Showing posts with label Station Six. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Station Six. Show all posts

15 December 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 16DEC2010

Geminid meteor shower gets rave reviews as best of 2010
Christian Science Monitor
Skywatchers around the globe sang praises to the Geminid meteor shower, the annual mid-December rain of meteors passing through the earth's atmosphere. ...

(By Correne Coetzer) This Antarctic season ANSMET has two field teams with separate goals hunting for meteorites; a smaller, more mobile team dedicated to ...

ANSMET: “The various possible targets of the ANSMET recon team for 2010-2011. A pre-season flight along the path shown, established the priority for visits to each ice field.”
courtesy ANSMET 2010-11 (live over Contact 5), and 

elp allsky: Meteor News...Awesome Geminids Video From North Texas ...
By elp allsky
This video is compiled from individual captures during the overnight peak of the Geminid Meteor Shower Dec. 13th and 14th, 2010. The camera has an approximate field of view of 40 degrees and points North toward Oklahoma City, ...

Meteor report plus a Hubble bauble | Portal to the Universe
By Astro Bob
These were the words uttered by meteor watchers in the Duluth area last night. Despite a great forecast for Geminid watching, the sky turned mostly cloudy after 9 p.m. I was grateful for about 45 minutes of partly cloudy sky between 11 ...

Cosmic Log: It's a hot night for cool meteors
A Geminid meteor streaks across the night sky, with circular star trails whirling the background, in a time-exposure photo made by astronomer Jimmy Westlake ...

Life`s buildings blocks in "impossible" place, plus a whalloping meteorite tale
EarthSky Wed, 15 Dec 2010 16:10 PM PST
Amino acids  critical to life, the building blocks of proteins â are present in an amazing meteorite from space that apparently suffered a violent collision with another asteroid in space, before crashing to Earth in 2008. Fragments of the meteorite  called 2008 TC3  are collectively called Almahata Sitta or Station Six after the [...]

Life's Building Blocks Found on Surprising Meteorite via Yahoo! News Wed, 15 Dec 2010 15:15 PM PST
Scientists have discovered amino acids, the building blocks of life in a meteorite where none were expected.

Meteorite just one piece of an unknown celestial body
Science Daily Wed, 15 Dec 2010 13:21 PM PST
Scientists from all over the world are taking a second, more expansive, look at the car-sized asteroid that exploded over Sudan's Nubian Desert in 2008, with major implications for the meteorite's origin. In the first round of research, scientists examined one fragment of the asteroid and determined that it fell into a very rare category called ureilites. Now they have expanded the scope of the ...

Meteorite just one piece of an unknown celestial body
EurekAlert (press release)
Initial research was focused on classifying the meteorite fragments that were collected two to five months after they were strewn across the desert and ...

Meteorite streaks through sky in Knoxville
WATE 6 Knoxville Wed, 15 Dec 2010 08:34 AM PST
Thanks to a meteor cycle, Knoxville residents and even a 6 News crew saw a likely meteorite streak through the sky Wednesday morning.