Showing posts with label Sirente impact crater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sirente impact crater. Show all posts

27 March 2009

“Sirente crater”, Italy impact origin disputed 26MAR09

An article in journal of Geophysical Research disputes the origin of the what has been called the “Sirente crater”.The paper discussing this theory is:
Speranza, F., I. Nicolosi, N. Ricchetti, G. Etiope, P. Rochette, L. Sagnotti, R. De Ritis, and M. Chiappini (2009), The “Sirente crater field,” Italy, revisited. Journal of Geophysical Research. vol. 114, B03103, doi:10.1029/2008JB005759

They concluded:
“Our data show that the Sirente crater and the minor depressions are simply the results of human activity and karstic processes, respectively.”
An article that discusses this paper is:
Bondre, N., 2009, Geomorphology: Crater or not? Nature Geoscience. vol 2, no. 3, p. 166.

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Source: Paul H.