PhysOrg - 10 hours 21NOV2014
( —Scientists have argued for half a century about the existence of a form of diamond called lonsdaleite, which is associated with ....
Diamonds may be a girl's best friend, but they're also prized by oil drillers, road crews and experimental physicists for their unparalleled ability to bore, grind and cut. Now scientists have synthesized ...
Superhard carbon material could crack diamond
( -- By applying extreme pressure to compress and flatten carbon nanotubes, scientists have discovered that they can create a new carbon polymer that simulations show is hard enough to crack diamond. ...
Scientists have used a new method to precisely simulate the phase transition from graphite to diamond for the first time. Instead of happening concerted, all at once, the conversion evidently takes place in ...
Shock-synthesized diamonds said to prove a catastrophic impact killed off North American megafauna can't be found....
( -- Currently, diamond is regarded to be the hardest known material in the world. But by considering large compressive pressures under indenters, scientists have calculated that a material called ...
( -- Two new types of ultra-hard carbon crystals have been found by researchers investigating the ureilite class Haverö meteorite that crashed to Earth in Finland in 1971. Ureilite meteorites ...
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