is an incentive to change their own behavior. That is a huge challenge, but it is not impossible. How? Continue reading...

GAM 2013 Event Registration:

Have you registered your GAM 2013 events yet? Tell the world what you're doing! Below are some new events. Join them!

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2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!