Showing posts with label Spokane WA Meteor 6DEC2010 7DEC2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spokane WA Meteor 6DEC2010 7DEC2010. Show all posts

07 December 2010

Spokane, WA Meteor 6DEC2010 Meteor/Meteorite News 7DEC2010

Reader of Meteor/Meteorite News 6DEC2010:
Spokane, WA at about 05:00 PST 6DEC2010
Guest136 (guest) Kevin wrote: Got to see an awesome meteor this morning from Spokane, WA at about 0500 local. It lasted about 7 seconds and watched it into the horizon. By far the best I have ever seen or will ever see. Somebody has got to have video, perhaps a traffic cam on a decent hill. The sky was just beginning to show a hint of daybreak so likely better seen at Seattle or Vancover/BC  2 days ago I thought I saw a short/brief one at the same spot but I assumed it was just reflection of lights off my glasses and windshield, chilly outside. I will try to keep a camera at the ready tonight.

Meteor/Meteorite News 7DEC2010

Meteor fire tail over Tacoma Washington on Friday evening
The sky was partly clear over Tacoma, on 3 December 2010. At 5:58 pm a large meteor track appeared in the sky overhead. The red orange fire tail started 10 degrees (N) above the celestial equator and ended -8 degrees (S) below the celestial equator. The object appeared about 15 arc degrees to the West of Jupiter’s position. The fire tail was about 3 arc minutes wide making it very prominent in the sky. The object was on a true North to South heading. ... more

Scientists crash lead nuclei together to create the hottest and densest ...
A jet is a powerful cone of energy, in the form of flying particles that emerges

 from the fireball shortly after the collision. Scientists expect that if a ...

Chiemgau Impact Hypothesis is Dead
They suggest that the Greek story of Phaëton is a "geomyth" inspired by a 

meteorite impact in Bavaria some time in the Bronze Age. ...

High Velocity Impact Meteorite Craters 7:00pm - 8:00pm Tuesday, December 07
The Daily Tar Heel Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:17 PM PST
Ed Wise, a Chapel Hill resident, will give a slide show presentation entitled "High
 Velocity Impact Meteorite Craters." He will focus onmeteorite craters found 
around the world. This event is free and open to the public. ...

Celebrating the solstice
20-21 and the Geminid meteor shower, which peaks on Dec. 13-14. In Nova
 Scotia, you won't notice any change in the moon's appearance until the wee hours of ...

meteorite > نيزك
One translation of the انگریزی term meteorite in عربی is نيزك. Field: Environment
 Definition: جرم سماوى يدخل الغلاف الجوى ويصل الى الارض قبيل احتراقه' ايضا ...